THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE ______ ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHW AY — GATEWAY TO THE HEART OF N ATI KI S 1 Ml’lRE VOLUME X KI MBER 3 Timberwolves to Play Chemewa Here Friday $2.50 a Year. |()c a Copy, MILL CITY OREGON. TH I USD AY, JANI ARY 21. 1954 Phone Company Thomas Stocks Adds Position Dies January 14th To Switchboard March of Dimes Dance Planned for January 30 Thomas Jefferson Stocks died sud denly January 14, at the Nelson Lan- phear home between Mill City and Eight Straight Wins The Timberwolves play host to the| Gates, where he had resided alone. The Mill City Timberwolves plast- Chemawa Indians this Friday night He was born in Texas February 23, January 22, at 8:00 o'clock. The var- ered Detroit’s Cougars, 98-55 at De The Mill City area is in for better sities will go at it following a 6:30 troit Tuesday night to set a new, un service from the telephone company 1887, and among other relatives is sur preliminary between the Junior var- official high-scoring record for the since it has converted its old switch-, vived by one brother, Joe Stocks, of sities of the two schools. Mill City Marion ‘B’ league. This was the 24th board, which was a single position, to [ Kent, Texas. His body is at the Weddle sports an unblemished 8-win record in a long line of league victories since a two-position board. This will enable Funeral Home in Stayton, awaiting while Sth place Chemewa has two wins the beginning of last year’s season. two operatois to work at the same' burial instructions from his brother. Money to fight polio will be raised | of Dimes comes (his week when somer Elton Gregory was the high scorer time, speeding up traffic over the' “T. J.” or “Tom" as he was af and six losses. fectionately known to his many in Mill City by various means. The' 3,000.000 women across the country with 30 points. Carey and Ward If the Timberwolves beat Chemawa, lines during the peak forenoon load. friends, was a familiar figure in Mill drive. » hich is being sponsored by the hold their Mothers' March on Polio. and it will be an upset indeed if they poured in 17 and 16 points respective The company has gone to consider City for the past seven years, first Lions club, has been assisted greatly The drive in Mill City is being put on don't, it will make 9 straight since ly. High point man for Detroit was able expense this past year in repair being employed by Kelly Lumber by the Lions Auilixary with their par-I under the direction of the Mill City Gerald Vickers with 15 counters. wins this season and 25 straight since ing the lines and poles. This ad- Sales. For the last two years, unable ties which were held earlier in the Romans' club. • • • the beginning of last year’s season. ed operator service on the two-place to work regularly due to ill health, year. This drix’e will be conducted Janu The Mill City Timberwolves smear Also they will have beaten every team board was also a costly procedure, but ary 28th, between the hours of 7 and The Lions are now planning for he was employed on a pait-time basis team in the league as the first half ed the Scio Loggers 62-41 in a Marion the company feels that the better ser by the Mill City Tavern and the Mill their big dance which will be held 8 p. m. Camp fire girls will do the "B" feature at Mill City Friday night. of the Marion “B” league schedule given subscribers is well worth! City Meat Market. at the fire hall Saturday, March 30. collecting. It was Mill City all the way. After vice ends with Friday night’s game. the investment. To Hold Luncheon Music will be donated by local mu- The schedule is arranged so that larding 16 to 5 at the first quarter Subscribers of the phone company I There will be a luncheon held at ' sicians. Prizes will be given at the each team plays every other team once stop the Timberwolves held a comfort are asked to limit their calls to as | Mill City legion Post Plans j dance. More details will be given on Mom & Pop's cafe Monday at 1 p. m. able 28 to 16 advantage at half-time. in the first half and once in the sec short a time as possible. When a Valentines Dance Feb. 12th I this next week. for Campfire leaders. Any woman ond half on the opposite floor. In At the third stop *t was 39 to 28 and party holds a line over five minutes,' The Milt City American Legion who wishes to participate by driving The climax of the month-long March other words, since Mill City played from there the Timberwolves pounded often times emergency calls are held a car is invited to attend the luncheon, Post held its regular meeting on on to their 62-41 triumph. the first