5—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, JANUARS 2$. 1954 Phyllis Gibson Surprised Mil! City Grade Team Mr. and Mrs. Don Miley and two By Bridal Shower Defeats Jefferson Fridav * youngsters spent Friday and Satur­ A surprise bridal shower was given The Mill City grade school Tigers day in Eugene, where Mr. Miley at­ in honor of Miss Phyllis Gibson, Tues­ Mrs. Albert Millsap tended the Oregon Association of Sec­ day, January 19 at Mom and Pop's defeated Jefferson grade school by a Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Haun, who have ondary school principals. Mr. Miley cafe. Hostesses presiding were Mrs. score of 15 to 11 Friday night. resided in Redding, California since is a member of the committee to re­ Th< game was slow offensively but Ruth Johnson, Olivia Kaplinger and the sale of their home in Gates last view high school college relations and it was a clean game and very tight Maude Flatman. spring, have retujned to Gates to the Inter-State council. Duties of this defensively, Games were played and a delicious make their home for a time. They committee will also involve senior Bill I.ongnecker and Larry Kanoff snack of cake, ice cream and coffee are occupying the Struckmeier home I campus visitation in the spring. played ar outstanding game for Mill was served by the ho: tesse^ The City. Gary Bevier was high scorer and their daughter, Louise and son, Former friends and schoolmates of door prize was won by Lettie Swan. with five points. Marvin, are attending the Gates high Mrs. Carl Jensen (Patty Kerry) may Other prizes were won by Clara Mill City 15 school. Mr, and Mrs. Struckmeier are Il Jefferson be interested to learn of the birth of Shelton and Elma Stewart. Bevier 5 managers of the Oak Park Motel and ! a baby girl, torn to Mr. and Mrs. Jen- F 2 Marlatt Present were Misses Sharon Gall­ Kanoff occupy the manager’s unit there. F 1 Nyman I sen, in Springfield, where they now agher, Carol Blazek, Ardis Meeks, C 8 Hochspierre Mrs. L. L. Rynearson was called ! reside. Mrs. Hollis Turnidge, former­ Mill City and Evelyn Johnston of Smith 3 G Gross to Portland Saturday of last week by ly of Gates, now of Cutler City, is the Gates; Mrs. Clara Shelton, LaDonna Thomas 3 Longnecker 4 G H a vet news of the death of her grandfather, maternal grandmother. Crofoot, Mrs. Charles Sullivan, Elma Score at Quarter Stops— Robert H. McNamee, at the age of Susie and Dickie Rynearson both Stewart, Toots Blazek, Lettie Swan, 3 9 14 15 101. Mr. McNamee was born June 5, have birthdays in January and their Peggy Becker, Nell Stohlman, Bon­ Mill City 3 6 11 11 1852, in Jackson County, Ohio. At the mother, Mrs. L. L. Rynearson enter­ nie Pregoy, Ann Crook. Blanch Gib­ Jefferson time of his death he was in a rest tains for each of them. Saturday, Jan­ son, mother of the bride to be, all of home at Oswego Lake. Services were uary 9, Dickie was 3 and host to a Mill City; Dorothy Johnston, Gates, Civil Service Commission read in Portland and burial in Moun­ number of his little friends. Gifts, ice Helen Anderson, Mehama and the Announces Coming Exams tain Grove, Mo. Mrs. Alva McNamee cream and a birthday cake all decor­ hostess Ruth Johnson; Olivia Kap­ The United States Civil Service accompanied the body of her father- ated with cowboys and wild Indians linger and Maude Flatman, Mill City ( ommission announced the following in-law east and will visit relatives in made it a great da.v for Dickie, his and the honor guest, Phyllis Gibson. examinations: Nurse Anesthetist, Velaki, Miss, before returning to Ore­ sister, Susan and Kirk, Phyllis, Mar­ Those unable to attend but send­ $4,60(1 and $5,810 a year for work at gon. Mr. McNamee made a trip to jorie and Ginger Nygard, Dickie Hay­ ing gifts were: Mrs. Barbara Mint­ various locations throughout the coun­ Oregon the year he was 99 to visit his ward, all of Gates; Jo Netta and Patti on, Merle Minton, Donnie Thompson, try and in the Panama Canal Zone; granddaughter, Mrs. Rynearson, who Wilson, of Portland. Adults present Mabel Veteto, Millie Woods. Ada Social Worker (Parole), $4,205, and at that time resided in Detroit. His were Dickie’s grandmother, Mrs. Alva Plymale, Tally Davis, Jean Miller and Intsructor (trade shops, vocational keen enjoyment of life, his interest McNamee and Mrs. Howard Wilson, Vinty Vinton all of Mill City. agriculture, industrial arts or general