THE MILL CITÌ ENTERPRISE ON THE S( ENIC NORTH S \NTI \M HIGH« \ ■ 4 OLI ME X MIEI Nt MBER 15 C1TÙ OREGON, Portland Building Firm to Construct Model Homes Here Sam Lockwood and D. I). Madden the opening of the Plywood plant at of Lockwood Homes, Portland, met ' Lyons, and the seveial other smaller with businessmen of Mill City and operations which are as.-ured heie. Gates Tuesday noon to discuss plans It is believed, at the time of going for building houses in this area. to press, that two Lockwood model The Portland men were greatly im­ homes will be cnstructed here, with pressed w'ith the need of housing in work in-ginning within the next two this area and feel confident that this | or thiee weeks. The building firm has particular spot in the canyon is due taken an option on two lots in the for a great influx in population, with Veness addition to Mill City, which is located on Evergreen street near the C B I homes. The homes will be constructed a- soon as approval is given by the finance company, and it is expected within the next few days. The building of these two homes will The churches of Mill City have been give prospective home owners in this holding Holy Week services together aiea a chance to see how the houses again this year. The services are at are constructed. A committee of five, the Community church near the Hill­ Bob Hill, Bob Veness, Charles Kelly, top store. The schedule was set up as Carl Kelly and Don Moffatt met with follows, under the general theme, “In representatives in Portland Sunday and were taken through two of the the Light of the Cross.’’ Monday: “Prayer in the Light of homes. Mill City Churches Observe Holy Week Wills Brothers to Come Here With Shingle Mill Nat A. W Ils and John T Will- of Sweet Home, owners of Wills Broth­ ers Shingle Co., are purchasing a tract of land in the Jahnke addition to Mill City and will erect a shingle mill there. In a telephone conveisation with John Wills Wednesday forenoon, he SCENE OF THE EAST SUPPE« From "THE KING OF KINGS' 'King of Kings’ To Be Shown At Mill City Theatre Sunday I Chemawa Supt. Speaks to Lions stated they hoped to get at the work here sometime this week. A building 24x70 will be erected for the mill proper and a pond w ill be constructed, according to Mr. Wills. In their present mill they have been manufacturing red cedar shingles. Mr. Wills stated that about nine men would be employed on one shift at the beginning of operations. Logging Firm Coming Another step forward for the canyon aiea and Mill City will be the locating here of Christian & Hickson Logging Co., of Eugene, who are expected to log in the Kenny Creek district for Vancouver Plywood Co. This firm plans on hiring all local help if pos- sible. Other deevlopments aie rumored for this urea, but nothing definit« has lien done at the present time. Paul Bianilet, superintendent of the Chemawa Indian school spoke to Cecil B. DeMille’s immortal master­ members of the Lions club here Mon­ piece, "The King of Kings,” will be anti and navy camps and on several day night, following the dinner meet­ brought to Mill City, Oregon, on battlefront», in nearly every coun­ ing. Easter Sunday, April 18, from 2 to 4 try in the world. Mr. Bramlett stated the Indian sit­ The original picture has been care­ p. m. under the sponsorship of Salem fully edited in lecent years, a number uation has been badly handled all the Cross,’ Rev. Brewer of the Free Council of Churches. during the years, with the government When Will Rogers saw Cecil De- of titles have been changed to bring blowing "hot and cold” at different Methodist church. it up to date, and a beautiful music Tuesday: “Stewardship in the Light Mille's King of Kings he said, "There times in the desire to be of assistance Real Estate Begins To of the Cross,” Minister Jull of the will never be a gr eater picture because score based on Parzifal has been add­ to the Indians. He stated the govern­ ed. It ’ s being shown in Salem dur ­ Change Hands In Gates Christian church. there is no greater subject.” ment had given the Indians the poor­ Wednesday: "Service in the Light Now, after 27 years duiing which I ing Holy Week through the coopera­ est land on which to live. GATES With the coming of spring of the Cross,” Rev. Joiner of the , time it has been shown in neatly every tion of Christian businessmen and In speaking of the work at their real estate has begun