Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1954)
THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY — GATEWAY TO THE HEART OF NATURE’S EMPIRE VOLUME X NIMBER Î High Winds Sink Tug at Detroit Dam $2.50 a Year, |()t- a Co*/; MILL CITY OREGON. THLR8DAY, JANI ARY 14. 1954 Couples Group To Meet At Presbyterian Church Power Firms Plan Merger North Santiam Sportsmen Meet Monday Evening Timberwolves Take 6th Straight Basketball Win The Mill City Presbyterian church The North Santiam Sportsmen’s ’ announces that the first meeting of | club met at the club house, the Howell ’ the Couple’s Fellowship will be held school Monday. this Sunday evening. Jan. 17, at 7:30 It was the first meeting conducted P. M. at the church. This group is de ■ by the new president. Gene Coles. signed for all married couples in Timberwolves Defeat OSD Z. E. Merill, chairman of the board | About 35 members were present. I The Mill City Timberwolves pocket terested in enriching their family re A committee of four, "Sparky” Dit- The Mill City Timberwolves won ed their 6th straight league win thi* lationships and learning more of the of Mountain States Power company, Christian ways of life as applied to and Paul B. McKee, president of Pa teis, Joe Challender, Gene Ware and | their fifth straight Marion B league season at Jefferson Tuesday night. the needs of the home. Meetings wiU cific Power ALight company, Wed i Harvey Moulet were named to inspect I basketball game this year by whipping It was also the 22nd straight league High winds Monday night and early be held once a month on Sunday even nesday announced that the Boards all fish ladders from Stayton to Mill O.S.D. 86 to 60. The game was played I win since the beginning of last year'* Tuesday morning caused considerable ings and will feature discussions, mo of Directors of the two companies had City to see if they are in good work Friday night on the Mill City floor. ing order. The first half saw a poorly function- I season. Mill City holds first place ia approved for submission to the stock vies, filmstrips, worship, fellowship, damage around Big Cliff and Detroit Among new members introduced holders of the respective companies a group of Timberwolves end in a the Marion "B” league standings. Scio Dams. Engineers stated Tuesday the sharing of family experience, and plan for the consolidation of the two were Elmer Husted. Mehama, and ing tie with the Deaf Schooler* 36 all. | I ramainad s„(.nnJ place, nlnP(> one game any other means which seem appro remained in in second Kent Fish of Mill City. night, that the high winds had broken priate and helpful in meeting the companies. Mill City had led 27-17 at the first [ Sunday, January 17 will see work quarter stop. The Mill City reserves ' | behind Mill City by beating Gates. down many trees in that area. ■“Consolidation of the two opera gen of the group. I start on the club house grounds. Or- played the entire second quarter. I Gervais beat Chemawa to remain in ting would greatly strengthen the T Sunday evening an outstand At times during Monday night the i ville Britton will be there with one of In the second half the Timberwolves third place tie with St. Paul who beat wind leached a sufficient velocity to ing all ength movie, “A Wonderful ability of the companies to meet the i his chain saws to cut up a tree that scored 50 points above their first half O.S.D. Life, wi be shown. This film tells I present and future power require- cause spray from the reservoir to the story of a family which found the ' ments of their customers and to sup- has blown over. Sunday, January 24th effort compared to OSD's 24. The The Mill City-Jeff game was high lighted by the Timberwolves .556 field come up over the top of the dam. The key to the abundant life in the Christ j port the development of the region,” will be a combination of work and 1 third quarter ended 65-44. cards. Work will be from 1 to 3 o’clock The highest individual scorer in the goal average. Jefferson center John water level was about 130 feet below ian way. It is a film which touches : it was stated. The proposal is to effect the plan by then the ladies will furnish a pot-luck game, however, was OSD’s Roy Mc Wright led the scoring with 23 points. the top of the dam at the time. de-.ply in many ways. Their are The tug boat which has been used laughs, thrills, and challenges. Fol an exhange of stocks. Basis of the ex dinner with the rest of the afternoon Cann who cut the nets for 24 points. Mill City guard, Jack Melting was Mill City forwards Al Ward and Elton close behind as- he scored .600 percen’ in clearing operations of the reservoir lowing the program refreshments will change would be nine