Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1954)
THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE _________ ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTI AM HIGHWAY —GATEW \) TO THE HEART OR N ITCHES EMPIRE ' OLI ME X N I'M BER 9 Airforce Man Speaks At Lions Potluck $2.50 a Year, j()c a Cepy MILL CITY OREGON. Till RSDAY, M\R( H I. 1954 Womans Club Hears Speaker Landmark at Merger Vote Wolves Beat Old Gates Being Razed Coming to Monroe Fri 3 Districts DETROIT DAM "A FATHER (Courtesy of Corps of Engineers) Daily 7:30 A. M. Readings M.S.L. Pool Date Max. Min. Pep. Elev. Feb. 23 57 31 0.00 1507.41 GATES Our last remaining land 60 32 0.02 1507.47 mark, the former home of the pioneer An outstanding meeting of the Feb. 24 36 0.01 1057.80 54 family of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gates, Mill City Woman’s club was held Feb. 25 The Mill City Timber-wolves walked which was built before the time of 55 35 0.27 1507.90 at the Fellowship hall Tuesday eve F e b. 26 51 32 0.00 1510.52 over Monroe’s Dragons to add a 57-48 the railroad, is being razed. ning, opening with a covered dish Feb. 28 March 1 48 Mr. and Mrs. Gates moved here 29 0.00 1511.71 win to their non-lengue game record dinner for husbands and friends. 50 30 0.00 1512.65 for the season. The game was played from Salem in the early 70s. Later March 2 Speaker for the evening was Mrs. Sgt. J. H. Bridges of the Airforce, at Monroe Friday night while the rest when the railroad was being pushed A legal notice is being published who is now with the air defense com Carl B. Krause of Portland, Deputy ♦ ♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ of the Marion "B" league was in it’s through, Mr. and Mrs. Gates, who up this week announcing the coming Commissioner for the Oregon Bureau mand at Salem, was the main speaker last round. to that time were living in a log cabin, school election, when voters of the on the program at the Lions club of labor. Mill City's playing in the first built this house for the dual purpose The limited group attending the potluck held here Monday night. quarter showed that the Timber of a residence for themselves and for school districts of Detroit-Idanha, Sgt. Bridges gave a lengthy re meeting heard a discourse touching on wolves may be coming out of their a hotel to accomodate the construction Gatos and Mill City will decide wheth view of the necessity of having ground the many phases of the work of the slump as they outscored Monroe 16-6. crew and opeiated it under the name er or not they will consolidate the Labor department. Mrs. Krause observer corps functioning at this The Dragons gave Mill City a bad of The Pioneer House. high schools of the three districts. showed how it applied to general time in spotting air craft. scare in the next quarter, however, by Mrs. Daisy Richards niece of Al education in women ’ s clubs. Self Many meetings had been held prior One of the points he stressed was It is being announced through Mrs. ! n'ercoming Mill City s rather poor bert Gates, recalls when officials of “the ground observers corp takes education of women is becoming more W. W. Allen, local chairman for the ' defense and moving to only one point the new railroad sought a right-of- to bringing it to this vote. over where radar fails, on low flying and more important, as the world American Cancer society, that a public 1behind at halftime 27-28. In the third way and location for a depot, Mrs. In the legal notice it states that aircraft.’’ The radar is not effective seems to grow smaller and smaller, meeting will be held here at Fellow-; •t*nz\th* Tjmberwojves roarad ahead Gates donated seveiai acres to the the assets and liabilities of each on low flying aircraft, therefore it due to advances in fields of trans ship hall at 8 o'clock Tuesday evening, again to lead 43-36. The fourth quart company for a switch, a depot and a district are to become the assets and is necessary to have these ground ob portation. Mrs. Krause told of her March 9, for education in the cancer i er »as no difficulty to them as they section house. In return the company liabilities of the consolidated district. servation posts to plug the loopholes. recent trip to New York where she program. This meeting will be for ■ coasted to a 57-48 win. The election has been set for named the new town “Gatesville," He stated 20 000 more volunteers attended a meeting of the National purposes of education of the public in I Elton Gregory led the winners in which was later shortened to Gates. the hours of 2 until 9 o’clock p. m. on board of Christian World Relations, »ere needed to carry out this program. the point-making department with 21. After the completion of the rail March 29. as a representative of churchwomen, this matter, and contributions