Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1954)
5—THE MILL ( ITT FN'IEKFRISE THURSDAY. APRIL 15.-Ml \ teenaee dance will be held al -the Bridal Shower Held Legion hall here’^his Friday evening. Mrs. George Dickey began working M usk - will be furnished by Jim lholti For Miss Vera Loucks at Hilltop Market Tuesday^ taking the and Jack Lake. Teenagers in this area Miss Vera Loucks, who will become place of Mi» W. J. Timm, who fell are invited to attend. the rule of Robeit Shelton at a May recently and injured her hip. wedding, was honored with a bridal Has Eeverything for Your Word has been received front Bob shower Saturday afternoon at tne Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Swan and Baltimore and Daryl Farmen, who left home of Mrs. Ed Cooke, with Miss Mrs. Vern Clark, «ho has been ill young son, of Portland, spent the recently for Alaska wheie they will be Doiu a Cooke, Miss Beryl Mason, and and hospitalized for a time, is some weekend with his patents, Mr. anu employed packing supplies for big Mis Wilma Jull sharing hostess hon- what improved and has been able to Mrs. John Swan. game hunters. Young Farmen was in ors. return to her home. E 'ertainment for the afternoon' Furniture and Bookkeeping Suppli Alaska last summer doing the same The Altar Society Baked Food Sale work, and cooking for members of the cons -led of several games, prizes be- i Mr. and Mrs. Sam Delaney and four 141 N. Commercial Street will be held Thursday, April 22 at ing won by Mrs. Earl Loucks, Miss children of Hood River, visited during the former Hinz cafe in Mill City, pack trams. Baltimore was a student Arii ■ Jones, and Miss Ellen Shelton. at Willamette Univeisity until last the weekend with Mrs. Delaney's par Coffee and sandwiches will be served Following opening of the many lovely term. ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Davis. beginning at 10:30. adv. 2t gift.-, rereshments were served, with Members of the Gaynighters square a color scheme of yeollw and green I Mrs. Dale Bassett and young son There will be a meeting of the San- < ance club met at the Orville Down bei i g used. from Glendale, Califonga, are spend- Attending the shower weie I tiam Memorial Hospital auxiliary at ing place west of town Saturday .ng some time with her parents, the | the Santiam Valley grange hall at night. At the business meeting plans Misst - \ era. Willa, and Ro Otto Witts, as Mrs. Wife ha.- been ill. . Lyons this Thursday, at 2 p. m., and for an outing at the coast were dis Lou. ks, Mrs. Earl Loucks, Mrs. — all persons inteiested are invited to cussed. Nothing definite was done at Shelton, Miss Ellen Shelton, Ardith Jones. Mrs. Franklin Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scott and Mr. attend. the meeting, however. All those in Dowell, Mis. Harold Mason, and Mrs. A. W. Toman, were in Salem _ _____________________________ terested in square and folk dancing Bei yl Mason, Saturday evening where thev attended v .................. the Misses Donna and Mr. Mrs. Edsel (roan and fam- are invited to come to the meetings !Le £™? d“nce|i,y leit and Monday fo1 an extended Carol Cooke, and ________ Mrs. Ed Cooke. . ----- , —__ _________ i v*> which are held the second and fourth Others sending gifts were Mrs. Hugh club, of which they are members. cation trip to California and Okla Saturday of each month. Jull, Miss Wilma Jull, who was ill, We handle the tried and tested homa. Croan, who is power-house op Miss Betty Lou Cree, Mrs. William erator for the engineers, will be away A wedding of interest Saturday McClintock, and Miss Leia Kelly, three weeks. evening, April 17, in the First Meth odist church of Salem, will be that STORK CLUB The Mill City Girl Scout Troop 36 of Miss Marilyn Mull, daughter of is holding a Court of Awards at the Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Mull of Independ Births Recorded at Santiam Memorial high school recreation rooms tonight ence. and Ensign James Cooke, son of To Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Juhnke, 16—20—0 (Thursday) at 7:30. The girls will Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cooke of Mill City. Stayton, Oregon, a baby boy on April esrve refreshments. They have in Ensign Cooke has been stationed in 2, at Santiam Memorial Hospital. vited their sponsors, the Lions club Florida with the Navy Air Force for To Mr. and Mrs. Euegene Ivan Cor We carry plenty on hand for your needs auxiliary to attend. some time, and is driving out to the liss. Scio, Oregon, a baby boy on Apiil west coast this