CLASSIFIED RATES Real Estate Ten cents per line each insertion. No advertisement accepted for less REAL ESTATE than 50 cents per week. C. E. Coville, Broker Count five words to the line in FLORIST and NURSERY ordering your ad. Phone 2651, Mill Glen Shelton, Salesman City or mail your advertisement to, West side Mill City Ph. 2207 The Mill City Enterprise, Mill City,' . 319 West Washington Street.. FOR SALE BY’ OWNER—Three bed­ | Oregon. room home on nice level 75x140 foot OPEN SUNDAYS AND Church bazaars, suppers, bake sales, lot, all in lawn, on N. W. river road. EVENINGS , etc. will be run under “Special An­ Electric water heater. This is a real nouncements” classification with a Telephone 6684 minimum charge of 50 cents per in- j bargain for someone who is handy with carpenter tools and has time sertion. STAYTON, OREGON ________________________________ to work it over. Can be purchased y with very low down payment and the balance cheaper than rent. See Business Services WE SELL BETTER Don Moffatt at The Enterprise of­ fice in Mill City. tfx CARS FOR LESS! SEE US when in need of T. V. An­ tennas and supplies. We handle a Hay complete line of Philco television sets. See us first. Stiffler Radio FOR SALE Baled Alta fescue hay, salted. 40c and 70 per bale. Etzel and Appliance Co. Phone 3207 Mill City. ltf' Brothers, Rt. 1, Box 234, Stayton. Phone 141’71 or 16F84. J2-3-4 Stayton TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING Ma­ chines. We sell, rent, repair and For Rent IT PAYS TO BUY AT swap all makes. Trade your old j HOME! machine towards a new one. FOR RENT—2 bedroom house at ROEN. 456 Court St.. Salem. Little Sweden. See Oscar Nystrom at Shell Service Station. 4p l>egal Notices S Raleigh Harold NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that by virtue of an Order duly entered in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marion, in the Matter of the Estate of Bertha E. Shepherd, deceased, the undersigned, Harold J. Shepherd, was duly ap­ pointed as administrator of said estate and has qualified as such. All persons having claims against said I estate are hereby required to present same, together with the proper vouch­ ers, to the undersigned administrator at office of Bell & Devers, Stayton, , Oregon within six months from the date of this notice. Dated and first published this 24th day of December, 1953. HAROLD J. SHEPHERD, Administrator | BELL & DEVERS, Stayton, Oregon, Attorneys for Administrator. GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET Salem Sand & Gravel Co. HEAVY HAULING Phone Stayton (Wright Truck Line) 2125 Common Carrier — Heavy Machinery and Equipment Ph. SALEM Day 3-9408 Nite 2-4400 EXCAVATION & CONSTRUCTION Contracting and Rental J i : : FOR RENT—Partly furnished 2-bed- room duplex. One block from grade school. Phone 1242. 2tf ! FOR RENT—Furnished two and three room apartments. Phone 1707. D. B. Hill, Mill CitV. tf Miscellaneous W anted TO BUY — Clean peeled Douglas fir poles, delivered to Lyons yard. For further informa­ tion call or write Allen Gould. 1424 Filbert Ave.. Lebanon, phone 5745, Puget Timber Co. of Oregon. 24tf WHITIE’S WANT TO BUY TIMBER SANTIAM CAFE STOUT CREEK LMB. CO. Small or large tracts Either cash or stumpage basis SPECIALIZING IN DINNERS OPEN AT 4 P. M. EVERY DAY —Serving Your Favorite Cocktails mile west of Mehama, Oregon 3tf PIANO BARGAINS—Jan. specials. Slightly used Spinnets, $395, up. Schroeder small upright, $295. Good practice pianos, $145 up. Guaran- teed in good condition. Very easy terms, Free delivery. 