Final Angling Rules 1954 LICENSED GIRBAGE SERVICE Mrs. Tom Morris New Firemen’s Auxiliary I Lake President Takes Office ft—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY. FERRI ARY 4. 1H4 8. The winter deadline of Final angling regulations for 1954 were set by the Oregon State Game creek (Siuslaw ) was changed to Nel-1 Mrs. Tom Morris, newly elected _ Firemen’s commission following a second public son creek road bridge after Novem- president of the Mill City Auxiliary was given the gavel of her ber 30. hearing held at their Poitland head $1.50 per month and up 9. South fork Trask river and trib office at the meeting last Thursday quarters. Aino aerving Gate*. Lyon». evening, by Mrs. John Muir, retiiing Few changes were made in the ten utaries were opened to angling below Id*uba and Detroit president. Names were drawn for Edwards creek during both winter and tative rules adopted two weeks prev “secret pals” for the year. MILL CITY iously. The general trout season will summer seasons. Following the business meeting at 10. The winter closures on the Extended May 1 through October 10 in DISPOSAL SERVICE which the group donated $5 to the arms of Tenmile lakes were elimina- all zones, and the Cascade mountain 3952 March of Dimes, lunch was served by lakes, with few exceptions, will open ted. LEO HERMAN the piesident, assisted by her mother, ZONE 2 on May 29 and close October 10. 1. Tributaries of Detroit and Mer- Mrs. Louis Rada. Waters in zone 1 will remain closed idian reservoirs and Harriet lake will from March 1 through April 30 to to angling on May 1 along those Friendship Circle Meets afford protection to immature trout open three bodies of water. At Home of Mrs. V. Todd and salmon and prevent the take of 2. The lower deadline for the fall spent and over-ripe steelhead and cut The Friendship circle of the Pre.-- throat tiout. Steelhead spawning ac- closure on Eagle creek (in Columbia byterian church met at the home of tivities is greatest in the months of xorge) was changed to the railroad Mrs. Vernon Todd last Tuesday eve- THURSDAY. FRIDAY March and April, and the movement bridge, ning, sixteen members and guests 3. Fish lake in Linn county was present. Devotions were led by Mrs. of immature salmon to the ocean is an<' ATURDAY opened from May 1 to May 31. heavy. Gerald Andersen, the business meet February 4, 5, 6 The Columbia river in all zones is , 4. Rat and Teeter creeks, trib- ing conducted by the Chaiiman, Mrs. ROBERT TAYLOR, included in the waters open to winter utaries of Dorena reservoir, were E<i Yarnell. Joint installation of of ficers with the Women’s Association AVA GARDNER in angling in which it is legal to keep 2 opened to angling. 5. The season on the south fork was tentatively set for February 9, fish 12 inches or over in length per day or 4 per week. The special jack of Silver creek and tributaries above which will take the place of the reg salon bag limit of 10 per day and 20 the Silver creek falls was changed to ular meeting for February. In Color—Phu Mis. Arlo Tuers was elected new in possession or in 7 days effective conform to the general trout season, Chaiiman, as Mrs. Y'arnell will be from October 11 to November 16 will May 1 to October 10. DEBBIE REYNOLDS, 6. The North Santiam river was leaving soon. Gifts were presented apply to the Columbia in all zones. BOBBY VAN in The above two regulations formerly closed to angling for a distance of to her and to Mrs. Martin Kelly. The \ I FAIRS OF applied only to open waters in zones 0.9miles below the permanent hatch topic of the evening was “Our Church BOBBIE (¡ILLIS in Our Community.” A resume of ad ery racks near Niagara. 1 and 2. 7. The Sauvie island game mana vantages and disadvantages in our The 1954 angling regulations, in cluding those covering both winter gement area shooting grounds were community was scored on individual HILLTOP KIDS MATINEE and summer fishing, will take effect closed to angling on designated hunt sheets, entitled “How Does Our 2:00 P. M. SATURDAY ing days during the 1954 waterfowl Town Score?” Discussion was led by on February 6, 1954. BOB HOPE in the chairman. Printed synopsis of the regulations, season, I “FANCY PANTS’ Delicious refreshments were ser- 8. Middle fork Wilamette river will be available at game commission license agencies and at the game com- was closed to angling from the fish veil by the hostess to Barbara Y'arnell, mission headquarters in Portland in commission rack site below Dexter Betty Streeter, Mary Tues, Jeanette SUNDAY, MONDAY Hoeye, Clara dam down to the confluence of Fall Andersen, Virginia the early part of March. Swan, Maxine Hill, Helen Kliewer,Sig Listed below by zone are the other creek. changes in angling regulations for. 9. North Santiam closed to angling run Grimstad, Marian Pesheck, Lora February 7, H for a distance of 400 feet below dams I Kelley, Edythe Means, Maly Kelly, 1954. Mrs. Wiley Eldon Muise (Patricia Elaine Miles) whose on the main north and south chan- Anita Becker, Marjorie Becker, and ZONE 1 JANE WYMAN marriage was a recent event in the Capilla de San An Marian Todd. 1 North fork Alsea and tributaries neis of Stayton island. tonio, Calif. