■ Automobiles estimate 789,000 feet, minimum bid is to extend the full length of rights- said bid will be given. being acceptable is at »17.80 per M. of-way through all above mentioned Any further questions, if any, mays CLASSIFIES RATES FOR SALE—1952 Ford *t ton pickup. for a minimum total of »14,044.20. tracts. An unsu:faced road shall be be directed to Bell & Devers Attorn­ FOR RENT — Furnished two and Ten cents per line each insertion. Low mileage, good tires. Heater and No. 2 Tract: Timber in South *-» of located within this 60 foot strip. eys at Law, Stayton, Oregon. three room apartments. Phone 1707. No advertisement accepted for* less backup lights. Has masonite canopy. Section 9, Township 9, South Range Stumps in 60 foot strip need not be D. B. Hill, Mill Citv. tf than 50 cents per week. Will sell for »1195. Call after 5:30. 3 East of Willamette Meridian, Mar­ removed except those necessary to Count five words to the line in FOR RENT—Punished one-bedroom phone 3524. Jack Scott. Mill City, lip ion County, Oregon, containing by build road. The road shall be as least ordering your ad. Phone 2651, Mill apartments. Stewart s Apartments. FOR SALE—1950 4-door Pontiac se­ estimate 1,375,000 Feet, and 14,000 8 feet wide and graded sufficiently to City or mail your advertisement to Phone 4407, Mill City. 8tf dan. Hydramatic. Good white side­ feet of salvage, minimum bid being enable wheeled construction vehicles The Mill City Enterprise, Mill City, wall tiies, low mileage. One owner. acceptable is at »17.80 per M. for an to negotiate road in dry weather. In Oregon. FOR RENT—Two bedroom house on $1400. Can arrange terms if desired. acceptable minimum total of »24,- such areas where topogiaphy dic­ Church bazaars, suppers, bake sales, Kingwood road. Has electric stove, 853.80. tates to secure negotiable grade Phone 2407 Mill City. 10p ete. will be run under “Special An­ water heater and oil heater. »30.00 No. 3 Tract: Timber in Southeast switch backs or other necessary nouncements” classification with a per month. Hilltop Market, Mill FOR SALE—1953 CMC ’pickup. 4 Quatter of Section 7, and 8, Township alignment to the road may be located minimum charge of 50 cents per in­ City. 9tf speed transmission, deluxe cab. Ra- I 9. South Range 3 East of Willamette outside the afore mentioned 60 sertion. dio and heater. Elmer Klutke. Phone Meridian and timber in Southeast foot strip. Any natural waterways FOR RENT—Furnished 2 bedroom lip [quarter of Section 11, Township 9 crossed by this road shall have cul- ' 4523, Mill City. Real Estate duplex. Electric range, water heat­ >- ■ South Range 2 East of Willamette verts capable of handling all seasonal er, refrigerator, automatic washer. FOR SALE OR TRADE—Mill City, In Mill City. Contact by mail: H. C. Meridian, all in Marion County, Ore- drainage. 12 inch culverts being mini- 1 Iægal Notices ___ gon, containing by estimate 382,000 mum. Logger may terminate road on Hotel, easy terms. See L. A. Rada,, Baltimore, Star Route. Redmond. 9tf Mill City Oregon. 8tf NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT feet, acceptable minimum bid at $17.80 each side of any larger waterway if he per M. for $6,799.60. so elects. In doing so, additional access [ No. 15,486 HOUSES FOR SALE — See Don ! It is understood there are no roads must be constructed, as all pot-1 I I have filed my Final Account in Business Services Walker, Swift Addition, Mill City. We don’t perform Miracles, but wea the estate of Jan.es B. Love, deceased, guaranteed amounts of footage and tions of the aforementioned road must 5tfc SEE US when in need of T. V. An- | with the County Clerk of Marion that the successful bidders accept all be accessible from the county road. | Do Give the Best Service in Town conditions of State and Federal law All snags and all trees over 151 FOR SALE—100x250 foot lot in Riv-1 tennas and supplies. We handle a County, Oregon and the court has set including al! Forestry regulations as feet in height within the cutting line complete line of Philco television | the 20th day of March 1954, at 10 erview addition to Mill City. In-I pertains to Bureau