W. N. SIMMONS Raleigh Harold PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT FLORIST and NURSERY Tax Consultant Auditor Bookkeeping, Accounting and Tax Service Corner 3rd and Morion STAYTON, OREGON Phone 4114 P. O. Box 1321 319 West Washington Street. OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS Telephone 6681 STAYTON OREGON Hemorrhoids /I i "Prolapse'- ■Jpg. CONVENIENT CREDIT t 'PILtS" No Operation—No Hospitalisation FREE DESCRIPTIVE BOOKLET DR. R. REYNOLDS CLINIC NATUROPATH—PP^'T" 1144 Center Street T Salem, -Z / Never a Dull Moment “At the Bottom of the Hill” MILL CITY TAVERN Byron Davis, Owner Mill City, Oregon DETROIT 2—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE i HI RSDYY. APRIL 1. 1954 surgery at Salem, returned to her who is 79 years old, had slipped a: i fell injuring herself. Onnie Aldei nia home Saturday. By Boots Champion Student Roger Cone, from the N. | of Prineville, who arrived only Satu> Guy Sunday dinner guests at the W. Christian college of Eugene, will i day for a visit, accompanied them Moore residence were Mr. and Mrs. deliver Sundays sermon at the De Beaverton. R. D. Morris of Scio. Mr. and Mr By Don Moffatt troit church of Christ. Sunday school ■ In last week's league shuffleboard Glen Bla r, of Gresham, were also at 9:45 a. m. and Preaching service at' I tournament games The Cedars won guests of the Mooies, on Sunday. by seven points over Jeny's Tavern. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Moore and son, 11 a. m. There will be no evening ser Score 149-141. The game was played This weekend when *e weie again vices except by announcement. visited by rain, we happened to notice Gary of Independence, spent the week In Fridays-election held at the on Cedars board. The Spillway vs. what happens to people walking a- end at their summer cabin in Detroit. Les’s Tavern , Spillway won by a score Idanha file hall, the city of Detroit, There Wil) be a cooked food sale cross the bridge from one side of our of 10 points over Les’s, score 151-141. bv a vote of 22 to 3 was annexed as fair city to the other. We happened Tuesday, April 6 to be held in the The game was played on Spillway s part of the Idanha Rural Fire Pro to be following a car which drove miles apaitment at the Post Office building board. The Lake lost by six points to tection district. at Detroit from 10 a. m. until 3 n. m. an hour across the bridge, splashing Mill City, 140 to 134, this game being In Mondays election held at the played on Byron’s board. water and mud all over a pedestrian. Proceeds will be used for the Detroit Fridays church. Donations will be accepted. Detroit school the Detroit school dis- league games will be played as fol Just where the fault lies is a prob- George Humphrey of Idanha nar- trict, which includes the City of Idan- lows: Spillway vs. Jerrys, Gates; Ce I lem. The peison on the side walk rowly escaped injury last Tuesday ha, and Marion Forks, comprising dars vs. Les’s at Mill City. : certainly has no other choice of get- The Lake morning a week ago, while attempting Marion and Linn Counties, voted •draw» the bye. i ting across the river, and the man in to unload two short logs fiom a I against consolidation by a vote of What do you do with your key the car is in the same predicament. I bands from Folger’s coffee. They are I As far as the law is concerned, there flatbed truck at the Rudy Lumber 121 to 49. companys pond. The truck turned Voting in the district was reported j valuable to the FOE auxiliary. Ti e is nothing that can be done about it. over into the pond, giving George a heavier than two years ago, when a auxiliary is trying to save 750 of Both are in their lights. There should be some sort of “splash-wall” con coo) dunking. The truck was removed similar proposal was turned down. I them for a cofee urn. Anyone wishing may The three-day measles which con- I to save them for the auxiliary _ __ structed between the vehicle part of by crane. A Sunday dinner guest at the home tinues to keep many youngsters im-i leave them at Detioit Market, Cook’s bridge and the sidewalk, to prevent of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Skidmore, I prisoned in the house is no respecter grocery, Stout’s garage, Cedar Tav. this from happening. was Robert Cone, student from the of age. Mrs. S. T. Moore, who recently |ern or to any member of the auxiliary, I In the meantime motorists could be N. W. Chiistian college of Eugene. .Mrs. returned home fiom the hospital with Mrs. Ella Johnson, returned to her a little more couiteous in diiving Mrs. Earl Layman, who underwent ; a new son, and Mrs. Frank New of home in Detroit Tuesday, after at- more to the center, when possible, or Idanha, are reported as on the rrfad tending the wedding of her only at least driving slower when passing grandson, Gale Christenson. The wed- virtual is forced to abide entirely by the to recovery from the