7—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY. MARCH 4. 1954 Home Appliances CLASSIFIED RATES for Rent Ten cents per line each insertion. SPINET PIANO Sacrifice for quick No advertisement accepted for less FOR RENT—Two 2-bedroom apart­ sale. Cash or terms. Can be seen than 50 cents per week. ments, 1 furnished, 1 unfurnished.— in Mill City. Write Tailman Piano Count five words to the line in Chuck’s Fine Foods, east of Gates. Stores, 915 S. W. 9th, Portland 10 •rdering your ad. Phone 2651, Mill 6tf City or mail your advertisement to Ix'^al Notices The MM1 City Enterprise. Mil) City, FOR R E N T—Furnished two and Oregon. three room apartments. Phone 1707. Church bazaars, suppers, bake sales, D B. Hill. Mill Citv. tf NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT No. 15,486 etc. will be run under “Special An­ I have filed my Final Account m nouncements” classification with a FOR RENT—Funished one-bedroom apartments. Stewart's Apartments. the estate of James B. Love, deceased, minimum charge of 50 cents per in­ Phone 4407, Mill City. 8tf with the County Clerk of Marion sertion. FOR RENT—Two bedroom house on County, Oregon and the court has set Real Estate Kingwood road. Has electric stove, the 20th day of March 1954, at 10 water heater and oil heater. $30.00 o'clock A. M. and the circuit co’urt FOR SALE OR TRADE - Mill City per month. Hilltop Market, Mill room as the time and place for hear­ Hotel, easy terms. See L. A. Rada, City. . 9tf ing objections thereto and the settle­ ment of said estate. Mill City, Oregon. 8tf IONE LOVE THIELKE, FOR RENT Furnished 2 bedroom Executrix of the Estate of HOUSES FOR SALE — See Don duplex. Electric range, water heat­ James B. Love, deceased. Walker, Swift Addition, Mill City. er, refrigerator, automatic washer. I 5tfc In Mill City. Contact by mail: H. C. BELL & DEVERS, Baltimore, Star Route. Redmond. 9tf i Stayton, Oi egon. FOR SALE—100x250 foot lot in Riv­ Attys for Exec. F18-25-M4-11-1S erview addition to Mill City. In­ SPECIAL SCHOOL MEETING quire at Mom and Pop « Cafe, Mill Business Services NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in City. 6tf SEE US when in need of T. V. An- compliance with Section 111-831, O. F OR SALE — Small, three-room tennas and supplies. We handle a (’. L. A., to the legal voters of «School house and lot in Shaw’s addition to complete line of Philco television , District No. 129J, of Linn-Marion Mill City. Will sell cheap. Inquire sets. See us first. Stiffler Radio | Counties, State of Oregon, that a at Mom and Pop’s Cafe, Mill City.' and Appliance Co. Phone 3207 Mill SPECIAL SCHOOL MEETING of 7tf City. ltf said District will be held at the School­ house, on the 29th day of March, 1954, TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING Ma at 2-until 9 o clock in the afternoon, REAL ESTATE chines. We sell. rent, repair an.' i ONE BEDROOM HOUSE on 1 acre. swan all makes. Trade vour old for the following objects: to vote on full basement. $1,006 down. machine towards a new one. »1 the question of consolidating school NEW TWO BEDROOM, beautiful lot. ROEN. 456 Cour* St. Salem districts No. 21J, 123J, and 129J $1,000 down. lespectively, Linn and Marion Coun­ CENTRALLY LOCATED 2 bedroom ties, Oiegon. The assets and liabili­ .Miscellaneous with fireplace. $1 000 down. ties of each district are to become the THREE BEDROOM. Picture window, assets and liabilities of the consoli­ SEE ME for AVON products. Mrs. dated district. fireplace. $1,000 down. SOME FINE small acreage places, 1 i W. F. Hunter, Phone 3577, Mill. Dated this 29th day of February, City. 9tf 1954. to 40 acres. WE HAVE a varied listing to meet FOR SALE 800-15 Fit estone tire and W. E. DOWNING, almost any need or terms. County Commissioner Tube mounted on Buick wheel. Sell LIST WITH US, we are getting lots FLOYD D. JENKS, all for $12.00—Richfield Service' of calls now. We need acreages. County Commissioner Station, Mehama, Oregon. 