LICENSED Seven Give Lives To 53 Hunting Season MEHAMA—The Mehama church was the scene of a pretty wedding the evening of December 31 when Roylene Guthrie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Guthridge of Westminster, Calif, and William D. Turnidge, son of Bert Turnidge of Mill City and Mrs. Hu bert Wagner of Mehama were united in marriage in a ceremony read by Rev. Noble Streeter. The church was beautifully decorated with chrysan themums and greenery. The bi ide who was given in mar riage by W. B. Pickens of Forest Grove, wore a balerina length dress of white net over satin and carried a white bible with a white orchid cor sage. Joan Turnidge, sister of the groom was the bride’s only attendant and wore a ballerina length dress of green net over taffeta. Hubert Wagner acted as best man for his step son. The wedding music was furnished by Miss Alice Smith; she also played the accompaniment for Mrs. Tilman Rains who sang ‘Be cause’ and ‘Truly.’ Paul Cree and Joe Cribbs, uncles of the groom were ushers, and Bobbie Cribbs lit the candles. For her son’s wedding, Mrs. Wag ner woie a brown suit with tan ac cessories and a corsage of pink rose buds and carnations. The brides par ents were unable to attend. A reception following the wedding was held in the Women’s club house. Miss Shirley Smith, aunt of the groom cut the cake and Mrs. Joe Cribbs poured. Mrs. Paul Cree looked after the gift table and Miss Shirley Cree passed the guest book. The young couple left on a short wedding trip before returning to Cali fornia where Mr. Turnidge is stationed with the Navy. GARBAGE SERVICE 31.50 per month and up ALao serving Gates. Lyons. Idanha and Detroit MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE Phone 3952 LEONARD HERMAN THURSDAY. FRIDAY and SATURDAY JANUARY 7-8-H CHARLTON HESTON JACK BALANCE in ARROWHEAD o S—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, J AN I ARY 7, 1954 Roylene Guthrie and Wm. Turnidge Married Dec. 31 In Technicolor ALSO—:! BEAR CUBS in REAR CRAZY SUNDAY MONDAY January 10-11 JERRY LEWIS Seven persons died from accidental gunshots during 1953 hunting season in Oregon. The death victims were Mrs. Clar ence Barnes, about 42, Milton-Free water; Gilbert Gabrielson, 23, and Richard C. Roadman, 29, both of Port land; Wayne Gordon Olson, 44, Med ford; Jack Eastham, 29, Astoria; Jimmy D. Hooker, 24, Albany; Ore gon and Edwin Cecil McLaren, 49, LaGrande. In addition at least 14 hunters suf fered fatal heart attacks in the woods and three persons were killed in traffic accidents while traveling to hunting sites. Picture Frames ♦ We have the necessary moulding, glass and hangers so that you can make them yourself. • • « Kelly Lumber Sales Authorized Shopsmith Courage is generosity of the highest Dealer order, for the brave are prodigal of East City Limits Hiwav 222 the most precious things. Phone 6803 Courage without conscience is wild beast.—R, G. Ingersoll. Mill City Announcement! I wish to announce that I have leased my Service Station to Bill Bryant. I am sure you will receive courteous service from Mr. Bryant, who is an ex perienced Service Station operator. Any cour tesy shown him will be appreciated by me. Lester G. Hathaway DEAN MARTIN in THE(ADDY C C $ o § o i e WEDNESDAY, ii Telephone 11'14 NEWS J» By Shopping Regularly at Stewart's Specials for Friday and Saturday 3 i $1 GROUND BEEF Jewel Shortening 3 lbs Sunny Jim Syrup 75c 31 Ounce Decanter 43c Strawberry Preserves 1 Qp Pennant brand, 12 oz glass c Sw ansdo* n 3 ello» , W hite 4 Park 3 pks. $1 Chedder Cheese 1 pound 69c - J-tzV Sunhine Krispy Crackers lb 29c Pancake Flour Hunxr, Jack 1 ()^ IBS STORE HOURS—7:(M> to 7:90 Except Sundays and Holidays STEWART'S GROCERY Daily Delivery in the City Phone 4407 yl \W\w\\Ti ä '\\ \ W. N. SIMMONS OPERATION SECRET Doors Open at 7:00 I*. M. Complete show ran be seen any time up to 8:30 Five Accidents in 1953 Kill Nineteen Persons Five traffic smash-ups during 1953 earned the distinction of being nam ed Oregon’s “worst of the year” by the state traffic safety disvision Fri day. Five accidents killed 19 persons. Two of the multiple death mishaps oc-1 curred in Lane county; one when a driver lost control at high speed and 1 struck another car with such im-1 pact that1 the motor, radiator, right I front fender and hood were jerked i from his car and thrown to the op side of a four lane road. Debris and the bodies of five people were scat- I P. ft. Box 1321 Courage is that virtue which champ tered around a 100 foot radius. The other Lane county tragedy oc- ions the cause of right.