will not Phil Carey was next highest for the At the present time the spotting also paying a visit to the United Na be solicited. ( road the Quartzville mines were station in Mill City is at Bryant’s tions. Speakers scheduled for this import- ' Timberwolves with 13. For the Drag opened and The Pioneer House be ons, it was all Harry Smith and Jerry came a favorite stopping place for Texaco service. Sgt. Bridges asked Pamphlets were distributed con ant meeting include Mark Hatfield, Wall as each scored 20 points. I aid from the Lions club in getting cerning the Oregon Fair Employ Marion county crusade chairman; Mrs. the miners. JV's Win Game a 24-hour watch program going. In time the property was sold to ment Practices Act, this being the Winnifred Pettyjohn, Marion county I The Junior Varsity preliminary was George Anderson, propietor of the old He showed two films after his division in which Mrs. Kiause is em commander of the American Cancer. talk, one on air defense, and the other ployed. society; and Mrs. Janies H. Turnbull, a close one with Mill City’s JV’s Gates hotel, then later to the William emerging 39-36 victors. After the first precautions to take in case of an The winner of the local speech con Mrs. Kiause brought out the fact Marion county education director, period Mill City led 10-8 but Monroe Stitt family as a residence. Since the atomic bomb attack. that there are 37 million young peo Mrs. Turnbull has appeared here pre-| went away ahead in the next to lead death of Mr. Stitt several years ago, test at the Thursday evening meeting the old house has rapidly fallen into of the Mill City Toastmistress club Following these two films, the ple in the United States under 15 viously, before the PT A and the 24-18 at halftime. Mill City moved to colored movie taken of the Lions club years of age. plus another 2 million Woman’s club. was won by Mrs. Howard Means, who I within one point of Monroe, 30-31, at disrepair. It is not known just what year the will compete in the aiea contest Minstrel show was put on the screen. in Canada, while in the rest of the Two moving pictures to be shown the me third vimii i(uniici vne final « quarter Jtuj». stop. in In the house was built, but W. R. Hutcheson, Bill McCoy was presented a key, world there are 805 million persons at the March 9 meeting are the two Salem clubs and ” “' fLTr1alt°»1 perind. Mill City rallied to gain a who is having the place torn down, against for securing two new members, by of the same age that our children Within,” i and The Warning Stayton in March. Taking part in the Shadow, , 39,3fi ,ea(j which th tecte<1 by reports finding old newspapers pasted local contest, besides Mrs. Meant, linrr especially oc HA/' In IliT with ilk lung lnnrr . District Deputy Governor Ken Wil will have to get along with. It is the latter dealing stalling the last two minutes of the on the walls, some dated as early as were Mrs. Arthur I^Cours, and Mrs. liams, who with his wife was here the prejudices, hatreds and fears cancer. Neither of these pictures has game. 1872. from Stayton. Mr. Williams also pre allowed to creep in during childhood been shown in Mill City. A E Nesbitt Don I.emke led Mill City’s scoring The picturesque old building will sented the club with a certificate of that are chielfy responsible for the Acting as judges for the event were Everone is urged to attend this 1* ’ column with 26 points. The highest remain in the memory of many of our achievement for having reached its later distrusts causing wars. meeting as it will be of interest to for the losers was Nelson Dake with I people as a link between the past and Mrs. Roger Nelson, Mrs. Ed Y'arnell quota of new members in January I of Salem, and Rev. Noble Streeter, both men and women. Research has 15. the future of Gates. with the tie-breaking judge being Mies Directors of Marion County show that 85% of cancer cases can Mill City 57 48 Monroe ! Marilyn Cederberg, new teacher in the he cured if airested in early stages. Gregory 21 F 5 Maxwell Father-Son Banquet Held i high school here. Chairman of the Community Chest Meets Mrs. Allen and Mrs. D. B. Hill spent W rd 5 F 20 Smith The board of directors of the Marion contest committee was Mrs. Kenneth 13 20 Wall At Mari-Linn School, Lyons Crosier, with timers being Mrs. W. County Community Chest had their all day Friday attending the district Carey 13 conference of the society, held at Cor- Melting 8 LYONS — The annual Father and G 0 Marquardt annual meeting Wednesday evening, R. Hutcheson and Mrs. Lowell Fleet G 3 Malcom Son banquet sponsored by the Wom wood. Invocation was given by Mrs. Febi uary 24 at the County Chest head vallis. They were present at the noon 'Crook 7 en’s Society of Christian Sei vice was Lee Ross, and Mrs. Vernon Todd acted quarters in Salem. It