THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY —GATEW W VOLL ME X NUMBER 5 Dimes Events Bring Over $650 Here MILL CITY SHELBY I MI'HhESS COMPLETES! LACKLAND TRAINING COURSE Shelby Umphress, 20, son of Mrs. | Charles Umphress is completing his basic military training I TO THE HEART OR NATURES EMPIRE OREGON, THURSDAY. FERRI ARY 1. 1954 Mount Ansel Seminary Gregorian ('hoir Charter Men The Mill City Lions club is planning to honor its charter members at the next meeting Monday evening, Febru- ; ary 8. The local group was organized February 4, 1948. A special program will observe their sixth anniversary. Charter members include: O. B. Aasland, of Harrisburg; D. J. Feigu- son of Pratum; Ken Golliet, Mehama; O. K. Hirte, Gates; Fred Butler, Long ) Beach, California; T. R. Burton, Me-1 Minnville; George Laird, Bert Karr, and Robert Mather, all of Salem; Wal- demar Krause, V. H. Clark. J. D. Col burn, E. L. Graham, Martin J. Hansen, D. B. Hill, Dell Smith. R. L. Stiffler, V. S. Todd, Albeit Toman, R. P. Veness, Lee S. Ross and Charles Kelly. Minstrel Slated For February 17 Following the pot luck dinner held Many residents of Mill City and the at Friendship hall Monday night by surrounding area have been working the Lions club and Lions Auxiliary, a diligently preparing their parts for report on the March of Dimes was the coming Lions Club Minstrel show given by treasurer, Bob Thorpe. which is slated to come off in Mill A total of *663.90 was reported at City at 8 p.m. Friday, February 17th this meeting, however this figure may at the Elementary school gymnasium. be changed by some revenues which Those who have been attending the may not have been turned in at that rehearsals, state some real entertain Among the interesting musical events scheduled for Portland this season date. ment is in store for those attending is the concert to be presented by the Mount Angel Seminarv Gregorian Choir this event. Following is a breakdown of monies Monday evening. February 8th, 8:15 P. M.. at Lincoln High Auditorium, under Charles Kelly, Lion Club president turned in at the meeting Monday: the direction of Father David Nicholson O. S. B. The forty voice group from and general chairman of the Minstrel High school collections, $52.50; the hill top abbey has become a focus of interest to Oregonians following its Show committee states that those Elementary school collections, *65.24; commercial recording of the rarely preformed Gregorian Chant and the having »aits are working hard to donations from Lions meetings, *7.60; filming of the technicolor picture "They Heard the Angles Sing", in which it have the show in top shape. Test tubes in business houses, *58,77; was starred. Tickets are on sale at J. K. Gill’s and »ill be available at the All funds raised by this event will Dance, *84.; auxiliary lunch served at course Lackland Air Force Base, the Mark Hatfield To Speak box office the evening of the performance. be spent on city improvement pro At Sportsmens Meeting dance, *18.75; coffee parties given by “Gateway to the Air Force.” jects. Lackland, situated near San An Lions Auxiliary members, *134; Everyone interested in hunting and Mothers Porch Light parade, *199.40; tonio, is the site of the Air Force fishing is invited to attend a meeting basic military training for men and of the North Santiam Sportsmen's collections at Mill City theatre, *67. Charles Brannon to Speak Door prizes at the dance were won women, headquarters of the Human club to be held at their clubhouse, the At Farmers Union Meeting by the following: Steam iron, donated Resource Research Center, and home old Howell school between Mehama In Salem February 11th by Shields Remine, won by Mrs. Jack of the USAFOfficers Military school and Stayton, Monday, February 8. His basic military training is pre Mark Hatfield will be guest speaker Lake; spot light, donated by Frank Charles F. Brannan, former secre Hunter, won by Mel Rambo, and the paring him for entrance into Air of the evening. The refreshment com tary of agriculture, will speak in Sa fishing rod, donated by Lee Ross, won Force technical training and for as mittee announces that chili will be, 1 Tk_ ven h :*.. 