week, expected to 2, at Santiam Memorial Ho-pital. To Mr. and Mrs. William Floyd Mrs. Roger Nelson, Mrs. A. E. arrive home by Friday. ] Kasei, of Silverton, Orego, a boby Nesbitt, Mrs. Don Moffatt and Mis. 1 <rirl A r-vcil Q 3 at Santiam VI girl of April Memorial 1 , Kenneth Crosier motored to 1 Salem Forty-one members attended the MILL CITY, OREGON Monday, where they attended a i com- regular meeting of the Santiam Ke- Hospital. mittee meeting on the coming PTA bekahs at the lodge hall Wednesday convention which is being held there evening, with Mrs. Eva Duffy, noble Mrs. R. C. Haseman of Idanha gave this month. grand, presiding over the business a family get-together at the D. B. session. A lengthy initiatory practice Hill home Saturday evening, piepara- Making an extended visit with the was held, as the officers will initiate tory to the Hills leaving Monday for A. V. Morrisons is their eldest daugh some candidates next month. a two-months' European trip. Mrs. ter, Mrs. Clifford Carter of I.aGrande, Following the meeting, refresh Haseman and Mrs. Charles Kelly . whose husband passed away a number ments were served. Listed on the re drove them to Portland Monday af- i ■ of weeks ago. Mr. Morrison is some freshment committee were Rosa Rot- ternoon to boaid their train for New- what improved after his long illness en, Minnie Roten, Louise Wriggles- York. Let specialists do that vital every- of the past several months. Recent dinner parties honoring the ___________________ worth, and Maude Davis. Mrs. Davis 1000 mile lubrication job! Our ex was unable to be present, as her hus Hills were given by Mr. and Mrs. i Spending several days with her par band. Ed Davis of Gates, has been hos Kenneth Crosier, and by Mrs. W. W. ents, the Alfred Bolstads, has been pert mechanics have the tools and pitalized for some time following sur Allen, asisted by Mrs. Vernon Todd. A Miss Fay Bolstad, their daughter, who gery. During the evening, the charter shower honored Mrs. Hill Sunday attends high school in Tacoma. Mr. fl training to do is speedily, efficien was draped in honor of Ed Haynes, morning, before church services, by and Mrs. Bolstad returned her to the long-time member, who passed away the Presbyterian choir members. The Washington city Wednesday of this recently. tly . . . save you time and money! Hills were dinner guests of Mrs. J. F. week, planning to remain over Easter Potter Sunday afternoon. with Mrs. Bolstad's mother. Attending the Saturday evening af Come in today .... fair, at which a large cake decorated j M iss Ardith Jones and Miss Joan with a steamship was featured, were and every 1000 miles! Hoffman, students at the University Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hill, Mrs. J. F. of Oregon, spent the weekend at the By Mrs. John Teeters Pottei, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kelly Russell Hoffman’s,Mr. and Mrs. Floyd I We can help you with Mrs. Harry Monroe, Mrs. Ira Kirsch and Johnny, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mon Jones, who had moved to Richland, roe and little son, Michael of Idanha, your plans to remodel Washington, will be leaving in the and Mrs. Robert Diaper were hostesses Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Hill, the guests of or modernize your home near future for North Dakota, where for the meeting of the Mehama Wom honor and Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Hase- ' you how it can Mr. Jones will be located on another en's Club at the clubhouse Tuesday man. be done easily and eco CBI project, the building of Garrison evening, Aprli 6. The room was decor nomically. You can de dam. Quality Job Printing at ated with daffodils and for.-ythia and pend on us for quality MILL CITY, OREGON the long table had a centerpiece of lumber and other buiid- Clayton Baltimore of Redmond was white stocks and daffodils. The enter ing materials. Discuss in town last week for the purpose of tainment for the evening was furn your plans with us now. moving his portable sawmill to Scio. ished by a gioup of six girl scouts He was assisted in the woi k by his under the direction of Mrs. Ercill Specials for Friday and Saturday APRIL 16 and 17 brother-in-law, Gilbert Calavan of Wilson. The girls led the group in an Scio, who had been in partnership with impressive flag salute and gave sev SPECIAL Baltimore for some time. The land on eral musical numbers. Mrs. Harold 1X8 cedar shiplap, No. 2 which the sawmill was located had Longfellow won the piize in the gift previously been sold to Lee Logging drawing. About 30 ladies were present and better grade 1 Co. including several visitors. A nomina tion committee composed of Mrs. Per M The April meeting of Marilyn Fiank White, Mrs. Ira Kirsch and I No. 145, Order of the Ea.