Mr. and Mrs. Jim Poole spent the weekend in Portland at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe l.alack and son, Ms, and Mrs. John Slagle. Monte, visited in Salem at the Andiew l.alack Sr., home and also at Dallas Mr. and Mrs. Byron Bates visit«« with the Andy Lalack Jr. family. their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stavang at Lyons Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Lester Schroeder and The woman's council of the Christ­ Mrs. Frank Fencl ieturned Sunday ian Church will meet Wednesday, and daughter, Joan of Salem, visited from Spokane, where she went to at­ at the George Veteto home Sunday February 24, a tthe home of Mrs. tend the wedding of her nephew evening. Maggie Shaw. Francis Bonber. l—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THl RSDAY, FEBKl ARY IS. Mr. and Mrs. George A. Rhoten and Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. The next couples' fellowship of the Al Yankus over the weekend were and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Brown of Salem ; Presbyterian church, will be held Sun- were visitors Sunday afternoon at the Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thomas of Se­ i day at 7:30 p. m. at Friendship hall attle. They7 visited theii son, Dick, Lee Ross home. i A top-notch full-length film. “Second who is completing his -enior year In j Chance” will be shown. The fellowship Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Toman. Mr. I period will follow. Refreshments wil Mill City High. and Mrs. Martin Jepsen and Mr. and be served. Mrs. Jack Scott were in Salem Satur­ Guests at the home of Mr. and day night to attend the Cama dance Mr. and Mrs. Glen Blegen, who are Mrs. Norman Garrison in Corvallis club, of which they are members. now located at Lowell, Oregon, were Sunday were Mrs. Ann Cook and son guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs Dick. They were accompanied by (iordon A. Barker, district deputy Jay R. Mason over the weekend Miss Geraldine Highberger of Sub­ Grand Master of Masons in Oregon, While here they attended the meet­ limity. paid his official visit to Mill City ing of the Gaynighters square dance lodge Monday evening and partici- club Saturday evening. Mrs. IL E. .lull entertained at nated in the scheduled program. dinner Sunday in honor of Wilma's The evening was spent in a happy Fire Chief Dub Stewart and Wilbur birthday anniversary. Guests present manner planning for future activi­ Meinert attended the Marion county besides the Jull family were Ellen ties of which the lodgemen have a Shelton, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Shepherd full program for the spring and sum­ fire meeting in St. Paul Wednesday night of last week. The next meeting and Bill Shepherd. mer. of the group, which will be in March is scheduled to be held in Mill City. Mrs. W. W. Allen attended funeral services ni Salem last Friday for Karl Steiwer, wellknown resident of that area, who was her cousin. Mrs. Allen spent three days visiting at the homes ' of relatives, including Mr. and Mrs. E | F. Douglas and George Griffith. Never - - ! a Dull Moment Mrs. Lee Bassett is taking their i daughter, Rosalie, to Salem today (Thursday) where she will play a I clarinet solo at the Washington grade j school. She will be accompanied on the I piano by Mrs. DeLos Hoeye, who went to Salem with them. "At the Bottom of the HiH” MILL CITY TAVERN <2 •■»bscribe Byron Davis, Owner Mr. and Mrs. William North and son, Paul, of Springfield, were guests over the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Shuey. Also guests over the weekend, from Port­ land, were their son-in-law and daugh­ ter, Mr. and Mrs. Que Haines. Mill City, Oregon to the Mill City Enterprise A good game of exhibition shuffle­ board was played at the Cedars Tav­ ern in Detroit Tuesday night between the girls team of Cedars and Meander Inn. It was anybody’s game up to the last part of the last frame. The total score found the Cedars with 154 to the Meander Inn with 152. A return game will be played at Me­ ander Inn Tuesday night. THE MILL CITY" ENTERPRISE Entered *as second class matter No­ vember 10, 1944 at the post office at Mill City, Oregon, under the Act of March 3. 1879. Per Year Marion-Linn Counties $2.5# Outside Marion-Linn Counties $3.«0 DON W. MOFFATT Editor-Publisher NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION NATIONAL This revolutionary new Ford front suspension soaks up road shock before it reaches you I Makes all riding and handling easierl T he “ old ” roads won’t seem the same with Ford’s new Ball Joint Suspension “paving" the way for you. You’ll enjoy a softer, more level ride ~ because Ford’s new system allows greater shock absorbing movement of the front wheels. Handling is far better, too, not only on turns but on the straightaways as well. That’s because conventional kingpin* have lx*en replaced by simple, sealed ball joints that won't stick or bind. No other car in Ford’s field can equal this modern ride— because no «»th-T has Ball-Joint Suspension. Seals out dirt. You can forget road splash because dirt and water can’t get into the ball joints in Ford’s new front suspension. Each of the four joints u effectively sealed by a unique rubber and metal shtekl. This means that con­ tact surface* ot each ball anti socket remain clean wear is kept to a minimum. Agile new performance, too, is yours in a ’54 Ford. Whether you choose Ford's new 13O-h.p. Y-block V-8 or 115-h.p. I-block Six you get tin- quick response ami smixith. quiet operation of a modern overhead valve, low-friction deep-bkxk engine. And no matter which of Ford’s 28 new models you choose you enjoy recognized style leadership—with clean, modern lines . . . sparkling new colors . , . and harmonizing upholstery fabrics and triin. I EDITORIAL Crossler’s Grocery A friendly store That gives— S & H Green Stamps. Our prices are low, The quality is high, Just drive up and Give us a try. ON THE HIGHWAY Phone 3206 MILL CITY Do You Need More Closet Space? Keeps that new-rar feel. You'll engn I . ids new car feel much longer lieeause ball joints are spring loaded to compensate automatically fix anv wear. Front wheels hold alignment far longer than with conventional w stems. Ball runts can't stick or bind. Steering remains consistently easy. Eliminates 12 wear points. Ford's Ball-Joint Front Suspensxm <4um nates 12 of 16 points of wear found in conventional systems. Rubber bushed supports at inner ends of suspension control arms not onh reduce tlie number ot wear points but also insulate chassis from road noise*. Open (>■ Saturdays We cordially invite '54 Ford HERÄ0LD - PHILIPPI MOTOR CO. you to Test Drive a ST ION. OREGON Phone 2311 Come in and look at our se­ lection of materials to easily convert wasted space into needed closet space. Phone 2721 Mill City. Oregon Kelly Lumber Sales Authorized Shopsmith Dealer East City Limits Hiway 222 Phone 6803 Mill'City >