t 4—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY. APRIL 15. 1954 LYONS By Jenkins Hardware Dutch Boy Paints FLAT WALL FINISH Needs no Sealer Fast Drying Is An Undercoat It Is Washable Used On Woodwork Over KM) Colors Rental Tools • • • Floor Sanders Edgers Hand Saws Paint Sprayers Lawn Rollers /MUD IN YOUR MOTOR We give S & H Green Stamps I Phone 2206 Bressler taster Smiqurt Features PAims Eva Girl Scout leaders and motheis held I their meeting Thursday night at the home of Mrs. Ivan Smith. Mrs. Mar- I shall Powell was appointed Neighbor- I hood chairman and plans were made ' i for a silver tea for mothers to be ’ held in the afternoon of May 6 at Mari-Linn schoolhou.-e. Present were Mmes. Marshall Powell, Jack Godd- | ell, Orville Oi ville Britton, Earl Helemn, Herman Morgan, Donald McWhii k, Leo Cruson, Charles Power, John Prideaux, Ivan Smith, Mrs. Bethel and Reane Fletcher. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Walton and little daughters of Salem, were Sun day guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Thiel. Mr and Mrs Birdell (Buck) Miller have moved to Salem where he is em ployed as guard at the State Peniten tiary Recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Naue, were Mr. and Mrs. Donald Naue and son of Sweet Home, and Miss Ruby Naue of Salem. Earl Allen, rural mail carrier is con fined to his home due to illness. Doro thy Draper is substituting on the route. William Fetherston, who has been in Roseburg at the home of his daughter for a time, has returned Attend church this Easter . . . hear hymns of ageless beauty to Lyons and is living in the house and magnificence . . . find peace and security in His teachings. recently vacated by the Buck Miller family. And remember that in these uncertain times, you will find I rc- re- There will be a meeting of the I newe(l faith —renewed hope — in regular at a --- - «U» attendance v-w x_ a * v« X« s s MV » your VU4 Auxiliary board of the Santiam Me- church. Go to church . . . Easter Runduv FVF.PV Sunday. «.mriov Sunday . .. EVERY morial hospital at the Santiam Val ley grange hall Thursday afternoon. Forget-me-nots and pink sweet peas. All members and friends interested Blend beautifully in color and words. are w-elcome to attend. Forget me not, though I soon (Depart) , Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Free enjoyed a , trip to Reno, Nevada over the i weekend. Mrs. Verna Sieg stayed at The passion flower of (Faith) and "Hope!” A m I arose before the dawn, 1 the Free home with the childien while Nestle close to the white rose of On this glad Easter Day. they were away. (I am worthy of thee) A bouquet on my dresser stood. Mrs. Chester Roye was hostess for The bleeding hearts, reminds me of the blood Decked out in beautiful array. the afternoon card club with her Christ shed. party held Wednesday afternoon at I see partly hidden the white clover or Though they uttered not a word, the Oscar Naue home. Seveial tables “Yet. I go. (Think of me.) Each lovely flower seemed to say. of 500 followed a 1:30 dessert lunch Harken to this message that we bring. eon. High score was held by Mrs. Inez Lovely rosebuds and moss are for Christ’s When you kneel to pray. Ring, second high by Mrs. Earl (Confession) of love, for his disciples. Helemn, and low by Mrs. Pat Lyons. Scarlet geranium, a comforter is promised them. For in my Easter bouquet, Attending were Mmes. Andrew Sieg, It is their (Consolation.) 1 find the green fern of (Fascination) Floyd Bassett, Arthur Olmstead, Os While the helitrope peeking through the rest Thus were the twelve disciples of Christ Jesus. car Naue, Herman Free, Bob Free, Tell of the disciples faith and love for their Fascinated by His words, Bert Lyons, Earl Helemn, Kenneth Saviour (Their Devotion.) Helemn, Pat Lyons, Mrs. Inez Ring, "I AM THE LIFE, THE RESURRECTION.” Mrs. Leota Worden and the hostess, Thus a message of the Scripture is related. Among the fern rests, white and water lilies. Mrs. Roye. Upon this Holy Day. The symbol of our Saviour's Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rogers and Told in the language of the flowers. (Sweetness and Purity of heart.) Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Roye and little In my lovely Easter Bouquet. | daughter, Kathleen, of Portland, were Pvt. David L. Hunt Sunday guests at the home of Lynne’s ! parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Roye. In Now Located in Korea the evening the group were guests at Army Pvt. David L. Hunt, son of the home of Mr. and Mrs. Laddie Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hunt, Mill City, Pesek in Lebanon. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Vaughn from recently joined the 25th Infantry Di Tillamook were weekend visitors in vision in Korea. Rushed to Korea during the early Lyons. They were guests at the Fred days of the conflict, the "Tropic Vaughn home. Takes technique to clean and drain Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brown and Lightning" division took pait in some your crankcase of “muddy” winter oil. son of Medford, and Mr. and Mrs. of the most bitter fighting on the Bob Carleton and children of Bonne peninsula. It is now undergoing in replace it with fresh spring lubricant! ville were weekend guests at the home tensive post-truce training. of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Pvt. Hunt, a cook, entered the Army Our trained service men do it right. Downing. in December 1952 and completed his Miss Gayle Cruson, of Portland basic training at Camp Roberts, Cal Give you smooth engine performance ifornia. in double quick time! Mill City spent the weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cru- son. Mrs. Walter Moore is spending sev eral days in Portland with her son, and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cruson spent the weekend in Medford with relatives. Her mother, Mrs. Pearl Hudson, who had spent the past week in Medford, returned home with them. See us now ! We give S & H Green Stamps Bryant's Phone 3202 0*0’ hurt» you* budge»1 A clothe» »ovmg au’omotic elector dryer i| gentle Your fmett thing* ore gently tumble d'red lately quickly on the wothdoy ol your chooung A free tool will convince you tho* electric drying •» the thing lor 5? MVW <¥ * íiícrnaiy • WIL Oft Ulf f* íLícrex AffKOMM Art l y I^HOUIV an UÏCTRIC ¡MH Mountain States Power b«. - - _A '______ _____-- - ■ I L. It i Texaco Service Mill City, Oregon