Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1954)
CLASSIFIED RATES Miscellaneous Ten cents per line each insertion. HOUSEW I\ ES—Address advertising No advertisement accepted for less postcards. Must have good hand than 50 cents per week. writing. LINDO, Watertown, Mass. Count five words to the line in ordering your ad. Phone 2651, Mill City or mail your advertisement to LADIES—Earn extra cash by ad The Mill City Enterprise, Mill City, dressing advertising postals at Oregon. home. Write, Vali Co., Box 1042, Church bazaars, suppers, bake sales, Munice, Ind. jp etc. will be run under ‘‘Special An nouncements” classification with a W anted TO BUY — Clean peeled minimum charge of 50 cents per in Douglas fir poles, delivered to sertion. Lyons yard. For further informa tion call or write Allen Gould. 1424 Filbert Ave.. Lebanon, phone 5745, Puget Timber Co. of Oregon. 24tf Home Appliances FOR SALE—Small oil circulating heater in good condition. Wm. Mc Coy, Mill City. Phone 6524. 2p WOOD FURNACE for sale. Good condition, $25. Was replaced by oil furnace in the new Mehama church. Call Mill City 971, ip Real Estate LOTS FOR SALE—Cash or terms, small monthly payment. For ap pointment phone 924, George Cree, Old Highway, West. Linn Coun- _ ty-____________________________ 1 REAL ESTATE C. E. Coville, Broker Glen Shelton, Salesman West side Mill City Ph. 2207 WILL TAKE good house trailer as down payment on house and lot in Mill City, Oregon, Address Milo E. Smith, Rt. 4, Box 341, Vancouver, Wash., phone OXB-0527. J123 Business Services SEE US w'hen in need of T. V. An tennas and supplies. We handle a complete line of Philco televisioA sets. See us first. Stiffler Radio and Appliance Co. Phone 3207 Mill City. ltf TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING Ma- chines. We sell, rent, repair and swap all makes. Trade vour old machine towards a new one. ROEN. 456 Court St.. Salem. NOTICE OF HEARING ‘—THE MILL CITY IX II RI’RISI Till RSDAY, JANI \RY By order of the County Court of Linn County, Oiegon. issued Decem REPORT OF CONDITION OF MILL CITY STATE RANK ber 22, 1953, notice is hereby given of Mill City in the State of Oregon that on Thursday, Januaiy 28, at the close of business on December 31, 1953 1953, at 3p 10:00 o’clock. À. M. ASSETS of said day in the County Court Room Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve balances, n the Court House at Albany, Ore and cash items in process of collection. $ 262,048.9« gon, a hearing will be held on the I nited States Government obligations, direct and guaranteed 1,069,879.38 proposed formation of a rural fire Obligations of States ami political subdivisions protection district to be known as the 81,925.54 Loans and discounts (including $377.36 overdrafts) 482.506.90 Lyons Rural Fire Protection District, Bank premises owned $29,904.39, furniture and fixture- the exterior boundaries of which are $8,911.80 as follows: 38,816.19 Other assets 431.51 Beginning at the Northwest corner of the Southwest of Section 21, T. 9 TOTAL ASSETS $1,935,608.48 S. , R. 1 E. of Willamette Meridan in LIABILITIES PIANO BARGAINS- Jan. special-. Linn County, Oregon; and running Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, anil corporations 899,058.13 Slightly used Spinnets, $395, up. thence South U mile to the Northwest Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations 621,043.37 Schroeder small upright, $295. Good corner of the Southwest *« of the Deposits of United States Government (including postal sav practice pianos, $145 up. Guaran- Southwest *4 of said Section 21; ings) teed in good condition. Very easy thence East mile; thence South 1 Deposits of States and political subdivisions teims. Free delivery. We take mile; thence East *4 mile; thence Other deposits (certified and officers' cheeks, etc.) pianos and band instruments in Southwesterly to a point on the North TOTAL DEPOSITS $1,807,218.96 trade. Day Music Co.. 808 S. E. line of the Nathan Turner’s Widow Other liabilities 18,489.38 Morrison, Portland, Ole. (Mr. and Heirs D.L.C. No. 64 in T. 9 S„ !i*s Oregon. Patti I lame Throop TOTAL LIABILITIES (not including subordinated Cook.) <>l Portland, adds her contri 4p R. 1 E., sa d point being the North obligations shown below) $1,825,708.34 bution to the 1954 March ol east corner of that certain tract of CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Dimes. More -upiHirt than ever Sawmill LOGS WANTED land conveyed to Frank E. and Sylvia before is needed in tin