THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE ON THE SCENIC NORTH 8ANTLAM HIGH« YY—GATEWAY TO Till: HELRT OR MATl RE’S EMPIRE VOLI'ME X NIMBER 10 MILL CITV OREGON. THl RSDAY, M LRCH 11. 1951 Í2.50 a Year, JQç a Copy Mill City Wins District Basketball Crown Mill City plays Ione, district 7-B Mill City Eliminates Colton The Mill City Timberwolves had no champs in the first of the opening trouble defeating Colton Wednesday games of the state tournament Thurs afternoon in the opening games of the day at 8:45. This State tournament 1954 district 2-B basketball tourney is a single elmination and it at Willamette University in Salem. will be at Willamette University, Although the first half was close, the Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Timberwolves ran away with it in Officials will be Don Vandervort, Jim Bartlett and Jim Bocchi. the second half. The new plywood plant near Lyons The quarter scores were: 16-13, Coach Burt Borough's Mill City is about ready to roll, according to 32-25, 49-36 and 63-41. Elton Gregory Timberwolves won a berth in the news released this week by M. Ed and Al Ward played the leading rolls Oregon state B tournament by whip Novak, superintendent of the local in Mill City’s victory with 22 and 18 ping the Coibett Cardinals in the uperation. It is expected to start about points respectively. championship game of the district 11 Colton 2-B tourney, at Willamette University next week, according to the release. Mill City «3 10 Martin Saturday night. F Gregory 22 This game was Although veneer will be the product 5 Newton easily the best Mill City has played F Ward 18 initially manufactured, plywood is ex 11 Chelson this year as their defense was mad- C Carey 9 pected to be made there eventually. 2 Hill dingly effective against the Card G Melting 9 Capacity planned for the plant is 11 Dilley inals. Corbett was checked up on G Crook 5 300,000 square feet per day with a Subs scoring: Colton: Benthin 2. all sides as Mill City grabbed the monthly payroll expected to be about Officials: Nelson and Hendrie. ball from their hands, or rebounded $135,000 a month. The other results in Wednesday's right under the 6 foot 4 inch Corbett The annual operation would process action were all decisive. Gervais de center, Jim Barney's nose. It was a about 30,000,000 feet of logs into 75,- «KL feated Perrydale 61-35. In the two thrilling game from start to finish. > » < I 000,000 feet of plywood. This means evening games, Corbett licked Yam Corbett took the opening tip and ’’'-inch boards, the standard unit of hill 58-37 and Jefferson smeared center Barney scored with a fieltT plywood measurement. Scio. 60-44. goal and a free throw. MC forward, M. C. Takes Close One front Gervais Al Ward, made a free throw and The Tiniberwolves got a scare Barney potted another field goal to Thursday night from Ordie Hoye’a put the Cards ahead 5-1. Then two Gervais Cougars but a field goal by quick field goals by MC forward, Jack Melting with two seconds left in Elton Gregory, tied it it up midway 1» the game snagged it for Mill City, 46 the first quarter. Corbett’s 6 foot 1 to 45. This was the semi-final of the forward, Lyn Crouser made two free The annual Masonic-Eastern Star throws and Gregory Sunk a long shot 2-B tournament at Willamette U. banquet for Lodge No. 180 AF&AM In the first quarter it looked bad for to tie the score 7 all at which it stood ar.d Marilyn Chapter No. 145, their Pictured above are the winners of the district Mill City as Geivais lunged ahead when the first quarter buzzer sounded. Brooks Crosier and Elton Gregory. families and friends, was a successful In the second period MC center Phil championship (rophy, and who will meet the fast i 18-9. The Cougars lost most of their Bottom row, left to right: Jack Melting; Al affair at the lodge hall Saturday even Ione team this evening in Salem. In the top row advantage in the second stanza, Carey broke the tie with two free Ward; R. Thomas, B. Sy verson and Dick Crook. ing. The dinner was prepared and left to right are Eddie Gregory; Phil Carey; though, as the Timberwolves