shares of Pacific and evening for a card party. Gregory paced the winners with 23 of hi* field goals, netting 21 points. was capsized some time during the be served in the Presbyterian Fellow Power A Light common stock for each Mill City had to buck an excellent Jeff and 17 points respectively. night. It it believed that waves broke ship hall. All couples are cordially in 10 shares of Mountain States Comp defense. A new player made his debut on the any common, and one share of Pa ■windows in the boat letting enough vited. The Lions pulled ahead after Mill Mill City squad by scoring six points. cific $100 preferred stock for two water in to cause it to sink. The boat Rich Thomas was unable to play be City’s 13-12 first quarter advantage, was moored just below the engineer’s shares of Mountain States $50 pre fore this game because of a collar to lead 28-24 at half time. At almost ferred. office. The boat had been in operation bone fracture suffered in the last half the end of the third canto, Mill City Monday and was shipshape when tied It is expected that stockholders will of Mill City’s last football game. tied Jefferson but a free throw put the up earlier in the evening. It I be asked to vote on the plan at an Lions ahead for third quarter score, I early date, but it was pointed out by was located Tuesday and will be The regular pot luck dinner of the Thomas is a transfer from Cottage 42-41. In the final period the Timber Grove and he plays substitute guard. I Merrill and McKee that the plan can salvaged. Mill City Lion club, which is held The junior varsity preliminary was wolves broke loose and took the game | become effective only after approval with members of the Lions Club aux a rout, Mill City winning 60-14 over 61-53. 1 by state and federal regulatory bodies iliary serving, was held at the recrea Silverton DeMolay To Take J. C. Kimmel and Bill Stewart The individual scoring was juggled OSD. having jurisdiction. hall of the Presbyterian church Part in Rainbow installation were sworn in as Mayor and council No major changes in personnnel of tion somewhat as Gates’ Herb Romey pul «0 OSD Mill City 86 Monday evening. An unusually large A group of Silverton DeMolay man respectively at the last meeting the companies are contemplated, it crowd attended. On the dinner com Gregory 17 24 McCann led out in front of Elton Gregory, Mill F Boys will perform the crowning cere of the city board held last Wednesday was stated, and pension and insurace mittee were Mrs. Shields Remine, Ward 23 6 Thompson City forward, 120-117. Romey scored F mony at the open installation of new night. 11 Maynard 19 points against Scio to Gregory’s C benefits niesently available to em Mrs. Vernon Todd, and Mrs. Jay Ma Carev 9 officers for Marilyn Assembly, Order 10 Lewin 12 against Jefferson. Al Ward, other John Muir, retiring mayor, now as ployees of each company will be main son, who made all the food arrange- Melting 9 G of Rainbow for Girls, to be held at sumes the position of council member tained. A. W. Trimble, president of ments. 8 Heath. Mill City forward, slipped behind John Crook 7 G the lodge hall here Saturday evening. and vice mayor. Bill Stewart was ap Mountain States, when asked about Reserves Scoring: OSD — Whittle 1; Wright 107-104. Roy McCann of OSD No business meeting being sched- At that time, Penelope Gould, daugh pointed as sanitation commissioner. the proposal, said that Albany would uled, President Charles Kelly, turned Mill City, Ed Gregory, 9; Child, 4; took a big jump to fifth with 92 points as he scored 21 points against St. Paul. ter of the Lyle Goulds, will become Arlo Tuers remains as police com continue to be the major division head the introductions over to George Crosier, 4; Syverson, 3; Thomas, 6. The rest of the top 10 ip league scor Worthy Advisor of the Assembly. missioner and Bob Hill as street com quarters as it now is, and that very Veteto, who was in charge of the pro Offcial*: Andean and McNatt. Three groups of officers are installed missioner. Lee Knowles is the other few transfers of personnel between gram for the evening. Special guest In other Marion B ^ames Gates and ing arvi Hun B*nu, Sublimity M?i Gib member of the council, Stewart re- companies would be involved. Per speaker was Miss Marjorie Prichard, St. Paul upset Gervaig and Jefferson, [ Thompson, G*i vai 80; Jack Meltingr’ each year. Also expected to attend the affair placed David M. Reid, whose term sonnel in the other districts is ex Stayton High School student, who respectively, placing all four in a third ’Thompson, Gervais 86; Jack Melting, is Mis* Donna Jackson of Silverton, of office had expired. pected to remain substantially un snowed Colored