Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1954)
Dean Branch of OSC at Corvallis. ceptance of bid $200.00 shall be de-1 Reed White from Astoria visited posited for a guarantee in addition to I relatives here Monday evening on his the above sum and shall be held until j completion of contract with the sum ! way to Marion Forks on business for Mrs. Albert MilUap By Mrw. John Teeters the Fish commission. Mrs. Donald Carey, son Jon and to be forfeited if successful bidder SEE US The Larry Banks family moved to Miss Phyllis Wallen a teacher in the the new baby. “Thomas Brian ” of selected shall fail to pay balance of bid | Phone 5807 Mill City Portland the first of the week. They Bend schools spent the weekend at j Stayton, who have been at the home after being notified within two days FOR THAT NEXT have lived here for several years the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. | of Mrs. Carey’s parents. Mr. and and or shall fail to complete job as per while Mr. Bangs worked as a time L. E. Wallen. HAIRCUT 1 Mrs. Harold Wilson, returned to their th'.s bid including right of way clear keeper at Detroit Dam. ance as hereinafter set forth. The Ladies Aid of the Mehama home in Stayton Friday. FIRST CLASS Open 6 A. M. to 11 P. M. Mr. and Mrs. E. Mais have moved ' church met at the Women's club house Mrs. Struckmeier has returned home All logging shall be in a manner WORKMANSHIP from Salem into the house they re- Thursday afternoon, February 25. A following a two weeks stay in Port- according to the best logging prac cently purchased here. Mr. Walz is short business meeting was presided | land. She returned with a severe cold tices obtaining under similar condi Hours 10:00 A. M to 7:00 P. M. employed by the Freres Lumber Co. over by the president, Mrs. L. E I and has been confined to her home tions in the State of Oregon. ! at Lyons. Vern’s Barber Shop Wallen. Mrs. Chris McDonald was in I for several days. The boundaiies of the clearing lines Mrs. Joanna Walker arrived here charge of the program which was on Mrs. William Pennick I through Bureau timber are marked Broadway Mill City l from her home in Los Angeles, Calif. Witnessing for Christ in our own 1 Miley substituted at the school sev- with cutting line Bureau tags stapled 1 last Thursday for a visit with her communities. The tables were set for ' eral days last week during the illness to trees. These are adequately spaced WE SELL BETTER sister, Mrs. Kail Winzer. the Chili supper which was held that I of Mis. Richard Parker, Friday and to indicate exact boundary line. The CARS FOR LESS! Harry Patton visited with his moth- evening. This was well attended and of Darrell Crossler, high school teach trees outside this line and the trees i er, Mrs. Mabel Patton Wednesday of enjoyed by all. Refreshments were er, who was ill. Mrs. Parker was hit with the tags are not to be felled. I last week. Visting Mrs. Patton were served in the afternoon by the hostess with a ball, while on the play grounds Trees to be felled which are not in- her daughter-in-law- and great grand Mrs H. W. McCarley. and suffered a slight concussion, | dicated by a marked boundary line son, Mrs. Vern Patton and Dickie Mrs. Ken Goiliet and Mrs. Dale j Mi. and Mrs. Edward Tietze had are marked with the Bureau “Special I Patton from Lacomb. Crandall were hostesses for a 10:30 ¡as their guests Sunday, Mrs. Lualle Cutting” tags. These are leaners and THURSDAY. FRIDAY Mr. and Mrs. Lou Kirkland were coffee Wednesday morning Februaiy ' Sigmond and children, of Salem. Wed scattered merchantable tiees in thin Stayton I callers at the home of their grand- 24 at the Golliet home. The coffee was nesday of last week Mr. and Mis. areas. and SATURDAY IT PAYS TO BUY AT i daughter, Mrs. Elmer Klutke in Gate- given under the sponsorship of the j Tietze drove to Eugene on business. Logging operations in SE’i of Sec. HOME! I Thursday. Mehama Women's club and was a From Erie Pennsylvania over the 11, T. 9S. R. 2 E. are to be completed March 3, 4 and 5 Sunday visitors at the Raymond get acquainted affair. Thirtyfive ! weekend at the home of Mr. and Mis. by July 1, 1954. Logging operations GARY COOPER. Branch home were Mrs. Branches' ladies and 14 children were present. Edwin Kadine were Mr. and Mrs. John in other Bureau tracts should be com- LICENSED BARBARA STANWIf K in sister and son, Mrs. Warren Duncan The ■ Mehama local of the Farmers Johnson and Miss Doris Eliason. Other ’ pleted by August 1, 1954. i and Bobbie Price of Lebanon and Union i met for their regular meeting guests were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon BLOWING WILD All slash is to be disposed of to !