1 We take M W 4 0 1V1 pianos and band instruments in trade. Day Music Co.. 808 S. E. Morrison, Portland, Ore. ( Mr. 4p Cook.) Sawmill LOGS WANTED Top prices for Second Growth Shuffleboard Good Music *z west of Mehama, Oregon j MEANDER INN Where Friends Meet On Highway 222, Linn County Side MILL CITY J George “Sparky” Ditter When you come here you can be assured of good treatment in a pleasant atmosphere. Make it a habit to visit us daily. SHUFFLEBOARD Meet your friends here for the ’ Good 2nd growth logs. Premium paid for No. 2 logs 28 feat and longer. Also 8 foot stud logs or multiples of 8 feet plus trim. 6 inch- 16 inch diameter. BURKLAND LUMBER CO: 1 Phone Turner 1125 Evenings 2503 j Turner or 2-7826 Salem. 46tf HAVEN’T THEY ALWAYS? Statisticians say many women are | getting men's pay nowadays—a fact , married men have always known. Best In Beverages “BILL” GRAHAM, Owner I SALEM Has Eeverything for Your OFFICE NEEDS Furniture and Bookkeeping Supplies 141 N. Cofmerrial Street NOTICE TO OWNERS OF DOGS Notice is hereby given that March 1st is the last day on which to secure your dog license from County Clerk without paying a penalty. The lic­ ense fee is $2.00 for male and spayed bitch dogs, and $3.00 for female dogs. After March 1st a penalty if $2.00 will I be charged with each license issued. All pups are subject to license as soon as they reach the age of 8 months. If license is not procured before such pups reach the age of 9 months the penalty of $2.00 attaches. PETE FIEDLER Dog Catcher J21-28-F-4-11-18-25 NOTICE Personal property taxpayers are re­ quired to file an invoice as of January 1st, 1954, with the Assessor for an assessment base. Assessment must be filed on or before March 2, 1954. Pen­ alty provided after due date. Truck and automobiles carrying State license plates and furniture in private homes are exempt. Furniture in Hotels, Apartments and Rooming Houses are subject to taxation. If you have not ivvvovu received ail an aODVOO- assess- , --------------- • ment blank, please notify the Asses- - sor’s Office. I JOHN W. SHEPPARD. I Linn County Assessor. J 28;F4-ll-18-25 Enterprise Class Ads Pay Try One Today! FOR SALE—Close couple toilets $15; Wash basins, $10; Two 75-gallon propane water heaters, $115 each; 40-gallon propane water heater, $60; Electric Washer, $150; Laun­ dry Trays, $10; Propane Dryer, $125; Trailers $100. — Rainbow Trailer Court. 4 LOGS WANTED LES’S TAVERN THE COMMERCIAL BOOK STORE 51tf FOR SALE—1 1946 BG Cletrac, 1 D4 Caterpillar, 1 1)4 logging arch; 1 1945 Ford truck and dual axle trail­ er; 1 1947 Ford truck with dual axle trailer; 1 lowboy trailer. Will sell all for >9,500. John H. Cook, In­ quire at Gates postoffice. 5p ! GOOD MUSIC STOUT CREEK LMB. CO. See The Mill City Enterprise for your Printing Needs o IZ i*j Mayonnaise, 1 quart Kratt Vv rkay M(ar!rarine 2 ibsä9c Dinners, 4 pkgs Spuds No ls’ 10 lbs 35c Eggs large» fresh ranch, doz. 5QC Cake Flour, Fisher’s 2 25c Nestles Instant Cocoal O Boxes Yes Tissue 3(10 count 49c lQp Tt/V I I AS SEEN IN /V y / 16 j I 1 FOR ALL YOU HAVE EVER WANTED IN EXTRA SAFE LONG MILEAGE II The GENERAL TIRE We give the beat of Road Service, Bat. it ia on wheel«, we can move it. with New NYGEN Cord Silver Saddle i V Pound far poaad, MyfM card fl j- is »franger than iteet caMe! ■ ---- T - Carcass itreagth 2!4 »>•♦» greater ! “Saving YOUR Tires Is OUR Business” MEHAMA, OREGON PHONE: LYONS 143 Ken-I.-Ration cans SKRVICE STATION & TRAILER COURT Phone M3 — MILL CITY GATES TIRES and BATTERIES AUTO SUPPLIES A»k <»' Philippi Tire Service Dog Food Heinz Catsup 2 bottles 49c Crackers Sardines Oval With tomato sauce Can 29^ Open •0 A. M. to 7:00 P. M lb. box Sunshine Krispy White, Chocolate, Yellow S« an^dow n Cake Mix 3 — r $1 Closed Sunday HILL TOP MARKET Telephone 2744 Mill City, O.^ton