of Land Manage- marked by Bureau shall be felled. quire at Mom and Pop s Cafe, Mill ! sets. See us first. Stiffler Radio o’clock A. M. and the circuit court ment. SERVICE STATION & Any party desiring to bid and not and Appliance Co. Phone 3207 Mill loom as the time and place for hear ­ City. 6tfI On Tiact No. 1. At the time of ac- wishing to be present may have a City. ltf ing objections thereto and the settle­ TRAILER COURT ceptance of bid $500.00 shall be de- sealed bid in prior to oral auction and ment of sa.d estate. REAL ESTATE Phone 903 — MILL CITY TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING Ma- posited for a guarantee in addition IONE LOVE THIELKE, YOU’D LIKE A PLACE IN THE chines. We sell, rent, repair ani1 1 to the above sum and shall be held GATES Executrix of the Estate of COUNTRY? HERE WE ARE! swan all makes, Trade vour nid I until completion of contract with the James B. Love, deceased. FIVE ACRES 2 bedroom modern machine towards a new one TIRES and BATTERIES sum to be forfeited if successful bid­ ROEN. 458 Cour* St. Salem. I BELL . & DEVERS, home near M & M plant. »6,500, der selected shall fail to pay balance Stayton, Oregon. V4 down, balance G I terms. AUTO SUPPLIES F18-25-M4-11-18 of bid after being notified within two Attys for Exec. ONE ACRE, 2 bedroom home also FLORIST and NURSERY days and or shall fail to complete job Miscellaneous near M & M. $500 down, easy pay­ as per this bid including right of way Ask for SPECIAL SCHOOL MEETING ments. 319 West Washington Street. —Oregon license plate No. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in clearance as hereinafter set forth. TEN ACRES. Beauty. 2 bedroom, LOST On Tract No. 2. At the time of ac­ 807-654 in vicinity of Mill City. compliance with Section 111-831, O. OPEN SUNDAYS AND Creek may irrigate. On highway. Finder please call L. E. Mullen, 328 i C. L. A., to the legal voters of School ceptance of bid $1,000.00 shall be de­ Half cash. EVENINGS Mill City. lOp District No. 129J, of Linn-Marion posited for a guarantee in addition to ALSO OTHERS. Good buys in houses the above sum and shall be held until Telephone 6684 in any size or price in Mill City or SEE ME for AVON products. Mrs. I Counties, State of Oregon, that a completion of contract with the sum STAYTON OREGON SPECIAL SCHOOL MEETING of other Canyon towns. Come and see W. S. Hunter, Phone 3577, Mill said District will be held at the School­ to be forfeited if successful bidder G/VE OUfí Kl DS à us. City. 9tf house, on the 29th day of March, 1954, selected shall fail to pay balance of C. E. Coville, Broker FOR SALE—800-15 Fiiestone tire and at 2 until 9 o’clock in the afternoon, bid after being notified within two Glen Shelton, Salesman Tube mounted on Buick wheel. Sell for the following objects: to vote on days and or shall fail to complete job West side Mil) City Ph. 2207 all for $12.00—Richfield Service the question of consolidating school as per this bid including right of way Station, Mehama, Oregon. 9 districts No. 21J, 123J, and 129J clearance as hereinafter set forth. FOR SALE — Small, three-room ------------------------------------------------— I respectively, Linn and Marion Coun- On Tract No. 3. At the time of ac Bouse and lot in Shaw’s addition to WANTED—One deer rifle, tw’o uir! ties, Oiegon. The assets and liablii- ceptance of bid $200.00 shall be de-1 Mill City. Will sell cheap. Inquire mattresses, two sleeping bags,port- ties of each district are to become the posited for a guarantee in addition to at Mom and Pop’s Cafe, Mill City. able typewriter. Apple Cider assets and liabilities of the consoli- the above sum and shall be held until I 7tf completion of contract w*ith the sum I Press. Don Matthews, 822 So. Chi- dated district. BASSETT S WELDING SHOP to be forfeited if successful bidder cago St., Albany, Oregon 9p | Dated this 29th day of February, FOR SALE—AU modern 3 bedroom selected shall fail to pay balance of bid home on three lots. Located in FOR SALE—Male Cockers, eligible 1954. Phone 1141 Phone 116 affer being notified w’ithin two days W. E. DOWNING, Mill City. Reasonable down pay­ A. K. C. Can be seen at the log and or shall fail to complete job as per Sweet Home. Philomath Branch Store at Lyons County Commissioner ment. Phone 1406 or 2651. 