Layman. Tho-e at*, inding were Mmes. »—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, JANI ARY 2». 195» replace all the present yellow and black signs on the state system, Lauia Rarey, Dollie Kite, Tude Rus­ First replacements will be done as sell, Oikie Nyberg, Irene Stout, Lu­ Idanha and the Lake club in Detroit, Send In Reports on Fishing the yellow signs wear out or are cille Brown.the bride ’ s mother Mrs. Friday night, the Lake scored 185 to By Boots Champion And Hunting Experiences bioken. Greetings everybody. It’s good to John Estey, the honored guest Enid Spillway’s 130. The Mill City Enterprise would like The American Association of State be home again. We had a wonderful Arsenault, the host Lillian Gescher, i On Tuesday night an all-woman to get all fishing and hunting reports team from Mill City, vied with an in the canyon area. A real local Highway Officials at its meeting last trip and weather conditions and high­ and co-hostess Audrey Layman. November in Pittsburgh, recom­ Those sending gifts but unable to all woman Detroit team in an off-the- sports coverage woald be the result. ways were good both ways. mended that each state adopt the red A miscellaneous nuptial shower was attend were Mmes. Helen Bryant, Lor-1 i ecord game. The score will be an­ Send your reports to Jerry Coffman sign as standard. The red sign i» held Wednesday aftenoon al 2 o’clock laine Sophy, Edna Myers, Ann Fa­ nounced in next week’s paper. On Fri­ at Mehama or mail or phone them to said to be more effective in calling January 20 at the home of Mrs. Lillian gan, Melba Harlan, Millie Stahlman, day night the Lake and Cedars will The Enterprise diiect. attention to stop, as red at a traffic Gescher, honoring Mrs. Joe Arsen­ and Boots Champion. Refreshments fight it out for top score in another intersection light means stop, where- ault, the former Enid Bennet. As­ were served. The Arsenault marriage | league game at the Cedars. as yellow means caution. Burton Harris of Detroit left here New Look Coming For sisting the hostess was Mrs. Audrey was solemnized New Year’» Eve. i Tests are now under way in Wash- Washington Road Signs Mr. and Mrs. Eail Clester, non and Monday, January 18 for San Diego says New stop signs on all state high- ington of a new sign which daughter-in-law of Mis. Carrie Bui- where he will receive his boot train- ways, country load.- and city streets "Yield Right of Way.” If a _ favorable ing. He is a nephew of Mrs. Otto | lard, arrived in Detroit Saturday and Russel. in the state of Wasington will have reports received from the tests, these are making their home at the Bullard Leaving here Sunday for a short a red background with the word signs may be used at intersections residence for a couple of. months. Mr. where traffic is not heavy enough Clcster, who recently returned from visit in San Francisco were Mr. and “STOP” in white. This announce­ to warrant a stop sign. They will Mrs. George Renner, Ellen Manning, ment was made by William A. Bug­ Korea, has received his release from Art Hansen and Dee Palmer. While gee of Olympia, Washington, direc­ indicate to the driver that that he the army. have the right «f "ay ani there" they will visit Art’s sisters. tor of highways for the Washington Mrs. Clester is the former Mickey I They plan to return Thursday. state highway commission, in an an- will be considered to be in the wrong Hamilton of old Detroit. Mrs. Joe Leis is holding her head noucement to Ray Conway, general if he collides with another vehicle The Bullards are making their home very straight these days. The reason? manager of the Oregon State Motor coming from across the street at 15 Years of Shell Research in The Dalles for the present where She is sporting a boil on the back of association. ! that point. Overcomes A Major Cause Mr. Bullard obtained employment, the neck. Our sympathies are with The word ‘‘STOP”.will be fully re- To all members of the FOE Auxil­ you, "Mama Joe.” Society has the habit of throwing flectionized so that the new sign will of Oil Burner Service Cails iary Arie 2745, meeting time has been Little Christina Nyberg, accompan-1 stand out when headlights strike it at people over-board to get them out of changed from 8 p. m. to 7 p.m. until led by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eric night, The new sign has been under the swim. Clogged filter screens have further notice. On February 3 our Nyberg, of Idanha, was a birthday study for several years. Buggee es­ be. a recognized for years as local auxiliary will be honored with guest on Saturday at the home of timates that it will take six to a major cause of oil burner the presence of Mrs. Leona Pickell Little Miss Suzie Rynearson, daugh­ service calls. of McMinnville, state president of the ter of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Rynearson, JERRY’S CORNER Shell Research spent 15 FOE auxiliary. Your presence will b" of Gates. On the return home Sun- j gon State Medcial Society. The com­ y. '.r: developing a way to mittee is hopeful of state-wide cover ­ day they were the guests of Miss Fay appreciated. Son home from college: combat screen clogging. The We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Cooper in Detroit, who entertained age, so that all physicians and others result . s FOA-5X, an ad­ “Father, I think I will Frank Moore, correspondent for the with a birthday cake, honoring Mrs. professionally concerned may be ac­ ditive that is now in every curately advised of newly adopted Capitol Journal and Statesman has Eric Nyberg, and Mis. Betty Hayes. settle down and raisej gallon of Shell Furnace Oil. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Russell enter- aids, techniques and drugs useful in discontinued reporting from this area. chickens. ’ Ifirii i three year» of ex­ Her newsy items will be missed ■ tained a group of friends at their the diagnosis and thratment of card­ haustive testin'/ of FOA-oX u iac aliments. “Better Father: home Monday evening, January 25 by all. thou gauds of homes not a sin53c I ♦ STORE HOURS—7:00 to 7:00 Except Sundays and Holidays STEWART'S GROCERY Daily Delivery in the City Phone 1407 Order Deadline 3:00 P. M Mill City, Oregon : ! Submit as many entries M you wish, but each entry mint he ar- companied by an official entry blank obtained at The Gingerbread House in Mehama, upon request.___________ REMEMBER: An official entry blank must accompany each picture submitted. 2. The picture may be black or white or colored to suit the young artist s fancy. It may he a painting, sketch, paper rut-out or any kind of hand work. 3. Mail or present your entry to the Gingerbread House, Mehama. Oregon, on or before midnight. March 31. 195». 4. Priiea will be awarded for the be*>t entrie« received in the npinion of the judges. Neatness, originality. and uniquenev« will be ron- »idered by the lodges. Judges décision« «ill be final, and duplieaie prues will be awarded in ranea of tie-,. YII entrie« will beeome the property of the Gingerbread Hove and none will be returnwd 5. Winners will be notified by mail and a rnmplete list of all winner« ill he be published in local papers. I • i • ♦ • • :: :: ♦ ♦ • • • I • • • I • *