LIFE'S MYSTERY CLASSIFIED RATES For Rent One of the mysteries of life to a Ten cents per line each insertion. FOR RENT -Clean, 1 bed loom house, school-age youngsters will always be No advertisement accepted for less carport, telephone, oil circulator, why he has to go to bed when he isn’t ’han 50 cents per week. floor coverings. Wired Tor range and sleepy and get up when he is. Count five words to the line in automatic washer. One block from •rdenng your ad. Phone 2651, Mil) store. Phone 926, Mill City. F4-11-18 Z---------------------------------------------> City or mail your advertisement to The Mill City Enterprise, Mill City. FOR RENT—Partly furnished ¿-bed­ Oregon. room duplex. One block from grade Church bazaars, suppers, bake sales, school. Phone 1242. 2tf etc. will be run under “Special An­ nouncements” classification with a FOR RENT—Furnished two and FLORIST and NURSERY minimum charge of 50 cents per in­ three room apartments. Phone 1707. / sertion. I> B. Hill. Mill City. tf . 319 West Washington Street Cold Winters Effect Highway Conditions 7—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE T||| RSDAY. FEBRUARY 4. 1954 Changing temperatures, plus rain and snow, can be the downfall of an unwary motorist, the state traffic division reminded Friday. W eather conditions in al) Oregon varied greatly, safety men ?aid driv­ ers should remember that tempera­ ture changes present a real hazard to those who do not continually "get the feel of the road.” The driver who starts out on an icy Raleigh Harold load early in the morning while it is still quite cold. He finds traction and stopping ability faiily good. But as the sun comes out, temperature rises and the ice becomes much more treacherous. Studies reveal at 20 miles an hour when the temperature is zero, stop- ping distance on ice is 110 feet, But but when the mercury rifes to 32 de­ grees above zero, stopping distance NOTICE OF SPECIAL SCHOOL I MEETING EVENINGS vm NTED fO BUY — Clean peeled NOTICE IS HEREBY' GIVEN, pur­ Douglas fir poles, delivered to suant to a resolution duly adopted by 1 SEE US when in need of T. V. An­ Telephone 6684 Lyons vara, for lurthcr intornia tennas and supplies. We handle a STAYTON, OREGON Uun cad or write Aller, Gould. 1424 the Board of Directors of School complete line of Philco television Filbert Ave.. Lebanon, phane 5745, District No. 129-J, Linn-Marion Coun­ sets. See us first. Stiffler Radio Puget Timber ( o. uf Oregon 24tf ties, Oregon, at a meeting held Febiu- and Appliance Co. Phone 3207 Mill ary 2, 1954, that a school meeting will City. ltf WANT TO BUY TIMBER be held at the High School Auditor­ , WE SELL BETTER ium in said District at 8:0