»—THE M11 L CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1M54 Mr. and Mrs. George Lohman of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Toman spent r Longview, Washington, spent f" the | the weekend in Albany at the home of Mu»s Leona Lamb of Portland was weekend at the Clarence Howe home Mr. and Mri. OrviHe Vogt. The”Tom- a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ^ere- an childen spent the time at the home Don Moffatt over the weekend. On --------------------------- of their grandparents, Mr. aad Mrs. Saturday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. The Gaynighters Squaredance club Wilson Stevens, Norris T. Aardahl of Bremerton, and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Farmen. Jr., Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Aardahl and two and children from Cottage Grove will meet this Saturday evening at the children from Vancouver, Washing­ spent the weekend in Mill City with Orville Downing place west of Mill Mr. and Mrs. Fount Paul, Gates. City. All members are urged to be I who have been here for about five ton, made a short visit his mother, Mrs. Guy Sorenson. present. years while Mr. Paul was employed on Z Mrs. Roy Epperson suffered a I Detroit Dam, left Monday. They ex­ Minister and Mrs. Jull drove to Mo- ' broken arm just above the wrist when pect to spend some time in Nevada she fell at her home last Saturday1 Uli* Monday to inspect the facilities and California before relocating. while washing windows. She is now at Camp Adams, which is to be the site ! of the Christian Y’outh Camps this carrying her arm in a cast. Minister II. E. Jull of the Christian summer. FLORIST and NURSERY church announces that his sermon Guests at the home, of Mrs. J. F. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Farmen and subjects for Sunday will be as follows: Potter at various times last week were . 319 West Washington Street her young son and wife, Mr. and children of Cottage Grove and Mrs. For the morning service, "The Great OPEN SUNDAYS AND Mrs. Lafe Potter of Portland; Mr. Guy Sorenson spent last week at La- Change.” and at the evening hour, and Mrs. Clyde Hill, her brother and Grand, visiting at the home of Mr. “The Coming of Christ.” EVENINGS sister-in-law from Salem; and Mrs. and Mrs. Howard Crippin and family. Making a surprise visit here Sunday Telephone 0684 Verne Scott from near Silverton, who STAYTON. OREGON is a sister-in-law of Mrs. Clifford Attending funeral services in Salem at the home of her parents was Miss Saturday afternoon for Mrs. Joe Leia Kelly, a student at Oregon State V y iTiask, who is visiting here. (Nell) Land were Mr. and Mrs. Lee College in Corvallis, ______________ and John Gab- Ross, who were very close friends.1 rielson of Scio, who has been stationed Mr. Land passed away less than a with the Army at Fort Ord, Californ- year ago. ia. His orders will take him to the Presidio at San Francisco, after Feb­ For your savings investment buy first mortgages on real estate Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mather, of ruary 19. They also visited his par­ Salem and vicinity. Will pay you 5*2 percent interest net. Salem, who at one time owned a jew­ ents in Scio. We take care of all details and collections. Offerings— elry store here, visited friends in Mill $20.000 farm loan highly improved. $6.000 and $20.000 loans City Monday. Mr. Mather attended Salem business properties, excellent security. Other loans the Charter night meeting of the Lions club. in smaller amounts. Mill Ends* Raleigh Harold $ $ INVESTMENTS $ $ I State Finance Company Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Walkup and sons Hugh and the twins, Lee and 1 Lane, spent Sunday at the Hugh Walkup home here. The twins re­ mained here over night and returned , to their home in Salem Monday with their father. 16" S High Street Telephone 34121 Cooked Food Sale Kenny Johnson, Allan and David Vail of Gates, surprised Douglas i Hirte on his 14th birthday anniversary , Satuiday afternoon. Mrs. W. B. Hirte I served refreshments of ice cream, | cake and cherry pie for her son and his guests. They took in the show in the evening. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13 HINZ COFFEE SHOP, Mill City Sale from 10:00 A. M. until 4:00 P. M. Chili, Sandwiches, Salad and Coffee Served at Noon Crossler’s Grocery Dog License Due FEES— PENALTY — In Marion County After March 1st Male ........................ $1.00 Sp. Female $1.00 Female .................. $2.00 Male.......................... $3.00 Sp. Female $3.00 Female $4.00 Make Money Orders or Checks Payable to: H. C. MATTSON, County Clerk Salem. Oregon « How to treat your friends Olympia just naturally belongs whenever good friends get together. Stock up on the beer with the rare ingredient. C’ rjff’l filter *-eens have I s-!. :t.■ cognized for years as a n;i jor r.’.ise of oil burner service er>lls. Shell Research spent 15 years developing a way to combat screen clogging. The result «as FOA-5X, an ad­ ditive that is now in every gallon of Shell Furnace On. L‘i ing three years of ex- haueti’.e ¡'•sting of FOA-5X in thousa nds of homes not a single case oj burner failure tlue to a clogged filter screen was re­ ported. For carefree heat all sea­ son, switch to Shell Furnace Oil with FOA-5X. It costs no more than ordinary heat­ ing oils. Call us today. We’ll make a'l ♦’»e arrangemei ts. I I Ih SHELL * HEATING OILS O lympic . 5 BEER O'ympiQ Brewing C© , Olymp o, Wn,, U.S A.’< \ H. L. ASHBY Distributor SHELL PRODUCTS Phone Stayton 4774 Ì « I * « * ♦ I Leo’s Richfield Service Phone 3251 Hot Values 100 Per Cent Wool Shirts (Jet them on this special close­ out sale in broken sizes. FAMOUS "BUCKSKEIN JOE" and "BLACK BEAR"BRANDS Regular Price $8.95 Close-out Price $6.95 $5.95 $4.95 Our prices are low, The quality is high, Just drive up and Give us a try. FREE—Matinee Tickets MILL CITY 15 Years of Shell Research Overcomes A Major Cause c Cil Burner Service Calls Car Completely Washed Tires Painted Mats Cleaned Car Waxed We pick up and deliver $7.95 Phone 3206 FAIRVIEW CEMETERY ASSOCIATION • • • • A friendly store That gives— S & H Green Stamps. ON THE HIGHWAY Proceeds go to Valentine Cleanup Special Wash Wax Job $4.98 $«.95 Theatre tickets for the Saturday matinee will be given FREE with any purchase at our store. Get them for all your children. Hilltop General Store Phone 2724 Mill City, Oregon