Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1954)
7—THE MU I. CITY ENTERPRISE THl RSDAY. FEBRUARY 25. 1954 alty provided after due date. Truck and automobiles carrying CLASSIFIED RATES State license plates and furniture in Ten cents per line each insertion.' We wish to thank our friends for private homes are exempt. Business Services No advertisement accepted for less their help and kind words of sym Furniture in Hotels, Apartments than 50 cents per week. | SEE US when in need of T. V pathy during the loss of our infant and Rooming Houses are subject to Count five words to the line in tennas and supplies. We handle a daughter, Rose Marie. Especially do taxation. ordering your ad. Phone 2651, Mill complete line of Philco television we wish to thank Mrs. A. W. Toman If you have not received an assess City or mail your advertisement to sets. See us first. Stiffler Radio and Mrs. Phyllis Heinze for their help. ment blank, please notify the Asses The Mill City Enterprise, Mill City, Ip sor’s Office. and Appliance Co. Phone 3207 Mill —Mr. and Mrs. Roy S. Keirsey. Oregon. City. ltf JOHN W. SHEPPARD. Church bazaars, suppers, bake sales, Legal Notices Linn County Assessor. etc. will be run under “Special An- TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING Ma J 28;F4-ll-18-25 I chines. We sell. rent, repair and noancements” classification with a swap all makes. Trade vour old NOTICE OF SPECIAL SCHOOL minimum charge of 50 cents per in NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT machine towards a new ore. ELECTION sertion. No. 15,486 ROEN. 456 Court St.. Salem. State of Oregon ) I have filed my Final Account in )ss County of Linn i the estate of James B. Love, deceased, For Rent Schoo) District No. 129-J 1 Home Appliances NOTICE IS GIVEN HEREBY | with the County Clerk of Marion FOR RENT—Two 2-bedroom apart that, at a special school district elec j County, Oregon and the court has set ments, 1 furnished, 1 unfurnished.— CPINET PIANO—Sacrifice for quick tion heteby called, to be held at the the 20th day of March 1954, at 10 sale. Cash or terms. Can be seen schoolhouse in Mill City, in and for o clock A. M. and the circuit court Chuck's Fine Foods, east of Gates. in Mill City. Write Tallman Piano School Di-trict No. 129-j of Linn and room as the time and place for hear 6tf Stores, 915 S. W. 9th, Portland 10 Marion Counties, Oregon, on the 15th ing objections thereto and the settle FOR RENT—Furnished two and day of March, 1954, A. D., between ment of said estate. three room apartments. Phone 1707. FOR SALE—Gas range, electric wa the hours of 2:00 P. M. and 8:00 P. IONE LOVE THIELKE, ter pump, swing rocker. Don | D. B. Hill, Mill Citv. tf Executrix of the Estate of M., Pacific Standard Time, there will Brotherton, Lyons, Oregon. P I be submitted to the legal voters of James B. Love, deceased. FOR RENT—Funished one-bedroom BELL & DEVERS, apartments. Stewarts Apartments. FOR SALE—Late model lavatories, said district the question of: Stayton, Oregon. “Shall the sum of $90,000.00 of Phone 4407, Mill City. 8ti [ and steel wash basins, complete I Attys for Exec. F18-25-M4-11-18 with faucets, $30.00 per set.—See | the unexpended and unappropri I O. M. Willis, at Chuck's Fine Foods,, ated moneys on hand be appro- I Try a classified ad next week—it pays Real Estate pi iated as a special fund to ac east of Gates. FU-18 quire sites, build, improve, and FOR SALE OR TRADE -Mill City ' equip buildings and grounds in 1 Hotel, easy terms. See L. A. Rada, ! Miscellaneous WE SELL BETTER said district?” I Mill City, Oregon. 8tf i The vote on said question shall be . CARS FOR LESS! i HOUSER FOR SALE — See Don FOR SALE—Boys’ tan dress suit, like by ballot, upon which shall be the | new. Size 10-12. $12.00 — Phone Mill words “Appropriation Yes” and | Walker, Swift Addition. Mill City. City 2651. tf "Appropriation No’’; and the. 5tfc voter shall place a cross (X) between! FOR SALE—100x250 foot lot in Riv W anted TO BUY — Clean peeled the work “Appropi iation” and the Douglas fir poles, delivered to erview addition to Mill City. In Lyons yard. For further informa word “Yes,” or between the w-ord quire at Mom and Pop’s Cafe, Mill tion call or write Allen Gould. 1424 ‘‘Appropriation’’ and the word "No,” Stayton City. 6tf Filbert Ave., Lebanon, phone 6745, whichever indicates hiB choise. IT PAYS TO BUY AT Puget Timber Co. of Oregon. 