'r>__1______ ______ __________ I lem February 11 at the opening ses «¿tn ■ «/» ____ Mill City JV ’s w_ In Third m Place signment in specialized work. This served after the meeting. | The Mill City Timberwolves smear- by Charles Kelly. sion of the 44th annual convention of course includes a scientific evaluation varsity The Mill City junior Those having silverware or bowls cd the St. Paul Buckaroos, 70-53, at The Lions club wishes to thank the Oregon State Farmers Union. Mill City Friday night. Mill City led 46-27 at of his aptitude and inclinations for whipped the St. Paul Juniors they can bring are urged to do so, as all those who helped in any way to Mr. Brannan will also be the principal following a particular vocation and the club is short of dishes. , all the way with quarter scores, 21-9, Mill City Friday night. Bob Stettner ! speaker at the annual banquet to be put the drive over. The sportsmen's club trophy will be I 39-22, 48-31, and final score 70-53. of Mill City led the scoring with 14 held that same night at the Knights Mrs. John Muir, captain of the career. presented to Carl Stavang, of Lyons, Mill City forward Elton Gregory, led points. Dave Cook of St. Paul was of Columbus hall. There is also a Mothei’s march, also wishes to thank I second with 12 counters, # strong likelyhood that President for outstanding sportsmanship in the the scorers with 23 points. Mill City residents for their coopera 53 St. Paul Mill City 16 27 St. Paul I James Patton of the National Farm field. He is considered by everyone Mill City 70 tion. She especially wishes to thank F 16 Sam Smith Ross 6 F 7 Frith ers Union will speak at the banquet. knowing him, to be a good sport, never Gregory 23 the mothers who helped, the Campfire 12 18 George Smith Lemke 6 F 2 Coleman taking more than his share of game Ward leaders and the campfire girls for Mr. Bannan’s subject has not been C 5 VanDamme Ellingson 10 C 2 Bernard and spending much of his time hunt-1 Carey 5 making the calls, and the Boy Scouts G G 1 Vacter announced, but it is expected that he 4 Rambeau Leach ing predatory animals. Carl is 17 Melting 17 for putting out the advance publicity. G G 3 Wolf Harrington 12 Cook will discuss the farm problem and the years old and is a junior at Stayton ; Ciook 2 At the progressive auction at the Scoring subs: Mill City, Ed Greg- Subs scoring: Mill City Jull 6, Bas- changes in that program, which he Mill City still remains pretty much High. dinner Monday night, Ed. Goshie won came to be oiy 2, Crosier 9. St. Paul, Merton 6, sett 4, Stettner 14. St. Paul. David- recommended, which the prize of a pound of coffee. Harold in the "banana belt” this winter, and known as the Brannan plan. The Frith 1. son 3. so far only one bad spell of weather Kliewer held the lucky number and Farmers Union has endorsed most of Officials Mull and Albrich. Officials: Mull and Albrich. won the jackpot, which he donated to has hit this immediate area, that being Cub Scouts Hold Pack the important proposals in this plan. Mill City Spills Sublimity the snow storm of last week. Since Meet At Mari-Linn School Win from Sublimity the March of Dimes fund. Tickets for the banquet are now on The Timberwolves traveled to Sub Atfer the dinner, which was under the beginning of this week, the weath LYONS — The regular monthly The Mill City junior varsity de- sale at the state office, 1959 Fair limity Tuesday to lack up a 78 to 69 er has been “ springlike ” with bright the supervision of Mrs. Roger Nelson, pack meeting of the Cub Scout Pack feated the Sublimity JV’s 53-27 Tues Reservations may Mrs. Frank Hunter and Mrs. Bob sunshine each day, and cool nippy 81, was held at the Mari-Lynn school win over the Saints. Elton Gregory day night at Sublimit.y. High scorers ground Road. | be made by phone or mail. The w» the scoring standout with 28 Veness, a short skit was put on. The nights. house Friday evening, January 22. for Mill City were Don Lemke with I Knights of Columbus Hall seats about Tuesday was groundhog day, ac-ji “Cub Scout Showmen” was the points. Jack Melting and Al Ward, 10 points and Lloyd narrator of the “Modern *<(ji»ion of I Ross with 15. 