Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1954)
THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE DETROIT UP...CLEAN UP... By Boot» Champion Real A Birthday Cake for American Organization The American Legion will celebrate the 35th anniversary of its birth March 15 to 17. 1954. Bom in Paris. France, in 1919. The American Legion is the world's greatest veterans or ganization with close to 3.000.000 members and 17,450 Posts throughout the globe. The American Legion has earned the right to celebrate its birthday. It is a right that has been won by veterans of three wars united together to continue to serve God and Country. We know the Legion locally for its good works and community service. Nationally it stands foursquare for positive Americanism—greater National Security—rehabilitation of veterans, and a square deal for every child. Veterans of World War I. World War II. and the Korean War are invited to join Post 1 59 ut Mill City, Oregon to take an active part in this great organization to help preserve our American Way of Life. This Advertisement Sporsored By V ETERANS ANI) MEMBERS OF THE MIL! CITY AMERICAN LEGION OWNING THEIR OWN BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS MUIR’S BAKERY McCULLOCH CHAIN SAWS John Muir Dick Becker, Mill City Gates SELF SERVICE LAUNDRY STEWART’S GROCERY Willard S. Hudson Dub and Charlie Stewart ( HILI BOWL, Gates JENKINS HARDWARE * Percy Mulligan Don Jenkins GATES VARIETY AL HARDWARE MILL CITY PHARMACY Bud Struckmier J. C. (Doc) Kimmel ('.ATES GENERAL STORE HILLTOP MARKET Floyd Völkel A. W. Toman CHUCK’S FINE FOODS BASSETT & STOVER Chevron Station Oliver Willis Bill Stover WALT’S GARAGE JERRY’S TAVERN. Gates Walt Westgaard Red Rynearson KELLUM’S GROCERY STA N LE Y (1! AN (E. U N ION OIL Gates Ed Kellom We Give S & H Green Stamps RED AL WHITE STORE MILL ( ITY MEAT MARKET I AH* S. Ross Jack and Fay Colburn A miscellaneous nuptial shower was held at the home of Mrs. Dean Ruzie in Idanha Friday afternoon, honoring Mrs. Earl Lady. Assisting host was ( Mrs. Thelma Storey. Attending were. Mrs. Dorothy Johnson, Mrs. Ooroville Lady, Mrs. Mulkey, Mrs. Stella Davis i Mrs. Pat Pateison, Mrs. Elmer Lady, | and the honor guest. Mis. Earl Lady. In the evening Mrs. Jack Gulliford of Idanha entertained at her home . with a nuptial kitchen shower honor ing Mrs. Lady. Attending besides the honored guest were Mrs. Elma Lady, Mis. Thelrra Storey, Mrs. Eddie Delk- er, Mrs. John Rone. Mrs. Goldie Stor ey, Mrs. Elaine Stadola, Mrs. Fred Storey, Mrs. Reba Snyder, and the hostess Mis. Jack Gulliford. The, Lady's were united in marriage Octob er 31 in San Diego, California. Mrs : Lady is making her home in Idanha at the home of her husband's parents, I Mr and Mrs. Oroville Lady while her husband is stationed at a navy base > in California. He expects to be dis- charged in June. The young couple i plan on making their home in Idanha, j Refreshments were served at both, affairs. The regular meeting of the Willing Woikers club was held at the home of Mrs. Eddie Delker in Idanha, March 17. The club is making bed bags for the veterans hospital in Roseburg. Re freshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Mooie of Detroit are receiving felicitations on the birth of a son, Daniel Reed, 7 pounds 10 ounces, born Saturday night, March 13 at a Salem hospital. John Davis, accompanied by Mary Gordon arrived at their respective homes in Idanha Tuesday on their annual spring vacation. Both are stu dents at the Oregon College of Edu-1 cation at Monmouth. On Wednesday. ’ John, accompanied by his mother.; Mrs. Len Davis, and Miss Marie Lou Fisher of Bend, motored to Portland to visit friends. They wi|| return the i last of the week. Annual spring vacation for the De- ' troit school begins March 18 with school resuming Monday. The teenagers dance held Fi idav night, March 12th at Detroit school auditorium was well attended, It was noted that Gates was well repre- sented. The dance was open to all teenagers. St. Patrick motif set the stage for decorations and entertain- ' ment as they danced to music furnish- | ed by Harry Wesley’s orchestra of i Salem. Refreshments were served. Miss Kazuko Inuzuka. a former teacher at the Detroit school, visited at the school Thursday afternoon. Miss Inuzuka, a home economics, science and health teacher, was em ployed at the Detroit school for three years. She is now teaching at the i Naptha consolidated high school, near I Astoria. