Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1954)
HOUSE OF JOY Vera Hathaway •9 come with me where the roses cling "Where the noonday sun is mellow. Where love is bright and hearts are light -And curtains gleaming yellow, come with me where theroses cling There's tea and cake and resting. Where laughter greets you at the gate, Theres tea and cake and resting. •Come toss your care To the scented breeze And lay your head on the heather, •Or join our song as we strum along With voices and strings together. »Come play your dreams at the little house And ask of life full wishes For they’ll all come true If we dream with you At the house where joy is riches. some of the so-called soil sterilents when the nifestation is small. Tansy ragwort Is sprayed with three Tansy ragwort and wild garlic con trol is now due in most areas of Linn pounds of 2,4-D ester in 100 gallons county, says O. E. Mikesell, county of water. For the small handoprayer this is at the rate of 1H cups of 2,4-D extension agent. Although compulsory control is not ester to three gallons of water. Spray in effect in Linn county, Mikesell ing is done in the rosette stage warns that both weeds are a serious and the planta are thoroughly wet. threat to agricultural enterprises. The addition of a wetting agent is Tansy ragwort is poisonous to cattle recommended. and horses and crowds out desirable Where wild garlic is in grains or plants. Wild garlic is a noxious weed grasses the recommendation is two that is a serious pest in grass and ' pounds of 2,4-D ester used in 20 to 40 legume seed crops. Practically every gallons of water per acre. The addition state prohibits the sale of seed con of a wetting agent will assist in get taining wild garlic. ting the spray to stick. Where no crop Mikesell says that both weeds can is being grown, the addition of five be controlled by continued treatment percent stove oil makes the spray with chemicals. The recommended more effective. Best results can be chemical for both weeds is 2- 4-D expected when the wild garlic is from duster although some formers prefer five to eight inches tall. Tansy Ragwort and Wild Garlic Control Due Sail Conservation Meeting l—TRE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, APRIL !J, 1»54 To Be Held In Scio April 20 |B\ GOOD News » kx . « k^/Homemakers1 A After Easter you’ll be lookln* for a feat exit for thoee colored bard cooked the bunny left An "egg-etra" special dish to meet thia emergency la "Bgg ’n’ Cheese Surprise Sia hard cooked eggs and a can of condensed cream of mush room soup do the trick Making use of the eggs you have on hand, you'll And this to be an economical main dish Egg n' Cheese Surprise Is less expensive than moat meat dishes, yet it provides the nutrients re quired of a meat substitute II THESE FINE FOODS AT V t ftôŒy BUDGET 71PRICES! i Sweet Potatoes Sliced Pineapple Colored Marshmallows Ripe Pitted Olives Blue Plate No. 3 Square Can lb Dole No. 2 Can Doumak Pixie Package Lindsay Mammoth No. 1 Can ffil PET MILK : : A fcí'V- Kagi T) A n Ml ft S 29c 19c 31c ............. •i' VEGEIABEES g ; k : CRACKERS pkg. 31c J 2 pounds 29c Crisp Celery Carrots CELO BAG ,J | Is '>»* Fresh Tomatoes • 5 » 2S C 9c 10c Shortening 79c Jello Fi^ors 3 pkg 25c 25c Honey Grahams 25c* SPRY 3 lb. Can LARGE—NEW—RED Potatoes 3 Nabisco, pound box For Your Easter Meals CHOICE MflhTSt >>• ' J-’ .■» ruh . IN All YOUR BOOKING V < jKMnMmaNEOKU. W USÍ REt MILK Easter Hams Turkeys T-Bone Steak Swift’s or Denco Full half or whole lb 79c Hens pound 65c Toms pound 59c Swift’s Premium U. S. Good Well trimmed I : : Dash Worcester, uh I re Hauce I can (l*% cups I condensed cream of mush- room soup % cup milk S cup shredded sharp process cheese Twenty-One Lose Lives In March Traffic Accidents ♦ o 6 hard-l «Hiked egg», cut in half lengthwise 1 tablespoons mayonnaise I teaspoon pre pared mustard Dash salt Dash black pepper mayonnaise, Blend egg yolks mustard, salt, pepper and Wor cestershire sauce, stuff into ext whites Place egg. in a small shal low baking pan Blend soup and milk, pour over eggs, sprinkle cheese on top Bake in a moderate oi :i (375* F > about 30 minutes o: until lightly browned t> serving. SUNSHINE HI HO .