3nd it i- expected that a capa Little Red Riding H ih M" wasHowara surely the furry weather prophet muat theme for the month. Community scored 18 and 16 points respectively. Mil» City JV 53 37 Sublimity JV city crowd will be present to hear the Ron Bentz was high man for Sublim- Means. In the cast of characters were: have seen his shadow and according singing, skits by each den and a mu Ross 15 F 5 Reisterer two national farm leaders. Lee Ross, as grandma; Homer Thack to the old folk tale we’re in for an sical number by David and Jean Pri- ity with 21. Lemke 16 F 1 Doerfler Arrangements for the 44th conven Mill City 78 69 Sublimity er, the mother; Al Nesbitt, the wolf, other six weeks of winter. Ellingson 10 C 4 Birkholtz tion are nearly completed, according deaux was enjoyed by a large crowd Gregory 28 Wednesday morning radio weather 17 Parrish and Don Moffatt, Little Red Riding I Leach 2 G of parents and friends interested in Ward 16 6 Welter to President Richard Moeller. All forecaster from Seattle said there: the cub scouts. 2 Frank Thompson Hood. 3 Schotterfer convention sessions will be held in the G was heavy fog in Seattle and Tacoma. | Den inspection was held with Den 4 Carey 3 21 Bentz Subs scoring: Mill City: Jull 1, Here, the weather was clear as crystal.! winning the “Clean Cup”. Parent Melting 18 11 Lewis Sheythe 2, Stettner 9. Sublimity: Sul Veterans of Foreign Wars Hall. The The forecast is for clear mild weather | count was taken and Den 5 won the Crook 2 4 Bell livan 6, Lewis 1, Bell 1, Sajre 1, Min- insurance delegates will meet on the second day of the convention. The Scoring subs: through Sunday. Ctiy, Crosier 7, den 8, Welter 1. “Mom and Pop" cup. The cups are final day will be devoted to résolu- Thomas 4. Sumblimity, Reisterer o Officials: Albrich and Nelson. little loving cups that each den may Sullivan 12. ! tions and election of officers. The Speech Contest To Feature tie Marion B JV Standings on their den flags when they win. 1 Junior banquet, ordinarily held on the Nelson and Albrich. Next Toastmistress .Meeting I Awards were presented by Glen Officials: W night of the first day of the conven Other Marion "B ” Results Chemewa 12 The Mill City Grade School Tigers A speech contest, with the winner Julian, Cubmaster and refreshments Home Team tion, will be held on Saturday night, Visitor Gervais 11 were defeated by Scio Friday evening to represent the Mill City club at the I were served by Dens two and five, February 13th. By holding the Junior Friday Night I Mill City 10 by a 24 to 14 score. Mill City played area contest, will be the feature of | - affair on Saturday night, it is hoped Gervais 67 Detroit Jefferson 8 on even terms for the first quaiter the next ToastmisTress meeting to be | Jon.5Jar J)ance Studio ' that there will be less interference OSD 55 Gates Scio 6 but were no match for the tall Scio held at the Bank Cafe Thursday, Feb-] with the various school activities. j Chemewa 62 Sublimity To Resume Classes Here Detroit 5 team in the second and third quarters. ruary 11. Jefferson 54 Scoi 4 Sublimity Larry Kanoff played a fine game At the meeting held last Thursday I Announcement is made this week 2 St. Paul both offensively and defensively foi night, Mrs. Wm. Hutcheson was that the Jon Mar Dance studio will Chemewa 55 Tuesday Night St. Paul 58 O.T. OSI) 1 Mill City. Robinson of Scio was high toastmistress. Topicmistress was Mrs. again hold classes in Mill City at the Jefferson 58 OSD 56 O.T. point man with 14 points. A. E. Nesbitt; critics, Mrs. Elaine American Legion hall. Detroit 64 Friday Mill City travels to St Kiersey and Mrs. Ed Yarnell, and! Classes will be resumed Wednesday, Gates 60 Scio 42 Gervais 36 Lyons Extension Unit Has Boniface for a basketball and volley Mrs. Vincent Palmer was evaluator. I February ___ 10 _ at 3 _ p.m. _________________ and all former Marion B Standings ball contest starting at 7 p. m. Mrs. Gwen Jones gave the invoca- students and new students are asked W L “Copper Tooling” lesson DETROIT—Henry Heibert, chair 21 St. Boniface Mill City 14 j to be present at this time. Mill City 0 12 LYONS—The Lyons Extension unit man of the March of Dimes campaign 14 Robinson F Bevier 3 Mrs. Kenneth Crosier, as installing 10 Gervais 2 held their meeting at the Rebekah in Idanha, reports a total of *418.20, 2 Strong officer, installed Mrs. Howard Means F Kanoff 4 Scio ....... 