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Layman, aceom- panied by Mrs. Ann Fagan went to Salem on Tuesday where both re- reived dental attention. Tuesday even ing Mrs. Layman entered the Salem Memorial hospital wheer she under went major surgery Wednesday morn ing. We wish you a speedy recovery, Audrey. While in Salem Mrs. Fagan will be a guest of Mrs. Ann Anderson. An error was made in the reporting of the supervision of the play “Mr. Bean goes to Lima”. The play is pro gressing under various committees and directors, as reported by Evylne Gearhart, english teacher and one of the directors. Miss Joyce Watkins is business manager of the play, and not supei visor as previously reported. Sorry. Dinner guests at the home of Miss Fay Cooper on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Waite and children, I Michael and Russell of Salem, and Christina Nyberg of Idanha. Other I visitors were Mr. and Mrs.» Frank Opetiz of Salem. To all members of the FOE Auxil iary. Aerie 2745 the next lousiness I meeting will be held Wednesday even ing at 7 p.m. March 24 at the FOE hall. Plans and ariangemcnts will be discussed for the annual Easter Egg Hunt for the children o this area. Your piesence will be appreciated. The Wilson Logging company, in I the Straight Creek area, approximate! ly five miles above Marion Forks, re- I slimed logging operations Monday, af ter being closed Jown since last fall due to snow. Old man winter managed to get in some low punches Tuesday night of last week, dumping about five inches of new snow in Detroit proper. Log ging operations were disrupted for the remainder of the week and Hallett and Continental wire stringing crews were unable to work Wednes day, however they resumed operations Thursday. Logging resumed Monday. Them thar hills surrounding Detroit are still plenty white. Roger Cone, student fnom the N. W. Christian college of Eugene, in a re turn engagement will deliver the Sun day sermon at the Detroit church of Christ. At the regular meeting of the Brownies, who meet every Thursday afternoon at the home of their leader Mrs. Gerald Pittum in Idanha, nine out of the ten members were present, j Routine project work was in order, members At Thursday’s meeting made coa«ters. Pete and Janet Walt of Oak Ridge. I were visitors at the John Bryant 1 home late Monday afternoon. During Our Exciting BOYSEN G&Qöity'v. Carnival ! faint up . . . clean up . . . heautify your home inside and out nou', during our Boysen Colorizer Carnival Choose from 1.322 lively Colorizer colors . .. from delicate pastels to deep tones. March 24 through April 3. LOOK AT THÍSÍ SPeCIAl CARNIVAL Vficues! 100% Pure House Paint, per gallon Shake and Rustic Paint, per gallon Plasolux Enamel, per quart Dreem Flat, per quart Dreem Semi-Gloss, per quart Dreem Flat, per quart free .. « Special Booklet "Gay Color Scheme» for Week-end Decorators.'' 28 actual paint chips . . . tips on easier painting . . interior color combinations. HURRY! Supplie» are limited! KELLY LUMBER SALES Authorized Shopsmith Dealer Open Saturdays East City Limits, Hiway 222, Phone 6803, Mill Cty WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS at The Mill City Enterprise Y Revere Racks for brighter kitchens Revere Rack, »how off yow Revere Ware in ALL <*» 3lowm3 beauty You'll never 3rope ,«» dad< cupboards a9am with Revere Ware at reach Made of polished stainless steel, Revere Racki attach quickly and easily to plaster, wood or wallboard Another member of ihe Revere Ware family—the World's Finest Utensils “»»ere Rack« are available in three convenient »ires Come in and select Ine one that be,' Sils yovr needs Hilltop General Store Enterprise Class Ads Pay Phone 2724 Try One Today! à Mill City, Oregon