game of the first half with where plans for carrying out the up. Better to make more calls of Thursday of last week. Final plans The leading scorers for the game Gates at MC, the first Timberwolf drive will be perfected, according to shorter duration, thus keeping the weie made for the monthly dinner. City ’ s Elton Gregory, who action of the second half will be at were Mill lines open for more people. Mrs. John Muir, president of the Guest speaker for the evening will be Gates. Also, for instance. Mill City accounted for 18 points and teammate club. 21 Hour Service Marion County Veterans Service Of who followed up with 16. Al Ward, went to St. Paul in the first half so Mothers realize that it is a vital Some residents are unaware of the St. Paul will come to Mill City in High for the Loggers was Gordon fact that there is 24 hour service in ficer Ridgley Miller, who will speak on march this year because it comes as “ veterans benefits and what we should O’Reily, with 10 counters. in the second half. The Oddfellows and Rebeccas held hundreds of thousands of children are Mill City. The company asks that do to protect them.” Jim Poole and 62 Mill City Scio 41 a joint public installation meeting at about to participate in a vaccine test Mill City plays at Gates this Tues O’Reily 10 F 18 Gregory late calls, meaning calls after mid John Muir were appointed co-chair the hall here Friday evening, when that could spell the end of polio. night, be limited, as for as possible, ! men of the committee. Also, those at day, January 26, and St. Paul plays at Badger 4 F 16 Ward to emergency < alls. These tests, together with the ex Walter Thomas was seated as Noble Mill City next Friday, January 29. tending will be able to enjoy the fight C 7 Carey Dain 8 panded use of the temporary protec In an interview with Gladys Mason Grand of the Oddfellows and Eva Duf Other Marion "B” Games: programs on the television set, which 8 Melting G Slover 1 tion, gamma globulin, will cost the fy Noble Grand for the Rebeccas. Friday, Jan. 22 Tues. Jan. 26 G 6 Crook Tuesday, she stated that: “Eventually I which was installed January 20th. Gibson 9 Sublimity at Gervis Jeff’son at Subli. Others installed for the Oddfellows National Foundation for Infantile Scoring reserves: Scio—Jacobson 1, all these communities will be served ! At a meeting of the county council Detroit at JeffersonChemawa at Scic Wickizer 1, Stewart 7. Mill City— by dial equipment. Just when it will of the American Legion held in Salem were: John McClintock, vice grand; Paralysis $26,500,000 this year. For come is haid to determine.” “When Friday evening, Walt Westgaard was Vern Thomas, secretary; Ed Haynes, this reason, contributions to the Moth ODS at Scio ODS at Detroit Crosier 7. it does come,” continued Mrs. Mason, elected vice commander and Mrs. Wil- treasurer; Earl Plymale, warden; Al ers’ March must be greatly increased. Gates at St. Paul Gervais at St. P. Other Marion “ B ” Friday Results • • “Light the Way to Victory” is the slo While Mill City downed Scio, thus “I sincerely hope that it will be hand elected vice president and Mrs. Wil Yankus, conductor; George Veteto, Mill City Frosh-Central Frosh Jan. 14 remaining first with seven wins, Ger led by telephone people. It is a liam Cauble county historian. Those chaplain; Otto Koeneke, right sup gan that many mothers’ groups are The freshman eagers of Mill City vais beat Jefferson 62-58 (overtime), large and costly project, and should be | from here to attend the meeting were porter of the noble grand; Marvin using this year. Victory against polio high school defeated Central’s fresh and St. Paul skinned Detroit 81-39. handled by those who understand John Muir, Walt Westgaard, Mr. Dart, left supporter of the noble cannot be won unless everyone digs deep in his or her pocketbook. men from Monmouth 61-45 at Mill This put Scio, Gervais, and St. Paul the business.” and Mrs. Bob Oliver and Mrs. Wil grand; Albert Harris, inSide guard. Those who wish to donate on Janu For the Rebeccas, Marie Stewart, City Thursday afternoon. The frosh in a second place tie with five wins liam Cauble. Mill City post will be vice grand; Carmen Barnhardt, secre ary 28 are asked to have their porch are coached by Burt Boroughs, who is each. Gates edged Chemawa 59-54 to host to the council February 12. coach of Mill City's league-leading stay in 5th place with four wins. Jef A valentine dance is planned for tary; Ada Plymale, treasurer; Glad lights turned on between 7 and 8, so ys Podrabsky, warden; Norma Lee the girl scouts can pick up the dona high-scoring Timberwolves. after the regular