aacuiMinafiootieaanaaisoaaaa»^ I Tai Consultant Auditor J i I Kellom ’s i W. N. SIMMONS MEHAMA All Power Driven Logging And Mill Operations to Have Permits This Year 6— THE MILL cm By Mrs. John Teeter« The state board of Forestry About fifteen ladies were present nounces in Salem that a total « ’ PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT for the meeting of the Ladies Aid at 16,232 logging and mill permits were the Church Thursday, February 11. issued during 1953 or practically the I Bookkeeping, Accounting and ♦ The main purpose of the meeting wa- same number that were recorded in ♦ Tax Service to clean the church. It had also been 1952. A total of 16,272, highest in » nlanned to try and remove the paint the state’s history, were issued in Corner 3rd 4 Marion GOOD COFFEE from the pews. The project was a 1952.' ! Open daily 2 p. m. to 8 p. m bandoned aftei it was tried and it was STAYTON. ORE. Officials indicate that both years Open Sundays 4 p.m. to 8 p.m decided is was not worth the work were exceptionally high to the prev ’ Telephone 4 1<14 P. O. Box 1321 ♦ Mill City. Oregon involved. A delicious luncheon was ious years as 1949 when 10,702 per I anunnnaaannarinwitma’aaiiavn'i: served at noon by Mrs. Ray Roberts, mits were issued. hostess for the day. Mrs. Charles Me Beginning January 1 of this year, Donald was in charge of the devot- permits for all power driven opera fa I ions for the afternoon meeting and tions will be required for both western l final plans were made for the chili and eastern Oregon. Prior to this j -uppei to be held at the church house year permits were lequired only for I the evening of February 25. Every Western Oregon operators, now, one was asked to furnish a pie and all operators must get a combined • V also to get as many gifts as possible forest and conservation permit form ' for the grab bag. The bags are to be the state forester. ! worth 25 cents and should be brought Law requiring operation permits BASSETT’S WELDING SHOP i the week before the dinner if possible. came as an aftermath of the first dis- | The next meeting will be at the club asterous Tillamook fire in 1933. Since house the afternoon of the 25th. that time, permits have been used as Phone 1141 Phone 116 Private John Mack, Jr., was home a means of .reducing fires in logging Sweet Home, Philomath Branch Store Lyons on a short leave from Ft. Lewis la-t ■ operations and protecting seed sources week. He and Mis. Mack spent sev-'on timberlands. In 1953, loggers were I charged with 60 fires. .------------------------------------------------------ oral days visiting relatives in Klam ath Falls. Marion The Orval Greers from Forks were Mehama visitois Friday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Golliet were in Portland Sunday and Monday, trans- acting business. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bevier re- I turned from a trip to California where ! gone about ten days. II A M B U R G E R STAND Delicious Hamburger Sandwiches Greaseless Doughnuts ENTERPRISE THURSDAY. FERRI ARI THE SALEM SINGERS group of business and professional men under the direction of Ernest Friesen »ill conduct a Sacred Concert At the Idanha Community Church Sunday, February 21, at The Public is Invited Dog License Due Gooch Logging Supply Everything for the Logger PENALTY— FEES— In Marion County After March 1st Male ..................... $1.00 Male................. ... $3.00 $3.00 Sp. Female ........ $1.00 Sp. Female Female $2.00 Female $4.00 Make Money Orders or Checks Payable to: IL C. MATTSON. County Clerk Salem, Oregon TQO BACKFIRE DANGEROUS Hatred is like a shotgun with a I plugged barrel—the backfire is more I dangerous that the shot. If you are too busy to pray, yon are too busy. j 's BEST FOODS MAYONNAISE Per Quart RQ< U HERSHEYS COCOA, 1 pound can SPRECHLES SUGAR 10 pound hag 44c LUX SOAP Six Regular Bars (’OVE OYSTERS Blue Plate brand 4*» ounce can CELERY Fresh and Crisp Per pound CARNATION INSTANT < A WHOLE WHEAT Cereali Ilf One pound box “ FLORIST and NURSERY . 319 West Washington Street.. I 98’ OYSTER(RACKERS Sunshine hrand Pound box ................. 2 tall cans .27 Raleigh Harold WINESAP APPLES Fancy grade Two pounds 27c 37c 10c 29c OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS Telephone 6684 STAYTON, OREGON I Philippi Tire Service I “Saving YOUR Tires Is OUR Business” MEHAMA, OREGON PHONE: LYONS 143 Fow ler Clothes Dryer Heating Installations Electric Supplies Montag Ranges Peerless Pumps LYONS PLUMBING Phone 1631 Lyons, Ore. A P hysician is a busy man. Day and night he is ready to POTATOES Qfi No. 1 Deschutes Netted Gem / Mi* 10 pounds give succor to those in need of his care. Ix“t us be fair. Do not telephone him at mealtimes just because you know he can be reached. And do not call him at night, unless absolutely necessary. Confine your calls to his office hours a- much as you can. That is what office hours are for. l7. S. Good, trimmed, no waste T-BONE STEAKS -* 79c BEEF ROAST U. S. Good Per pound 39c GROUND BEEF Filet of Red Snapper I Fresh and lean Per pound FREE! • What a comfort it is, in time of serious illness, to know that hands—skilled • nd experienced in the task assigned—serve you with painstaking care. Your prescription is im portant io you— »nd to us. greatly enhances the help he can give. ALBOLENE OIL 2 bottles of Albolene liquid. The best mineral oil $1.50 value for $1.09 YODORA DEODORANT Non-iritating and harmless to fabrics 60c large size BOTH FOR 69c 35c small size ANTISEI*TIC SOLUTION NO. 59 2 bottles for 89c ASPIRIN 5 GRAINS llM) tablets. U. S. P. bottles for 54c HYTONE STATIONERY 18 sheets and 21 envelopes, ripple finish or Kidskin Vellum S1JM» Box for 79c of one of our OREGON plivsician. A sympathetic appreciation of his problems Consumer Values ware, service for 8 with the purchase We reserve the right to limit quantities treat him as you would wish to be treated were you the Salem 6| piece set of Wm. A. Rogers Silver KEN GOLLIET advance that it is impossible for you to do so. In short, Call on us for competent prescription service. 35c 1953 Frigidaire Refrigerators Keep your appointments promptly, or notify him in No need to have clothes with spots J when you can have them cleaned* by an for so little. Just call Mill City 3118 We’ll pick up your e'eaning deliver it to you promptly NU-METHOD »S HOUR SERA |< E Mill Citv. Oregon % AXON _ The new antihistaminic and analgesic. Kills cold when it starts. Per bottle 75c SURIN Try it for musclar aches and pains. On a money back guarantee and $1.25 SI.25 MILL CITY PHARMACY a »;* i ♦ £ !