current $ 50,000.00 Capital Top prices for Second Growth A. Studnicka and described on Page drive because of the costs ol the 55,000.00 STOUT CREEK LMB. CO. 341 of X olume 168 of Deed Records; new polio Prevention Program Surplus Undivided profits 1,900.14 of stepped-up gamma globulin west of Mehama, Oregon 51tf thence West 40.15 chains to the North Reserves 3,000.00 supplies and massive testing ol west corner of said Claim No. 64; a polio vaccine during this sear. thence S. 5 24’ W. along the West 109,900.1 1 LOGS WANTED TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS line of said Claim 80.14 chains to Good 2nd growth logs. Premium TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS $1,935,608.48 paid for No. 2 logs 28 feet and the Southwest corner thereof; thence This bank’s capital consists of Common stock «-¡th a total longer. Also 8 foot stud logs or West to a point due North of the par value of $50,000.00 multiples of 8 feet plus trim. 6 inch- Northwest corner of the Northeast *4 of Section 5, T. 10 S., R. 1 E; thence MEMORANDA 16 inch diameter. Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities I South to the Northwest corner of the BURKLANI) LUMBER CO. South */a of the Southeast *4 of said and for other purposes ................_............. ...................... ....... $ 319,531.25- I, D. B. Hill, President, of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear or Phone Turner 1125 Evenings 2503 Section 5; thence East to the center Spending the Christmas holidays affirm that the above statement is true, and that it fully and correctly rep Turner or 2-7826 Salem. 46tf of Thomas Creek; thence Easterly with the Ed Haynes family here were resents the true state of the several matters herein contained and set forth, up the center of said Thomas Creek D. B. HILL. DO YOU have weeds that are giving 5 miles, tnore or less, to the East line their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. to the best of my knowledge and belief. and Mrs. Raymond Berry and son Correct Attest: C. E. Mason, Mildred L. Allen, Frank Rada. Maxine Hill, you trouble? Tell Paul Smith about of the Southwest of Section 7, T. Donald, of Tillamook, and Mr. Hayne’s Directors it. He has a weed burner that will 10 S., R. 2 E.; thence North to the brother and sister-in-law. Mr. and State of Oregon, County of Marion, ss.: get rid of them all. Burns guaran Northwest corner of the Southwest ’4 Sworn to and subscribed before me this 4th day of January, 1954. teed satisfactory. Box 394, Mill of said Sec. 7; thence West to the Mjs. F. H. Haynes, of McMinnville. D. B. HILL JR., Notary Public, 9 City.. Northwest corner of the Southwest *4 My commission expires April 10, 1954. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Timms and I (Seal) of said Sec. 7; thence North *2 mile son, Stanley, of Hermiston, visited to the Northeast corner of Sec. 12 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dick See The Mill City Enterprise for your Printing Needs Wood and Sawing T. 10 S„ R. 1 E.; thence West 11.37 Turpin, December 29 and 30. Mrs. M WOOD FOR SALE—Maple, alder, chains to the East line of J. W. Jones Tims is the niece of Mr. Turpin. any amount, any time. Lots of fire D. L. C. No. 45; thence North 10 links place wood. Order length. George to the Northeast corner of the East Mr. and Mrs. Joe Walters and Cree, Phone 924. 1 projection of said Claim 45; thence daughter, Toni Jo, spent Christmas HAIJCM West 32.85 chains to the interior corn Itione S45Ä4 er of said Claim No. 45; thence North day at the home of Mr. Walter’s 141 N. Commercial Rt. Legal Notices 56.60 chains to the Northeast corner parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frank Has Everything for Your at Grand Ronde. They spent New ’ of the North projection of said Claim NO. 15,324 Years with her brother-in-law and NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT No. 45; thence West 15.41 chains to | sister, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Wagner and the Southeast, corner of Lot 1, Sec. 1, We have filed our Final Account in family at Mehama. Also a guest the Estate of Harriette M. Reid, de T. 10 S., R. 1 E.; thence North to the there was Mr. Walter’s uncle, Wil Furniture and Bookkeeping Supplies ceased, with the County Clerk of Mar North line of said Sec. 1; thence East liam Hoffart of Alberta, Canada. ion County, Oregon, and the court has •'4 mile to the Northeast corner of said She had not seen him for 30 years. set the 16 day