meeting. ferson's loss and Sublimity’s 74-64 win Mill City started out for in the over OSD put Jeff and Sublimity in It was announced that the District Henness, conductor; Julia Bassett, rs tions. Havercroft Writes lead with a first quarter score of 20-7. a sixth place tie with three wins. The 2 conference would be held at Silver- ng; Blanche Syverson, Isng; Goldie This week, through the courtesy of Central narrowed the advantage in last three places were taken respect ton Sunday, February 7. Guest speak Rambo, rsvg; Mel Robinson, lsvg; er at the banquet will be Governor Jennie Davis, inside guardian; Ada Mr. and Mrs. Howard Means, The En the second quarter to trail 22-30 at ively by Chemewa, with two wins, De half time. Then Mill City surged to a troit with one and OSD, who was win Paul Patterson. All Legionaires are Dart, outside guardian; Dean Jackson, terprise was given a letter from Mr. chaplain; Clara Morris, color bearer; I and Mrs. Frank Havercroft. In part 16-31 third quarter lead and coasted less. ikvited at attend. Frank said: “For the protection of Brief reviews of events and lead and Ruby musician, musician. to a 61-45 victory. Individual Scoring Scene Don Lemke and Dale Walczak, for Installing officers were: Vern I your children, give to the March of The top eight scorers in the league ers in American history were the top Fairview Cemetery Group Dimes. It is our sincere hope that you wards, paced Mill City with 19 and 16 didn’t change Friday. Gates’ Hetb ics of two speeches at the Mill City Thomas, district deputy grand master points respectively. Robert Herman Romey still led with 140 points and Toastmistresses Club meeting at the To Have Cooked Food Sale and Julia Bassett, district deputy , never hear the words 'your child has added 15 points to Mill City’s high Mill City’s Elton Gregory w'as still Bank Cafe Thursday evening. Mrs. The ladies of the Fairview Cemetery president. Their staff included Otto, polio.' “Our son, Norman, who was striken score and Lee Arnold accounted for 10. second with 135. John Wright, Jef- Kenneth Crosier and Mrs. E. J. Yar association will hold a cooked food Koeneke and Ruby Brisbin, deputy 61 Mill City ferson High’s center had 127 and nell had as their subjects, “Early sale at the Hinz Coffee shop in Mill marshalls; Marvin Dart and Rachael while we lived in Mill City is respond Central Frosh 15 ing to the treatment he is receiving in F 16 Walczak Al Ward, Mill City, held fourth with Explorers” and “Architects of the City February 13th. Travis 16 Olmstead, deputy wardens; Dell Smith i the Raymond Blank Memorial hospital Constitution. ” 19 Lemke 120. The next 4 were in order; Roy F Monson 4 This sale is being put on to raise and Ida Fleet wood, deputy secretaries; Mrs. C. W. Stewait presented her funds to help defray the expense in Bert Morris and Jennie Smith, deputy here in Des Moines, Iowa. There were C King 3 10 Arnold j McCann, OSD, 112; Ron Bents, Sub o “ Dear to My Heart ” speech. Toast-1 Kliewer limity, 109; Sam Smith, St. Paul, 106; Rlankenbaker G curred when some surveying was done treasurers; Albert Harris and Goldie 3,564 cases of polio reported in Iowa 1952. Consequently the doctors, G Powers 12 15 Herman Gib Thompson, Gervais, 103. OSD’s mistress was Mrs. D. W. Miley, and at the cemetery. Rambo, deputy guardians; Melbourne during nurses and theranists have had in Mrs. W. R. Hutcheson served as Scoring subs: Mill City-—Thomas, Dave Maynard moved into a 9th place Rambo and Mel Robinson, deputy valuable experience with post-polio 1: Central—Foster 2, Peterson 2, De tie with Jack Melting, Mill City evaluator. chaplains, and Irene Podrabsky, dep patients. Norm’s daily contact with The extemporaneous portion of the forest 2, Bond 2. guard, with 91 points each. uty musician. other boys and girls with leg involve Mrs. | Officials: Jim Hale and Elton Chemewa Leads Marion “B” Jayvees program was in charge of Following the seating of the of ments has helped a great deal. Their Vernon Todd, whose subject was ( Gregory. Standings ficers, the Santiam Rebekah Lodge example has given him incentive to W L "Dreams.” Drill team directed by Ruth Hess, pre try to do the things that strengthen Officer candidates presented by the 6 0 Chemewa sented a 20 minute drill which was his weakened muscles. The doctor« 6 1 nominating committee, with Mrs. Mill City The Santiam Shuffleboard league beautifully executed. every hope that Norman should 6 1 Crosier as chairman, were elected in the second week of play put Me Gervais Refreshments were served at the have released in three or four months, 5 2 unanimously. Heading the club as ander Inn in the lead with two wins close of the meeting with Ida Fleet be Jefferson walking without clutches. president for the next term will be 3 4 Scio wood and Toni Thomas in charge. and no losses. “ Without the help of the foundation Mrs. Howard Means. Other officers 3 4 Sublimity In last Friday’s games Meander Inn this excellent care and treatment re are vice president, Mrs. Todd; secre ......... 