■THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THI RSDAY. J \M \RY 21. IK»« DETROIT IDANHA BEE-LINE SERVICE Frame, Axle, Wheel and Hub Aligning Two Locations E- Powell Blvd. 293 N. E. Grand Gresham Portland Quality Job Printing at The Mill City Enterprise Viv's Steak House Phone 5807 a Mill City a a Open 6 A.M. to 11 P. M. Closed Mondays By Mrs. Elaine Farrow To those of you in the Valley who are always asking this question: ’’Whatever do you do up there, es pecially when you're all snowed in?” 1 1 would like to say. I don’t think we, I of Detroit and Idanha ever get that “snowed in” as evidenced by this past , weekend during which we got the big- - gest snow so far this year and yet the activities increased if anything. The Lake shuffleboard team of De troit went to Mill City Friday night and were defeated by Meander Inn as was the Spillway of Idanha by The j Cedars team of Detroit. Three children celebrated their birthdays and enjoyed parties with i friends Friday the 15th. They were I Candice Firestone, daughter of Mr. Never Shux Electric Mill City Hi-Liles a Dull Moment “At the Rot tern of the Hill” MILL CITY TAVERN Byron Davis, Owner building It was also dis- Detroit 98-55. Chemewa is playing and Mrs. Evan Firestone, Detroit who ers club. Door prizes and good prizes work on thei Herman Smith of Detroit is happy cussed what steps to take to put a ’here Friday. is 8 years old. Michael Cobine, son of The semester, or half year ended Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Cobine, Idanha, to have the cast off his arm which was top • > the vandalism which is going last Friday. Everyone is just waiting on in their building. Considerable now 7 years old and Freddie Farrow, broken in two places and a finger dis destruction has taken place with to get their report cards. son of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Farrow, located about six weeks ago. windows broken out, also panels of Tude Russell, Detroit, went to see Idanha, now 11 years old. doors broken in. It is thought to be her mother, Mrs. Harris, in McMinn Saturday night, a combined birth the work of youngsters. ville Monday. day, wedding anniversary and chari Mr. and .Mrs. Ray Bolin, Eugene, vari party was held at the Erie Ny berg home in Idanha honoring the spent the weekend with their daugh GARDEN ( LIB MEETS hostess, Oskie Nyberg, Melba Har ter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dick AT NEAL HOME WEDNESDAY LYONS—Mrs. John Neal was host-: fr AeeLIANCI »»VICI , lan ar.d Ann Stevens of Detroit, and Farrow, Idanha. Mi^ Bolin’s pet hobby is taking slide pictures and they came ess for the meeting of the Lyons | Bob Johnson, Idanha on their birth • Factory-Troined E aperti days. Mr. and Mrs. Gayle Fagan, De up to get some snow scenes. Garden club with the meeting at her ■ • Genuine Hetpoint Parti Mr. and Mrs. Harold Champion are home Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Otto | troit Ranger station on their 29th wedding anniversary and Mr. and Mrs. expected back this week. Boots wrote | Weidman, president, presided over the I that the weather in Iowa was grand I Also Complete Service Joe Arsenault who were married on meeting with Mrs. Alex Kuiken secre New Year’s eve. Forty people at- and no snow’ and she hoped the weath tary. Each member answered to roll on all makes tended this open house party and er would be as nice for their return call with topics they would like on the toasted these well-know Canyonites trip as it was going. We hope they program for the coming year. It was take the surprise lightly and arrive with everything from Champagne to voted that each member specialize in i Ranges and Water Heaters safely anyway. They were to leave on coffee. Bob and Dorothy Johnson sup one flower of their own choosing. plied a most delicious turkey with Saturday the 16th from Albert City, It was also voted to have just one | low a , where they visited with his aunt, dressing, which with three kinds of flower show this year with the major i uncle, nieces and nephews. Harold’s salad, cheese and rye, pickles and show in the fall, with a small display STAYTON olives prepared by the hostess and sister was also able to get home for of flowering bulbs at the home of the | Phone 2964 four days over New Year’s from Chi hostess at that time. Mrs. Orville I also very tasty, made a feast fit for kings. All those who attended want cago where she is a nurse. All in all Downing was appointed program I thank all those responsible for a they report a very enjoyable visit. Canyon women shuffleboard play chairman. : wonderful time and wish them again, It was also voted to amend the by-1 ers have been challenged to a game by I many happy birthdays and wedding laws so that the election of officers 1 the women