was reported luncheon in the Memorial Union build I Officials: Warren and Gibar. held in the all purpose room at the as Toastmistresa. A special guest was that the County Chest had raised in ing on the campus of Oregon State I Mill City sub scoring, Thomas 3. ■ Mill City JV 39 :U> Monroe JV Mari-Linn school house Tuesday even Mrs. Noble Streeter. their campaign $12,005.23. The money college. Ross 4 F 4 Sietzinger ing, February 23, with Rev. Harold Attending the championship Ore was allocated to the participating Lemke 26 F 7 Kincade Sseriff as master of cei emonies and gon State-University of Oregon M k - agencies as follows: Sheythe 0 3 Johnson Dr. Gregg, Dean at Willamette Uni District Ranger Gives C Roy Scouts, $2.928.44; Camp Fire (rates Boy Scouts Have ketball game at Gill Coliseum, Cor Harrington 2 G 15 Dake versity in Salem as the guest speaker. vallis Saturday night were Mr. and Girls, $1 003.90; Girl Scouts, $1,230.- Board of Review' Feb. 21 Stettner 1 7 Joyner Ray Aronson gave the welcome to Report on Timber Cut in G 02; Oregon Chest, $5,161.32. Mrs. Charles Kelly and son, Johnny, GATES—The local Boy Scouts, I M. C. Sub Scoring, Ed 6. the fathers, with the response by Willamette National Forest Gregory Russell Kelly is a vice president of who met their daughter, Leia, a stud troop 45, Marion District, Cascade Wilson Stevens. Dr. George Rose DETROIT—The following annual Officials: Warren and Gibar. ent at Oregon State. Miss Kelly’s the Chest. area and a large group of their par berry of Salem, district superintend 1 report was submitted by S. T. Moore, There seemed to be a feeling on guest for the weekend was Miss Do ents and friends met Wednesday even ent of the Methodist churches gave the district ranger for the district of De- the part of several of the representa lores Poole of OCE, Monmouth, daugh ing, February 24. at the high school. invocation and benediction. Orchestra trait, b the W'tte National for- ter of Mr. and Mrs. James Poole of tives that many people did not under The Board of Review was held prior to music was furnished, Perry Clip I est. stand that the Chest was the vehicle | the Court of Honor and program, i Mill City. fell of Mehama, presented two vocal For the year 1953 the total volume for raising funds for the participating Others glimpsed in the “line-up” which was opened by the salute to the 1 numbeis, and Mrs. Charles Power of timber cut was 83,647,000 board before the game included Mr. and Mrs. agencies. Flag and the Boy Scout Oath and ' I feet, which had a value of $847,195 to gave a reading. Emphasis was laid on “Come and I Laws. Harry Dyhrman, Linda and Dick; Mr. | Gifts were presented to Wood 1 the government. Of this total volume and Mrs. Bert Provost, Phyllis and See Tours ’ to both the youth agencies Presentation of Tenderfoot awards I A large group of members and Bill; the William Meisners whose son in their own community and the state were made by E. A. Chance, commit- , guests attended the regular meeting Oliver the oldest gentleman present, of timber cut, approximately 21,000,- to Loren Chamberlain the oldest fa 000 boaid feet was from salvage ma wide agencies financed by the Oregon Mike is an Oregon State student, and tee chairman to the following scouts,’ the Garden club held at the home ther and Kenneth Lewis the youngest terial. The allowable annual cut is ____ _ ____ Jess Lee. Also on the “waiting list" Chest. A tour to state agencies is Wayne Devine. Ronnie Evans, Allen I * Mrs. .J. F. Potter on Thursday father and to Ben Miller the father apprpximately 40,000,000 board feet were the Frank Moravecs of Salem planned within the next two weeks. ; Haywood 1 Ross Klutke, Kenny Mar- i evening. The business meeting was with four sons present. During the year 94 sales were made, formerly of Mill City and saa of Mr. I tig, Kirk Nygaard, David Riddle, 1 dispensed with, but the president, Mrs. and from these sales 1255 acres were and Mrs. Anton Moravec. Mrs. Mary Eaglestrom ¡Rodney Schaer, Jeiald Tucker and, | Bert Morris, . _ gave a few words of cut over. Only 1500 general admission tickets Passes Away at Gates Roger Schaer. Presentation of second wt‘lcome, reading an appropriate Public Meeting ('ailed by There were 13 miles of road con poem. Following the flag salute, the were sold at 8:30 a. m., and another GATES—Mrs. Mary Eaglestrom I class awards were made to Douglas gioup sang “In the Garden,’’ led by Elkhorn Directors of Co-Op structed by the timber sales purchas 1500 went on sale at 5:30, causing the died Hirte, Kenny Johnson, David Moore, suddenly Thursday morning, Feb At Mehama March 13th ers and were valued at $390,000. B. — Hill, line-up about a bloc klong from four ruary 26. Mis. Eaglestrom had been ! and David Vail. Darrell Crossler is ( Mrs. - - - D. - — —, with Mrs. W. W. For the total acreage of National The Elkhorn directors of the Bent ticket windows. The morning allot | scoutmaster, committee members are , Alien at the piano. employed as housekeeper at the Ed. Forest lands in thia district of 300,000 on-Lincoln Electric Co-Op are calling ment sold out in about 20 minutes. home for several years. She E A. Chance, Elmer Klutke, Floyd ! H'gh »Pot of the evening was the a public meeting on March 13 at 8 acres it is estimated that 230 miles Those who missed out settled down Krueger Volkei, W. R Hutcheson and Don W. 