8 4 hall last Friday, January 22 with an raised by the community of Idanha. Drushella as president, who takes the place of I Spiritual Life Mission C Smith 1 8 4 all day meet ng. Leoa Johnson and Active in the campaign were the Being Observed by Churches Jefferson Newcomb Mrs. Gwen Jones. G Thomas St. Paul 5 7 Jacquie Smith were the project lead American Legion Auxiliary and the 3 Shoop G Longnecker 4 During the month of February the Sublimity Mrs. Means spoke on education 3 » ers, giving a demonstration in “Cop Willing Workers club, who sponsored Scoring subs: Mill City, Jones 1, with her subject “Vocabulary." Other Presbyterian churches of Oregon are Chemewa 9 per Tooling." A nursery was provided a bingo game, which netted *157.90, 3 Brown 5. holding a "Spiritual Life Mission. ” Urban 1 ; Scio, speakers were Mrs. Arthur LeCours, OSD 2 10 for the children with Mrs. Byron as reported by Mrs. Herbert Wenke, Score at Quarter Stops “By the Skin of My Teeth” and Mrs. . During the week of February 14-19 Detroit 2 10 Bates of Mill City in charge. Lucille secretary of the Legion Auxiliary. Mill City 3 7 10 14 Vernon Todd, "American First Lad- ! ministers from half the state will be I Huber, Rose Thayer and Luella Har- The Idanha Rod and Gun club, and Scio 4 11 19 24 ies.” holding preaching services in the other gin were the hostesses for the day and the Idanha Fire Department, who Girls Win Sixth league Game half. At that time the local Presby Mrs. Martin Kelly Honor Mill City girls volleyball team de Salem Campfire Counselor terian minister. Rev. Noble Streeter Guest At Shower Tuesday served a planner! luncheon at the noon sponsored a piesocial, which netted feated Seio by a 63 to 15 score. This Speaks At Woman’s Club will hold meetings in Eastern Oregon. Mrs. Gerald Andersen and Mrs. Arlo hour. Seven new members were taken a little over *200. Individual coffee was the sixth straight league win Then during the week of February Tuers entertained with a shower hon in. They were Elsie Myers and Beulah parties, and contributions in contain Meeting Held Tuesday Nite 28-March 5, the process will be re oring Mrs. Martin Kelly at the Ander Fish of Mill City; Verna Jenks, Lois ers placed in business establishments for Mill City. The regular meeting of the Mill versed. Rev. Robert Vogt of Milwauk son home Tuesday evening. Prizes for Morgan, Marilyn Kuiken. Alla Mae I rounded out the balance to a total of Basketball League Standingse City Woman’s club was held at the ie will hold meetings in Mill City and the games were won by Edythe Means, Bethel and Helen Spellmeir all of | *418.20. w L Pct. church Dertoit Dance Postponed recreation room Tuesday even Mehama that week. 5 1 .807 Scio Betty Loughridge, Betty Streeter, and Lyons. Regular members attending The March of Dimes dance sched 4 1 .800 ing, with the short business session Stayton Friends and members of the church Mary Kelly; consolation prizes going were Bea Hiatt, Garnett Bassett, Mar 3 3 .500 conducted by the president. Mrs. John are invited to attend these services. i to Lora Kelly, Sigi un Grimstead, and tha Cruson, Luella Hargin, Alice Hu uled for January 30 at Detroit school Mill City ber, Lucille Huber. I-eoa Johnson, and postponed because of the heavy 1 5 .200 Muir. Mrs. Vernon Todd, the secretary The schedule of service will be an- ' Clara Swan. Jefferson snow-storm was cancelled, reports 0 5 .000 read the minutes of the previous meet nounced later. Aumsville Following the entertainment, the Helen Johnston, Evelyn Julian, Vir- chairman John Bryant of the Detroit ing. gifts were presented to the guest of geen Scott, Ruby Morgan, Esther campaign. Money will be refunded Giving a short talk was Mrs. Deek- honor in a beautifully decorated bas Steinfelt, Evelyn Sexton, Jacquie upon request of dance ticket holders, Santiam Hospital Auxiliary man from Salem, who is a Campfire Mehama Farmers Union ket. Refreshments were served at Smith. Rose Thayer and Mora Stev if tickets are returned to the ticket A number of local Camp To Have Box Social small tables by the hostesses, with ens who was a guest of the day. To Ha%e Dinner This P. M. counselor. sellers, or presented at The Cedars fire leaders were