5—THE MILL ( ITT FN'IEKFRISE THURSDAY. APRIL 15.-Ml \ teenaee dance will be held al -the Bridal Shower Held Legion hall here’^his Friday evening. Mrs. George Dickey began working M usk - will be furnished by Jim lholti For Miss Vera Loucks at Hilltop Market Tuesday^ taking the and Jack Lake. Teenagers in this area Miss Vera Loucks, who will become place of Mi» W. J. Timm, who fell are invited to attend. the rule of Robeit Shelton at a May recently and injured her hip. wedding, was honored with a bridal Has Eeverything for Your Word has been received front Bob shower Saturday afternoon at tne Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Swan and Baltimore and Daryl Farmen, who left home of Mrs. Ed Cooke, with Miss Mrs. Vern Clark, «ho has been ill young son, of Portland, spent the recently for Alaska wheie they will be Doiu a Cooke, Miss Beryl Mason, and and hospitalized for a time, is some­ weekend with his patents, Mr. anu employed packing supplies for big Mis Wilma Jull sharing hostess hon- what improved and has been able to Mrs. John Swan. game hunters. Young Farmen was in ors. return to her home. E 'ertainment for the afternoon' Furniture and Bookkeeping Suppli Alaska last summer doing the same The Altar Society Baked Food Sale work, and cooking for members of the cons -led of several games, prizes be- i Mr. and Mrs. Sam Delaney and four 141 N. Commercial Street will be held Thursday, April 22 at ing won by Mrs. Earl Loucks, Miss children of Hood River, visited during the former Hinz cafe in Mill City, pack trams. Baltimore was a student Arii ■ Jones, and Miss Ellen Shelton. at Willamette Univeisity until last the weekend with Mrs. Delaney's par­ Coffee and sandwiches will be served Following opening of the many lovely term. ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Davis. beginning at 10:30. adv. 2t gift.-, rereshments were served, with Members of the Gaynighters square a color scheme of yeollw and green I Mrs. Dale Bassett and young son There will be a meeting of the San- < ance club met at the Orville Down­ bei i g used. from Glendale, Califonga, are spend- Attending the shower weie I tiam Memorial Hospital auxiliary at ing place west of town Saturday .ng some time with her parents, the | the Santiam Valley grange hall at night. At the business meeting plans Misst - \ era. Willa, and Ro Otto Witts, as Mrs. Wife ha.- been ill. . Lyons this Thursday, at 2 p. m., and for an outing at the coast were dis­ Lou. ks, Mrs. Earl Loucks, Mrs. — all persons inteiested are invited to cussed. Nothing definite was done at Shelton, Miss Ellen Shelton, Ardith Jones. Mrs. Franklin Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scott and Mr. attend. the meeting, however. All those in­ Dowell, Mis. Harold Mason, and Mrs. A. W. Toman, were in Salem _ _____________________________ terested in square and folk dancing Bei yl Mason, Saturday evening where thev attended v .................. the Misses Donna and Mr. Mrs. Edsel (roan and fam- are invited to come to the meetings !Le £™? d“nce|i,y leit and Monday fo1 an extended Carol Cooke, and ________ Mrs. Ed Cooke. . ----- , —__ _________ i v*> which are held the second and fourth Others sending gifts were Mrs. Hugh club, of which they are members. cation trip to California and Okla­ Saturday of each month. Jull, Miss Wilma Jull, who was ill, We handle the tried and tested homa. Croan, who is power-house op­ Miss Betty Lou Cree, Mrs. William erator for the engineers, will be away A wedding of interest Saturday McClintock, and Miss Leia Kelly, three weeks. evening, April 17, in the First Meth­ odist church of Salem, will be that STORK CLUB The Mill City Girl Scout Troop 36 of Miss Marilyn Mull, daughter of is holding a Court of Awards at the Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Mull of Independ­ Births Recorded at Santiam Memorial high school recreation rooms tonight ence. and Ensign James Cooke, son of To Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Juhnke, 16—20—0 (Thursday) at 7:30. The girls will Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cooke of Mill City. Stayton, Oregon, a baby boy on April esrve refreshments. They have in­ Ensign Cooke has been stationed in 2, at Santiam Memorial Hospital. vited their sponsors, the Lions club Florida with the Navy Air Force for To Mr. and Mrs. Euegene Ivan Cor­ We carry plenty on hand for your needs auxiliary to attend. some time, and is driving out to the liss. Scio, Oregon, a baby boy on Apiil west coast this week, expected to 2, at Santiam Memorial Ho-pital. To Mr. and Mrs. William Floyd Mrs. Roger Nelson, Mrs. A. E. arrive home by Friday. ] Kasei, of Silverton, Orego, a boby Nesbitt, Mrs. Don Moffatt and Mis. 1