Z Kellom ’» 1 H A M BURG E R STAND Delicious Hamburger Sandwiches Greaseless Doughnuts GOOD COFFEE Open daily 2 p. m. to 8 p. m. Open Sunday* 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. Mill City, Oregon --- -- —_________ Tai Consultant W. N. SIMMONS PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Bookkeeping, Accounting and Tax Service Corner 3rd A Marion STAYTON. ORE. Telephone 41'11 P.O. Box 1321 Special Sale Round Bobbin Singer Sewing Machine Full Size, Head, Reverse Stitch Reduced to $149,50 Singer Sewing Center 130 N. Commercial SALEM, OREGON Farmers who built grain storage bins or who terrased land during 1953 • inay find they can benefit from in­ come tax changes, according to Manning Becker, agricultural econo­ mist at Oregon State college. He said that the law now provides that the cost of building corn cribs or grain bins can now be written off more quickly—over 60 months. The last congress put this incentive in the law to encourage farmers to build more storage bins and cribs. Becker said the costs may be spread over a longer period. But anyone who decides to deduct in 60 months must indicate his decision within a year after thenew storage structure is built. The new policy on terracing costs is the result of a recent court decis- The economist said a court sion.' has ruled that terracing costs are deductable as operating expenses in the year terraces were finished. Now all terracing costs except the j £££ W£M \ 'P£Mfflm£Nr BISQUICK 10 ounce package 3 for $1.00 I. G. A. PEACHES Store Hours A 111 LOW CLING 2'i SIZE CAN 4 for $1.00 8 A. M. to 7 P. M. Closed Sundays Grapefruit 6 45c Bunch Carrots ',r zz< for Bunches FRESH GREEN TOP 25c Pound Pet Milk 27c Hydrox Cookies 12 oz pk 37c 6—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE i THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 1954 FARMER INCOME TAX ( I! INGES OUTLINED BY OSC ECONOMIST Present congressional session may slash White House powers. ... Bricker amendment limitine presidential treaty making pow­ ers is just example of trend. * • • Personalities are not issue. • Rather, there is belief V. S. Presidency has become too big a job. * * • When Amer­ ican govern­ ment was rela­ tively small, power to make many appoint­ ments was given White House subject to congressional approval. Subse­ quently a code developed which almost demands Congress con­ firm any appointment. « * * Bat now with government in many fields it is impossible for any man to know much about many importan* appointees. • * ■ w y Gent ral Herb Brown­ ell s recrot cemc ->ry sideshow dead Harry Dex* er •at-l Whits 'louse ac- lino • too much ab>ut w ¡om it appoints. • # ♦ M it-J Hr a . cy as Ch-'rman of th« . ;i»rnl Trade C -lmlsslon, ’s • . case i.i » Althnu ;1> . i.irm alien of Ills . inoininieat v ... . contested in itesi'ny because many Congressmen h. d misgiv­ ings. toe tr.-ditHn thr.t appoint­ ment , from the White House are akin to sacred act; prevailed. « Titesp hearing revealed How- y. as an atto -i •niy, often foutilt important FTC dec dons. As at- torney for sevccal corporations involved in anti morn ply cas'-s he did '> !!•': • t v." 1': i.i obstruct* ir.z act? l i anti- . -it laws. *r * » I s f .i nter clier ; is ( i < farmer’s own labor can be deducted or handled like any other operating | cost. Until this year, they could be deducted only when the farm was sold. Except for those two changes, the federal farm income tax law is the same as last year’s, Becker said. Two filing choices are open to per­ sons who get two-thirds of their total income from farming. They may file and pay their taxes on or before Jan­ uary 31, or they may file and pay an estimate by January 15. Those who choose the estimate method then have until March 15 to file their return and pay the balance. against whom the FTC opened a case in 1943 which is still pend­ ing. Representing government in this case was a very able FTC attorney, Austin Forkner. • » * It is very interesting to note that when FTC cut expenses Forkner was among the first to walk the plank. ... Robert Parrish, executive di­ rector for FTC, states in effect, this was "just one of those things.'' The FTC. he claims had to adopt an involved formula for staff pruning based on length of service, veteran's status, senior­ ity in grade, et cetera, et cetera. • • • Many of the ablest staff mem­ bers of the FTC anti-monopoly bureau were also dismissed, re­ gardless of the importance of cases they were working on. * * * Parrish claims that as the big­ gest of many bureaus under FTC roof the anti-monopoly division was pruned the heaviest. • » « Some bureaus confine most of their time to reading radio and TV commercials and newspaper and magazine ads. or otherwise shuffling papers. But none were whacked so drastically as the anti-trust staff. * • • It mav be that the dismissal of Forkner and others who have spent a great deal of time on im­ portant pending cases could be jus'ificd on some sort of a Job seniority schedule. But the staff and field officers of an army are never dismissed during the mid­ dle of an important battle. » . * Often bureaucratic blundering is excused as stupidity but How- toy is known to be brilliant. * * ♦ So reeling grows Congress sli ¿.’hl tak* • over many appoint­ nic.it niiki ing . powers and thus rc'ievc White House of an in­ to ibL‘ boiu'ii, anti also more ef.\ i’Hvelv preserve democratic processes. Congress vas neve intended io be a rubber stamp. Becker noted the importance of keeping accurate records for farm business expenditures and receipts, farm record books are available from county extension agents. Big Bottle Deposit For Soda Drinkers Asked By Motorists A sizeable deposit on all beverage containers taken off the seller’s prem ises is proposed as one way to rid the highway of beverage cans and bottles, according to a survey recently made by the American Automobile As- sociation. A member of the Oregon State Mo- tor Association and AAA made the the observation that litter bugs not only spoil the appearance of our high ways, but contribute a serious danger to safe driving by tossing bottles and cans used for beverages out of their cars, capable of cutting or puncturing “ I work at highway construction all over the state,” the Oregon mem­ ber said, “and find the practice of throwing bottle; from cars much I worse in logging communities than in any other part of the state. “You cannot prevent the practice by passing laws against it. You mus’ make the container valuable enough that it will hurt the pocketbook to throw it away,” the motorist urged, suggesting a minimum 25-cent de­ posit on beverage containers. FISTULA-FISSURE Stomach and Colon Disorder* DR. R. REYNOLDS CLINIC Proctologist-Naturopath RECTAL SPECIALIST Salem, Ore. Ph. 3-9460 Gooch Logging Supply h b Everything for the Logger BASSETT’S WELDING SHOP Phone 1111 Sweet Home, Philomath Phone 116 Branch Store Lyons MARCH OF DIMES SUNSHINE BRAND MIRACLE WHIP Salad Dres’g J 49c 10 ft. 19c MARSHMALLOWS Doumak’s Pixie Colored N. B. (’. Snow Flake I'll ACKERS 1J 25c SURIMI’ 5 49c 0U BLUE PLATE MEDIUM USE PET MILK IN All YOU# COOKiNG PORK SAUSAGE Lb. 45' CHEDDARCHEESE Lb. 49' HAM LOAF Lb. 39 Home made with good flavor Whole milk, 10 months old • % Ground smoked ham with fresh pork Skinless Wieners vans $1.00 1 lb Cello hag 39c Saturday January 30th Mill City Fire Hall Door Prizes All Proceeds Will Go To The Ken Golliet Polio Fund MEHAMA, OREGON LIONS CLUB We reserve the right to limit quantities Sponsored by MILL CITY