3 4 Detroit downed The Lake by 50 points; Jerry ’ s The Mill City Grade School Tigers ceived both in Salem and DesMoines 6 tary, Mrs. A. LeCours, and treasurer, squeezed by Les’s by two points and 1 were beaten soundly at Stayton Fri St. Paul would not have been possible. So we Mrs. A. E. Nesbitt. They will be in 0 7 Cedars came back with a win this day night by a 32 to 17 score. Mill OSD ask all of you with utmost sincerity, Chemewa’s junior varsity was idle stalled at the January 28 meeting, week defeating the Spillway. Mill City City was without the services of a please help the National Foundation regular guard but one player could Friday night as their varsity played Mrs. Floyd Jones, president, announ-1 Tavern had the bye. for polio.—Frank and Gloria Haver ced. This Friday Mill City Tavern goes not have aided the failing Tigers. Gates, Gates has disbanded their JV croft.” Mrs. Robert Thorpe was a guest. to Les’s, whose proprietor. Bill Gra They were unable to shoot, pass or team. At the regular meeting of the San J Vs Win from Scio ham says: “ We ’ re going to dump those dribble. It is hoped they will play tiam Valley Grange Friday night it Preliminary to Mill City’s varsity Derbys.” the tall Stayton team a better game was voted to repaint the inside of the victory over Scio the MC B squad won Spillway comes to The Lake and hall and improve the outside parking t in February. * Meander Inn has its first game away facilities. Gravel will be hauled in Mill City 17 32 Stayton a 46 to 32 victory over Scio’s juniors. Don Lemke led the scoring for Mill from home, playing at Jerry’s. Cedar to fill all the low spots in the parking F Bevier 3 13 Perkins Tavern draws the bye. F Kanoff 3 4 Champ I City with 16 points. The quarter I area and a bulldozer will be used to 1 League Standings Urban 4 C 4 Stevens i scores were: 10 to 5; 16 to 13; 30 to 25. clean up and grade property joining At a meeting of the Santiam Shrine 16 Mill City Won Lost the Grange hall. Thomas 1 G 1 Ward1 Scio J V 32 club held at the Albert Toman home F Bates 5 Ross 0 Meander Inn 2 Smith 2 G 7 Ware The Grange will also sponsor some last Wednesday, Huber Ray of Idanha F 16 Lemke 0 1 Scoring subs: Mill City—Jones 2; Manley 8 Miss Mary Elizabeth Andersen, Mill City Tavern was elected-president for 1954. Other C 12 Ellingson daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Jerry's Tavern 0 youth group in 1954. 1 Podrabsky 2. Stayton, Vernon 1; Eastman 1 Jerry Coffman, lecturer, was named officers elected weie: Jack Lingaas, G 1 2 Leach Janis 6 The Ijtke .. 1 Emery 2. Andersen, and Donald Wayne Sledge, G Harrington son of Mr. and Mrs. Barton Sledge, Cedars Tavern 1 youth chairman. Wilson Stevens was first vice president; W. R. Hutcheson, 1 First half standings, Marion county Thurston 10 Subs scoring: Scio—Jencill 2, Burt I of Scio, were united in marriage Sat L m A b Tavern . 2 named chairman of the legislative second vice president and Mert Cox, • grade school league, boys basketball: 2 committee and with the help of the third vice president. 0 Team W L Pct. on 3, Goar 2. Mill City, Jull 2, Stett- urday, January 16 at the Christian ( Spillway committee will undertake to keep the Serving on the board of directors, ner 9. Scio a 1 .750 church parsonage in Stayton by the | Grange members informed about besides President Ray, are: Wilbur Officials: Valdez and Woods. Stayton 3 1 .750 Rev. Vernon Standing. what is going on in Salem and Wash Chestnut, Ercil Wilson and Albert M C JV« Lick Detroit JV« Mill City 2 2 .500 Attending the couple were the ington, D. C. Toman. The Mill City Junior Varsity rolled Jefferson 2 2 .500 bride’s brother-in-law and sister, Mr. It was brought out that 1954 will The club meets on the second Wed to a 63-34 victory over the Detroit Aumsville 0 4 .000 and Mrs. James C. King. be an important year, a year of de nesday of each month, and ail Shrin- JV’s preliminary to Mill City Varsity’s Girls Volleyball For her wedding the bride chose a cision« that will greatly affect the ers are urged to attend the meetings. The Mill City grade school girls win over Detroit. Lloyd Ross led the I gray dress with navy blue accessories farmer. Following the business session re scoting for