GATES VVHITIE’S SANTIAM CAFE SPECIALIZING IN DINNERS CLOSED MONDAY AND TUESDAY —Serving; Your Favorite Cocktails— NORTHRUP KlftC GIANT FANTASY 5 in ocre»»! 4 radiant color*! Bloom» 'til frost! Santiam Farmers Co-op Feeds Seeds Fertilizer Machinery Hardware Petroleum Products Grinding and Mixing Custom Cleaning Seed Marketing Household Appliances STAYTON, ORE. Telephone 5024 W 1 It W *■ The famous SINGER* 99 Round Bobbin Machine with these latest improvements. The Cub Scouts met for their By Mr». Albert Millsap monthly pack meeting, Monday eve­ Mr. and Mrs. Edward Chance en- ning. February 15, at the high school, ■ tertained at their home Satuiday even- Mrs Edward Chance, leader. Follow­ I ing complimenting Mr. and Mrs. Jo- ing the meeting a Valentine party was i seph Bowes. After an informal even­ held Mrs. Chance states that these ing Mr. Bowes, a recent bridegroom meetings are open to the parents and was “showered” with a number of friends who are interested in the comical gifts. Refreshments weie , work of the cubs. served by the hostess, Mrs. CharfTe I Mrs W. A. Bolmeier, of Salem, to, Mr. and Mrs. Bowe-. Mrs Martha spent the week end at the home of Bowes, Mrs. Gerald Heath, Mr. and her daughter, Mrs. Don Miley, while Mrs. Walter Thomas, Mis. (¡wen Mr. Miley was in Portland on busi- Schaer, Mrs. Frankie Johnson, and nets. Mrs. Della Dike, of Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Cann left Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wilson and Tuesday evening for Berkley, Cali- M rs. Velma Caiey received a lovely , fotnia to visit their son-in-law and valentine—a new grandson—-born to daughter, Mr. i and Mrs. John Edward Mr. and Mrs. Donald Carey, of Stay­ Peetz. ton. Sunday morning, February 14, at ! Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brisbin, ac Salem General hospital. The “valen-’ > companied by their granddaughter, tine” tipped the scale at 7 pounds, 12 i Mrs Robert Wilson, left Tuesday for ounces. Big brother Jon, 3, is eageily . Roseburg, the Brisbina to visit at the waiting to welcome the new comer. I home of his sister, while Mrs. Wilson The "Little Acorns,” 4H Forestry ‘ visited her father until Saturday when class, under the leadership of Mrs. I she planed to return to her home in Edward Chance met at her home I Klamath, California. Thursday afternoon, February 11.! Spending the week end in Gres­ The program for the remaining season ’ ham were Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Fleet­ was drafted. Officers for the class are wood. guests at the home of their president, Kirk Nygaard; vice presi­ son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. dent, Walter Thomas Jr.; secretary, Ben Breisell and two sons. Darlene Joaquin; reporter, Otis The cooked forrd sale held in Mill Chance; yell leader, Roberta Chance. City by the Fairview Cemetery As­ Other members are Ellen Chance, Col-1 sociation netted $97. The committee leen Edison and Ronney Evans. The . ill charge reports that more could have group meets Thursday afternoon of been made if more pies and cakes each week. The next meeting will be had been donated. They were sold held at the Harry Evans home and out by early afternoon. The money a weiner roast will be the main at­ earned will be used to defray expenses traction. incurred by improvements of the cem­ A reception sponsored by the Gates etery. Womans club will be held in the rec­ reation rooms of the high . school. Sat -, ­ I — , «W BVVp When you stop to think, don't urday evening, Feb. 20. 