slides and told of a place tie. Scio remained alone in sec- ' ^0; and John Barnhardt, Gates 73. flu 61 53 Jefferson past worthy advisor of Ramona as Mill City The council issues warning to all changed. trip to New Y’ork and her attendance and by licking Sublimity. Chemawa sembly, and present Grand Immortal bicycle riders to have lights on the F 15 Marlatt Mountain States serves 71,000 elec at a session of the United Nations. moved to fourth by defeating Detroit Gregory 12 ity of the Grand Assembly of Oregon. front of their bikes and also a reflect tric customers in Oregon and 40,000 5 Hawkins F leaving them n fifth. OSD remains Ward 7 The trip was sponsored by the Odd Several other Silverton girls will also or on the back fender. Bike riding in Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming, and 23 Wright. Carey 2 C in the cellar with no wins. attend. at night without proper lights is not Pacific serves 151,000 in Oregon and fellows' lodge, the winner being chosen G Melting 21 3 Meyer/ I ~ only dangerous, but it is also against Washington. Mountain States’ Oregon through an essay-writing and epeech- 7 Cotman Crook 4 G making contest. Gerry Hamblin Guest the law. k Subs scoring: Mill City—Crosier operation* are in the co- -al and up Accompanying Miss Prichard w-ere 10, Thoma* 7. > per Williamette Valley areas and in her mother, who ran the slide ma At Surprise Party Friday Over 65 students and teachers of Officials: Bates and Richardson. ( Santiam Shuffleboard Coos, Lincoln, and Tillamook counties chine and Mr. and Mrs. D. George l Mill City high school attended a sur- on the coast. Pacific provides service ! Cole of Stayton. League Gets Under Way i prise birthday party for Geraldine in such Oregon cities as Bend, Red — The Santiam Shuffleboard league | Hamblin, arranged by her classmate, got under way Fridaj-, January 8 with mond, Prineville, Astoria, Portland, Jan Ross, at the fire hall Friday The Dalles, Hood River, Pendleton, all teams playing close games. i Seaside and Enterprise. evening, following the basketball Approximately 50 persons repre Meander Inn defeated Spillway of game with the Oregon State Deaf Mountain States has 7,047 stock senting seven of the 12 Sunday schools Idanha by 15 points. The Lake of School. in the Cascade district gathered at the Detroit downed Les’s by 15 point and holders and Pacific has nearly 20,000. Entertainment for the ■ evening con- Mill City Christian church Sunday af Mill City Tax'ern downed Cedars Tav Pacific has annual operating revenues sisted of dancing, with noise-makers ternoon for the second convention of ern of Detroit by 25 points. Jerry’s of about 22 million dollars and Moun Petitions to obtain signatures foi adding to The hilarity. 1 Refreshments this newly formed district of the Sun Tavern of Gates, being the odd team, tain States 15*^ million. the coming school election determin were served to the crowd by Mis* Jan day School Union. drew a bye. ing whether or not the districts of Ross, assisted by her mother, Mrs. Glen E. Shelton, president, had Next eek Les's goes tow Jerry’s, Detroit, Gates and Mill City will be Ross, and Mrs. Hamblin. The annual school of instruction for charge of the program. Following the The Lake conies to Meander Inn and consolidated, are being circulated in officers of Marilyn Chapter OES wa* opening song service, led- by Miss I the Cedars play at the Spillway. Mill the three districts this week. ! held at the lodge hall Monday evening, Grimstead, devotions by Rev. Harold | City Tavern draws the bye. At least 50 signers from each dis with a good sized crowd in attendance. Martin and a duet by Minister and League Standings trict are necessary to bring the con Instructor for the session was Mrs. Mrs. H. E. .lull, Rev. Noble Streeter Won Lost solidation measure to a vote. Louise Irving, associate grand matron presented an outline of the theme, I The Lake 0 1 When the petitions are signed and of the grand chapter of Oregon, who “The Means of Reaching and Teach [ Meander Inn 0 ... 1 returned the date for the election is a member of Concordia chapter at ing for Christ.” Workers with dif Mill City Tavern 0 1 GATES—Mis. Elmer Klutke, secre Madras. She was a guest of Mr. and will be set. Public joint installation for officers ferent age groups gathered in separ Les’s Tavern 1 0 tary of the Mehama-Gates Home Ex Mr*. Wilson Stevens at their home ate sessions for discussion of the Cedars Tavern 1 of the Oddfellow and Rebecca lodges Bargain Bay on Houses .... 