pesky things. pedestrians. • • * set rules. An epidemic of colds and sore | ding took place Sunday afternoon at We have those in our country who ! throats is also plaguing many folks; 2 p. m. at the Lutheran church in In doing a little extra leading over this past weekend, when it was far would like to see the government take in this aiea. Kleenex and those little I Baker. The btide, Karen Metcalf is too cold to do anything else, over more of our business enterprises. ' white squares known as hankies are | the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eston we came across an article about the Personally we can’t agree with this much in evidence. There is just no two | Metcalf of Baker. The groom is tl e high prices in Warsaw, where shopp trend, as it has been proven time ways about it, either, you’re so stoved ■ son of Mrs. Lola Christenson of M.- ing is done under the communist sys and time again that politicians using up you can’t breathe, or else your nose Minnville. tem. Jack Crabtree, of Newberg, a col tax money, make exceptionally poor is running all over the place and that I In Warsaw, as everywhere behind businessmen. lege friend, was best man. Mr. and includes yours truly. While our government may lack in | the Iron Curtain, the stoies aie run by Visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gale Christenson are employed the government, and are non-compet some respects, it is still far above Mis. Earl Carte in Idanha is Mr. at the Pacific Telephone and Tele itive in any true sense of the word. anvthing any of the “isms” can pro- ■ Carte’s mother, Mrs. Anna Carte, of graph Co. in Baker. Gale resided in Beef costs from $3 to $5 a pound in duce. What beats me is how any Myrtle Creek and his sister, Mrs. A. Detroit for about a year while em our money. Horse meat is $1.50 a person, who has enjoyed the freedom J. Lasqualone, of Gallup, Mexico. ployed by the Detroit Telephone C pound and coffee sells at $50. Even of this country, can turn “pink’’ and They plan to leave for their respective Quality Job Printing at though we think we’re being gouged try to undermine the very country homes Tuesday. The Mill City Enterprise with cofee at $1 per pound we’re still that has given him the right to think Mr. and Mrs. Marion Aiderman of a good deal better off under our sys and believe as he chooses. Guess it j Idanha, received a call Saturday tem of government than under gov takes all kinds of people to make up , evening that Mr. Alderman’s mother, Business and Prefessional ernment soviet st vie, where the indi- the world, and bruther, »e have them. Mrs. Meda Aiderman of Beaverton, The Avenue DIRECTORY JOHN W. REID, M. I). Physician and Surgeon MILL CITY, OREGON WOOD S STORE with FORD TRUCKS General Dry Goods NOTIONS LINGERIE READY-TO-WEAR HOSIERY LI ZIERS COSMETICS PLUMBING—WIRING Water Pumi) Service 24 HOUR SERVICE BROWNIE VALDEZ Phone 2-3786 Salem. Oregon X Save gas witn new, I)R. VIC TOR J. MYERS Chiropractic Physician high-powered engines! Only F ord gives you L ow -F riction , high-compression, overhead-valve, deep-block engines in ALL truck models! These low displacement Ford Truck engines normally use less gas! Ford’s Power Pilot boosts gas economy, too! New short-stroke design cuts power-wasting friction as much as 33' ¿, delivers up to 23% more usable power! Now five great engines —115 to 170 h.p.! V-8 and Six! Save work with new cabs and controls! Ford’s comfortable new 3-man Drivertzed Cabs cut fatigue, conserve energy, with the easiest working facilities in trucking! New Master-Guide Power Steering for most Ford B ig J obs , new Power Brakes for all 1 ..-tonners, and Fordomatic Drive for all light-duty series—at low extra cost—help drivers get work done easier and faster. Post Office Building. 2nd Floor Phone: Stavton 2274 STAYTON. OREGON J. W. GOIN VETERINARIAN i STAYTON Phone 4143 Opposite Claude Lewi»’ Service Station MIKE'S Septic Service Septic Tanks and Sewers Cleane-1 Phone Salem 3-9486, COLLECT 1079 Elm St. W. Salem Weddle Funeral Home Modern Funeral Service STAYTON OREGON A Save trips with peak payload capacities! Only the F ord truck line gives you such low curb weights for peak payload capacity! New Ford-built tandem rear axle with (?CW to 60.CHX) lbs.! New Cab Forward B ig J obs . up to 55.000 lbs. GCW, for 35-ft. trailers. Over 220 Ford Truck models—one right truck for your job! " r- HEFFNER’S PLUMBING < all Stavton 2644 PLUMBING 388 Fourth Street STAYTON, OREGON Viv's Sleak House Phone 5807 Mill City Open 6 a. m. to 11 p. m. WhXdr,veo down payment"“» Closed Mondays HOW fOr „ new FORD New Ford fadory buill 6 whwlort in< n’M* oipacitv much aa 9Â over 4 wheel truck* I’p to 40.000 H> GVW. .... --- °* rou* *owrr; HERROLD ■ PHILIPPI MOTOR CO. STAYTON. OREGON Chevrolet Sales and Service MILL CITY. OREGON Oc Sate FOR YOUR ÎELEVISION OR RADIO ¿W 3207 Stiffler’s Radio & Applinace Co. Mlil City. Oregon