—Cicero. _ | curred on a curve when a driver trov- i 13 I cling at high speed skidded into loose - I gravel and then catapulated across the highway into a lake, drowning himself and three persons. Four more lost their lives in a Yam hill county collision caused by a ' driver who disregarded a stop sign, and collided with a second vehicle. i This driver was later arrested and I I convicted of negligent homicide. Last accident to make the state’s | "most lethal” listing occurred in November when the driver of a car, accompanied by vacation-bound col- lege students, lost control on wet highway and careened, broadside into another car. Three persons were kill ed in this mishap. Earlier in the year, three persons were killed when a driver lost control of his car and plunged over a bank in Jackson coun January 8 and 9. 19.» 1 ty. Two died immediately and one, died in a hospital a shoit time later. Twenty-seven other — smash-ups j brought death to 54 people during . ; 1953, to bring Oregon’s loss in mul- j Pure and Lean tiple-death collisions to 73. Fatal-1 ¡ties form all traffic accidents in 1953 are expected to reach approxi mately 385. «I i i CORNEL WILDE STEVE COCHRAN PHYLLIS THAXTER in o Mehama Extension Unit To Meet Friday Forenoon The Mehama Extension unit will j meet Friday, January 8 at 10:30 in Auditor the forenoon at the Mehama clubhouse. Tax Consultant The demonstration will be “Simple Home Repairs,” given by Alice Bouche and Shirley Raines, and mem PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT bers are asked to bring a hammer and a block of wood. Bookkeeping, Accounting and Bring the children, as a baby sitter Tax Service will be provided. Lunch will be served and the meeting is open to anyone Comer 3rd 4 Marion J wishing to attend. STAYTON, ORE. January 12-13 TW TO THVHK ABOUT i WANTADS TIT ESI) A Y, Order Deadline 3:0« p. M Mill City. Oregon 2 VAWWtN \ Now that rainy season is here stop in and see our complete line of rubber Footwear Lightweight Pullon Gaiters Women’s.............................................. j 79 and 2.39 Children’s 1.95 and 2.09 See us for other rubber footwear and clothing at our reasonable prices. FREE—Matinee Tickets lheatre tickets for the Saturday matinee will be given FREE with any purchase at our store. Get them for all your children. Hilltop General Store Phone 2721 Mill City, Oregon Bargains! Bargains! MASON’S READY-TO-WEAR I State-Wide Organization Being Set Up for Aid Heart Education Program PORTLAND—A state-wide organ ization is being set up to further Ore gon's participation in "National Heart Month" through February, according to James F. Miller, state chairman of the 1954 Oregon Heart Associa tion's fund raising and educational campaign. County chaiimen will be appointed. Miller said, to carry on the campaign for funds in areas in which the Ore gon association does not participate as a beneficiary in United Fund or. Community Chest allotments, and to , direct the general educational pro gram aimed at prevention and treat-1 ment of diseases of the heart and cir- I culatory system. Miller pointed out the heart suffer- j ers work classification unit, recently I set up in Portland, as an example of the community service made possible through heart fund contributions. Purpose of the unit is to assist | persons with heart disease to adjust i their daily routine and habits to enable them to stay on their jobs,' or to he .i-*.g'c.; to new jobs, with employer cooperation, best suited to their individual capacities for work. Doctois r any part of the state may refer their patients to the unit for examination and advice. Other association activities include state-wide service for the prevention of rheumatic fever, one of the three major contributing factors of heart disease, and continuing research giants to the University of Oregon medical school for the study of car diovascular .r-eases. CLEARANCE SALE! Dresses Coats Suits Sports Wear REDL CED FROM Our Mill City and Silverton Stocks Open Fridays Til 9 p.m. fflWWW STYLE SHOP, I Phone