players of Mill City to | anniversaries. comes the first of January instead of | Have you ever built a big fire on , he played at The Lake next Tuesday, the first of July. The next meeting i a snowy hillside after dark and January 26. We accept your chal will be at the home of Mrs. Fred 1 roasted wieners and marshmallows lenge, Mill City, with pleasure. The Eagles Auxiliary of F.O.E. Stienfelt, the second Wednesday in and drank hot chocolate with nothing 2745 will hold a rummage sale in their, February. I but the sky overhead and while its | snowing also? These snow enthusiasts hall at Detroit about the first of Feb- 1 ruary. A definite date will be posted i did Sunday evening after a day spent 1 tobboganing: Edna Golden, LuAnn later. Watch for it. Anyone having By Y vonne Dart | Manning, Judy Haseman, Madelyn, articles they'd like to donate, please Friday, Jauary 15 the Mill City I Marlene and Marylynn Shephard, contact an Eagle member and they will gladly pick it up. Timberwolves played Scio at Mill ! Gary Stevens, Robert Lady, Don and City. The Timberwolves walked over i Leonard Snyder, Lee Hopson. Gerald the Loggers with a score of 62-41. Af and Lanny Vickers and their mother, ST. PATRICK’S ALTAR SOCIETY ter the game the Freshmen class gave Mrs Vickers and small sister Bonnie. MEETS THI RSDAY EVENING LYONS—Mrs. I.avern Behrens was a party and invited the Scio students. I Everyone is invited to a "Bingo party” Saturday January 23 at 7:30 hostess for the meeting of the Altar Everyone had lots of fun. Tuesday at the Spar Cafe in Idanha. Proceeds Society of the St. Patrick Catholic Mill City teams and spectators mo go for the March of Dimes. The party church at her home Thursday evening. tored to Detroit. The Junior Varsity A general discussion was held with team walked over Detroit by a score No need to have clothes w ith spots J is sponsored by the American Legion and Auxiliary and the Willing Work- i plas made to do some more repair of 63-34. The Varsity galloped over when you can have them cleaned ♦ j by us for so little. ♦ Just call Mil) City 3418 We’ll pick up your cleaning and ♦ deliver it to you promptly. • Mill City, Oregon r Here Now! Ford ¿¡S/Trucks for ’54 170-H.P. CAIGO KING V-S f NU-METHOD 48 HOUR SERVICE Mill City, Oregon I Hours 9 to 6 I m-H r C4»GO K'NG V» Featuring the m-H r KOWIK KING V • 110-H P. PCWf» KING V S IIJ-Ht. Miahtiest concentration of power COST ClIKTlf SIX I I I SHOPSMITH tjercu.in.ever built into a truck line! $199.50 HP MOTOR AGAIN FORD LEADS -now introduces the only full line of ultra-modem NOW » Low-F riction truck engines in the industry! And 1954 Ford Truck engines have less cubic inch displacement for the power they develop, than other-make truck engines. Ford’s 239 cu. in. Power King V-8, for instance, develops ita 130 h.p. on as much as 43 cu. in. less displacement. Smaller-displacement engines normally need less gas! Ford engines also have deep-skirt, more rigid engine blocks to give better bearing support, smoother, more efficient power, longer life. Over a billion miles of trucking have proved their performance and economy. Now they are standard in all Ford’s more than 220 truck models-from Pickups to 60,000-lb. GCW B ig J obs . ONLY FORD gives you Gos*Saving, L ow -F riction , High-Compression, Overhead-Valve, Deep-Block engines in all truck models I V-8 and SIX! 34.50 TOTAL . . . $234.00 now IBM..! 5 engines-115- to 170-h.p.! ! for savings in the 3 biggest truck savings areas! d»or» ilroke deugn of Ford Truck eegmea cub po»»r wotting friction, give. you mor» delivered kovfing power wlltl Ford'l froditionol fv»t economy! And you get new higher compreuion robot w.fh regvtor go,I NEW low-Ftlcnon engines increese power og to 23S. rot frictien eg Io NÍW DriveriirJ Ctbi, Rawer Steering, Fewer Brakes, Ferdeawtir, ter faster, safer central! Ford , •>ponded new truck line, rvn from 'A-Jon Pickvpi to 60,000-lb,. GCW »IG JO»SI Two brond- naw Ford Tondem-AkJe »16 JO»S. rated for up to 40,000 lb,. GVW! Two more gloat new Ford Cob Forward |iG JO»S rated up to 55,000 Ibv GCW! NIW Greater Capacity! New Fertery-leilt 6-Wheel New Dr,»» r, red Cobi cut fotigv»! New tong-weor- Ing woven plait,< teat upholstery for yeor-oround comfort Matter Guide Power Steering dqndard on Serie, T 800, optional at ettro coif on mo,t other •<G JOISI Power »raking* for Pickup,I Fordomatc Drive * for a« models through 1 -tenner,11 ‘Opbcno I. • »Ira coit ) lie Jots grass op te U", were! SHOPSMITH WORLD-FAMOUS FORD ' TRUCKS More truck for your money! HEBROID ■ PHILIPPI MOTOR CO. f STAYTON, OREGON If you're interested in ' corj, be MILL CITY. OREGON selections i O S C € 5-IN-l POWER TOO Open On Saturday* Kelly Lumber Sales Authorized Shop^mith Dealer East City Limits Hiwav 222 Phone 6803 Mill City