------------------------ at the Women’s club house Friday Bookman, of Poitland and Mr. and meet requirements of state fire con Plua—In Color evening, February 26. A report on I I Mrs. Keith Kadine of Salem. Mr. trol. Such requirements and liabilities WALT DISNEY’S the iecent box social was given. Over ' and Mrs. Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. as will be required are to be assumed JERRY’S (ORNER TRUE LIFE ADVENTI RE »1.50 per month and up i $36 was taken in. It was decided to i Kadine w-ere former neighbors while by the logger. The Benton-Lincoln Also serving Gates. Lyons. i make a donation to the March of I living in Nebraska. THE ALASKAN Electric, Cooperative is to have access Idanha and Detroit An old car, or i Dimes, to also make a donation to The Gates Patent-Teacher Associa to rights-of-way at date mentioned ESKIMO MILL CITY the soil conservation essay contest and tion will meet at the high school above. A flat tire to contribute to the Farmers Union Thursday evening, March 4, with If weather conditions do not allow DISPOSAL SERVICE Ruins an outing, and National Budget fund. After the meet Judge Joseph B. Felton of Salem as slash disposal prior to this date, and HILLTOP KII»S MATINEE Phone 3952 ing Jerry Coffman showed two in guest speaker. His subject will be the Cooperative has electric appurt 2.00 P. M. SATURDAY LEONARD HERMAN Raises you ire teresting films. The evening closed “Juvenile Delinquency.’’ Friday even enances installed before conditions al But any day can ing, March 5, the PTA will sponsor a low slash disposal, the logger will with pot luck refreshments. benefit dance, to be held in the school make provision to safeguard such ap r SUNDAY, MONDAY Be a day of fun gymnasium with Stubby Mills and his purtenances and assume liability Mr. and Mm. Floyd Jones, who have orchestra furnishing the music. March 7-8 In a car that your all destruction resulting from slash lived here for several years in the Mayor and Mrs. W. R. Hutcheson, disposal* Sure is going to run. CBI project, moved to Richland, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bl Nt; CROSBY The logger assume responsibility to Washington Monday. Their son, Tru Parker spent Sunday in Portland at-1 remove in aforementioned tracts all FLORIST and NURSERY Jerry In man, has been staying with relatives tending the International Homes and /*'*., “ debris ¿TJ"’ and " all l tiee lracts ‘*11 t.. . , loose forest growth this winter and attending high school (iene Teague Chevrolet Furn.shmgs show where 180 furnish- from a strj approxinlatel 60%et in . 319 West Washington Street. in Vancouver, Wn. while their daugh ed homes are on display.. LITTLE BOY LOST | width and thj PPtrip to 1(x.ated in Stayton, Oregon ter, Miss Ardith Jones, is a sophomore OPEN SUNDAYS AND center of the right-of-way. This strip This is a "Must See" Picture at the U of O. I EVENINGS Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hendershot, is to extend the full length of rights- superintendents of the Turner Me- of-way through all above mentioned Telephone 6684 morial home, brought special music tracts. An unsurfaced road shall be ■ STAYTON, OREGON at the morning worship services of located within this 60 foot strip, y TUESDAY the Mill City Christian church, Sun-1 Stumps in 60 foot strip need not be day morning, and were dinner guests removed except those necessary to WEDNESDAY. build road. The road shall be as least J’ of the Jull’s at the parsonage. 8 feet wide and graded sufficiently to March 9-10 Ilegal Notices enable wheeled construction vehicles I JACK BALANCE, to negotiate road in dry w-eather. In NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING such areas where topogiaphy dic JOAN FONTAINE in NOTICE is hereby given that a tates to secure negotiable grade I public hearing will be held before switch backs or other necessary1 FLIGHT TO I W. S. Wiedel, examiner for the Milk alignment to the road may be located I TANGIER ! Marketing Administration, State of outside the afore mentioned 60 Oregon, at the Conference Room foot strip. Any natural waterways j “At the Bottom of the HiH” A FRIENDLY STORE State Library, Salem, Oiegon, at 10:00 crossed by this road shall have cul THAT GIVES— i A. M., March 26, 1954, to receive verts capable of handling all seasonal ' S A H GREEN STAMPS testimony and evidence relating to drainage, 12 inch culverts being mini the cost of production and distribution mum. Logger may terminate road on , Doors Open at 7:06 P. M. Our quality is of fluid milk, resale prices, pooling each side of any larger waterway if he Complete show can be seen any Mill City, Oregon Byron Davis, Owner legulations, allocations of quotas, un so elects. In doing so, additional access HIGH— time up to 8:30 fair trade practices and all other per roads must