•It1’ • You can have a meal featuring Egg 'n' Cheese Surprise ready for ven in slightly more than half an hour Plan on having biscuits with the meal. Use a packaged mix; then pop the biscuits into the oven with the eggs Bake some apples for dessert. These can continue baking while the family is enjoying the main course Then they'll be tender and hot when you re ready for them While the eggs are baking, toss together some greens for a salad And steam a green vegetable on top of the range There's a "quickie" meal with quality! Egg *n' Cheese Surprise Twenty-one persons died in Oregon traffic collisions during March, fig ures substantially below the record in February when deaths skyrocketed to 42. State traffic safety officials cau tioned, however, that the March toll still gould go higher if delayed death reports are received or if persons in jured later die. Worst accident of the month occur red in Deschutes county when two cars collided, killing four people. It was the only multiple death accident reported. Safety men said the March record this year was eight below that of last year and, in view of the Febru ary count, "a surprisingly low toll.” So far this year, 85 person, have died in traffic, two less than the count at the same time last year, but safety men said months carrying the heaviest ttaffic volume are still ahead. No accurate traffic death picture will begin to take shape until spring and summer records are known. Continued emphasis on accident pre- vention efforts throughout the state, and especially those aiming at im proving individual driver attitudes, were urged by officials. Your school and church are impor tant factors in your life—keep posted as to their activities by subscribing to The Mill City Enterprise. Landwowners with 10 or more acres located in eastern Linn County are be ing urged to attend the East Linn County Soil Conservation District hearings scheduled for the Scio high school on April 20 and the Lebanon City hall on April 21. Both meetings start at 8 p.m. County Extension Agent O. E. Mikesell «ays the hearings are being I held by the State Soil Conservation committee as a result of 174 farmers submitting petitions asking that a soil conservation district be organized. The hearings will be conducted by Robert Baum, executive secretary of the committee. At the hearings, landowners are permitted to present arguments for or against the organization. If it is de termined that there is a definite need for the district and landowners are in favor of the district, the state com mittee will call for a vote on the question. Two-thirds majority of votes ; cast is required for creation of a district. The sponsoring committee headed by I.eo Metcalf, Scio, states that a soil conservation district will assist in developing community drainage pto- jects, proper crop rotations, main tenance of soil fertility, reservoir de- i sign, erosion control, land-resources I inventory, woodland management, and pasture improvement and utilization. If you have any news from your home or business give The Enetrpriaa a phone call—we will be pleased to get it and your friends will be pleased to learn of the items. GUARD YOUR FAMILY LEARN TO RECOGNIZE I CANCER'S DANGER SIGNALS V • Any »o. s not hexl • A lump or thickening in the brent or elsewhere • Unusuil bleeding or dischirge • Any change in 1 wart or mole • Persistent indigestion of diffi culty in swallowing • Persistent hoarseness or cough : : : : : :♦ » :♦ • Any change in normal bowel habits Be on the a!er! fur ¡ymp- tomi. They may rot mean can rer — but they thon'.d al way i r » i /’ fu yoitr doctor. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY/ pivETOTHiCANcekCkuSAoe JUST ARRIVED New Spring Merchandise The Latest in Dresses, 100% Nylon, Size 9 to 15 Priced at Only $6,98 Other Dresses Just In Sizes 12 to 20 and 11 1-2 to 24 1-2 Priced at Only $6,95 We also have a dressy line of MATERNITY SMOCKS AND SKIRTS Priced at $5.95 See Our Spring Line Of MEN’S SPORTS JACKETS BALDWIN CLOTHING Phone 294 LYON’S, OREGON When You Need PRINTING lb 79c HAM LOAF Ground Pork&Ham ; I 1 lb Cello pkg 69c ; Per lb 49c ♦ See US First ft ft ft ft À • I KEN GOLLIET Mehama, Oregon Quick, Economical Service THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Phone 2651 We reserve the right to limit quantities 1 MILL CITY