to move again tickets, al- church leadets without Community church, who will also con- j The Bonneville Power Administra­ country of the world thousands school he told of the program they and several new families have moved tion today awarded a contract for of times to millions and millions of though those who see the picture may have in force, and the plan being used into Gates to make their homes. The duct a special Communion service. Friday: “Salvation in the Light of I the construction of the 230-kv trans­ people, it still attracts nioie people help to meet the cost of bringing the to teach Indians the American way of Oak Park motel was sold last week the Cross,” Rev. Vickers of the As- I mission line between Detroit and Al­ during Holy Week wherever it is picture to Mill City by a free will of­ life. Supt. Bramlett said some of the to Mr. and Mr». Fred Kist, of Port­ sembly chuich. All are invited to at­ bany to the Hallett Construction Co., I shown than any other religious pic- fering as they leave the theatre. Any students cannot speak English when land, who have taken possession and and the Continental Co., both of Cros- ' ture. While most people do not go to funds contributed beyond actual local they arrive at the school. tend the remaining services. will manage the motel; Mr. and Mrs. The churches of Mill City will share by. Minnesota, on their joint low hid i see the average picture but once, mil­ expenses will be used for the migrant I The school has four points to teach Edward Titze sold their home this in at) Easter sunrise service at 6:30 of $240,782. This transmission pio- lions go to see King of Kings every work in Marion and Polk counties their students, beginning with the week to Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Bond, Easter Sunday morning at the As­ ject begins at tower 114 near Lyons, yeat and take their friends to enjoy this summer season. fundamentals of English; health piac-i who with their two children moved The local committee sponsoring the into their new home Sunday. Mr. and sembly of God church. All are invited. and terminate« at the new 230-kv this great experience. And surpris­ and tices, vocational skills and teaching The choir of the Mill City Presby­ section of Bonneville’s Albany sub­ ingly enough, there are still millions picture consists of Robert Veness Mrs. Titze have purchased a home them the way white men do things. terian church will present its annual station now under construction. The who have never seen this great mas­ Rev. Noble Streeter. One of the great handicaps the In­ in Salem but for the summer months Easter choir concert Sunday at 7:30 length of the transmission line is 30.1 ter piece. dian students have is that they have will be located in Mill City at the p. m. Everyone is invited to hear thi- miles. The contractors will have 170 Among the records of the world’s no blood relatives near them who are Silver Saddle trailer court. calendar days to peiform right-of-way most tremendous historical Newcomers to Gates are Mr. and ir.spiring Easter music. events, Oregon« Quota for Air intere.-ted or care whether they suc­ Mrs. Ray Britt and five children, Mr. At the Mill City and Mehama Pres­ clearing, erection of 149 steel towers, and in all the greatest writings of Force Academy Is Three ceed in life or not. byter ian churches the message for stringing the conductor and overhead all times, nothing even remotely ap­ The school works extensively with and Mrs. Austin Counts and five Oregon boys interested in taking the Easter Sunday will be: ‘The Trans­ ground wires, and erecting a tap line proaches the awe inspiring magni­ examination for appointment to the their students after they have been youngsters and Mr. and Mrs. Hamil­ forming Power of the Risen Christ." and a tiansformer bay structure at ficence of the story of Jesus of Air Force academy, which will enroll placed on jobs following their gradua­ ton with their six children, all from Special Easter music will be pre- the Santiam substation. Nazareth, The King of Kings, whose its first class in July 1955 are in­ tion. They keep close track of them and Myrtle Creek, Oregon. The Britt Upon completion of this transmis­ words and deeds have swayed human­ vited to send their names to Senator check to see if they are making prop­ family have rented the former Haun sented. New members will be wel- home; Mr. and Mrs. Counts, the Hud- corned and received during the ser- sion line woik this fall, plus the work ity for almost two thousand years. Guy Cordon's office. 