8 house behind Silver Saddle in River­ this bid including right of way clear­ FLOYD D. JENKS, view addition. Mill City. 9p County Commissioner ance as hereinafter set forth. For Rent All logging shall be in a manner Attest: according to the best logging prac­ E. G. ARNOLD, County Judge. WANTED TIMBER HOUSE FOR RENT — Richfield W. H. DOLMYER, Co. Superintendent tices obtaining under similar condi­ Farms with Timber—Sawmills Service Station, at Gates. 10p tions in the State of Oregon. Publish March 4-11-18-25. L. E. KLUMPP FOR RENT—Two 2-bedroom apart­ The boundaiies of the clearing lines 3055 Portland Rd. Salem, Ore. 12 i NOTICE of special SCHOOL ments, 1 furnished, 1 unfurnished.— through Bureau timber are marked election Chuck’s Fine Foods, east of Gates. YOU CAN still cook for $1.50 per with cutting line Bureau tags stapled Has Eeverything for Your ) 6tf month on a modern automatic pro­ State of Oregon to trees. These are adequately spaced [County of Linn )ss pane range; clean, fast, dependable. to indicate exact boundary line. The F'OR RENT—Remodelled and redecor­ ) Call Sam Bridges, Lyons, 295; (also I j School District No. 129-J outside this line and the trees ated 2 bedroom home on N. W. | heating, water heaters, refiigerat-' NOTICE IS GIVEN HEREBY trees with the tags are not to be felled.' Alder street. Otto Witt. Mill City. 11 i lhat, at a special school district elec- tion, brooders and Norge a; ppli- Furniture and Bookkeeping Supplies ,'(,f tion hereby called, to be held at the Trees to be felled which are not in-' ances. FOR RENT—1 bedroom house in schoolhouse in Mill City, in and for dicated by a marked boundary line 141 N. Commercial Street Phone 3-4534 Shepherd’s addition. Furnished or FOR SALE—Boys’ tan dress suit, like School District No. 129-J of Linn and are marked with the Bureau “Special Cutting ” tags. These are leaners and unfurnished. H. E. Jull. lOtf new. Size 10-12. $12.00—Phone Mill Marion Counties, Oregon, on the 15th scattered merchantable trees in th^i City 2651. tf day of March, 1954, A. D., between areas. the hours of 2:00 P. M. and 8:00 P. Home Appliances Logging operations in SEVs of Sec. W a NTEI) TO BUY Clean peeled M., Pacific Standard Time, there will Douglas fir poles, delivered to be submitted to the legal voters of 11, T. 9 S. R. 2 E. are to be completed FDR SALE CHEAP—Wing & Son I by July 1, 1954. Logging operations Lyons yard. For further informa­ said district the question of: upright concert grand piano and tion call or write Allen Gauld. 1424 in other Bureau tracts should be com- bench. Phone 1322, or call at home ’ ’ Shall the sum of $90,000.00 of ’PILIS" Filbert Ave.. Lebanon, phene 5745 | pleted by August 1, 1954. on S. E. 4th street.—John Timm.lOp the unexpended and unappropri­ Puget Timber Co. of Oregon 24tf ated moneys on hand be appro­ I All slash is to be disposed of to meet requirements of state fire con­ SPINET PIANO—Sacrifice for quick priated as a special fund to ac­ trol. Such requirements and liabilities sale. Cash or terms. Can be seen WANT TO BUY TIMBER No Operation—No Hospitalization quire sites, build, improve, and Small or large tracts as will be required are to be assumed in Mill City. Write Tallman Piano equip buildings and grounds in Either cash or stumpage basis CONVENIENT CREDIT FREE DESCRIPTIVE BOOKLET by the logger. The Benton-Lincoln Stores, 915 S. W. 9th, Portland 10 said district?” STOUT CREEK LMB. CO. The vote on said question shall be Electric, Cooperative is to have access DR. R. REYNOLDS CLINIC Card of Thanks >4 mile west of Mehama, Oregon 3tf by ballot, upon which shall be the to rights-of-way at date mentioned above. words “Appropriation .... Yes” and NATUROPATH—PROCTO’ OGIST We wish to thank our friends and Sawmill LOGS WANTED “Appropriation If weather conditions do not allow No’’; and the 1144 Center Street Salem, Oregon neighbors who gave the reception for slash disposal prior to this date, and < ---------------------------------- voter shall place a