THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE « ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTI\M HK.HW VOLLME X Mill NUMBER I» Clearance Work For Power Line To Begin Mon. “Neighborhood Plan" Being Used in Cancer Drive for First Time cm ORE«.ON. — «. XTFW THURSDAY, \PRII TO THE HE\RT OR N \TI RE S E MPIRE *2.50 a Year, v IM.I New Church To Be Dedicated Sunday Mill City Senior Class to Present \nnual Class ‘lay The Mill City high school Senior ; class will present, "The Inner ■Villy," a corned) by Bettye Knapp, o Wed nesday and Thursday, May 4 and 5 in the high school auditorium. Th«- cast will include: Rnhard An­ derson as Willoughby; Donn Beng- ' ranees «ton, as the Inner Willy; orothy Johnson as Aunt Hester; Steinfelt as Aunt Louise; Sh» >n Gal- lagher as Aunt Olga; Rich I Ver­ beck as Stanley; Dale Andri sen as belle; Mike; Regine Brewer as S' I Gerry Hamblin as Trudy shall; ■ shall, Frances Brunner as Janet M.irt- and Carol Jane Blazek as Ci I in. uthbert Elton Gregory and Jim ' will be stage managers. With a unique "neighborhood plan” in opeiation for the first time, the ' Marion county cancer drive got under way for a 30-day run through the i month of April, according to Mark Hatfield, in his second year as county I drive chairman. The Linn-Lane Construction comp­ I The county cential committee met any of Sweet Home this week has recently and set *8,000 as this year’s been building an access road to enable goal. Funds fiom the drive are used them to begin the job of clearing the in research directed as stopping one right-of-way for the power line from of the nation's worst killers. at Detroit dam to the substation j According to the chairman, the Lyons. ' "neighborhood plan’’ involves the use in According to Floyd Emmert, of large circulating envelopes to be charge of the work, not much of the I used in each block of residential areas. a tual clearing work will be started The envelopes, containing small indi­ until the first of the week. It is ex­ vidual envelopes and literatuie for pected that about 40 men will be em­ each contributor, are started by drive ployed on the job, Mr. Emmert said woikers and passed from house to Tuesday forenoon. house in each block. The plan has Included in this contract are clear­ ' woi ked successfully in other aieas ing and construction of access roads and permits more thorough coverage, or. approximately 22 miles between ! according to Hatfield. Detroit and the Santiam substation Members of the central committee | for Bonneville's two high-capacity i beside Hatfield include JohnJoehnke, Detroit-Santiam transmission lines to treasurer of the American Cancer be constructed in the near future; in Marion county; Mrs. James Turn- clearing of approximately 14 miles of i bull, education director; Mrs. Alice right-of-way on the Santiam-Cheme- i Fisher, secretary; Bernard Morris, »» 230-kv transmisión line; and publicity director; and Mrs. Winnie cleanup and reclearing of >sime 15 ! Pettyjohn, county commander. rriles of right-of-way on the existing Conduct ng the drive in this area Detroit-Lyons transmission line. are Mrs. W. M. Allen and Mrs. I). B Following completion, the Admin­ Mrs. William Allen and Mrs. D. B miration plans to start construction Hill. o* two additional high-voltage trans­ ir, ssion lines between Detioit and the Santiam substation. He stated they have 300 days to complete the clearing of the land for the power line. a Co»* ' ; MC Teachers Accept Jobs To Work Mon At M&M Plant The M 4 M Plywood plant at Lyons has begun the production of plywood in the new plant, with the second shift going to work Monday night. At the present time about 109 men are employed, with more being em­ ployed each day. W hen the plant reaches capacity, it is said that 275 to 300 men will be employed. The Lyons set-up is one of the most modern on the west coast. Seniors of Mill City Invited To Visit Colleges During Senior Campus Preview Seniors of Mill City high school have been invited to join graduating students throughout the state as hon­ , Instructors in the Mill City high or guests of the state system of and grade schools, who have accepted higher education during Senior Camp­ teaching contracts for the 1954-55 us Pieview, April 23 and 24. Seniors school year, include the following: are invited to visit the campus of High school: Howard Means, princi­ their choice in order to become ac­ pal; Edith Mason, library, home eco­ quainted with the state school they nomics and English; Button Boroughs, plan to attend. The annual weekend event will ba I commercial subjects, and athletic I coach; Arthur A. LeCours, science and observed simultaneously at the Uni­ art; and Delos Hoeye, industrial arts versity of Oregon, Eugene; Oregon State College, Corvallis; Oregon Col­ and mathematics. Grade school: Vernon S. Todd, sup­ lege of Education, Monmouth; South­ In the top photo is pictured the Presbyterian church at Mehama, erintendent of schools, and grade ern Oregon College of Education, Ash­ which was torn down to make way for the new church, shown in school principal; Alice M. Smith, phy­ land; and Oiegon Technical Institute, the lower photo, which »ill he dedicated with special services Sunday. sical education, music and lit» ary; Klamath Ealls. Pre-college orientation of campus Fern E. Sletto, Marion F. Pesheck, • * • • « a for A falling rock was responsible Betty \ Baldwin, Zeta A. Prichard, facilities has been arranged and all Interurban Telephone Co. an accident on the north Santiam l.etha Bentley, Sigrun Grimstead, visiting students will have the oppor­ discussing educational Takes Over Detroit System highway near Detroit Friday after­ Mary A. Loucks, Helen Kliever, Letha tunity of noon that lesulted in the death of L. Thoma«. Daron M. Dierks, Dot a B. plans with faculty advisers. Programs DETROIT—The Interurban Tele- one woman and injuries to three Rogers, Fail W. Loucks, James R.i of entertainment have been scheduled, r-none Company of Silverton, pur- | other occupants of the car. Hale. Robert Thorpe, and Doris M I i including sports events, mixer dances ased the telephone system of the Driver of the car was Deputy Sher­ land firesides. Supeivised housing will - Sheythe. Detroit Telephone Co., and took pos- ' iff Earl Cummins of Grant county. A new church is about to be ded­ be arranged in authorized campus fa- session April 1. mg are 52 by 68 feet. In October icated in Mihama. During the past I Other occupants included Mis. Orpha cilities. I the church was one of the w-inners Detroit Market has been retained to clement, 35; her brother, Oscar Hol- year the people of the community Registration will begin at 7 p.nt. Meander Inn and Mill City in a state-wide Church Improvement represent the company in the Idanha- ignj, an