Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1954)
I frat tirip to this part of the country, Mr. Waters is employed as a superin- Mrs. Joe Leis, Mrs. Irene Stout, Mrs. tendent of a construction crew at John Meals, and daughter. Delores, 'and remaiked about the beautiful Mrs. Elaine Farrow and Miss Fay scenery up the North Santiam hig-- Hanford. They formerly lived here. i way. Cooper. Dinner guests at the home of Mr. Mis. Jack W’oods of Creswell, was Have you noticed the slick jackets and Mrs. Raymond Sophy Satuidaj the Spillway "League” shuffieboarJ a guest at the home of her son-in-law evening were Mr. and Mrs. Sid Baugh tournament team is sporting.’ Cute, I and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Willis man and children, James and Kirt. of would say, and the team looks right i Hayes Monday and Tuesday. S’ e Mill City. smart in them too. This came about formerly resided at Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Chambers and ulluu n the vJlc courtesy of business es- ¡John Estey, who received painful thiough children, Claudia and Butch of Salem ^shmenU in7danha7*ho furnished 1 injuries when he slipped and fell off were weekend guests at the home of I th<f Jacket/to the team, to build up I the top of load of icy logs, is on the Mr. and Mrs. Dick Farrow. Idanha advertising and good fellowship. The road to recoverd. He still has his arm Miss Myrna Smith, daughter of Mr l Lumber Co., Idanha Lumber Co., in a cast, but hopes to discard the and Mrs. Heiman Smith of Detioit, jackets are blue and gold and tear the cast in about three weeks. John Joyce of Portland is now vis.'.- returned to her home Thursday, after wearers name in front and the name of minor surgery at the Santiam Memor the donor across the back. Businesses ' ing in Detroit with his daughter, Mu. I eontributing the jackets are Termite Ellen Manning. ial hospital in Stayton. Miss Lou Ann Manning daughter f A stork shower was held at the Briles Supply, Stoll’s IGA. Rudy home of Mis. Mabel Parker Wednes Lumber, Pamelia Lumber Co.. Savage Mrs Ellen Manning, transferred to day evening, February 17 honoring Logging Co., Spillway, Davis Cloth Roosevelt High in Portland for the Mrs. S. T. Moore, of Detroit. ing, Idanha Veneer, Super Service Sta | remainder of the season. She is living Assisting hostesses were Mrs. O. J. tion, and Jerry Pittam's Insurance Co. I with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs White, Mrs. Howard Dean and Mrs. In Friday evenings shuffleboard Lou Joyce. Vern Morgan of Mai ion Forks. Re league tournament, Jerry’s Tavern of I freshments were served. Gates, lost by 28 points to the Spill- A March of Dimes open house col , way in Idanha. Out of the three fee party was held at the home of i rounds, Spillway won two, scoring 169 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Champion. At * to 141. The game was played on the Bv Eva Bressler tending were Mr. and Mrs. Dave Oja. Spillway board. On the same evening Mrs. Fred Stienfelt was hostess f>r Mr. and Mrs. Marion Kite, Mrs. Mar- Lex’s Tavern vied withthe Cedars on the meeting of the Garden club at her garet Howland, Mrs. Otto Russell, the Cedars board and lost by 31 pontis. home Wednesday afternoon, with Mrs. Mrs. John Bryant, Mrs. Ann Stevens, Score Cedars 176, Les's 145. The Lar.e Otto Weidman president in charge of and daughter, Dona Rae, Mrs. Biau drew the bye. Next Friday’s league the meeting, and Mrs. Alex Kuiken Humphrey and daughter, Beverly, game for Detroit and Idanha will ue secretary. Each member responded played away from home. Spillway vs. to roll call by telling something that Mill City Tavern; Cedars, vs. Meander should be done this month. Mrs. Or Inn, Mill City; Lake vs. Jerry’s Tavern ville Downing program chairman pre at Gates. sented the program for the year, and NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the legal voters of School District N 1.129-J. of Linn-Marion Counties, State of Oregon, that a SCHOOL MEETING Off the record games