Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1954)
% i at her home Saturday afternoon, Jo Rambo, Karen Means, Sarah and ! March 13, to members of the Gates 5u-an Kelly, Johnny Kelly, Teiry Too Late To Classify Meander Inn Girls Team Birthday club. The hostess served lansen, Patrick Kelly, and Stephen ■ luncheon at 1 o’clock. Following the and Allen Todd. 1" OR SALE—Grass and grain hay Takes Gaine from Davies Mrs. Don Nelson (Vera Hathaway) i luncheon hour euchre was at nlay at The Woman's shuffleboard team ot 40c and 70c per bale. Baled with Mrs. Albert Millsap High sco! e Was held and Shelley are visiting at the Lester ' several tables, Our Picture Contest salt. Etzel Brothers, Rt. 1, Box 234, Davies Tavern, Stayton, played a A number of streets north of the bv Mrs. A. T. Barnhardt. second by Hathaway home. The Nelsons live in Stayton. Phone 14F71 or 16F84. 12 I close game with the Meander Inn 1 highway were graded and _ graveled ________ _______ r_______ Closes March 31 Mrs. Mary Champ of Salem. Mrs. Ed- Klamath, California. i team here Tuesday evening. A large Visiting at the home of Mrs. J. F. "WORK WANTED—Painting, interior | crowd was present to see this close this week, al?o Oak street and the niund Davis received consolation prize or exterior, also concrete work, |1.75 game, which Meander won by one ' county road south of the highway. and visitors prize was presented Mis. Potter this week has been Mrs. Norris 1 The county road, leading fiom the i Velma Carey. Others present were Millard of Baker, an old-time school per hour or bv contract. All work point, the score being 147 to 148. business center to the Santiam bridge M rs. Frankie Johnson, Mrs. Elmer chum of Mrs. Potter s when they guaranteed. K. W. Kunt. Phone The Cedars Tavern woman’s team will be oiled. A gravel walk was grad | Stewart, Mis. Robett Levon, Mrs. lived at Stayton years ago. Mrs. Mil 2808, Mill City. 12p i from Detroit will play a return game ed from the post office west to Jerry’s Gwen Schaer, Mrs. Gerald Heath, Mrs. lard is a retired school teacher. Also .FOR SALE—Simmons Hide-A-Bed. i at Meander Inn sometime in the Tavern. ' Floyd Barrett. Mrs. Arnold Syverson, enjoying the reunion have been Mr. ♦ Just like new. Cost.$.HMI Sell for , near future. Mayor and Mrs. W. R. Hutcheson i Mrs. Oscar Osteihout, Mrs. Mabie and Mrs. Alva Smith of Estacada, less and on terms too.—Call at The -pent the weekend in Central Oiegon. ¡Knutson and a guest, Mr.-. \ elma who also attended school in Stayton Enterpiise office or phone 905. tf at that time. Returning to Mill City following a Central Oregon was their home for a Carey. Mrs. Jesse Haywood entertained three weeks’ visit in San Francisco number of years. were Mrs. Ernest Graham and Mis. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hughs, of members of the Lucky 12 Pinochle Louis Slaton. Mrs. Graham was the Portland have purchased the McCarty club at luncheon Thursday afternoon GATES JUNIOR SENIOR PLAY guest of her daughter, Miss Erma property in Linn County, about a mile at her home. Pinochle was played fol TO BE GIVEN HERE M \RCH 25 The Gates Junior-Senior class play, UKVUkl 22 Graham, and Mrs. Slaton spent the east of Gates. They plan to use the lowing the luncheon hour. Mrs. Iiene The Pennington Case, will be given at Podiabsky held high score at the husband while he was time with her place for a summer home before mov the Mill City Theatre, March 25 at 8 in port. ing here in a couple of years. They elose of the afternoon’s play, Mrs. p. m. —Hours— | THURSDAY, FRIDAY Haywood took pinochle prize and Mrs. i are planting an orchard and improv The play is being directed by Mr. Weekdays 11 to 7:30 ing the grounds. Mrs. Hughes is a niece Ruth Keer was low. Others present Reynolds, who directed last year’s and SATURDAY were Mis. George Clise, Mrs. Bea ' Sundays 11 to 8:30 of Mrs. C. D. Johnson. JERRY’S CORNER . Graunke, Mrs. Anna Lee, Mrs. Eva production, which w*as acclaimed a Sunday guests at the home of Mrs. great success. March 18. 