-tern Mrs. Robert Draper was appointed fi I This is tight knot stock, Chapter, Star, was held Monday evening. Fol and will report at the next meeting. good for siding or gar lowing the short business meeting, The usual plea for more rummage for J <7 lefreshments were served by a com the rummage stole was voiced by the ages, workshops, etc. mittee made up of members from committee in charge. Everyone is in Idanha and Detroit. Heading the com vited to visit the new .-tore which is mittee was Mabel Parker, worthy ma next door to the old location. The store tron, assisted by Doris Haseman, is open every Tuesday frm 10 to 4. Mary Gulliford, and Florence Hairis. The Ladies Aid held their regular Special visitors from Salem attending cleaning day at the church Thursday Authorized Shop^mith the meeting were Mr. and Mrs. Law with nine ladies pi esent. The potluck I- z Dealer , J* rence Walworth, who formerly at dinner at noon was enjoyed by sev- f eral men who were working on the tended here. Mr. Walworth stated they Open On Saturdays DENCO, CASCADE soon be locating near Ashland, church. A group of the ladies had also East City Limits Hiway 222 would Get your supply SWIFT'S PREMIUM where he will be connected with the met at the church the Monday before Phone 6803 Mill City new Methodist boys camp. Buy yours here. to sew oj) the robes worn by the of Eggs for color SWIFTS PREMH M choir for the first time Sunday. It OVEN READY has been tentatively decided that the ing from us Tl RKEYS dinner planned for the 22nd of April I will be postponed until sometime the forepart of May. The Mehama local of the Farmers ! Union met at the Women’s Clubhouse For Delicious Desserts! Friday evening. April y. Only 13 ALL WORK GUARANTEED members were piesent but an enjoy able time was had by all. After the business meeting and period of dis- cu-sion, Jerry Coffman led the group OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK in a series of contests. The bubble gum All Brands contest was won by Gene Coles as he was the only one present able to blow bubbles with hi» gum. The even- I ing was brought to a close with the serving of refreshments by the ladies. BILLGUIER, Proprietor At th emeting of the hot lunch club at the schoolhouse Wednesday even On old highway Phone 903 ing, April 7, it »’as decided to have MILL CITY, OREGON a mother’s patrol for the highway : crossing below the schoolhouse during Campbell's the construction. The mothers to take cans turn» between 8:30 and 9 a. m. The Meat Base teachers felt they could take care of it j in the evening after school. Mr». ( Ä Cans Donald Teeters was appointed chair Vegetable Base man of the committee to see that a mother was on duty every morning, j Hostesses for the vening were M rs. Quart Jar KRAFT Dale Champ. Mr». “Bud’’ Davenport, Mrs. G. V. Christensen, Mrs. Eugene Coles, and Mr». Carpenter. .Mrs. Kate Patton and daughter, ; Mrs. Vala Pullen from Portland vi»it- We will have them Fisher’« Two Cereal Bowls Free ed Saturday at the Ed Taylor, Elmer At Our Store Taylor and .Mabel Patton homes. Sunday visitors at the B L. Kirsch This Weekend home were Mr, and Mrs. Lauroer and two daughters from Dayton and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Weldon of Salem. Closed Sundays and Holidays Open Daily 8:00 A. M. to 7:00 P. M. Weekend guests at the Robert “LITE-A-BUMPER” tape for cars and bikes Draper home were Mrs. Mabie Allen and the Alvin Beunamann family of Portland. Lou Pooler, who strained his back quite badly some time ago while at Mill City, Oregon. HUGH and ALICE WALKUP. Props. Telephone 2744 work at th-. Philippi Tire Seervice ia MILL CITY, ORE. some improved but »til unable to re turn to work. a THE COMMERCIAL BOOK STORE OFFICE NEEDS GET YOUR I.AWN AND GARDEN FERTILIZER From Us Now Elephant Brand Ammonium Phosphate-Sulphate Hirte Feed Store I ! 1000 MILE JOB r 9 J ; MEHAMA Pink Mason’s Shell Service Mill City Enterprise f S65 Kelly Lumber Sales sèi Auto Repair Work f Welding and Auto Parts Silver Saddle Garage Paas Egg Dye ¡'."sr"l"r8 2 for 25c Butter Shortening^tii"61 79c Chocolate Chips N«ueS 2 pks 49c For Easter Easter Cards Easter Baskets Easter Novelties Easter Napkins Easter Candy MILL CITY VARIETY Ki Juice Oranjres 3 doz 69c 10c 69c Cake Mix 3 • .98 CANNED SOIT 6 $1 $1 Mayonnaise 69c FLOUR 10 lbs 99c HILL TOP MARKET I