2" honoring Mr. foiKet to _tart amjn hi and Mrs. Joseph Bowes, the most re­ cently married couple in the commun­ ity, and Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Hen- ness, who have been mairied the long­ est, 60 years, Jan. 24. All friends and neighbors of the two couples are invited to attend. The net regular meeting of the Gates Womans club will be held Tues­ day evening, Feb. IS, at the home of Mrs. Albert Millsan. Mrs. Edmund Davis, Mrs. Walter Thomas and Mi,s, Hinged Presser Foot John W. Reid, M. D Back Tack Stitch Lightweight Carrying Case Physician & Surgeon SJO9S0 And it will make wonderful decora­ tive stitches without attachment*. Mill City 10« DOWN PAYMENT • EASY TERMS • LIBERAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE I BEE-LINE SERVICE Frame, Asle, Wheel and Hub Aligning Two Locations E. Powell Blvd. 203 N. E. (¡rand Gresham Portland • TradR Mark of THE SINGER MEO. CO. SINGER SEWING CENTER Li.led in now telrphont Hook tnlp «ndtr SINCM saw INO MACHINS CO. 130 N. Commercial FRIDAY-SATURDAY SPECIALS Sunshine Honey Grahams 1 pound box <»®axixwno« kbcwxìkixikx - x ' k •nKpegixjjf SALEM. OREGON WOOD’S STORE General Ury Goods NOTIONS IJNGERIE READ V-TO- WEAR HOSIERY l.rZIERS COSMETICS MILL CITY MEAT MARKET For th. .ok. of th. Church lt»U *h,ch n..l. h.. moral and ma t.nal .upporf P|an ,o S'bi da.^ulo'lr ’y- MIKE S Septic Service “CALENAD” Septic Tank* and Sowers Cleaned Phone H A I.EM J COLLECT 107» Elm St.. W. Salem COUPON DAYS FEBRUARY 10-20 D.y Sunday Monday Tuesday W.dn.d> Wadn»d’y I WEDDLE FUNERAL HOME Thuridir i I”' Skturd.y OREGON M ire. Va This Series of Ads Is Sponsored by the Following Firma in Interest of All Churrhen DR. MARK HAMMERICKSEN REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST i Has moved hi. Mill City office to | Staytan in the Post Office Bldg.. 2nd Floor, in the Dr. Victor J. Myers office« I Thursday« 1 p.m. te 6 p.m. MUIR’S BAKERY Mill City. Oregon ADAS NEEDLE SHOP Dry Goods and Dressmaking S.W. Broadway,Phone 2243, Mill City HOME OFFICE: 313 W. FIRST. ALBANY BRING IN YOUR CALENDAR CALENAD COUPON NOW! ornnnnnnnDnDDnnnnnnDDnnnann Se Sute TVitA. FREE—Matinee Tickets Theatre tickets for the Saturday matinee will be given FREE with any purchase at our store. Gpf them for all your children. WlWy **A<í ANY Moon KELLOM’S GROCERY “Your Personal Service Store Mill City, Oregon HIRTE’S FOOD IXX’KERS Phone 7213 Mill City. Oregon RED & WHITE STORE Mill City, Oregon FOR TOUR Hilltop General Store M’l! Ci*y. Oregon B»ok Chapter Varta. I.aiah Matthew Luka I« lohn Ik lamas R. ^«valation Modern Fune ml Servtee STAYTON Attractive! Useful! Durable! The Item - Of - The - Month fot February will be a welcome addition to your home. You, as a Marshall-Well* Calenad Calendar owner will find ad­ ditional saving* on this house­ hold item when you bring in your Calenad Calendar Cou­ pon. Take advantage of this SPECIAL raving during the*« 10 BIG days' Phone 2721 29c 16c Business and Professional DIRECTORY Dial Tension Phone 3-3512 Lincoln Henness will be assisting hos- i tessc -. TELEVISION OR RADIO 3207 s A 2 Steaks Sea Foods CHIT K’S FINE FOODS Modern Cal U-, 3JV3 MNVH Mill City, Oregon GATES GENERAL STORE Gates, Oregon KELLY LUMBER SALES Building Material Mill City, Oregon IDANHA SUPER SERVICE Don Lloyd Idanha. Oregon WRIGHT TRUCK LINES Ship The Wright Way Stayton. Oregon DR REYNOLDS ( LINK P»-rct'il‘'r’-t.N3U»‘op?th 1! ! 1 Ccr.t.'r St cet S’nkm, Oregon'