Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1954)
THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY. \PRIL 1. 1954 Several friends of Mrs. Addie M ells Closed Season on Use of -urptised her at her home last Tues- The Mill City Garden club met last Fires in Forest Lands in lunch day evening when they brought week at the home of Mrs. C. A. Brud and gifts and came to .-pend the even- Effect Beginning April 1 er jn Stayton, a former resident hue. By Mrs. John Teeters ing. Those present were Mr. and Mrs A talk on dahl.a bulbs was given by Closed season on the use of fire un Pete Peterson, Mi. and Mrs. Frank The Ladies Aid of the Mehama Mrs, C. M., sister of Mis. Brud Merrill, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dean. church met at the church Thursday 29 million acres of private and public Mr. and Mrs. Ed Yarnell of Salem, er. Mrs. f rank Klecker and Edna Jenkins. afternoon. March 25. Mrs. L. E. Wal forest lands w ill commence April 1, the were dinner guests Friday even ng at len presided at the business meeting state board of forestry announced re cently. the Howard Means home. Mrs. Albert Toman and Mrs. Jack ano a> o led the devotions. The pro- Twelve members of Marilyn Scott left Friday aftei noon for sembly, Order of Ra.nbow for Gills, giani on "Christ Calls us to Worship Beginning apiil 1, the state board Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bates, and son, Road’s End, on the coast, where in Europe," was presented by Mrs. of forestry reported, it will be unlaw went to Silverton where they attended Byron, were business visitors in Salem they spent the weekend. They were a covered dish dinner Saturday even Lou Kirkland and Mrs. Noble Streeter, ful to burn debris, gras» or stubble Friday. joined Saturday afternoon by their ing, the occa.-ion being Ramona As assisted by several ladies who riad within one-eighth of a mile of forest husbands. The weather on the coast scripture passages. This meeting was land without first securing a written Mr. and Mrs. Sonny Nelson, of was warmer than here, they reported. sembly's 10th anniversary. Taking to have been held at the R. E. Shields permit Hom the local forest ranger cars for the girls weie the George Klamath, California, were business home but was moved to the church or warden. Dates for the closed sea Huffman ’ s the Gobles and the William visitors in Mill City this weekend. The fire department was called out Shueys. due to the fact that Mrs. Shields con son extend from April 1 through De Tuesday forenoon by a flue fire at the tacted a case of mumps the day be- cember 31. If fire weather conditions Mr. and Mrs. T. Ply mate of Bon home of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Mc foie. Refreshments prepared by Mrs. warrant, the governor may advance Pfc. Lawrence Thornlev is spending neville, were guests over the weekend Dowell and their infant son, south Shields previously were served the ■ the opening date to February 1 or ter at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jay east of town. Mrs. McDowell was the a 21-day fui lough from the U. S. army ladies by Mrs. Chris McDonald and minate the closed season prior to De with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mel Mason. former Maxine Scott. The house is vin Case, having just returned from Mrs I.. E. Wallen. The next meeting cember 'list. a large rustic structure on the county a 10-week course in construction sur will be an all day meeting at the The opening .late of April 1 au- Mr. and Mrs. George Rhoten of road towards Gates. church April 8. veying and engineering at Fort Bel Salem, spent the weekend at the Several short movies were enjoyeu voir. Virginia. Thornley will then re Lome of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Walter < asebeer of turn to Fort Lewis, Washington, fot at the social hour of the meeting of Mr. and Mis. Lee Ross. Bonanza, Oregon, are spending sever assignment in completing his remain the Mehama local of the Farmers Un al days at the Lester Hathaway home. ing 8'z months in the service. His ion at the Women’s clubhouse Friday Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bassett were Mrs. Don Nelson, anothei daughter of guests Saturday evening at the Norm the Hathaways, who has been spend l-rother, Eugene, returned to Fort evening. Two of the films shown by an Garrisons. The Bassets spent Sun- ing some time here, will visit hei Lewis last Monday, after spending 21 Jerry Coffman had to do with oil, its discovery and history'and many davs heie. cay visiting friends in Salem. sister for a few days while enroute wonderful fossil formations were to her home in Klamath, California. The Lions Auxiliary held their regu shown. The third film was on the Mr. and Mrs. John Muir and daugh lar meeting at the home of Mrs. Jay evolution of the helicopter from its be- ter, Shereen, were visitors at the Mrs. R. V. Wingo, spent a few days Mason last week with Mrs. Roger ginmt g to the present time. About Gayle Lowery home in Portland Sun visiting fi ¡ends in Mill City last week. Nelson presiding. Mrs. Hale and Mrs. 35 w< t present, including seveial day. The Wmgo's are moving to Harrison, Gillespie of the Hollywood Lions Aux visitors from Jordan and Sublimity Ark., where they are going into the iliary in Salem were present and gave locals. Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Fish were Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Walters and chicken business. Mr. Wingo returned information on the pos.