9 C. E. Coville, Broker WANTED —One deer rifle, two air Attest: E. G. ARNOLD, County Judge. Glen Shelton, Salesman mattresses, two sleeping bags.port- W. H. DOLMYER, Co. Superintendent West side Mill City Ph. 2207 able typewriter. Apple Cidei Publish March 4-11-18-25. Press. Don Matthews, 822 So. Chi­ FOR SALE—All modern 3 bedroom cago St., Albany, Oregon 9p NOTICE OF SPECIAL SCHOOL home on three lots. Located in ELECTION Mill City. Reasonable down pay­ FOR SALE Male Cockers, eligible State of Oregon ) ment. Phone 1406 or 2651. 8 )ss A. K. C. Can be seen at the fog County of Linn house behind Silver Saddle in River­ School District No. 129-J ) Opportunity is what opens the door NOTICE GIVEN HEREBY view addition. Mill City. for you, but it takes hard work to stay on the inside. WANTED TIMBER that, at a special school district elec-1 t’on hereby called, to be held~at the schoolhouse in Mill City, in and for School District No. 129-j of Linn and Marion Counties, Oregon, on the 15th day of March, 1954, A. D., between the hours of 2:00 P. M and 8:00 P, M., Pacific Standard Time, there will be submitted to the legal voters of said district the question of: “Shall the sum of $1*0,000.00 of the unexpended and unappropri­ ated moneys on hand be appro­ priated as a special fund to ac­ quire sites, build, improve, and equip buildings and grounds in said district?” The vote on said question shall be by ballot, upon which shall be the words “Appropriation Yes” and “Appropriation No’’; and the voter shall pitice a cross (X) between the work “Appropriation” and the word “Yes,” or between the word “Appropriation’' and the word “No,” whichever indicates his choise. The polls for the reception of the ballots cast for or against the appro­ priation of said moneys will, on said day and date, and at the place afore­ said, be opened at the hour of 2:00 P. M., Pacific Standard Time, and shall remain open until the hour of 8:0tr P. M., Pacific Standard Time, of the same day at which hour the polls shall be closed. Notice of this election shall be given by publication in The Mill City Enter­ prise, a newspaper published in Mill City in said distiict and of general cir­ culation therein, for three (3) suc­ cessive weeks, the date of the first publication shall be February 18, 1954, and the last March 11, 1954. By order of the District School Board of School District No. 129-J of Linn and Marion Counties, Oregon made this 16th day of February, 1954, A. D. Signed R. F. KELLY. Chairman, District School Board, School District No. 129-J, Linn and Marion Counties, Oregon. Attest: Signed EDNA F. ROSS, District Clerk. MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE Garbage, ashes, trimmings, etc. weekly pickups $1.50 ner month Also light hauling Leonard Herman Phone 3952 THE COMMERCIAL BOOK STORE SALEM Ha- Everything for Your OFFICE NEEDS Furniture and Bookkeeping Supplies 141 N. Commercial Street Phone 3-4534 Hemorrhoids -PUIS” Prolapse1' No Operation—No Hospitaliiation CONVENIENT CREDIT FREE DESCRIPTIVE BOOKLET DR. R. RCYNOLDS CLINIC NATUROPATH—PROCTC' ~'’T 1144 Center Street