moved throws but Crouser evened it up Not pictured but on the squad is Maurice Childs. served by Marilyn Assembly Rainbow again with a jump shot. MC guard Cut Courtesy The Statesman up to 24 to 26 behind Gervais. ________ for Girls, under supervision of their The second half of the game was Jack Melting scored with a long set Mother Advisor, Mrs. Wm. B. Shuey, I a sizzling 16 minutes of action-packed shot and later Gregory passed te and assistants. excitement. Mill City schooted ahead Carey who layed it in to give the DETROIT DAM WEATHER Master of Ceremonies was Wilson 38-36 at the third stop. In the last Timberwolves a 13-9 advantage. Cor« (Courtesy of Corps of Engineers) Stevens, past patron of Marilyn 10 seconds of the game when Mill City I bett's short, stocky guard, Vockert, Chapter, OES, who Introduced Dr. Daily 7:30 A. M. Readings led by one point Gervais’ Don Reiling , and Carey each scored gifties td Carey, member of Sunnyside Chapter ( brought the fans to their feet by change the score tu 14-10. Melting M.S.L. Pool A meeting to educate the public in Date and Research Lodge of Portland, as Max. Min. Pep. Elev. J sinking one from a corner—but Jack scored for the Timberwolves and three main speaker of the evening, his topic the danger signs of cancer was held March 3 54 30 0.00 1513.87 Melting climaxed the game by driv Corbett fiee throws, two by Berney at the Fellowship hall Tuesday even March 4 being "Masonic Responsibilities.’’ 63 30 0.00 1514.62 ing the full length of the floor and : and one by 6 foot 2 forward, Herrin, _ the I set the Cards closer, 13-16. A free 62 31 0.00 1515.07 Other distinguished visitors intro ing, arrangement having been made Match » with two ______ seconds ____ left, r _____ sinking By Mary Kelly 59 32 0.00 1515.74 duced, besides officers of the local by Mrs. W. W. Allen, local chairman March 6 With Coach Burton Borough’s Mill winning basket. Jack w'ag submerged throw by Gregory, a Corbett tip-in by ’ March 7 32 M 0.00 1516.3!» City Timberwolves entered in the ( in a maelstrom of joyous Mill City' Berney, and a long one by Melting lodge and chapter, included Cliff Car- for the cancer society. 50 41 ick, Worshipful Master of Santiam ■ Acting as chairman for the meet- March 8 1.10 1517.02 State B-league tournament which fans who escorted him in particular fashioned Mill City's half-time lead 19 ^2 41 LOO 1520.09 opens in Willamette University’s gym 1 and the rest of the team in general to 15. Lodge of Stayton; Mr. McKenzie of I ing was Mrs. Winnifrcd Pettyjohv nS March 9 Irvington in Portland and Past Grand Salem, who introduced Mis. Gladys I Thursday, March 11, speculation has I to the shower room. It was a happy | At the outset of the third canto * Patron of the Grand Chapter of Ore Turnbull, the education chairman. ( been aroused as to the date of a Mill night for Mill City as they continued tip-in by Berney, a lay-in by Crouser, gon; and Karl Wipper, Endowment j Mrs. Turnbull showed three movie City team’s last appearance in a ( their quest for district championship and a free throw by Herrin put the Fund Chairman for the Grand Chap films concerning cancer, entitled | and the coveted berth in the state j Corbett team ahead 20-19. Gregory state tournament. made a jump shot, Crouser a short “Traitor Within,” “Warning Shadow'| ter. According to the records, this high tourney. | High point honors for the game set shot, followed by another field school’s last appearance at the big Invocation was given by Rev. Noble and “Living Insurance.” tournament was in 1936, 18 years ago, went to Don Reiling, who put in 19 goal by Gregory putting Mill City a- Dr. Stanley Bungard of Stayton was Streeter after which the following Elton Gregory led the bead 23-22. A free throw by Carey, when Coach Frank Smith’s contingent for ■ the losers. entertainment was presented: violin present and took over the question ■ ■ • — * i w a .. L, ^x ♦ ., Lx.. ♦ ■ L— — 4 Lx — ■ 1R7 —— .J . — .J i — — lost its first game to Myrtle Creek by timberwolves with 15 points and Jack | short shet shorts by Ward and Greg- solo by Mrs. Ruth