be constructed, as'all por tinent matters relating to marketing tions of the aforementioned road must 1 Our prices are fluid milk in Zone 2, romprising Mar be accessible from the county road. I LOW— ion Polk and Yamhill Counties. All snags and all trees over 15 Dated at Portland, Oregon, this 1st feet in height within the cutting line Try us once— day of March, 1954. marked by Bureau shall be felled. Then you’ll know. W. S. WEIDEL, Administrator, Any party desiring to bid and not ( Milk Marketing Administration wishing to be present may have a ON THE HIGHWAY sealed bid in prior to oral auction and u Phone 3206 NOTICE said bid will be given. There will be sold to the highest Any further questions, if any, may MILL CITY oral bid for cash, three different, be directed to Bell & Devers Attorn tracts of timber, (bids to be separately I eys at Law, Stayton, Oregon. 10 • •- for each tract) with said oral bidding commencing in the office of Bell and Devers, Attorneys at Law, Stayton, Oregon no later than 10:00 A. M., on March 15th, 1954, at which time the bids will be opened with successful bidders being notified if possible, the same day. The right to reject any and l all bids is reserved. No. 1 Tract: Timber in West Vi of Section 31, Township 8, South Range 4 East of Willamette Meridian, Mar SPECIALIZING IN DINNERS ion County, Oregon, containing by estimate 789,000 feet, minimum bid being acceptable is at $17.80 per M. CLOSED MONDAY AND TUESDAY for a minimum total of $14,044.20. No. 2 Tract: Timber in South li of Serving Your Favorite Cocktails— Pure and Ix*an ZÎTè Section 9, Township 9, South Range 3 East of Willamette Meridian, Mar ion County, Oregon, containing by estimate 1,375,000 Feet, and 14,000 feet of salvage, minimum bid being acceptable is at $17.80 per M. for an acceptable minimum total of 124,. 853.80. No. 3 Tract: Timber in Southeast Quarter of Section 7, and 8, Township 9. South Range 3 East of Willamette Meridian and timber in Southeast quarter of Section 11, Township 9 South Range 2 East of Wlliamette Meridian, all in Marion County, Ore gon, containing by estimate 382,000 feet, acceptable minimum bid at $17.80 per M. for $6,799.60. It is understood there are no T hat the cost of medical care has risen, no one can denv. guaranteed amounts of footage and that the successful bidders accept all But the rise has not been out of proportion to the general conditions of State and Federal law advance in the cost of living At the same time the quality including all Forestry regulations as of medical service has been immeasurably improved. pertains to ~ Bureau of Land Manage- ment. Consider that today your physician has invested from On Tiact No. 1. At the time of ac- eight to ten years and about ten thousand dollars in his ceptance of bid »500,00 shall be de- posited for a guarantee in addition education alone. He has no chance to earn until he m to the above sum and shall be held twenty-si« or twenty-seven veers old. He must have an until completion of contract with the office in a good neighborhood, good equipment, a car. sum to be forfeited if successful bid der selected shall fail to pay balance good clothes of bid after being notified within two Pharmacy, too. has stepped up its standards. Almost days and or shall fail to complete job every state now requires four years of college and i veer as per this bid including right of way Specials for Friday and Saturday MARCH 5 and 6 clearance as hereinafter set forth. or two of practice before registration. All this adds up to On Tract No. 2 At the time of ac better medical «ervicn for vou. ceptance of bid $1.000.00 shall be de STORE HOURS—7:00 to 7:00 Except Sundays and Holidays posited for a guarantee in addition to the above sum and shall be held until ompletion of contract with the «urn fill bidder I balance of! v:thin two Daily Délit cry in the City Order Deadline 3:00 P. M. complete job Phene 600? .1. C. Kimmel Phone 4107 Mill City. Oregon right of way | >-♦ forth time of ac- tut. ■tliiiilhi! uiij.nni..inp’l!i'lliil.i.l!Ii.1’IIIill;Jllll’!'ii’lir •—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY. MARCH 4 1054 GATES MEHAMA Viv's Steak House eö<joo6oeK)Ooooe>>ooooooo»»eriooöbet>o*ooö«oooooooaooo<MH»neoooacoi>ü<>ftooöo Closed Mondays GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET GARBAGE SERVICE Raleigh Harold Never a Dull Moment Crossler’s Grocery MILL CITY TAVERN By Shopping Regularly at WHITIE’S Stewart7 SANTIAMCAFE 4 £ 49c Vienna Sausage“ (I "f Hamburger " ÍH>1 3n>s " Deviled Meat Holiday Margarine lb 35c 6 4 lbs For 35c - 89c Cheddar Cheese Potatoes No. 2s Fishers Blend Flour 10 lb 98c the cost of medical care lb 69c 50 lbs 9c Gerbers Baby Food 4 cans 33c STEWART S GROCERY Mill CITY PHARMACY