are as fol of the said district will be held at Mill City High School on the 9th day of March, 1954, at 8:00 o’clock p. m., for the purpose of discussing the budget for lows. The all-girl team of Detroit was a general discussion was held on roses. the fiscal school year, beginning July 1, 1954, and ending June 30, 1955, hereinafter set forth, and to vote on the proposition of levying a district tax. i defeated by 37 points in the bout with It was also voted to buy a soil testing kit. At the close of the meeting Mrs. Meander Inn girl team Tuesday even- Stienfelt served refreshments. I ing. Score 1-1. The home scrap be- The regular meeting of the Lyor.s | tween the men and the women’s Extension Unit will be held Friday, teams, held every Thursday night, al- Feb. 19 at the Rebekah hall beginning .............. ’TS VMl \\ XII Mil I < XSII BAI W< I S tenating on the Cedars and the Lake at 10:30. Mary Frances Minettes. Total All boards has ended up bad for the gals. County agent from Albany will be ITEM Funds From Byron Davis in Mill City present to give a demonstration on Estimated Receipts From— . comes a challenge from the men, who new materials. There will be child 1. Delinquent Taxes $ 1,000.00 • >ay they can whip the pants off our care provided for the children. 5,385.00 4. County School Fund men, in a bout March the 7th at The regular meeting of Faith Re 41,220.00 5. Basic School Support Fund By ion's. That, we would like to see. bekah lodge was held at the hall with 445.00 6. Common (Irreducible) School Fund The Lake lost by a small margin Garnet Bassett noble grand presiding 500.00 18. Other Sources to Palm Gardens in Portland Sunday. over the meeting. Beulah Lewis was Score two games to Palm Gardens’ installed as right supporter to ti e 48,550.00 19. Estimated Total Receipts I credit. vice grand. It was announced that the 20. Estimateli Available Cash Baiarne or Deficit Student John King, supplied by the Three Links club would hold their 15,000.00 (Add Cash Balance—Deduci Deficit) Northwest Christian college of Eu meeting at the hall Friday with an al.- gene, delivered Sundays sermon at the day meeting. Plans were also macs 21. Estimated total receipts and available cash balance or deficit $63,550.00 Detroit Church of Christ. A special for initiation which will be held at 'xhwlul. II GENERA! I I Mi (SUM til l. FXI’I NDITI RES feature for the evening services was the February 14 meeting. At the close the “ Gospel Light Trio, ” headed by Expenditures of 2 Fiscal of the meeting dainty refreshments Years Next Preceding the Evangelist Lyle Leach of Salem. Ev were served carrying out the Valen Total Budget Elementary angelist Leach, accompanied by Mr. Secondary Estimated Allowance Current School Year tine motif. ITEM Schools Schools Expenditures in Detail and Mrs. Fred Findley, of Lebanon, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carleton, La_- Detailed Grades Grades for the for the Expenditures First Year travel throughout the west and north ary and Carolyn from Bonnevilie Ensuing Current west. The Rev. Richard Hake, also Give for the Last spent the weekend at (heir horns 1 to 8 School Year School supplied from the Northwest Christian Yearly Year of the in Detail Year here. Sunday dinner was served at college, who has ben pastor at the 2-vear Period Totals the home of Mr. and Mr. Orville Detroit Church of Christ for the past 1. GENERAL I CONTROL Downing i nhonor of Larry's fourth year, delivered his last sermon here 1. Personal Service: birthday anniversary. February 7. Student James Stock of $ 250 $ 250 $ 500 500 500 (1) Superintendent $ $ Sweet Home, in a return engagement 800 Roo (2) Clerk 1,600 1,450 1,250 will deliver Sundays sermon, Febru MADE TO ORDER 500 500 (3) Clerical assistants 1,000 7(81 2,350 ary 21. Political parties make a platforrr 50 (4) Compulsory education and census 100 50 100 100 Evidently the giound hog wasn’t to fit the people and then alter a. 250 2. Supplies .. 350 600 300 256 fooling us any when he saw his “shad- candidate to fit the platform. 