present, new chair The Farmers Union at Mehama will clever favors for everyone. Mrs. Arlo Tuers, secretary of the man of which is Mrs. DeLos Hoeye. tavern, or to chairman John Bryant. hold an old-fashioned box social fol- Attending the affair were Lora Statiam Hospital Auxiliary states a At the close of the evening, refresh lowing a Valentine motif Friday, Feb Kelly, the guest of honor. Marion Walter Norblad Announces Otherwise money will be added to the luncheon meeting will be held at the ments were served by the two host ruary 12 at the Mehama Woman’s club March of Dimes fund. Todd, Marion Pesheck, Marjorie Beck Candidacy for Reelection Woman's clubhouse in Mehama this esses, Mrs. John Baldwin and Mrs. house. Since Detroit's campaign is incom er, Helen Kliever, Sigrun Grimstad, (Thursday) afternoon at 1 o’clock. Rep. Walter Norblad of Stayton to plete at this time, announcement will John Muir. The proceeds will help the Hells Anita Becker, Esther Wood, Edythe All women of this area are invited Canyon committee in Washington. D. Means, Betty Streeter, Betty Lough-1 day announced his candidacy for re be made later of the money raised. to attend the luncheon and meeting, Officers for Lyons Fire C, The public is welcome to attend. | ridge, Clara Swan, Virginia Hoeye, election. says Mrs. Tuers. Norblad, a 45-year old lawyer, who Eugene Contractor Gets and the hosteses, Jeanette Andersen, District To Be Elected was first elected to congress shortly LAKE DEFEATS CEDARS IN and Mary Tuers. Others sending gifts Contract on Access Road At Meeting March 6th SHUFFLEBOARD TO! RNEY I included Barbara Yarnell, who has after his discharge from the Army in DETROIT DAM WEATHER S. W. Groesbeck, of Eugene, with LYONS—The people of Lyons and is completing his fifth con sec - DETROIT —The shuffleboard moved to Salem, Harriet I-eCours, 1945, Compiled by W alter Mackie an offer of *32,259 Thursday was low the surrounding community are be league game played between The Lake term in the House. His cur- utive Evangeline Fleetwood, Maxine Hill, Daily 7:30 A. M Readings were ginning to see the fruits of their la and the Cedars Friday night at the rent committee assignments include of seven bidders when bids M.S.L. Pool bors and the realization of a dream Cedars, the Lake scored 153 points and Mildred Allen. membership on the powerful Com opened by the Portland district. Corps Elev. come true. Max. Mm . Pep Date mittee on Committees. Armed Ser of Engineers, for completion of the to Cedars 129. 25 35 2.17 1455.73 Jan. 26 Last Thursday 20 men appeared be vices and Merchant Marine and Fish Cumley creek section of the Kinney Friday night Byron Davis' Mill City l*TA Founders l>ay To Be 35 29 61«" sno 1435.39 fore the Linn County court in Albany, Tavern will vie with The I-ake on the Observed Here February 10 eries, and the position of Western Creek Forest access road, rock sur Jan. 27 36 32 3.40 1455 02 and the court declared this a rural Lake’s board, and the Cedars will Jan. 28 facing of the powerhouse access road The Campfire Girla will be in Membership whip. 41 34 0.94 1459.51 fire district. Jan. 29 Norblad is a graduate of the Uni and stock-piling of mineral aggregate charge of the PT A Founders Day travel to Jerry's in Gates for a bout 35 03 1462.00 42 Jan. 30 Election of officers will be held in another league game. program at the high school auditor versity of Oregon, having obtained a at Detroit Dam on the North Santiam 35 43 .00 1462.44 March 6th. After that they expect to Jan. 31 The all-girl Meander Inn team ium. Wednesday, February 10th, ac degree of Doctor of Jurisprudence at river. 47 .00 1462 00 be able to purchase a fire truck. This scheduled to play Detroit’s all girl cording to President Al Nesbitt. 32 Feb 1 Government estimate for the work the Oregon Law School. He is mar 32 49 .00 1461.29 is a much needed article in this com team, last Tuesday was cancelled be Feb. 2 All members are urged to attend ried and has one son, fourteen years was *49,969 Completion time is June 15. 1954. munity. cause of the weather. this meeting. old. Timberwolves Still Lead ■_ League Basketball Teams Spring Weather For Canyon Area Grade School ToPlay St. Bor ¡face Friday Idanha Makes Good Polio Fund Showing