Osborn, acompanied and answer section of the meeting, a A meeting will be held at the I ory, and a lay-in by Gregory, gave fire a score of 23 to 28. On the squad Melting accounted for 14. at the piano by Mrs. Don Miley; steel number of pertinent questions about 45 Gervais the Timberwolves a 30-22 lead. Croue- guitar number by Doug Hirte; and cancer being answered for the audi hall in Mill City next Tuesday even were John Seim Dwight Catherwood, Mill City 46 ing at 8 o'clock and all interested in Joseph Wachter, Hollis Wood, Jack Gregory 15 F 6 N. Keppinger ed made a free throw for Corbett, ence. vocal solo by Rev. Streeter. F 19 Reiling ¡Carey laid one up for Mill City and An apron sale was conducted by the Mark Hatfield, cancer Crusade softball are asked to be present, said Flook, John B. Heion, Ralph Harris, J Ward 9 3 Schlecter 1 Crouser made another free throw to C and Leslie Brown. Seim, who now j Carey 7 Rainbow Girls in conjunction with the Chairman, also spoke for the cause Wm. Hutcheson of Gates. 8 Thompson , bring the score to 32-24. Melting G As the annual state softball meet coaches the B-string at Cascade High, | Melting 14 banquet. handing out a number of pamphlets 3 Espe sunk a jump shot from the key, G about prevention and cure. Mr. Hat ing has been called for noon, March was chosen all-state forward on the Crook 1 Subs scoring: Gervais: R. Kepping- Crouser gave the Cardinals two pointe field is dean of men at Willamette 21 aU Multnomah hotel in Portland by B-league all-state five. from the key, and Corbett guard. State Softball Director Ken Kerr, In the consolation bracket, Mill City er 6. University. Hunter, put in a free throw to form ( “Hutch ’ asks that a good turnout be went on to beat Umapine 33 to 22, i Officials: Nelson and DeLorreto. i present at the local meeting to lay then lost a close one to Benson Tech | In the other semi-final Corbett’s : the 34-27 third quarter score. In the re Jefferson 61-36. plays for the coming year. of Portland 25 to 27, Benson becom- Cardinals ------------ , plowed -------- ------------ j crucial j « u stanza Herrin _ (Stubby Mills To Play for Gregory ing champs of the consolation bracket, Corbett's Jerry Herrin 6 foot 2 inch bounded and laid one up. (>ir(v<; ' At the state meeting in Portland of Mill City PTA Dance ficers’ reports and election of officers or fifth place winners. Final champ- forward scored 30 points, 24 of which retaliated with a key-hole jump shot, A special treat for the people of will be held. ions were Corvallis, Franklin of Port- were in the second half as his team I_______ < ontinued on Page 8 Al VanDahl, publisher of the world’s Mill City will be the appearance of land, Bellfountain (B-league win-, walked away from Jefferson largest twice-weekly newspaper for . Stubby Mills at the local high school ners ) and Astoria, in that order. At. halftime lead of 20 to HL -tamp collectors who passed away in J gymnasium Saturday evening. Match that time, the B-league champion ad- | The highest scorer of the tourney an Albany hosnital last week at the 13, 1954. vanced into the A-league tournament. | was Jefferson center John Wright, This St. Patrick's Day dance, spon- age of 70, was former publisher of the Mill City had also won a place in who scored a total of 61 points in the Mill City Logue. VanDahl started , sored by the Mill City Parent-Teacher the state tournament in 1935 when three games. Mill City’s Elton Greg writing a stamp column developing Association, will be the first which the Sven (Bill) Eliassen, now of Albany, ory scored 55 and Jim Berney made it into the Western Stamp Collector, 1 organization has ever conducted and Initiated into Marilyn Chapter, No. was coach. Stars on his squad were 51 for Corbett. a cordial invitation is extended to all At the meeting of the Lions club now published twice a week in Albany. Seniors Jack Allen, Meirit Smith, and | citizens of the canyon who enjoy danc-1 1‘"b OES, Monday night were Mr. Pat McAuley, and Junior John Seim, held Monday night discussion was held Mr. VanDahl was born in Amster and lagging Companies Go Back Proceeds will