cross (X) between j Top prices for Second Growth us at the Gates high school recreation the work "Appropriation” and the the Cooperative has electric appurt­ room recently. Although sickness STOUT CREEK LMB. CO. word “Yes,” or between the word enance« installed before conditions al­ *4 west of Mehama. Oregon 51tf prevented our attendance, we wish to ‘‘Appropriation’’ and the word "No,” low slash disposal, the logger will show our appreciation for the party make provision to safeguard such ap­ indicates his choise. Shuffleboard Good Music STUD LOGS WANTED whichever and gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bowes The polls for the reception of the purtenances and assume liability for Gates. 8 foot stud logs or multiples of 8 ballots cast for or against the appro­ all destruction resulting from slash feet plus trim. Six inch 16 inch priation of said moneys will, on said disposal. Livestock The logger assume responsibility to day and date, and at the place afore- remove in aforementioned tracts all BURKLAND LUMBER CO. .VK ’ SV'ST FOR SALE—1 Guernsey and 1 Jersey Evenings 2503 M., Pacific Standard Time, and shall loose forest debris and all tree growth both fresh. 1 Guernsey fresh April , Phone Turner 1125 Turner or 2-7826 Salem. 46tf I remain open until the hour of 8:0o from a strip approximately 60 feet in 8. 6 months old calf. All good fam- ; WHERE FRIENDS MEET -------------------- ---------------------- — ; P. M., Pacific Standard Time, of the width and this strip to be located in ily cows. H. Burgess, Rt. 1, Box 238 I center of the right-of-way. This strip Lyons. On new highway. Phone I Correct your faults by observing | same day at which hour the polls I shall be closed. 1555. 10p I those found in others. On Highway 222, Linn County Side Notice of this election shall be given We Give ; by publication in The Mill City Enter- MILL CITY, OREGON I prise, a newspaper published in Mill [ City in said district and of genera] cir­ S & H Green Stamps Georve “Sparky” Ditter culation therein, for three (3) suc­ HEAVY HAULING cessive weeks, the date of the first Try Our Service Phone Stayton (Wright Truck Line) 2125 | publication shall be February 18, , 1954, and the last March 11, 1954. Common Carrier — Heavy Machinery and Equipment BRYANTS I By order of the District School I Board of School District No. 129-J of TEXACO SERVICE and Marion Counties, Oregon Ph. SALEM i Linn EXCAVATION & CONSTRUCTION made this 16th day of February, 1954, Day 3-9408 , A. D. Phone 3202 Mill City Nite 2-4400 Signed R. F. KELLY, Towels Towels Towels Contracting and Rental Chairman, District School Board, Schoo) District No. 129-J, Linn Tea Towels, each and Marion Counties, Oregon. Attest: Cannon hand towels 16x30 inches Signed EDNA F. ROSS, District Clerk. 7—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, MARCH 11. 1954 Silver Saddle Raleigh Harold Gooch Logging Supply “Everything for the Logger THE COMMERCIAL BOOK STORE OFFICE NEEDS Hemorrhoids 1 Prolapse1, / MEANDER INN Salem Sand & Gravel Co. St. Patrick Day Cards LES’S TAVERN When you come here you can be assured of good treatment in a pleasant atmosphere. Make it a habit to visit us daily. GOOD MUSIC SHUFFLEBOARD Meet your friends here for the Best In Beverages “BILL” GRAHAM, Owner NOTICE There will be sold to the highest oral bid for cash, three different tracts of timber, (bids to be separately for each tract! with said ora) bidding commencing in the office of Bell and Devers, Attorneys at I-aw. Stayton, Oregon no later than 10:00 A. M., on March 15th, 1954, at which time the bids will be opened with successful bidders being notified if possible, the same day. The right to reject any and ail bids is reserved. No. 1 Tract: Timber in West *4 of Section 31, Township 8, South Range I East of Willamette Meridian, Mar* I ion County, Oregon, containing by Bath towels, C annon Dish towels 15c 39c 59cand 98c 29c 3 for 85c VOGART IRON-ON APPLIQUES Also Complete Service on all makes Ranges and Water Heaters Phone 2961 STAYTON AUNT MARTHA’S HOT IRON TRANSFERS ONLY 1QC each MILL CITY VARIETY HUGH and ALICE W ALKUP, Props MILL CITY, ORE. »