-ib lity of the welcomed as members. son, Leslie, of Scio, spent Sunday in recently from Greenland. W hen resid local group becoming federated with Vi-iting Wednesday of last week at Mill City at the home of Mr. and ing in Mill City, Mi. Wingo was em the state auxiliary. A question and the Raymond Branch home were Mrs. Mrs. Byron Bates. ployed as first aid man for OPS at answer period followed, It was decided Branch's sister, Mrs. Maude Pt ice and Detroit dam. to hold a Charter night at a tentative son, Jim, from Lebanon. Jim Price, The Gaynighters square dance club date in May. At the close of the who is with the navy on the USS met at the Orville Downing place Sat- Mr. and Mrs. Richard Freeman and meeting, refreshments were served by Hornet is enjoying a short leave at ' urday night for their regular dance his home. three children ate moving to Mill City the hostess. session. Seveial guest couples were Mrs. Jennie Moe w’as called back from Longview, Washington, in the present. Appearing in a sport's column in to Silverton last Thursday to help near future. Mr. Freeman will be Sunday’s Oregonian was a pictuie and care for her sister-in-law, Mrs. Albin Shelby lmphr?ss, son of Mr. and working for M & M, being transfetred article concerning Leo Poole of Mon Johnson, who has been illl. Mrs. Chas. Vmphress of this city, has here from the Longview plant. Mrs. mouth, son of Mr. and Mrs. James The Elwin Erickson family moved 1 been, transferred from Lackland Air Freeman is the daughter of Mr. and Poole of this city. To quote the to Lebanon the first of the week where force base at San Antonio, Texas, to Mrs. Ernest Preston, former residents article: “Leo Poole of Monmouth, Mr. Erickson has employment. of Mill City. She is a niece of Clarence casting for laigemouth bass in the Scott Field Illinois. Mrs. Chis McDonald, Mrs. Donald Howe. Willamette at Independence the other Teeters and children and Mrs. Hat old day, received a jolting surprise when The Mill City girl scouts wish to Longfellow and boys spent Tuesday Rudy Tohl and Ruth Witt were a 9*2 pound steelhead hit his red, extend their thanks to the residents afternoon of last week in McMinnville among Mill City residents to attend white and nickel-finish flash bait. The with their daughter and sister, Deanie of the town for their generous sup port of their recent cookie sale. The the dedication program of the Albany steelhead, 30 inches long, was one of McDonald. Deanie, who is a fressman money raised is used for furthering Elks temple held March 18, 19 and 20. the first caught in the upper Wil at Linfield college, has been chosen They went over Saturday. They re lamette this spring. Poole, incidental their scout work. one of three ptincesses for the Dream port that the Elks moved into the ly, didn’t catch any bass, but w-as Girl of the Linfield Delto Rho chapter $425,000 building debt free, which is hapnv to settle for the spring iron- Mr. and Mrs. Joe Podrabsky expect of Pi Kappa Alta fraternity. The quite an accomplishment. It is one head”. their son, Joe Jr., to be home for a Dream Girl will be announced at an of the finest buildings in the north vacation from the army. He just re all school dance April 3. The Linfield west. cently made the rank of Staff Ser- Dream Girl will enter a picture con geant, He is located at Omaha, Ne- test with Dream Girls from 112 other Those to attend the Salem Commun braska. chapters. By Yvonne Dart ity concert in that city Friday night The Junior class is giving the were Mrs. Harry Mason, Mrs. Delos Wm. E. Jull. son of Minister and Hoeye and Mrs. Lee Ross. Tickets Junior-Senior banquet and the Junior Mrs. H. E. Jull, arrived in Mill City for next year's concert series will be Prom on Friday, April 9. Sunday. He has been relased from available soon. Those wishing tickets, I The band and chorus are preparing active duty in the U. S. Navy, having may contact any of the above men numbets to give at Stayton Friday served since June 1, 1952 on the re ! April 23. They are playing tioned ladies. frigerator ship U.S.S. Pictor, which for a music festival. Bands from las been helping to supply the Far! _ . ,,, Cascade, Jefferson, Stavton and Mill Eastern Pacific fleet. Enterprise ( lass Ads Pay citv w n piav. thorized by the new law replaces the? old act wh ch established May 15 ar; the opening day of the closed season» unless 11.4» ved up by pioclamation by" the goverr tor. MEHAMA Loggers ;.nd sawmill operators were- cautioned to have all fire fighting; equipment in readiness ________ as ___ required by the foiest law* not later than April 1 Official inspections will be made by field peisonnel beginning on thaC date, forestry officials advised. The state board urged continued, public vigilance in the woods during 1954 when using fire or power-driven equipment. Fire pi event ion is a big pait of the forest protection program, they said, and reported that continue«» reduction of man-caused fires would not only serve to keep Oregon green, but wounld save hundreds of thou sands of dollars of fire fighting costs and valuable, growing timber. Mill City Hi-Liles "bscribe to the Mill City Enterprise s? SAVE SAVE JUST ARRIVED 6 year old cribs, natural or white ONLY $29.95 Large play pens Gibson Refrigerator ONE ONLY II Cubic Foot Deluxe Model WAS $389.95 •> NOW Shortening SAVE $100 1 ONLY 24 inch Zenith Television Set MAHOGANY CONSOLE Was $499.95 Now $39995 Save $100 Zenith Radio and Phono Combinations SAVE SAVE 7 Tube Zenith Radio and Phono SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE 10 Tube Zenith Radio and Combination Phono. WAS $314.95 now only FACIAL TISSUE Macaroni Prod’ts Yes brand, 300 size 2 pkgs 49c Baby Food, Gerbers Porters Large pkg 33c - 3 for Shop our new baby food section Heinz Ketchup Smiths Vanilla FRESH PRODUCE $249.60 6 Tube Table Model Zenith C ombina- tion. WAS $109.95 $162.52 now on lì $89.95 Carrot« 2 — 19c Cabbage Open Daily 8:00 A. M. to 7:00 P. M McCarthy Furniture We give S&HGreen Stamps Open Evenings only 8 ounce bottle Free premium with each bottle Combination. Mahogany. \\ AS $199.95 NowoNLV 89c Velveeta Cheese 2 ONE ONLY Double Oven. WAS $349.95 NOW ? MAKE ME AN OFFER ON THESE SAVE 79c Swift’s Jewel $19. Gibson Range SAVE APRIL? and 3 Specials for Friday and Saturday 7c Closed Sundays and Holidays HILL TOP MARKET Telephone 2711 Mill City, Oregon