in those he met and in the construc­ Portland and Mrs. Orville Nygaard, Miss Gibson was the recipient of shop, related to trades, and general tion of the Detroit dam won him many Gates. many gifts. She plans to be married education), $3,795, for duty in Federal Detroit friends. Susie’s birthday came on Saturday, February 5th in Washington. penal and corrective institutions Mayor and Mrs. W. R. Hutcheson January 23, when she was 6 years old- throughout the United States. spent this weekend in Central, Oregon invited to her home Saturday after­ EXPLORER SCOUTS TO MEET No written tests are required. Ap- where they visited friends in Redmond noon to help her celebrate the day IN ALBANY FEBRUARY 4 plicats must have appropriate educa­ and Prineville. Stanley Mate from the national tion, experience or a combination of were Christine Newberg from Idan­ Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Fleetwood drove ha, Beverly Humphries, Detroit, Bink- office will conduct an Explorer Scout education and experience. The maxi­ to Cottage Grove over the weekend ie Bingston, Mill City, Linda Ander­ meeting February 4 at the Red Hat mum age limit for the nurse anes­ to visit Mrs. Fleetwood’s sister and son, Phyllis and Margie Nygaard, j cafe in Albany, beginning with a din­ thetist position on the Isthmus of husband, Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Eastburn. Lois Evans and Dickie. Mrs. Ryneat- ner at 6:30. Pamama is 35 years, in the States, I Wes Clausman, national camping 62 years. There is no maximum age I Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Stafford and son was assisted by Mrs. Erick New­ director will be in Salem February 16. family moved this week to Lakeview, berg, Mrs. Brad Humphries and Mrs. limits for the other positions. ' ■where Stafford will be asociated in Orville Nygaard. Party games, re­ The time and place will be announced Further examinations regarding the the gravel business with his brothers- freshments and the opening of gifts later. examinations, including instructions A district round table will be held on how to apply, and application forms in-law, Basil, Erwin, Gordon and Ken­ kept the youngsteis busy. The Gates Woman’s club met Thurs­ at the Lyons grade school February may be secured at any post office neth Weathes. The Weathers broth­ ers formerly resided in Gates. day evening, January 21 in the recrea­ 16, at 8 p.m. throughout the country, or from the Bob Oliver, accompanied by John tion rooms of the high school, Mrs. U. S. Civil Service Commission, Wash­ Kenneth Martig presiding. Reports of Muir, of Mill City, attended the 40 and spoke on plans of the Auxiliary ington, I). C. Applications will be ac­ et 8 meeting in Salem Wednesday committees consumed most of the to reorganize and an effort is being cepted until further notice for all of evening. business session. Mrs. W. R. Hutche­ made to organize chapters in Gates the examinations. Mrs. Elmer Stewart visited several son, chairman of the building commit­ and other cities of the Canyon. Mrs. days this week in Stayton at the tee reported on the progress made’on Klutke announced that a luncheon home of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bruder. the club house. Mrs. W. S. Hudson, to be given by members of the Auxil­ Grain Loans End Feb. 1 Mrs. Glen Henness, accompanied chairman of the reception committee iary would be held in Mehama, Febru­ Says George L. Koos by Mrs. Clarence Rush, Mrs. Burrel for the reception to be held Saturday ary 4, in the Woman’s club house. She February 1 instead of January 31 Cole, Mrs. Clare Henness and Kan- evening, January 30, honoring Mr. and extended aninvitation to all those in­ will be the last day grain producers dee, all of Gates and Mrs. Keith Hen­ Mrs. Joseph Bowes and Mr. and Mrs. terested to attend. Following adjourn­ can file applications for price sup­ ness, of Mehama, drove to Dallas, Lincoln Henness, discussed plans. ment little Pat*y Pennick entertained port loans or purchase agreements on Tuesday to spend the day with Mrs. Other members of the committee in the ladies with several dance numb­ their 1953 grain. Hennes’s mother, Mrs. Roy Taylor charge of arrangements are Mrs. Rich­ ers, Mrs. Don Miley acompanying at Since January 31 falls on Sunday ard Parker, Mrs. W. F. Struckmeier,. on her birthday anniversary. the piano. Mrs. Richard Parker, Mrs. the