333 Senate Of­ er adjustment to their new life. now under way by the BPA utility vice. Those who see “The King of Kings’’ fice Building, Washington. D. C., ac­ Of the 50 students graduating this son hou.-e, back of the laundry and The Palm Sunday sei vice of dedica­ crews, the Administration's new 150,- always report that it is a religious cording to word received today from year, all have been placed on jobs. At the Hamilton family are located in the tion for the new- church at Mehama 000-kva 230 115-kv substation at Al­ expel ience. they will never foi get. i the Senator. the school they now have about 600 foimer A. B Horne home. Was attended by a cana^'- lO’vd bany will be pla< ed in service. ^'ie Although Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Maun and two .......................... ■ » •— j made in' Oregon's quota is three, but each I -tudents. Slides of Indians in costume the picture was children have rented the Collins house from many communities and many energisation of the transmission line 1927, it i was filmed so well that it has I senator and representative is author - were shown by Supt. Biamlett. churches. An interesting ar.d inspir­ and substation will reinfol ce the Ad­ become the most enduring motion | ¡zed to nominate up to 10 young men Vernon Todd gave induction ser- I and will move from the Struckmeier ministration's existing 115-kv trans­ picture of all time, It is estimated I to take the competitive examination. vices for two new members, Lee Bas- home this week, Mr. and Mrs. Struck- ing piogram was enjoyed by all. mission lines between Albany and that a billion people have seen this ‘ Appointments will be made from sett and Jim Poole. enmeier, who have managed the Oak Little Northfork Area Hope Sal<'m. Albany and Toledo. Albany great picture in showing around the | among qualified candidates in order Prior to the speech by Supt. Bram­ Paik motel for the past year will and Eugene and, Albany and Lebanon. world. W’ith the cooperation of local of merit. lett, Marcella Warrinei and Sandra move into their own home just vaca­ To Have Power This new- facility will more than committees it has been shown not only Olson sang two numbers. They were ted by the Haun family. The academy w-jll be established, at By Late This Summer double the existing capacity in the in the theatres, but also in churches, least at first, at some already exist­ accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Lee MEHAMA The Little North Folk central Willamette Valley and will I schools, pi isons, hospitals, homes in ing air force ba«e. Ross. The girls plan on these numbers area above Mehama is anticipating provide this area with a high-capacity i-------------------------------- :------------------------- for the talent show which is being electric sei vice by late summer, fol­ connection to McNary dam reinforced sponsored by the Lions club. Tickets lowing a recent meeting of potential by a correction to the geneiating are being printed this week, and u-ers and the local board of directors plant at Detroit dam. members will have them for sale fol­ of Benton-Lincoln Co-op. lowing the meeting next Monday The meeting was called to acct^rt I oral Men Figure In night. The Three-links Club of the Santi­ bids for dealing the right-of-way, a More applicants are needed for the am Rebekahs held their regular meet­ Two Accidents This Week distance of 21’2 miles 50 feet wide, show, and blanks can be received at ing at the home of Mrs. W. J. Robin­ Two local men »ere injured in sep­ up the North Fork. Only bidder was the Post Office, at either school. Red son Tuesday evening of this week, arate accidents since the last issue Giles Wagner and G. D. Myers for X- White store and Silver Saddle Ser­ with President Ruth Hess and Secre- Formation of a regional generating $17,000. Clearing will be paid for, of The Enterprise. vice station. tary Ann Crook in charge of the busi- members of the board of directors Saturday forenoon W. D. Graham corr.apny to finance and develop more on a 50*7- basis of what is cleared. At a hoaid meeting the fidlowing ness meeting. are: J. E. Curette, president of the until the job is done, Actual woik and Benjamin Dukait were injured hydroelectric power for the Pacific