go to teplenish the an<^ Mrs. Maher Brisbin and Mr. on the Talent Show, which will be held and Dwight Catherwood, the latter dam, The Netherlands, going to Swed ing. P. T. A. treasury which helps to equip Mrs. Floyd Völkel, all of Gates, Be- two in tournament play for two years. To Work After Winter Thursday. April 29. en with his parents when he was a the school and contributes to the state sides the impressive initiatory de- It was decided that judges will be As all teams, regardless of the size Snow Causes Shutdowns small child, and spending his early gree. Worthy Matron Mabel Parker scholarship fund for training Oregon used in conjunction with the applause of their schools at that time, were in DETROIT — Moat of the logging life there. He "as graduated from the especially honored all Master Masons the same category. Mill City drew I companies and mills in this aiea have meter, which has been used in former University of Upsala, then attended teachers. present, there being 10 of them. Mrs. Robert Veness, chaiiman, has talent shows here. It was voted that Heidelburg University in Germany for Entertainment consisted of accord Astoria as its opponent and lost to i resumed operations again after being 75 points will be given for talent, 15 announced that tickets may be had them by a narrow margin after two closed down for the winter months, two years. from her as well as from Mrs. Don ion solos by Charles Davis, and a points on audience reaction and 10 In 1908 he emigrated to Canada, Moffatt and Mrs. Roy Keiisey. Tick group of vocal numbers by a quartet players went out on fouls. Astoria due to snow. points on stage deportment. went on to become state champions Rudy ’ s Mill resumed operations last where he worked on a foreign language Those who anticipate taking part ets are also available at the high made up of Jim Poole, Buzz Fleet that year. Ted Sarpola of that team week; the Pete Eliason Logging Co., newspaper for three years, then came school. wood, Harold Kliewer and Howard in the talent show are asked to fill irr became an all-state forward. started logging operations Monday to the United States. He was em Mrs. Roger Nelson ha* been ap Farmen, accompanied by Edna Ross morning and Ivy Creek and Blow Out, their application blanks at any of the ployed on a daily newspaper staff in pointed to head the food committee at the piano. after being down since January 15 following places: Red 4 White, Nu- Chicago for several years, later mov which will sell cake, coffee and soft Serving on the refreshment com Idanha Rural First Dist. Method Cleaners, Silver Saddle Ser due to weather conditions. ing to Morris, Illinois, where he met drinks during the evening. mittee were Ann Hirte, Wanda Chance vice station, Post office, either school It is To Hold Election March 26 The McKay Logging Co., is re and married Arlene Lloyd in Chicago hoped that such an event will become and Stella Kay. Invitations to Wiliam-, The Idanha Rural Fire Protection pairing bridges and logging roads in and The Enterprise office. At the or. April 12, 1915. ette Valley Matrons and Patrons As time the application is signed they an annual affair. The VanDahls lived in North Da sociation at Jefferson, March 11 to district will hold an election March the Blow Out area, formerly logged must state when they can hold their by Bingham and Horn, preparatory to 26, from 5 to 8 p. m. at the fire hall kota, Montana and Washington before Acacia Chapter March 16, and to a audition before the club. moving to Oregon in 1920. They re WEATHER CATCHES COLD social night at the local lodge hall on in Idanha to determine whether the logging operations for the Linn Ply The piogressive auction was won by City of Detroit shall be annexed as wood Co., of Albany. sided first at Klamath Falls, then AFTER TASTE OF SPRING Mach 29 were read and accepted. Vai White and Buzz Fleetwood won i part of the fire district. A light snowfall Tuesday night, fol moved to Baker, where he purchased the pool, which was turned over to Both Idanha and Detroit, incorpor LIBRARY CONFERENCE TO BE the Baker Herald. After publishing