3. Elections and publicity 200 200 400 250 282 der.” While this area is getting noth 4. Legal service (clerk’s bond, audit, etc.) 200 200 400 425 270 ing but rain, higher elevations are get- 5. Other expenses of general control 180 120 256 300 300 png more snow. Logging operations MILL CITY • : Total Expense of General I ontrol $ 2,530 $ 4,900 $ 6.769 are still closed in the area. Speaking $ 4,025 $ 5,264 $ 2,370 of weather, yours truly, and friend DISPOSAL SERVICE H. INSTRl (HON husband, had a ling side seat in a 1, Personal Service: premature electric storm in Salem $ 1,850 $ 3,700 $ 1,850 <i) Principals $ 3,700 $ 3,500 Garbage. ashes, trimmings. etc. Friday afternoon. Preceding the light i 77,000 33,000 110,000 94,880 89,344 (3) Teachers ning and thunder storm were gale like 260 675 935 1,000 (4) Substitutes 416 weekly pickups $150 per month winds, and torrential rains. The light 500 500 500 (5) Special Education Also light hauling. ning stiuck KSLM's 354 transmitting (6) Librarian 1,430 2.190 3,620 2,910 .441' tower knocking the radio station out 2.000 2,000 4,000 3,650 1,260 (7) Clerical Assistants Phone 3952 for an hour. Other outrages were a léonard Herman 125 75 200 100 152 2. Library supplies, repairs broken plate glass window in a home, 1,800 2,400 1,390 »1 coo 2,983 3. Teaching supplies telephone and power line disruptions. 105 1,205 1,100 1,269 1.882 4. Textbooks James Bryant, chairman of the 540 1,560 1,020 1,440 723 5. Tuition to other districts f tee us first for .. 7’ ‘ March of Dimes campaign for Detroit 790 1,090 300 902 1,948 4. Other expenses of instruction reports $136.25 raised by the com $87,800 $129,210 $ $111,741 $ 93,021 7. Total Expense of Instruction $105,643 - munity. Active in the campaign were 111. OPERATION OF PLANT the Civic Club which sponsored a 1. Personal Service: show which netted $15.34. The FOE I. A PPM ANCE SERVICE . «J (1) Janitors and other employees $ 6,300 $ 10,300 $ 4.1.... $ 9,540 $ 9,253 Auxiliary dinner and coffee parties 2. Supplies 1,200 1,600 2,800 2,800 2,344 netted $30.07; the Detroit school, 3. Fuel 1,500 1,250 2,571 • 2,750 3,124 $56.54, and contributions in containers 5. Watvi 300 300 600 236 600 placed in business establishments, Light and Power 4 Also Complete Service 1,919 1,200 2,400 2,020 1,200 rounded out a total of $136.25. «. Telephone 100 50 160 116 150 A 7 pound 8 ounce girl, Connie 7. Other expenses of operation on all makes 680 350 420 Iylne, was born February 3 at Leban 350 700 on to Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Cannon 8. Total Expense of Operation $11,350 $ 19,700 $ 15,651 of Sweet Home. Mrs. Cannon (Delores Ranges and Water Heaters $ 17,119 $ 8,350 $ 18464 IV. MAINTENANCE IND REI’ \IRS Smith) formerly resided at Detroit. • 1. Personal Service 500 $ 500 $ 1,000 $ $ $ On February 3, the local FOE Aux 2. Repair, maintenance and replacement iliary was honored with a visit from • (1.) Furniture and equipment 500 1.960 750 1,250 998 the state president, Mrs. Leona Pickei» (2) Building structure 1.IMH, 4,670 1.800 3,100 800 STAYTON of Medford. She stated this was her i Phone 2964 3. Upkeep of grounds .......................................... . 600 1,500 3,131 750 900 4 Other expenses of maintenance and repairs 1,500 1,500 3,207 3,000 TH I RSDAY, FEBRl ARY 18, 19Ó4 ranger. The first meeting was held Monday, February 15. , A Red Cross Standard first aid The Civic club held their regular I course will be held every Monday and meeting February 10 at the home of Wednesday evening at 7 p. m. to 9:30 Mrs. Frank Moore, Detroit. Assisting I p. m. in room 9 at theDetroit school. hostess was Mrs. Otto Russell. About By Boots Champion An election held at Detroit school The course will run for five weeks 15 were in attendance. Tuesday night on the proposition of under the tutorship of Bill Page of the Immediately following the business whether Detroit would remain in the Oiegon State Industrial Accident Idanha Rural Fire Protection