were appointed on the Industrial com­ A luncheon will be given by the will begin immediately as right-of- when Graham's car left the road and Northwest was announced today by Montana Power company, Paul B. mittee: Harold Kliewer, Lee Ross, club from 11 until 2 on May 16, at way must be completed by August 1. rolled over. They were returning from j fjve of the region's utility companies. McKee, president of Pacific Power Carl Kelly, Martin Hansen, Don the lodge hall, with the public in­ Members present voted to assess Salem when the acident occured about Mountain States Power Company is X- Light company, T W. Delzell. board Jenkins, Don Moffatt, John Muir, vited to participate. A nominal fee chairman, Portland General Electric seven miles east of that city. The car one of the group of sponsors. family to pro- p.cential users $25 5 per , Charles Kelly and Bob Veness. will be charged per plate. The next Incoiporation papers for the new company, and A. W. Trimble, presi­ vide the balance needed to pay for tolled over twice. meeting of the club will be held on dent of the Mountain States Power The other accident happened near fiim, to be known as Pacific North ­ the clearing. May 11 at the home of Dean Jackson, Whitie’s Sant am Cafe east of here west Power Company, have been filed company. with Anna Crook assisting. At that The five-company announcement when a pickup truck and a car crash­ at Salem, Oregon, with $50,000.000 of time a tea-towel shower for the lodge ed together Sunday night. authorized capital stock. Initial stated that the piogram was proposed hall will be held. In the pickup were Neil W. Pyle of plans would call for a $300,000,000 in keeping with the orderly develop­ Those pi esent Tuesday night were McMinnville, his son, Bobby and his to $500.000.000 construction program. ment of the resources of the North­ Mabel Veteto, Ida Fleetwood. Eva sister-in-law Mrs. Edith Pyle of Ix>g- Purpose of the company is to con­ west. Santiam Shuffleboard league is I Duffy, Gladys Lake. Mabel Yankus, an, Utah. Harvey Meacham of Mill struct and operate laige power de­ The plan was described as a reg­ City was driver of the car. Both ve­ velopments needed to supply require­ ional venture to increase power supply still in a tie as Byron’s defeated the Dean Jackson. Rachel Olpistead, Jen- hicle« were badly damaged. ments of the 800,000 customers serv­ f’om large projects, which in no way Spillwa.v tavern and Meander Inn nie Davis, Ruby Brisbin. Lettie Swan, Both Granam and Dukart were ed by members of the five-company change the independent operations downed the Cedars. The Lake also won Marie Stewart, Blanche Syverson, Ada Dart, Anna Crook. Ruth Hess, El- Final selections for Girls State, to shaken up, Dukart receiving facial group backing the plan. They are of the participating companies. Sole their game. Being as Meander Inn and Byron’» sie Potter, who was a special guest, b< field at Willamette University fiom lacerations and othet head injuries. Pacific function of the new enterprise is to Washington Water Power, Mr. Pyle was taken to Santiam I p„WPr * Light, Mountain State« develop future power supplies for are tied foi first place two playoff and the hoste-s, Mel Robinson. June 14 to June 20, have been made. Carol Andreassen has been chosen Memorial hospital where he was ' Power, Portland General Electric the individual systems of the co­ games are to be played, points to be operating utilities, it was stated. carried, to dttermine the league win- from Mill City high school and Patty treated for shock and minor cuts and and Montana Power companies. Game Commission Planting Stewart from Gates high school. bruises. The five-company group serve ovei ner. Already under investigation by the The first game will be played at Funds for Carol were donated by the I 800.000 electric customers represen ­ Trout in Detroit Lake and group are two projects on branches Mill City Lions auxiliary. PT A, Worn- Pre-School Clinic To Be of the Clearwater rivet in northwest­ ting nearly 50 per cent of all power Meander Inn Friday, Apiil 23 at 8 North Santiam River er s club. Firemen’s auxiliaiy and Held Tuesday at Mari-Linn ern Idaho, which would produce 536, users in Oregon. Washington, noith­ p.m and the second game at Byron’s DETROIT The State Game Com- the Garden club, and for Patty by the Sunday, April 25 at 7 p.m. em Idaho and Montana LYONS A pre-s