1» 20 Agee, Mrs. Edna Jenkins, Mrs. Frank C. D. Johnson were Mr. and Mrs. Blazek, Mrs. Dorothy Johnston, Mrs. Sherman Johnson, of Lebanon. Elma Stewart and a guest, Mrs. JOHN WAYNE in Mr. and Mis. Burrel Cole are in Girl: “Where is your old- I Klamath, California, visiting at the Kenneth Martig. The Junior-Senior classes of the | I home of their son and family, Mr. and Gates high school will present a com fashioned chilvary? MOG AM BO ( Mrs. Darrel Cole and three children. edy mystery play, “The Pennington j Mrs. Cecil Haun, who was called Boy: “I traded it in at Case,” at the Mill City theatre, Thurs- , Nebraska by the illness of her day evening, March 25. The students i Gene Teagues used car | to father, returned to Gates Wednes have been working hard under the di HILLTOP KIDS MATINEE lot for this later day evening of this week. Mrs. Haun rection of Dale Reynolds and those at-! 2:00 P. M. SATURDAY also visited in Highwood, Illinois with I tending can be assured of an evening model car.” I her daughter, Mrs. Wilmer Crites, be of good entei tainment. — SPECIALIZING IN DINNERS — fore returning home. Pvt. Crites was Mrs. W. F. Struckmeier left Tues at Camp Hale, Colorado at the time Jerry SUNDAY, MONDAY day of last week for Victoria, B. C., l of Mrs. Haun’s visit. CLOSED MONDAY AND TUESDAY she received news of the critical Gene Teague Chevrolet | Mrs. Martha Bowes was taken to when illness of her mother, who is hospital- March 21 22 , the Salem Memorial hospital Monday I ¡xed ¡n that cjty —Serving Your Favorite Cocktails— Stayton, Oregon I of last week, where she submitted to minor surgery. It was hoped she LEGION AUXILIARY HOLDS would not be hospitalized longer than REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING ' MARILYN MONROE in ' a week. I The Mill City Legion auxiliary held Saturday visitor at the home of Mr. ' their regular monthly meeting with GENTLEMEN and Mrs. Glen Henness was Mrs. ( President Joan Cauble presiding. It Major Baughn, from Ephrata, Wash-1 was planned to send an Easter box to ♦J ♦I PREFER BLONDES ; ington. Mr. anil Mrs. Baughn were a local veteran, who is in the Vets «>1 ♦J former residents of Detroit. ’ hospital in Roseburg. Gifts should be Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Völkel ac- i turned in to Joan Cauble or Marie companied by Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stewart a week before Easter. TUESDAY Parker, attended the NCAA basket- An afghan is being knitted for an 1 ball playoff in Corvallis Saturday ophanage in Korea, with 85 squares A FRIENDLY STORE WEDNESDAY night. for the afghan turned in at the meet THAT GIVES— An interesting event at the Gates ing. Margie Ragsdale turned in 42. March 23-24 grade school was held Wednesday af- . squares for the record. It will take 144 S 4 H GREEN STAMPS GLENN FORI) ternoon, March 10, when the sixth , squaies to complete the project, and and seventh grade basketball teams anyone having old yarn to donate is ANN SHERIDAN in played each other, The sixth grade asked to phone 1484. Members not Weekend Specials are boys won 14 to 7. APPOINTMENT knitting on the afghan, were given O. K. Ross Klutke, son of Mr. and Mrs. ditty bags to make, and flower mater IN HONDURAS HUGH and ALICE WALKUP, Props. But when you trade Elmer Klutke had the misfortune to ial for flowers used by wheel chair In Color MILL CITY, ORE. break his ankle Friday evening after patients in the annual wheel chair with us, he had reached home from school. I parade put on at the hospital. o ................................................................................................................................................................. NEWS You save every day— Ross and his brother were running It was voted to include Gates high when Ross stepped on a stick which school in selecting the girl to attend flew up and struck him on the ankle. Guls' state, held in Salem this year ON THE HIGHWAY ..... taken ........ to .. Dr. ........ Ried ............. in Mill City — y anQ He was and the schools of Mill Vll City and Phone 32M Doors Open at 7 <»H P. M. who reduced the fracture. Ross will • Gates will be asked to join the poppy Complete show can be seen an, be in a cast in bed with the foot ele- poster contest in April. Prizes will be MILL CITY given. time up to 8:30 vated for several days at least. Mrs. Walter Brisbin was hostess, A contest will be held between the Legion and Auxiliary to see which group can sell the most tickets for Legion dance, with the ■ the — coming ~...... nance, oser.\ putting on a dinner. 10—THE MILL < ITY ENTERPRISE THl RSD1Y, M 1RCH IS. 1954 I----------------------------- ------------------------- Remember! GATES il 11 llUflU1 JU « * ♦ ♦ » • : :• : WHITIE’S SANTIAM CAFE $ « School Supplies Toys-Hobbies Shop our bargain table Crossler s Grocery 10c to 89c Everything for the Baby MILL CITY VARIETY It Pays To Shop At The Red and White Store ■ SAVE¡ The Avenue By Don Moffatt By Shopping Regularly at Stewart's 89c Spry Shortening Hunt’s Corn lr»1' 2 29c Holliday Margarine 4 ,bs 89c 25c 3 Tuna Fish 19c 3 f°r 55c Sweet Peas Bonfire Brand Light meat Libby’s 303 size Boned Chicken Spaghetti Swanson’s 5 oz tin Franco-American N«. 1 tin Cheddar Cheese Specials for Friday and Saturday 3 for $1.00 2 for 27c lb 69c MARCH 19 and 20 STORE HOURS—7:00 to 7:00 Except Sundays and Holidays STEWART S GROCERY Daily Delivery in the City Phone 1107 X Order Deadline 3:00 I*. M Mill City, Oregon This week The Enterprise goes to every home in the Canyon area, from Mehama to Idanha. Hope you people who ar* not regular subscribers to 1 this newspaper, will see fit to send in 32.50, which will pay your subscrip- I tion for a whole year. The rea .“on for this special coverage is because of the vital issue of school I consolidation. Three men. one from each of the three districts involved, have compiled the data which is on page one of this »sue. This data, founded entirely on facts dug out of school recoids. should be of inteiestl to every taxpayer of the districts. It , gives figures that prove conclusively ■ that a larger school unit can educate children for less money per student, | and at the same time give them a bet ter educational background. It is sincerely hoped that everyone will read these facts and figures and give them consideration. These men, I who compiled the data were selected I at a meeting of the three school | boards held in January. I • • ’ Our regular customers know that our prices are as low as any store in the North Santiam Canyon. They also know that by asking for and saving "Penny Saver Stamps” they can save an additional 2' < on all purchases. The Penny Saver Plan is so simple—Just save the stamps until your book is full then spend it the same as cash. A full book of "Penny Savers Stamps" is worth $3.00. Come in soon and start your “Penny Saver Book.” • Surely looks good to see the logging I trucks cruising down the highway [ again after the winter layoff on ac-1 count of snow. Sunday callers at the P. F. W illough bys were Mr. and Mrs. M W. Leo of McM innville Mr. and Mrs. Don Moffatt mo,cd to their new place of residence in River view Addition, this past weekend. They purchased the R. Wells home. The Wette* have moved into the Po- drahsky rfuplcx on Douglas street. There will be no school here Thurs day and Friday of this week due to spring vacation. Some of the teachers will attend the meeting of the Oregon Education association in Portland. Mr. and Mrs Bob Hill left Sunday for a week’s visit in Los Angeles, with relatives. While they are away, Mr. and Mrs R. C Haseman of Idan ha are staying at the Hill home with their two sons. Bobby and Stewart. The fifth birthday anniversary of Allen Todd was celebrated w th a party at his home Saturda, afternoon The young gue«ts enjoyed games, fa vors, and refreshments, after which they were taken to the afternoon mat inee Attending the rarty were Laura BETTER GET START THEM SAVING FROM US WE ARE ALWAYS OPEN ON SUNDAY From 9:00 A. M. until 5:0# P. M. Your dollars buy more when you *hop at Red & White Store Phone 2671 Mill City. Oregon • I i ! t