0 tension unit reports an exceptionally near Lyons during her stay here. theme, reporting back to the general Jerry’s Tavei n 0 Will be held at 8:30 Friday evening 0 interesting and instructive meeting Taking her position in the East for under the direction of Julia Bassett, In Mill City Tuesday convention the findings of each group. held at the Mehama Woman’s club the first time was Mabel Parker, in Mill Tuesday was bargain day District Deputy President of the Re After a summary of these findings Band Concert To Be house, an all day meeting, Friday, becca Assembly and Vern Thomas, City when the state highway depart January 8. The subject demonstrated newly elected worthy matron, assisted given by Rev. Streeter, reports were Played by Students at District Deputy Grand Master of the ment held a public auction on the was “Simple Home Repairs.” Project by Ivan Smith new worthy patron. received from the various schools re Elementary Gym Jan. 21 Grand Lodge of the State of Oregon. two houses they purchased to acquire leaders were Mrs. Charles Bouche and Many officers are filling position* for presented, and the roll call was made. The school band concert of the Elective officers to be installed for right-of-way for the new approach to Mrs. Tilman Raines. Baby sitters were the first time this year, especially the The Mill City Christian church group Star points. It was necessary to ad won the plaque for the largest at secondary and advanced bands will the Oddfellows are: Walter Thomas, Mill City. provided for those bringing their vance the line officers much faster be played in the grade school gymna Hartman residence was pur- The noble grand; George Veteto, vice tendance at the convention, and the children. Luncheon was served by the Mill City Assembly of God school was sium on Thursday evening, January grand; Vern Thomas, secretary and chased by H. C. Platt and Don Walk- hostesses, Mrs. Lillie Wolfkiel, Mrs. and farthur than usual, because sev er for $130 and Don Smith repur- Jack Lingus, Mr*. Elmer Taylor and eral were forced to refuse offices be Ed Haynes, treasurer. awarded the plaque for the most 21 at 8 o’clock. cause of ill health. Admissions to the concert will be For the Rebeccas the elective of chased his house for $35. Tuesday Mrs. Giles Wagner. points in scripture memorization. Rev. It was announced that the annual 20c for elementary students; 30c for afternoon Mr. Smith already was be ficers to be installed are: Eva Duffy Joiner gave the benediction. The next meeting of the unit will The following Bible schools were I high school students and 50c for noble grand; Marie Stewart, vice ginning the task of razing the build be at the home of Mrs. Jean Roberts district meeting of Marilyn, Acacia, grand; Carmen Barnhardt, secretary ing. The successful bidders have been on the Little North Fork February 5, and Victoria chapters, will be held at represented: Mehama Community i adults. The concert is being given to raise and Ada Plymale, treasurer. given 14 days to remove the buildings. the topic "Keeping up to date with the Stayton Masonic hall on Wednes Presbyterian, Detroit Christian, Gates Surveyors have been busy this week Textiles.” Agents from Salem will be day evening, February 24, with Vic Community Church of Christ, and the I funds to defray expenses for costumes getting things in shape for the be present to demonstrate the project. toria chapter as hostess. Assembly of God, Community, First 1 for the advanced band. Three Links Club Has The suggestion to hold the usual ginning of the construction work. Christian and First Presbyterian The Intermission Game* Committee joint banquet for the Masonic order Meet Tuesday Evening Churches of Mill City. presented several games which added and members of the Eastern Star, in The Three Links club held a party Shuffleboard league To The next meeting will be held Sun- to the days' entertainment. Those cluding guests of each gioup, was at the lodge hall here Tuesday eve . Ypril i. at th< Gate* ehun * from Gates attending were Mmes. approved. Da’e of the affair was set ning. Election of officers was held Meet In Gates Friday Shuffleboard experts from The Klutke, Clarence Rush, Burrel Cole, for Saturday evening, March 6, at with the following elect«!: Ruth Hess, president; Ruby Brisbin, vice presi Lake in Detroit, met at Les's Tavern Walter Brisbin and Glen Henne^s. which time the Rainbow Girls will dent and Ann Crook re-elected sec in Mill City and defeated the locals Francis Bodeker Hits prepare and serve the meal. The Mill City grade school Tigers 129 to 114’ Mr*. Fern Shuey, Mother Advisor came to life in the second half and retary. The next games will be played at Beer Saturday Night Hostesses were Mrs. Walter Bris for Marilyn Assembly, Order of Rain rolled over Aumsville 42-17 Friday Jerry’s Tavern in Gates Friday even Francis Bodeker had the misfortune bow for