Mill City with 18 points, have won all their volleyball games so and the groom was dressed in his U. | Lloyd Sletto, Elmer Taylor, Bob freshments were served by Mrs. followed by Stettner with 12. far this year. So far little competition | S. Army uniform. Draper Garnett Bassett, Dorothy Toman. has been found for them. Friday night Following the ceremony a dinner Draper, Rose Coffman. Lois Meyers, Plans are being made by members Mill City High School they easily defeated Stayton 53 to 24. | was held at the King home. Present, Jake Meyers and Jerry Coffman took Hill Bryant Changes to and leaders of the Campfire and Donna Schaefer. Naomi Taylor and Receives Certificate from besides the bride and groom, Mr. and part in the literary program. Marie Hutchinson played a fine game | Mrs. Donald Sledge, were: Mr. and Bluebird organizations of this locality The home economics committee Texaco Oil Products Northwest Association for a large banquet in the nature of a for Mill City. Bill Bryant, who recently leased Mrs. John W. Andersen, parents of with Blanche Wagner as chairman will Mill City high school has again re the bride, Mr. and Mrs. Barton Sledge, Father-Daughter affair, to be held in W L Pet. Team Hathaway’s service station announce* put on the literary program with a ceived an accreditation certificate Mill City 4 0 1.000 parents of the groom, Mr. and Mrs. the Presbyterian church recreation valentine motif at the next meeting, thi« week that he is now handling the 3 1 .750 from the Northwest Association of Paul Jennings, Mr. and Mrs. James C. room Saturday evening. Women of the February 5. Stayton full line of Texaco products. o 2 .500 Secondary and Higher schools. This King and children and John and Rich-i church will prepare and serve the din Jefferson As an introductory offer he is giv marks the 20th consecutive year that ner. At least 125 people are expected Scio 0 3 .000 ing double green stamps this weekend. ard Andersen. Curt ( ’ line Shows Picture« Mill City high school has won this 0 3 .000 Aumsville He has had the station repainted. Mr. Sledge is now stationed in to attend. honor. It places Mill City with 133 Seattle and Mrs. Sledge will live in j Mrs. Leonard Herman is chairman Of Scenic Area to I Jons other high schools throughout the Scio with his parents for the present for Campfire in this community, with Following the regular dinner for Mill City Garden Club Northwest that are accredited. eight leaders and eight assistants the Lion« club held Monday, Curt Gates Correspondent Hit time. To Meet January 28th In order to become accredited I by working under her. The groups meet Cline wa« introduced by program By Illness: Is Improving I In a telephone conversation with The Mill City Garden Club will meet this organization a school must meet once each week in the homes. chairman Roger Nelson. Mr. Cline at the home of Mrs. Ernest Podrab- prescribed standa’ds in the following Contractors Come Monday Purpose of the affair is for the en showed some beautiful colored shots Enterprise Correspondent Mr*. Albert Millsap, Gates, she stated that she sky at 8 o’clock Thursday evening, items: buildings, library and labora To Start Work on Gym tertainment of the fathers, as wyll of the Northwest area. tory. records, graduation units re January 28. Monday of this week contractors | as to bring them into closer contact There was also discussion on the has been ill for the past week, hence John Lengascher will be present at quired, school atmosphere, preparation and a crew of men started prepara and understanding with the Campfire March of Dimes dance which is «ched- no Gates news in this issue of The the meeting and show slides and give of teachers and administrator*, teach tions for work on the new school gym. organization. Mrs. Fuenning of the j uled for January 30th. Door prises Enterprise. Mrs. Millsap said she a. talk on how to successfully raise er load, pupil load, athletics, student A work shop has been erected and campfire headquarters in Salem is will be given out and all funds will be thought she would be back on the job next week. activities, and schedule of classes. lilies. forms hauled in for the concrete work. scheduled to speak at the dinner. ' turned over to the polio fund. Woman’s Club to Handle Mothers March’ January 28 Oddfellows-Rebeccas Seat Officers Friday Mrs. Howard Means Heads Toastmistress Group For 1954 Meander Inn Leads Shuffleboard League Boys Lose; Girls Win at Stayton Santiam Grange To Redecorate Hall Andersen-Sledge Vows Exchanged at Stayton Saturday Huber Roy Heads Santiam Shrine Club Father Daughter Banquet To Be Saturday Evening