district, commission of Salem. To date there meeting, guest, Mrs. William Seif- 48 votes were cast. They were all in are 13 registered to take the course lidge, formerly of Ketchican, Alaska, as reported by S. T. Moore, district entertained the group with picture favor of remaining in the district. slides of beautiful flower gardens in Ketchican. She explained to the group as she was showing the pictures, that THE MUSIC CENTER the gardens were the result of time, labor and patience. The soil was STORE WIDE SPECIALS hauled in and spead over the rocks to pioduce the gardens. She was an At CORDIONS PIANOS active member in the garden club New 120 Basa—$110 reg. $280 $300 to $500 saving on Spinet there and the pictures were of her own Used 120 Basa—$50 reg. $125. PIANOS flower gardens and members of the 12 Basa M low as $32.50. club. Mr. and Mrs. Selfridge are now All first line. 88 notes. OTHER SPECIALTIES making their home at the Gates Coch GRANDS As low as $195 reg. $850. Tape recorder $80. ran apartments. Refreshments were served following the showing of the Radio Phone $15.00. SPINETS As low as $150. reg. $750. pictures. The next meeting will be BAND INSTRUMENTS held at the home of Mrs. Marion All kinds. UPRIGHTS Kite, March 3. Listed on the program As low as $95. Also Guitars, Ikes, Accessories. will be the first year Brownies, under THE MUSK' ( ENTER the leadership of Mrs. Betty Pittam. Arriving Sunday evening were Mrs. 470 N. Capitol, SALEM, OREGON Phone 2 537J Sophys parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Open Monday and Friday Evenings Until 9 P. M. Waters of Kenniwick, Washington, — They plan to visit here for a few days. 4— THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE DETROIT LYONS NOTICE OF SCHOOL MEETING ' Ifctpoint © *• BUDGET Shux Electric 5. Total Expenne of Maintenance and Repairs \l All i VRY AGENCIES 1. Health Service: (1) Persona) service (nurse, etc) (2) Supplies and other expenses 2. Transportation of Pupils: ( 1 ) Personal service (2) Supplies anil repairs (3) Replacement of buses (4) Insurance (5) Other expenses of transportation $ 4,450 $ 4,100 $ 8,550 $ 4,848 $ 300 20 $ 600 60 $ 660 60 V. $ $ 300 40 2,500 1,300 2,700 250 200 1,200 1.300 2,700 200 200 4. Total 1 xpense of Auxiliary Aitemie«« VI. FIXED CH ARGES (Exclusive of items included under V-2) 1. Insurance 2. Student Insurance 3. Retirement $ 7,290 > Total Fixed Charge« VII. < A PIT AL oi TLAY8 4. Librarx books 6. Furniture, fixtures and other equipment Other capital outlays $ 4,900 $ 630 450 $ •. ». IX. $ $ Total < apital Outlays 790 410 3,700 $ 1,080 EMI Iti. I Nt 1 TOTAL SCHEDI LE II GENERAL FUND- Total Estimate.! Expenses. _ Items 1-6, 11-7, 111-8, IV 5, V4, VI 5, VII 9, Vili 3, IX_____________________________ Scheduk Ml SI MM ARA <l| I SUM A ITS OF F \ITN DUT RES 5. $ $ 5,920 $ 13,210 $ $ 2,430 2,235 2,385 2,630 400 216 229 6,001 $ Total estimate«! expenditures Total estimated receipts and available cash balances (Schedule I) Amount ne«e».«ary to balance the budget DEDUCT: Balance to be raised by taxation 16, 1954 Signed: EDNA F. ROSS. District Clerk R F Kb ELY. Chairman. Board of Di:«l rs $ 6,783 $ 4.290 544 12 6,176 Opening DANCE $ 1,890 575 5.400 $ 1,560 573 6.500 $ 1,519 rm; 5,327 2,965 $ 7,865 $ 8,633 $ 7,453 300 360 $ 930 810 $ 930 $ 1452 Saturday, Feb. 20 In Dawes Building 13,509 MILL CITY, OREGON 1,100 165 1,700 660 $ $ 1,740 7,5<M> $192,675 $192475 * $ 7,576 $ $ 14.761 9,027 $ 7.500 $162.442 $171,459 $150.929 Hit FTITS AND \A All \BI I t ASH IMI \M ES. AND I A\ I FA IF* ESTIMATION OE TAX I.E\Y 1. 2. 3. $ 3,700 2,600 5.400 450 400 $ 12,968 " Come and enjoy some real dancing on a newly refinished floor. MUSK’ WITH REAL RYTHM Total al] Funds $ 192.675 63.550 129.125 These dances will he held every SATURDAY NIGHT 129.1 $ 129.125 Approve«! by Budget Committee February 16. 1954 • Signed D. I B HILL, JR , Secretary Budget, Committee DA\ L) M REID, (. hairman. Budget Committee Admission $1.50 per couple Gentlemen $1.00 Ladies 50 cents