Girls, announced that instal night. The game was a bit ragged due bin, Mrs. Phillip Hess and Dorothy ing of this week. of hitting a two-point buck near the lation ceremonies for the newly elected Vail. Secret sisters were revealed to a slick floor. A total of 39 fouls The regular January meeting of the Ford used car lot west of Mill City officers of the assembly will be held and names drawn for secret sisters North Santiam Chamber of Commerce were called in the game. Saturday evening at about 9:30. Po at the lodge hall Saturday evening, Light Snowfall Tuesday Larry Urban and Mike Thomas for the coming year. will be held Wednesday, January 20th lice Chief C. H. .Meader stated this is January 16. This will be an open Refreshments were served at the Night Ends Cold Snap played fine defensive backboard at the Woman's club house in Mehama. the eighth deer to be hit at this loca meeting, and anyone interested is in I close of the evening. The weather up here in the Canyon tion so far this fall. A speaker will be present for the games for the Mill City team. Gary vited to attend the impressive cere during the past few days has been meeting and the Woman’s club will Bevier led Mill City with 18 points. Gaynighters Seat New Considerable damage was done to mony. The girls volley ball team defeated bright and cold, with the temperature serve lunch following the business the car by the impact. At the conclusion of the evening of Aumsville 62 to 11 in a contest that Officers Saturday Night below the freezing point each night. session. instruction, attractive refreshment* At the dance session held by Gay Tuesday night the weather moderated legion Post Here To was never in doubt. were served at tables in the dining This Friday Mill City travels to nighters Square dance club Saturday «omewhat and there was a light snow room by Lois Scott and Fern Shuey. Meet Thursday Night in at the Orville Downing place west keener competition Stayton where fall At the time of going to pres* Bids Up for Guard Rails Photographs of the new oficer* as a Mill City Legion Post No. 159 will both volleyball and basketball can be of town, new officers for the year Wednesday a light mixture of rain On North Santiam Highway expected. hold a meeting at the hall thi* (Thurs group were taken by Robert Vanes*. took office. President for 1954 is and snow was falling. day) evening at 8 o'clock, according to Between Niagara-Detroit George Veteto who replace« Al Nes- Box Score— Bob Oliver, commander. It is believed 17 Aumsville | bitt. Mrs. Arey Podrabsky replaces Included in bids on highway proj Mill City 42 by the group that their new TV set Asphalt Siding Put on 2 Walters Mrs. George Veteto a* secretary Lyons Plumbing Gets F ect* to be opened by the state highway Bevier 18 will be installed in time for the meet- Assembly of God Church Dealership for Dryer 1 Brile* treasurer. Orville Downing is the new F commision in Portland January 21 and Kanoff 6 0 Baker vice president. It was decided at this Lyon* Plumbing thi* week is an- ing. The Assembly of God church in the 22 will be a project for metal guard Smith 6 The Marion county council of the west part of Mill City took on a more 4 Atkinson meeting that all members bring cups, nounring that they have been chosen ra ls on the North Santiam highway Thomas 4 0 Wilcox plates, forks and spoon* which are to dealer* in the Lyon* area for Fowler American Legion will hold a meeting pleasing appearance last week when Longneeker 4 G between Niagara and Detroit. Friday night of this week at the workmen covered moat of the building 2 Lavi* be left at th* club house. electric clothes dryer*. The bids call for iiwtallin* 8,300 Urban 4 8 Myer* Due to a conflict in meetings a They have a machine on hand for Woman'* club house in Salem. Thi* with asphalt siding. lineal feet of metal guard rail*. week from Saturday, the club will demonstration purpose* and P. W. is being sponsored by Salem Post Score at Quarter • Stop- The balance of the building wi", Ya Total estimated amount of the bids 9 16 32 42 meet for a dance session this Satur Rodich, owner, invited the public to No. 136 and all member* are urged to covered this week. Rev Harold Martin to be let on the above date* will be Mill City attend. 7 10 14 17 day, December 16. ' come in and see the dryer in action. Aumsville ia pastor of the church. >3,000,000. Stayton Girl Talks To Lions Kimmel, Stewart Take City Postsi Convention Has Fine Attendance lOOF-Rebecca To Hold Joint installation Of Officers Friday Santiam Chamber to Meet In Mehama OES Hold School Of Instruction Monday Night Petitions Out for Coming School Vote Grade School Teams To Play Stayton Fri. Mehama-Gates Unit To Meet February 5