24tf The polls for the reception of the I ( FOR SALE — Small, three-room HOME! ballots cast for or against the appro- ' house and lot in Shaw’s addition to WANT TO BUY TIMBER priation of said moneys will, on said Mill City. Will sell cheap. Inquire , Small or large tiacts day and date, and at the place afore at Mom and Pop’s Cafe, Mill City. Either cash or stumpage basis said, be opened at the hour of 2:00 P. 7tf I Pacific Standard Time, and shall STOUT CREEK LMB. CO. M., REAL ESTATE % mile west of Mehama, Oregon 3tf remain open until the hour of 8:00 P. M., Pacific Standard Time, of th* ONE BEDROOM HOUSE on 1 acre. FOR SALE—One deer rifle, two air same day at which hour the polls i full basement. $1,000 down. mattresses, two sleeping bags,port shall be closed. NEW TWO BEDROOM, beautiful lot. able typewriter. Apple Cider Notice of this election shall be given $1,000 down. Press. Don Matthews, 822 So. Chi by publication in The Mil) City Enter CENTRALLY LOCATED 2 bedroom cago St., Albany, Oregon 9p prise, a newspaper published in Mill with fireplace. $1 000 down. City in said district and of general cir THREE BEDROOM. Picture window, Sawmill LOGS WANTED culation therein, for three (3) suc fireplace. $1,000 down. cessive weeks, the date of the first Top prices for Second Growth SOME FINE small acreage places, 1 shall be Fenruary J8, to 40 acres. STOUT CREEK LMB. CO. publication 1954, and the last March 11, 1954. WE HAVE a varied listing to meet west of Mehama, Oregon 51tf By order of the District School almost any need or terms. Board of Schoo] District No. 129-J oT LIST WITH US, we are getting lots STUD LOGS WANTED Linn and Marion Counties, Oregon of calls now. We need acreages. 8 foot stud logs or multiples of 8 A. D. C. E. Coville, Broker feet plus trim. Six inch 16 inch made this 16th day of February’, 1954, diameter. Glen Shelton, Salesman Signed R. F. KELLY, West side Mill City Ph. 221)7 BURKLAND LUMBER CO. Chairman, District School Board, School District No. 129-J, Linn Phone Turner 1125 Evenings 2503 FOR SALE—All modern 3 bedroom Turner or 2-7826 Salem. and Marion Counties, Oregon. 46tf home on three lots. Located in 1 Attest: Mill City. Reasonable down pay Correct your faults by observing Signed EDNA F. ROSS, ment. Phone 1406 or 2651. 8 those found in others. District Clerk. Card of Thanks GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET . ....................... Salem Sand & Gravel Co. HEAVY HAULING Phone Stayton (Wright Truck Line) 2125 Common Carrier — Heavy Machinery and Equipment Ph. SALEM Day 3-9408 Nite 2-4400 EXCAVATION & CONSTRUCTION Contracting and Rental $ $ INVESTMENTS $ $ For your savings investment buy first mortgages on real estate Salem and vicinity. Will pay you 5*t percent interest net. We take care of all details and collections. Offerings— $20.000 farm loan highly improved. $6.000 and $20.000 loans Salem business properties, excellent security. Other loans in smaller amounts. State Finance Company Telephone 34121 167 S High Street NOTICE TO OWNERS OF DOGS Notice is hereby given that March 1st is the last day on which to secure your dog license from County Clerk without paying a penalty. The lic ense fee is $2.00 for male and spayed bitch dogs, and $3.00 for female dogs. After March 1st a penalty if $2.00 will be charged with each license issued. All pups are subject to license as soon as they reach the age of 8 months. If | license is not procured before such . pups reach the age of 9 months the I penalty of $2.00 attaches. PETE FIEDLER Dog Catcher J21-28-F-4-11-18-25 NOTICE Personal property taxpayers are re quired to file an invoice as of January 1st, 1954, with the Assessor for an assessment base. Assessment must be filed on or before March 2, 1954. Pen- The two dollar bill used to have a bad reputation, but today it is the only one that will pay for a dollar’s worth of anything. LES’S TAVERN When you come here you can be assured of good treatment in a pleasant atmosphere. Make it a habit to visit us daily. GOOD MUSIC SHUFFLEBOARD Meet your friends here for the Best In Beverages BILL" GRAHAM, Owner But we stand behind our guarantee Silver Saddle Shuffleboard Good Music MEANDER INN Where Friends Meet On Highway 222, Linn County Side MILL CITY George “Sparky” Bitter SERVICE STATION & TRAILER COURT Phone M3 — MILL CITY GATES TIRES and BATTERIES AUTO SUPPLIES A*k ,lX THE COMMERCIAL BOOK STORE SALEM Has Eeverything fur Your OFFICE NEEDS Furniture and Bookkeeping Supplies Phone 3 4534 N. Commercial Street Hemorrhoids -PILIS" mgl CONVENIENT CREDIT "Prolapse Nu Ooaration— Ho&oiti Nu Operation — No No Hospitaliistion FREE DESCRIPTIVE BOOKLET W. R. REYNOLDS CLINIC NATUROPATH—PROCTC' O3I3T 1144 Center Street Ssl.m, Or.g.n Jenkins Hardware DUTCH BOY PAINT DEALER For that professional looking paint job on walls use Flat Wall Enamel • • • • • Covers in one coat Over 100 colors Needs no primer coat It is washable For woodwork too Rent our sanders for finishing floors, woodwork and furniture WALL PAPERS AM) SUPPLIES We give S & H Green Stamps