lowed by more of the “stuff' Wed the convention fund. ated cities have unanimously voted to HELD MARCH 17 IN SALEM that daily for five years, they moved nesday brought hopes of spring to a legion To Discuss History become part of the district. to Salem and then to Mill City. In temporary halt in this area. A report Of Organization Tonight A. A. Whitman, informed The En Naomi Taylor Wins First Detroit's election was held February 1935 the VanDahls moved their stamp from Salem stated they had about an terprise Wednesday afternoon that a The American Legion post of Mill 16 at the Detroit school, and 48 votes publication to Albany. inch and a half Wednesday morning, library conference will be held in the In Spelling Contest VanDahl is survived by the widow, which was considerable more than we City will hold their regular meeting were cast in favor of becoming part Oregon State library at Salem March Naomi Taylor, Mill City eighth at the hall here tonight (Thursday). of the District. Idanha’s election wa« Arlene, and one daughter, Mrs. David had here. grader, won first in a recent spelling 17, beginning at 10 a. m. A continuation of the discussion on held January 14th. Trees and flowering shrubs are G Blake of Albany, also three grand The purpose of the meeting is to contest, with Loren Dart placing children. Another daughter. Mrs. Paul blooming here at this time and it is the history of the American Legion stress the importance of books ar.d second and Sybil Dart third. Naomi will he held with questions and in- Dozier (Jennie) passed away in 1947. hoped the weather will stay mild and District Roundtable for reading to Oregon citisens and to im i epresented Mijl City in the District 5 Funeral services were held in Albany no frost will come to kill the blooms. swers on the subject being a part of Scouts at Lyons March 16 prove the library service throughout contest of this area last night at the the pi ngram. last Saturday with St. John's Lodge grade school gym. Results will be According to Ken Jury, diatrict the state. Plans will be made for the dance No. 17, AF4AM ofictating. There will be representatives from given next week. scout executive of Albany, there will which wil be held shortly after Easter. Three-Act Play To Be Towns represented in the contest be a district round table meeting at Marion, Polk and Yamhill counties NURSING CONFERENCE TO RE Given at School Tonight Mari-Linn school at Lyons Tuesday, present. In charge of the meeting will were Detroit, Mill City, Stayton. HELD AT DETROIT MARCH 18 A three-act play, entitled "Rip V’an MEETING TO BE HELD be Miss Eleanor Stephens, librarian Aumsville, and Shaw. The two winners March 16 at 8 p. m. A nursing conference with immuni Winkle” will be presented in the eie- AT GATES FIREHALL TLES. The Jamboree reunion will be held of Otegon State library, her assistant from this district will enter the finals zation will be held at the Detroit mentary school gym tonight (Thurs A meeting of residents of the Gates at the Marion Hotel in Salem, March Eloyse Ebert, Miss Pauline Howard, to be held in Salem. At that time, «.-bool March 18 between the hours day) at 8 o’clock. Taking part will be area will be held at the Gates fire 19, beginning at 6:30 p. m. Dr. Trol- of Reed college library and A. A. Whit representatives from all of Marion of 10 and 12 a. m. according to Nurse fifth and seventh grader«, directed hall Tuesday, March 16 at 7i3O p. m. stead of Salem will show hi« 16MM man, president of the Oregon Library county, and parts of Linn, Polk and by Miss Lecha Thomas. Jim Hale and tn discus plans regarding a volunteer film taken of the 1953 jamboree at association. The public is invited to possibly Yamhill counties will take Effie Cote. part. Robert Thorpe. This is for pre-school children. attend. fire department. Santa Ana, California. To Start Soon «Í * 1C- ■ Masons-Stars Enjoy Banquet Saturday Hatfield and Bungard Long Time Since At Cancer Meet Here Local Team Reaches State Tournament Softball Meet Here Tuesday r m Former M. C Publisher Dies Four Initiated Into Eastern Star Monday Talent Show