deadline has been advanced one Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Meinert and Mrs. Dale Reynolds, Mrs. Floyd Völk­ Kenneth Martig, Mrs. John Watson day. three sons, Mr .and Mrs. Verne Shaw el and Mrs. W. R. Hutcheson. Mem­ and Mrs. Tim White served refresh­ Loans and purchase agreements and Craig, and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer bers of the gift committee are Mrs. ments to the 14 members present and are available to grain growers at the Shaw and daughter, Audry and Mrs. Glen Henness, Mrs. Orville Nygaard, special guests, Mrs. Phillip Cann, Mrs. price support rates whether the grain Rose Daley all of Mill City had a pot Mrs. Burrel Cole, Mrs. Walter Bris­ Elmer Klutke, Mrs. Lee Kuhlman, is stored on the farm or in an ap­ luck dinner at the Albert Millsap bin and Mrs. Albert Millsap. Mrs. Mrs. Robert Rose, Mrs. Don Gordon, proved warehouse as long as title io Home Sunday of last week. Mrs. Mill­ Elmer Klutke, Gates, representative Mrs. William Pennick and Mrs. Harold the grain has not passed from the sap was ill and unable to join the of the Ladies Auxiliary of the San- Morton. producer. group at dinner. — I tiam Memorial hospital was present applications must be made by per­ The reception for Mr. and Mrs. Jo­ seph Bowes and Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln sonal call at the office of the county Hennes, which was to have been held ASC Committee next to the Exten­ Saturday night, has been postponed. sion Service office, third floor of the Courthouse in Albany. GATES March of Dimes Subscribe to the Mill City Enterprise Dance SATURDAY, JANUARY 30th DETROIT SCHOOL Music By JOHNNY MARTIN and His WESTERN NIGHT RIDERS ADMISSION - PER PERSON $1.00 If all New Years resolutions were laid end to end they wouldn’t reach to the first of February. Such good taste Memorable meals begin at the market. For good taste at supper, tonight... choose refreshing Olympia Beer, today. \6iu' 'Rabbits Need Two feeds There is no doubt about it—rabbits need two feeds if they are to produce as profitably as they might. The doe and her litter need Albers RABBIT FAMILY RATION because here the fast, eco­ nomical production of meat is the important thing. But breeding animals should be kept in good condition without fattening. This is where Al­ bers RABBIT BREEDERS PAKS are needed. Get your rabbits on the Albers Two-Feed Program today, and watch the difference it makes. Cail or visit our store. Santiam Farmers Co-op Feeds Grinding and Mixing Machinery Seeds Custom Cleaning Hardware Seed Marketing Petroleum Products Fertilizer Household Appliances STAYTON, ORE. Telephone 5024 New cab comfort, convenience, safety! MILL CITY MEAT MARKET Quality Meats and Groceries FOOD LOCKERS FROZEN FOODS j TUNE IN KOIN T. V. C HANNEL 6 Singer Sewing Machine Program Every Thursday night at 8:30 --•-- SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK Portables .. $49.50 up Console Models from $59.50 up $9.50-o Treadle Machines from All of these machines are in Al condition and carry our guarantee. Any time you are in need of a new or used Singer come in and see us first. Singer Sewing Center 130 N. Commercial Phone 3-3512 SALEM. OREGON NEW CHEVROLET TRUCKS FOR'54 Completely new! The new Comfortmatter cab it only one of the many great now advances offered by the molt powerful, fl nett performing, best-looking Advance-Design trucks ever built! The new '54 Chevrolet truck Comfortmaster cab offers increased visibility with new one- piece curved windshield. Instruments are easier to read and controls arc easier to reach. And the new Ride Control Seat- provides extra comfort for drivers. Here are more new features you'll like— NEW ENGINE POWER AND ECONOMY. Bigger ■■Thriftmaster 235.” Rugged “I oadmaster 235.” All-new “Jobmaster 261" engine.- NEW AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION - Hydra- Matic is available on V4 -, 34 - and I -ton models. NEW, BIGGER LOAD SPACE. Roomier pickup and stake bodies. NEW CHASSIS RUGGEDNESS. Heavier axle shafts on 2-ton models. Newly designed clutches and more rigid irames on ail models. NEW ADVANCE-DESIGN STYLING New front­ end is more massive in appearance. *Oprional at extra roti Ridr Control Seat ii ax ad- able on all cab modelt, ' Jobmatter 261" entrna on 2-ton nfodell. Moi/ Ttui/wot/hyTtucJx On Any Job / CHEVROLE ADVANCE-DESIGN TRUCKS Gene Teague Chevrolet