Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1954)
H— THE MILL CITY ENTEKBRISETHl’RSDAY, JANI ARY 7. 1S5I 8:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. Closed Sundays '-¿A* KRISPY Swansdown, Angel ____ _________ ___ __________ - - New in 1’ouPs st^ionyagon liiK js this l')5| Custom] me Ranch Wagon with all-steel body and two doors. It will carry sij in passenger car comfort or, with stowaway scat easily folded into the floor, it lias almost 30 square fed of usable load space. Cusfomlinc Ranch Wagons oiler choice of 10 single or 3 two tone body colors and 3 smart tvoten plastic upliol tcrics which harmonize with body colors. Overhead insulation deadens sound and heavy ribbed linoleum covers load space. Available cither with new 130-h p. Y’-block V-8 engine or new 115-h.p. I block Six. Crackers Large, Fresh 2 lbs 49c t Ranch Pet Milk EGGS Doz 61c TALI. CANS ¿o 9 s TASTY PACK ( REAM STYLE, 103 SIZE Là USE PET MILK IN All YOUR COOKING Lt/V TOMATOES 4 I 59c PEACHES 3 i $1 BABY FOOD $1 1 pound ( ello ELSINOR BRAND SOLID PACK NO. .103 SIZE GERBERS 12 < \NS rtt MILK .39 Picnic Hams Fresh Prem. lb. 53c Fresh Fryer Rabbits 1 lb 59c Fresh ¡Ground Beef - 3 lb $1 1 lb 35c LUPFl'tS tXTRA VIIAMIN O u By Eva Bressler Miss Lucille Lewj.s and Miss Joy Kuiken, teachers have returned to their duties after spending the holi days at their home here. Miss Lewis, who was at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Lewis has re turned to Corvallis and Miss Kuiken at the home of her mother. Mrs. Elva Kuiken returned to Springfield. Mr. and Mis. Keith Taylor, Maurice and Jane returned to their home near Waldport after spending the week with relatives here. Maurice under went a tonsilectomy while heic. Mrs. Taylor is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pat Lyons and sister of Mrs. Wayne Ransom and Jerry Lyons. .»’7 CORN LYONS Ketchup 24c Mr. and Mrs. G. Paul Johnston of Culver, Oiegon are announcing the engagement of their daughter, Shir ley Elizabeth to Everett P. Smyth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd B. Smyth of Bend. Both, the bride-elect and Mr. Smyth are graduates of the Redmond high school and aie now attending Oregon State College at Corvallis. No date has been set for the wedding. The Johnstons are former residents of Lyons, having moved to Culver several years ago. A Linn County Health clinic will be held at the Mari-I.inn school Fiiday, January 15 at 1 p. m. This will include all children age three .months to six years. Twenty-five cents will be col lected by the teachers for each child. New Year dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Fink weie Mr. and Mis. John Mainio, Johnie and Billie from Aberdeen, Wash., Miss Ellen Dougherty of Portland and Mrs. Nora Doughertv of Salem. Mis. Fink is a daughter of Mrs. Nora Dougherty and a sister of Miss Dougherty- and Mrs. Mainio. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hayword and daughter, Patsy, of Portland were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John McClurg. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Smith, Ivalyn and Dennis spent New Years Day in Poitland at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Maxwell, and spent the week end in Cornelius at the home of his brother, Glen Smith and family. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gerath and family were her uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Caspaiy from Redwood City, California. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Roye spent New Years day in Portland, calling on various friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ray J. Fox and Wayne from Midvale. Idaho, and their daugh ter, Mrs. Thelma Surry of Portland, called on friends in Lyons Saturday afternoon. The Fox’ are former resi dents here having at one time owned and operated a store as well as the the Post Office. Mr. and Mis. Beryl Smith and daughter, Donna, have returned home after spending the Christmas holidays at the home of her sister in Nevada. Mr. and Mrs. Vermin Kiuse received word of the death of his father, who lives at San Rafael, California. Mr. and Mrs. Claire Humphries and family of Myrtle Creek spent the weekend in Lyons. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Johnston who spent Christmas at the Humphries home, returned home with them. Lyons wasn’t missed in the heavy wind storm Saturday evening, The cooling shed at Fieres lumber com pany mill was blown down about 6 p. m. The mill had been closed down for -ome time. They had planned to be gin operations Monday, but this acci dent will cause some delay. Pfc William (Billie) Kinzer and fiiend, Pvt. Chester Moore from Camp Stalman, California, spent the holidays at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Kinzer. The Kinzers with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jungwirth and children of Stayton took the boys back to Camp. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Kruse and daughtei, Carol, returned home the last of the week after spending two weeks with relatives at Trinada, Colo. Her mother Mrs. W. E. Browning re turned home with them and will spend a couple of months at the Kruse home. Mr. and Mis. Lowell Yeager and family have returned to Corcoran, California, after spending the holi days with relatives here. Mrs. Yeager is a daughter of Mrs. Gladys Stiffler. Mrs. Donna Smith and two sons have moved into the Russell Wilson house across the street from the Sporting Goods stove. Mrs. Smith is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Van Prichard. Pfc. Donald Kuiken from Fort Lewis spent the New Years holidays I with relatives in Lyons. His wife is staying at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Art Baltzer. Kenneth Bosanko, student at the Univeisity of Oregon spent the week end at tht home of Mr. and Mrs. Mer rill Brassfield and son. Bob. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Olmstead of Mill City were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Olmstead of family. The occasion hon ored Walter Jr., on his ninth birthday anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carleton, La • ry and Carolyn returned to North Bonneville, after spending the week end at their home here. Mrs. Carleton and children have moved to Bonneville to be with Mr. Carleton who is attend ing school there. Screw your courage to the sticking place.—Shakespear. No need to have clothes with spots hen you can have them cleaned ly us for so little. Just call Mill City 3I*1S Ye’ll pick up your cleaning and deliver it to you promptly. NU METHOD I is HOIR SERVICE Mill City, Oregon Hours 9 to 6 HEINZ CABBAGE CELERY LEMONS (¡rape Fruit ONIONS Per Pound CALIFORM\ ERESH and t R1SP 1< OL NCE BOTTLE Là IV 4c 9c Toilet Tissue $1 29c 49' Sl’IC & SPAN 75c 13c TEN HER and CRISP Office Printing. SCOTTS SI NKIST PER DOZEN \RIZON \ W HITE S Pound Bag YELLOW 3 POI N DS Economy Sire Pk. Ken Golliet We reserve the ri«ht to limit quantities MEHAMA, OREGON There is nothing that enhances your busine." like well printed office stationery. Remember when your letterhead, »statement or other office printing reaches its destination, it is your personal representative, and should create a favorable im pression. We have the equipment and the knowledge to supply you with such items that will create the impression you desire. May we have a represent ative call and go over these waiters with vou?