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs STERLING HAYDEN in 10. The winter deadline on the were opened to angling above Bailey James Miles of Santa Ana, Calif., and the groom is the creek near the game commission south Santiam river was changed to winter trout angling. SO BIG nephew of Mr .and Mrs. G. D. Jenkins of Mill City. (Roberts the Cascadia ranger station. hatchery. 15. The winter deadline on the 11. The deadline below the falls at 2. Big creek (Lincoln County) was Studio.)—Cut courtesy of The Statesman north fork of Scappoose creek was By Edna Ferber closed to angling above Newport city Oregon City was loweied on the east below side of the river to anchor on a point changed to a point 200 feet dam. Report on Manufacturer’s valid, even though preescribed by city Bonny falls. charters. 3. Cook creek and tributaries (Ne 54 feet below the southwesterly cor Life Insurance Co. Given ZONE 3 TUESDAY, Chapter 632, Oregon Laws 1953, halem) were opened above the south ner of the electric plant on Black radial 1. The one thousand foot The Manufactuiers Life reports Point from which point the line will (ORS 254.106) requires that the first fork. WEDNESDAY. closure at the outlet of Diamond lake that payments to policy holders since measure submitted at any regular or 4. Little Nestucca river was closed extend to the northeasterly corner of was lifted. incorporation passed the half-billion special city election must be numbered to «almon fishing above the head of Mill A giinder room on the west side February 9, 10 2. The north Umpqua river was dollar mark in 1953. The assets of 51 and succeeding measures numbered tidewater from March 1 to October 10. of the river, then straight downstream HARRY CAREY closed to angling from the Soda the company held for payments of fu 52, 53, 51 and so on. Squares must be i Above the south fork and all tributar- to a point 20 feet below the grinder Spring dam down to the bridge, a dis ture policy benefits also passed tile provided for the voter to indicate hn EDWINA BOOTH in west to the bank : ies will be closed to salmon angling room arches, then half-billion dollar mark during the “Yes’! or “No” vote. of the river. The remainder of the tance of approximately 300 yards. at all times. TRADER HORN 3. Diamond lake season will be year. A sample of the new ballot is avail 5. South fork of Salmonberry rlv- closed area at the falls remains the Greatest, Mont Famous A record total of $30 million was able fioni the Buerau. May 1 to September 7 and the bag lim I er and tlibutaries were opened to same as last year. African Adventure! 12. The middle fork of the Santi it is 30 fish per day and 60 in pos distributed in 1953 to benificiaries and 1 angling as were the tributaries of Val- policyholders in death claims, matured am river was open to winter angling session or in 7 days. setz lake. NEW'S endowment, annuity payment.« and ZONE 4 6. Youngs river was closed to win up to the confluence of Quartzville 1. Fish lake (Jackson county) other policy benefits including 41» creek. ter angling. By Yvonne Dart Doors Open at 7:0« I». M. 13. The winter deadline on the will open on May 1, with the general millions in dividends to policy-holders. 7. Winter deadline was changed <>n Last Friday the Buckaroos from The assets of the company grew by Complete show can be seen anr trout season. the Lewis and Clark river to the Sandy river was moved up to the log 2. The salmon bag limit on the $48’2 million to a total of $540 mil St. Paul came to Mill City where our time up to 8:30 ging bridge at Brightwood. bridge on Zelterbach’s Varsity basketball team won the game Kellog lage was opened to Rogue river system was changed to lion. Government and government 70-53. line road. permit a daily take of 6 salmon over guaranteed bonds constituted 17 per On Monday the high school faculty 15 inches, not more than two of which cent of assets and corporation and added a new member. She is Miss municipal bonds 43 per cent; can be more than 20 inches, and to a ,mor’ I Cederbei g. and will teach chorus, weekly possession limit of 13 salmon tages constituted 19 per cent ° ' girls health and P.E. and half of the over 15 inches, not more than 5 five sets, perferred and common ^oc * | English II class. of which can be more than 20 inches. 