'introduction of Mr. and Mrs. William been in a cast as the result of Selfridge of Detroit, formerly of p. m. at the Mehama Women’s club of loads are needed to develop its re to remain for the day. Camp stools, a had brokn leg for some time and con Miley. Refreshments were served at Ketchican Alaska, the latter showing house. sources. dining chairs, blankets and boxes were fined the close of the evening. to a wheel chair. In reforestation there were 143 All potential users are urged to a number of colored slides of the much in evidence. One foursome even Thursday morning she was prepar beautiful flower gardens of the nor attend in order that they may be acres replanted this past year. From set up a card table and four chairs ing to keep an appointment with her thern country. Mrs. Selfridge ex brought up to date on the progress of records kept on reforestation since and were enjoying a card game. Luck doctor in Mill City for a checkup and Girl Scout« To Sell plained the handicaps under which the line concerning the clearing of 1913 the total aceage replanted to ily, it was a beautiful day with bright had been wheeled into her room to Cookies Here March 12-17 garden club members labored to raise the right-of-way and incorporation of date is 5,500 acres. sunshine. Many people took their complete preparations. After Mr. The Girl Scout program this year flowers and vegetables in the shallow the line. There were 30,600 recreational vis lunch, or sent others out to buy their Krueger noticed the length of time concentrated community help soil. Most of the soil had to trans itors in the Detroit district of the lunch, as only hot dogs were sold in since Mrs. Eaglestrom had been in the needs National forest, and the average stay the coliseum after you once got in. room he called and upon receiving no in support of their annual cookie sale, ported. A colored moving picture also Dances Held Here per person was two days. Out of this Many students, purchasing tickets answer looked in and found her lying March 17-27, which is being started on showed various views of the gardens Every Saturday Night total 14,150 were registered as camp for members of theiT families, had on hte floor. Dr. Reid was called and the 42nd birthday of the founding of and surrounding territory. Other pic Dances are being held in the Dawes Girl Scouting in the United States. tures showed the boat in which Mr. building in Mill City every Saturday ers and picnicers using Forest Service taken turns standing in the lines in pronounced her dead. Girl Scout W ’ eek, this year, is being and Mrs. Selfridge traveled from night. These dance are being put on camp grounds. two hour shifts the entire day. The body was sent to Knoxville, Seattle to Alaska. One of the Oregon State Freshmen, Tennessee for burial where Mrs. held March 7-13. by Jim Iholtz. Those attending report Cookie distributor for the Mill At the close of the evening, refresh having had a good time. who was a “rally girl” during the pre Eaglestrom has relatives. Byron’s Tavern Wins Me- City area is Mrs. Ercil W ’ ilson, ments were served by the hostesses, liminary game between the Oregon Mr. Iholtz, who with Jack Lake, From Cedars by 30 Points I hama. Mrs. Walter Olmstead, Mrs. Burton furnishes the music, is also holding Frosh and the Oregon State Rooks, and In last Friday’s shuffleboard league was Carol Frisch of Portland daugh Mrs. Goldie Goodrich Sack I Girls will be knocking on doors sell Boroughs, Mrs. Arthur LeCours, teen age dances Friday nights. If setting up downtown booths to and Mrs. Lowell Fleetwood. Corsages, enough teenageis come, thia will be games, Byron’s scored a 30 point lead ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Frisch, Taught Mill City Resident these small green and white, 8-ounce made by Mrs. C. M. Cline, were pre score former residents of Mill City. Mrs. A local human interest story has come a regular weekly feature. A over the Cedars Tavern. The played Frisch is a sister of Mrs. Lafe Potter been revealed concerning the recent packages of cookies. Proceeds from sented to the guest of honor, Mrs. teenage dance will be held this Friday. was 146 to 116. The game this sale go toward the promotion of at Byron’s in Mill Citv. The 1 ke of