of January, 1954, at Sec. 1; thence North 1*2 miles to the 9:15 o’clock A. M. and the circuit court Northwest corner of the Southwest *4 of Sec. 30, T. 9 S., R 2 E.; thence room as the time and East 1*4 miles to the Northeast corn- ing objections thereto Fresh Creamery 'ertif the Northwest of the South ment of said estate. For finer flavor in coilee David W. Reid and John Warren west '4 of Section 29, T. 9 S., R. 2 E.: thence South ’ /« mile; thence East Reid Joint Executors of the Estate of 88.48 chains to the West line of the Harriette M. Reid, deceased. Abraham Osborn D. L. C. No. 40, Bell & Devers, in T. 9 S., R. 2 E.; thence South to Pound Stayton, Oregon, the Southwest corner of said Claim Attys, for Executors. 40; thence East 71.00 chains to the First publication Dec. 17, 1953. Southeast corner of said Claim 40; Last publication Jan. 14, 1954. thence South 6.15 chains to the South NO. 15,419 line of Section 27, T. 9 S., R. 2 E; NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT thence East 134 miles to the South We have filed our Final Account in east corner of Sec. 26, T. 9 S., R. 2 the Estate of David W. Reid, deceased, E. ; thence North to the center line with the County Clerk of Marion of the North Santiam River; thence County, Oregon, and the court has set Westerly down the center line of said the 16 day of January, 1954, at 9:15 North Santiam River 10 miles, more o’clock A. M. and the circuit court or less, to the West line of Sec. 21, room as the time and place for hear T. 9 S., R. 1 E.; thence South to the ing objections thereto and the settle place of beginning. Dated December 28. 1953. ment of said estate. R. M. RUSSELL. John Warren Reid and David County Clerk 2 Reid Executators 6f the Estate David W. Reid, deceased. Bell & Devers, Enterprise Class Ads Pay Stayton, Oregon, Attys, for Estate. Try One Today! First publication Dec. 17, 1953. 1954. Last publication Jan. 14, THE COMMERCIAL BOOK STORE OFFICE NEEDS For Rent FOR RENT—Furnished one-bedroom apartments. Stewart’s Apartments. Phone 4407, Mill City. 30ptf FOR REN T—Furnished two and three room apartments. Phone 1707. D. B. Hill. Mill Citv. tf Wanted To Rent W ANTED TO RENT—2 or 3 bedroom unfurnished house — Phone 4542, Mil), Rt. 1, Box 227, Lyons lp r ßWMMMK Butter ñuwlíirfx 25c Raleigh Harold FLORIST and NURSERY . 319 West Washington Street. jB; <E)o£ijrUx>tUr OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS Telephone 6684 LG. A. I. G. A. Pound Ä' STAYTON. OREGON -z WE SELL BETTER CARS FOR LESS! GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that by virtue of an Order duly entered in Sta y ton the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marion, in IT PAYS TO BUY AT the Matter of the Estate of Bertha E. HOME! Shepherd, deceased, the undersigned, FT Harold J. Shepherd, was duly ap pointed as administrator of said ••• first for . .7’ ’ " estate and has qualified as such. All persons having claims against said > estate are hereby required to present same, together with the proper vouch I L. ARRUANCI service „a ers, to the undersigned administrator at office of Bell & Devers, Stayton,j- -pc:«d tj -. -ar C . • focfory-Tra.nid E«p«rtl Oregon within six months from the in the Winter ' • G»nu.n. Hotpo.nt Porta date of this notice. Dated and first published this 24th Also Complete Service day of December, 1953. This is a little far fetched, but HAROLD J. SHEPHERD, Administrator when you need a winter change-over on all makes BELL & DEVERS, ' come to us. Ranges and Water Heaters Stayton, Oregon, Attorneys for Administrator. ' flotpoint SaMziwickßA FOR SPEEDY •OX LUNCHES CkoiCA Shux Electric STAYTON Subscribe to the Mill City Enterprise Salem Sand & Gravel Co HEAVY HAULING Phone Stay ton (Wright Truck Line) 2125 Common Carrier — Heavy Machinery and Equipment EXCAVATION & CONSTRUCTION Contracting and Rental Ph. SALEM Dav 3-9408 Nite 2-4400 : SERVICE STATION & TRAILER COURT Phone 903 — MILL CITY GATES TIRES and BATTERIES AUTO SUPPLIES OA_ . 1 a OVC C Swift's Prem 43c Fryers Fresh Dressed Pound 59c Silver Saddle Phone 2964 2 for F/uiifc &• VegoioKßi- Grapefruit 8 Pound Bar 49c Ask (or Open Daily 8:00 A. M. to 7 :00 P. M Sunshine Krispy Crackers 1 pound box Campbell Soup Meat Base Veg. Base 6 for $1.00 «for $1.00 Get your FREE matinee tickets with any purchase at our store for all the children of your family. Show for this week BIG LEAGUER Starring Edw ard G. Robinson Closed Sundays and Holiday» HILL TOP MARKET Telephone 2744 Mill City, Oregon I