10 per cent and other assets 111 | The band is progressing greatly 3. The Rogue river closure below cent. this year. Monday officers were The rate of interest earned on the Gold Bay dam was changed to open elected. Yvonne Dart is president, Don the lower 400 feet of the pi esent clos i assets increased to 4.66 per cent as Nesbitt, vice president. The secretary ure from September 1 to December 31. compared with the previous year’s and treasurer were elected before. rate of 4.46 per cent. ZONE 5 The new business in 1953 was $31 They arc Maurie Bassett, secretary, 1. Charlton creek, tributary to the and Rosalie Bassett, treasurer. Crane Prairie reservoir, was opened to million greater than that written in M il City motored to Sublimity the previous year and amounted to angling. ’ Tuesday evening. The JV’s won their 2. Bag limit on Pauline lake reduc $145 million. Business in force now rarre and th»- Y’arsity won by a score ed to 5 fish per day and 10 in pos totals $1,744 million. of 78-69, making 13 straight leagua The Contingency Reserve and Sur session on in 7 days. wins this year. plus now amounts to $33 million. 3. The newly created Walton lake During 1953, the Manufacturers (Ochoco national forest) will open on JERRY’S CORNER . June 20 with a bag limit of 5 fish per Life’s 50th anniversary in the United day and 10 in possession or in 7 States, new business in this country days and will be closed to angling country amounted to $92 million. The Some things that are February d and 6 business in force in the United States, from motor propelled raft. Specials for Friday and Saturday Beginning to sprout 4. Davis and Sparks lakes ar? is now .10 per cent of the Company’s Pussy willows total figures. closed to angling from craft being pro Pure and Ix’an zttfc ■< pelled by a motor. Tulips 5. The Metolius river was opened (’ity Ballots Now Must And to the confluence of Lake creek, with ( (inform To State Law Fishing poles the exception of an area 100 feet Cities which are planning Co submit below the bridge at Camp Sherman. bond issues, special levies, charter The steelhead are coming 6. Rock Creek reservoir will be amendments or other measures to Snowdrift open from Mav 1 to August 15. their voters this spring are reminded Jerry ZONE 6 15c coupon by John H. DeMoully. research attor 1. Blue lake in Lake county was ney of the Bureau of Municipal Re opened. search and Services. University of Gene Teague Chevrolet ZONE 7• HOLIDAY BRAND Oregon, that the form of ballot to be 1. Camas, Desolution and Rock used by cities is now prescribed by Stayton. Oregon creeks (Wheeler county) all tribu law. Forms previously used in sub- taries to the John Day river, were mitting city measurers are no longer closed to steelhead and salmon ang- Ò ling. 2. The deadline for salmon steelhead angling on the north Pennant Brand of the John Day river was changed to Highway 395, and Rock creek in Gilliam county was changed to 12 oz. glass Highway 19 at Olex. 3. Magone lake tributaries were opened to angling. 4. Umatilla river was closed to (Jet them on this special close angling for a distance of- 300 feet be- out sale in broken sizes. low the Cold Springs intake dam. ZONE 8 FAMOUS “BUCKSKEIN JOE’’ and No changes. “BLACK BEAR”BRANDS ZONE 9 1. Grand Ronde river below Beav Regular Price Close-out Price er creek in Imnaha river below Grouse $8.95 creek were opened to Dolly Varden angling the entire year. $7.95 2. Hohn and Wood lakes in the Wallow» mountains were closed. SB.95 3. The deadline for steelhead and i salmon angling on the Grand Ronde river was changed to a bridge at Bea\ er creek 4. The special season for Dolly | STORE HOURS—7:00 to 7:90 Except Sundays and Holidays Varden on the Wallow river and its I Theatre tickets for the Saturday matinee will be we«t fork was eliminated given FREE with any purchase at our store. Get 5. Camp creek and tributaries a- them for all your children. hove Higgins reservoir (Baker conty) I were opened to angling. 8. The Elkhorn lakes in Grant j Daily Delivery in the City Order Deadline 3:00 P. M county were opened to eastern brook trout angling the entire year with no I Phone 4 407 Mill City. Oregon minimum length limit and a daily | Phone 2724 Mill City. Oregon bag limit of 30 Br.d a possession limit I ill n of «0. a 11 miau'Ji Mill City Hi-Lites SME By Shopping Regularly at Stewart' > > 1 Hamburger 3ibs Shortening 3 lbs. 89c ij>l Margarine 4 - 89c Strawberry Pres. 19c Sunshine Hydrox Cookies 12 oz pkg 39c Hungry Jack Pancake Flour 10 lbs $1.05 Sunny Jim Syrup 31 oz bottle Cheddar Cheese lb 69c Hot Values 100 Per Cent Wool Shirts $6.95 $5.95 $4.95 FREE—Matinee Tickets STEWART S GROCERY Hilltop General Store