Salem, Oregon Spring-Time Bargains 10cto 49c FLOWER POTS HYPONEX PLANT FOOD— To make your plants grow 10cand 25c OIL PAINTING SETS— Canvas. Brushes, Paints 98c (Be a Grandma Moses) $1.79 TEXTILE PAINT SETS— Colors, Brushes, Instructions Paint Designs on all Fabrics MILL CITY VARIETY HUGH and ALICE WALKUP, Props MILL CITY. ORE. Fanns with Timber—Sawmills L. E. KLUMPP 3055 Portland Rd. Salem, Ore. YOU CAN still cook for $1.50 per month on a modern automatic pro­ pane raniA«: clean, fast, dependable. Call Sam Bridges, Lyons. 295; (also heating, water heaters, refiigerat- tion, brooders and Norge appli­ ances. Dtf FOR SALE Boys’ tan dress suit, like new. Size 10-12. 312.00— Phone Mill City 2651. tf i W a NTED TO BUY — Clean peeled Douglas fir roles, delivered to Lynns yard. For further informa­ tion call or write Allen Gould. 1424 Filbert \ve.. .Lebanon. phone 5745. We pride ourselves on excellent ser­ Puge' Timber Co. of Oregon 24tf vice, but occasionally have to make an exception. WANT TO BUY TIMBER Silver Saddle SERVICE STATION & TRAILER COURT Phone 903 — MILL CITY GATES TIRES and BATTERIES AUTO SUPPLIES Small or large tracts Either cash or stumpage basis STOUT CREEK LMB. CO. Vz mile west of Mehama, Oregon 3tf Sawmill LOGS WANTED Top prices for Second Growth STOUT CREEK LMB. CO. >■> west of Mehama, Oregon 51 tf STUD LOGS WANTED Ask for 8 foot stud logs or multiples of 8 feet plus trim. Six inch 16 inch diameter. BURKLAND LUMBER CO. Phone Turner 1125 Evenings 2503 Turner or 2-7826 Salem. 46tf Correct your faults by observing those found in others. Salem Sand & Gravel Co. HEAVY HAULING Phone Stay ton (Wright Truck Line) 2125 Common Carrier — Heavy Machinery and Equipment EXCAVATION & CONSTRUCTION Contracting and Rental ■«SUR»*'1 HEW POWER BRAKES* now available on Ford Pickup (shown) and all "’/i-ton" models! You save on driving effort—your stopping is up to oni-fourth aasiar! No other truck line has the mighty -r«*«. WKwweeKMMMRMeea« | rrrrmmmh « rmmwbbmimmnrhhb r you get in new Mightiest tontentrotion of power per cubic inch ever in any trvtk engine lino! FORDTRUCKS J NEW Overheod Volveil NEW High (•mpressUtil Ph. SALEM Day 3-9408 Nite 2-4400 When you come here you can be assured of good treatment in a pleasant atmosphere. Make it a habit to visit us daily. NEW low F iictiou ! MW FORO CAI FOOWARO model.' New C-6OO Idsownl New C-000, 55,000 lb. GCW, bout. 35-*. legal hm* Waiter. bf every Stotel New Dneenred Cob. Full-w.d* watt SHUFFLEBOARD Meet your friends here for the Bent In Beverages BILL” GRAB \M. Owner MOW! FORDOMATIC OR IVI * evo liable in oW Ford '/a-, %• ond 1-ton models for ’54. Fully automatic—no* clutching, no manual shlftingl Save time, energy*' Model F 250 (shown), GVW 6,900 lbs. concents - lion of power LES’S TAVERN GOOD MUSK HEW POWER STEERING* available on most BIG 1OR modelli Cuts steering effort as much os 75%. F 900 (shewn), GVW 27,000 lbs., GCW 55,000 Ib». ■ NOW! FORDOMATIC DRIVE* ovailoble For Ford Seriei P-350 Parcel Delivery (shown). Fully automatic, cut, rtop-and-go time. You handle bigger routes quicker! .VOW .’ lOKIt give« you new greater power with proerd gax economy, too! Tile«* ■mailer-displacement engine* that lea* gas are now yourg in ALL Ford's than 220 truck model«! TRIPLE ECONOMY! New economy under tlie hood! New Ford Driuerued Cab« keep drivers fresh—boost operating economy! With new Ford factory- built tandem axle 6-wheelers, Ford give* you economy of greater capacilie»! HERROLO - PHILIPPI MOTOR CO STAYTON, OREGON MILL CITY, OREGON