Oregon City. alleged murder of Mrs. Goldie Good i such facets of the program as train- Selfridge, the president, Mrs. Bert Mr. and Mrs. Iholtz have also won by 19 points over Les’s Tavern, rich Sack in Portland. Mrs. Sack I ing in home-making, arts and crafts, Morris, and for Mrs. Potter. opened up the cafe next to the Mill the score being 159 to 140. The game who taugh school for year in Helena, health and safety, the out-of-doors, City Tavern under the name of the was i|]aved on the Lake s board. Spill Montana, also taught for two years I citizenship and national and interna- Free Port Orford Cedar “In and Out" cafe. way lost to Meander Inn by 23 points, in Sheridan, Oregon, from 1921 until : tional friendship. The training pro- Trees Available to Farmers 156 to 133. This game was played on 1923. When Mrs Charles Kelly read i vided in this program is valuable as Free Port Orford cedar trees are Salem I>odge Here for Spillway’s board. the dates, she realized that she was , well in the organizational procedures again being made available to farm Next Friday's games will be played Meeting Monday Night the "Miss Goodrich" who was her ■ found in Civil Defense. ers in Linn county by the Crown as follows: Lake vs. Meander Inn, Salem Lodge No. 4, A F 4 A M The Mill City Garden club is to be I second grade teacher when she lived In the four counties of Marion, Zelkrbach Corporation, reports O. Mill City, Cedars vs Spillway, Detroit. commended for installing two large there with her family, the D. B. Polk, Linn and Benton alone (com- E. Mikesell, county extension agent was in Mill City Monday night to The off the record challenge game put on the third degree work for Leo Hills ’ as Mr. Hill was in the Sheridan waste receptacles on the streets. One I prising the Santiam Area Girl Scout The trees are two years old and Rus-ell, who took his Master’s degree between Davies of Stayton and the is located at the corner of the Mill City Bank during those years. The teacher Council) there are over 1 800 girls have a top growth of from six. to Cedars Tavern played Sunday at the Fharmacy and the other at the corner is well remembered as an attractive I affiliated with the program which eight inches, Mikesell is calling spre at that time. Past Master Robert Cedars, Davies won by 18 points, the Williams of Salem took the place of person, although only in her early by the Mill City State bank. I is under the leadership of more than ia) attention to the size as some reci- the regular Master of Salem lodge, score, 156 to 138 A return game will These should encourage everyone twenties at the time. 600 adults. pients in previous years have ex who was unable to attend. Charles be played at Davies March 21. adults as well as children, to help These girls ranging from 7 pected larger trees. On Sunday afternoon the Detroit Borst, master from Jefferson lodge keep the streets and sidewalks clean. Stew art’s Grocery Has I through 17 years of age, represent The doners are limiting distribution No. 3.3 was also present. men will vie with Byron’s all man There is room for a few more of these New Interior Paint Job [ a growing force for freedom which to farmers only and 25 trees to a The degree team from Salem was in team in an off the record challenge litter catchers. Maybe some other or ' needs to be retained. single person. As a result, Mikesell full regalia. game for high score. The game will be The Stewart brothers. Dub and ganization could furnish some? says that his office will accept ord played at Byron’s. Charlie, this week are getting their I eague Standing, store back to normal after the fire. Gates I*TA To Give Dance ers immediately and take them just David Umphress Wins Nursing Conference With They Won I.o« t as long as the Linn rounty allocation have painted the interior a pleas of 3000 trees las». B«l ? for Paper Route Mill Citj Tavern Immunization Here March 9 ing color of light green ard huff, and At The trees are to be -hipped to the David Uinphrers son of Mr. and Meander Inn T ie Gal A nur« njc conference with lrrniuni- cever before has the store looked as county extension office in Albany Mrs. ( carles Umphress, this week •• The Lake fit dai t .ition for p-eschool children and in« good as it dees now. Dub said they during the week of March 29. All sporting a rw’v bike on his panel Ce ar « Tave’ n fants will be held Mai ch 9 at the a'e gradually getting thing1 under the sebool persons gett rg the tree« W’ll bo ex- irg of this control. MT1 City Elemertarv school ry»- *r .‘ a, o. M r . .Kfs -v ' T:ire will Ht- e;n th ¡.our« of 6 » and Sa m. and 12 nooi.. Cancer Meeting Here Tuesday Mrs. Means Wins Speech Contest iui m Local Folk Attend Basketball Game at Corvallis Saturday I Garden Club Installs Waste Receptacles Garden Club Group Sees Alaskan Pictures