THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE ox THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY — GATEWAY TO THE HEART OF NATURES EMPIRE VOLUME X NI MBER I THURSDAY, JANUARY 7. 1951 MILL CITY. OREGON. Lions Club to Handle March of Dimes Drive Engagement Is Announced $2.50 a Year. |()c a ( opjf Work On Gymnasium To Begin In About 10 Days The annual “March of Dimes" for At a meeting of the Mill City achoof the benefit of the National Infantile Fire Department ( ailed board held Tuesday noon, Wall, Bart» Bonneville Power Adm. Paralysis fund will be sponsored by tarn A Sanford, contractors of June» To Earl Bassett Home Asks Bids for Work tion City and low bidders, were award­ the Mill City Lyons club, according ed the contract for constructing th® At Lyons Substation to Charles Kelly, president. The cam­ Twice for Chimney Fire new gymnasium. to Mill City firemen were called Bonneville Power Administration paign for 1954 will run through the According to the board it is believetf the Earl Bassett home twice on Sun­ is calling for bids for construction of a month of January. day to put out a chimney fire. The control house and oil storage house that work on the gymnasium will b® Opening feature of the campaign first call about 5:30 in the afternoon at the Santiam substation. The site started within 10 days. Local labor was held Wednesday night when the was answered by the department and of this substation is located 3 miles will be used where possible. annual "double-header” of basketball when they left all seemed under con­ The list of contractors and their west of Lyons in Linn county. Bids and volleyball took place. The high trol. will be opened in Portland January 15, part of the building program is given school varsity drew the faculty men 1954. The successful contractor will below: About 10 o’clock in the evening the for basketball, while the high school Wall, Bartram At Sandford, Exca­ i be given 200 days in which to department was called when the flue girls had the faculty women as oppon­ complete the work outlined under this vating, backfilling, grading; concrete started burning again. Considerable ents. Unappropriate costumes were and cement work; glass block; caulk­ proposal. damage was don# by smoke and water worn at this annual fray. ing; masonry and incinerator. The grading for the substation this time. Millwork, J. O. Olsen, Eugene. It was announced by Mrs. John switchyard and the spur track was Miscellaneous Iron & Steel, Colum«- Muir, president of the Woman’s club recently completed by­ the Frank at their meeting Tuesday night, that Lyons Company of Portland. Oregon, bia Wire & Iron, Portland. Steel Sash, Mercer Steel Co., Port­ the annual “Mothers’ March on Polio,” which has been working since last sometimes called the Porchlight Par-1 September. I^ater in the year the land. Asphalt Tile floors and counter Administration expects to call for ade, will be held this year, the date to be announced later. The Campfire bids for the installation of the sub­ tops, and wood finish floors, Union station facilities that will be required Floor company, Portland. girls usually do the actual soliciting, Roofing and Sheet Metal,, R. I.. Elf- for service to the Benton-Lincoln assisted by the mothers who drive Electric Cooperative and the Mountain strom, Salem. cars. Glass and Glazing, Capitol City States Power Company. The Ladies’ Auxiliary to the Lions Glass, Salem. club already raised a total of about Lath, plaster and stucco, F. R, $140, under the leadership of Mrs. The Cascade district Sunday School Barnes, Eugene. Roger Nelson, at their series of “cof­ convention will be held Sunday after­ Tackboard, Northern School Sup­ fees" held in their Homes late in the noon, following a basket dinner, at the ply, Portland. fall. Mill City Chiistian church. Metal tolet partitions, Weisteel A ‘March of Dimes dance probably A new type of program has been Products, Portland. will be held on former President planned, which will include devotions, Insulation and accoustical tile ceil­ Roosevelt’s birthday, the place to be special music, presentation of the ings, Stewart-Griffith, Portland. About 50 Lions club members from announced later. theme, "The Means to Reaching and Metal doors, Grand Metal Products, various towns in the district gathered Portland. The usual collections will be made Teaching for Christ,” discussion of in Mill City Monday evening for a at the Mill City Theatre during the thtwtheme in separate age groups, roll J Ceramic tile wotk, Multnomah Tile, sone meeting, with Wally Carlson, Portland. last week of January. A “trailer” film call, reports and awards for memory I zone chairman in charge. verses and for attendance at the con-1 on the subject will also be shown. Plumbing and heating. Forsyth At a holiday dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gibson in Mill Among the distinguished guests pre­ Plumbing 4 Heating, Corvallis. I Miniature ‘test tubes’ will be placed vention. sent were Jim Tindall, district gov­ in all the business houses of the com­ The Cascade district includes Me- I City they announced the engagement of their daughter. Miss Phyllis Electrical, Marion Electric, Salem. ernor of Salem and Ken Williams, munity in the near future to receive hama, Lyons, Mill City, Gates, De­ Gibson to George Williams Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. George W illiams, of Painting, Ludlow & Wixon, Al* deputy district governor from Stay­ bftny. Cosmopilas. Washington. contributions. troit and Idanha. Mr. Gibson is employed with Westinghouse at Detroit Dam and ton. Many more dimes and dollars are All Sunday School superintendents, | During the meeting members of thé needed this year than ever before, due teachers and workers are urged to at­ Misa Gibson is employed at Mom and Pops Cafe. No date has been set for the wedding. clubs gave their views on Lionism, to the scheduled use of the new polio tend this important meeting. and gave hints on various phases of serum which will be administered to work being done by their clubs. thousands of school children at the The next zone meeting will be held second grade level in chosen counties in Silverton sometime in March. all over the country, according to the At this meeting Charles Kelly, pres­ peicentage of cases in each county. At the December meeting of the ident of the local club stated that More publicity on that score Yyill he boafd of 'Urey'nrs of the Mill City the ■ lib hue had again taken on the forthcoming. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cooke and daugh­ task of the March of Dimes drive. Stare bunk a stock dividend of Merging of the physical plants of ters, Donna and Carol, who spent the About $5 was collected for the fund $25,000 was declared. This laised the capital stock front the Capital Journal and the Oiegon Christmas holiday with their brother at the Monday night meeting. $25,000 to $50,000. There is a sur­ Statesman, in the Statesman-Capital i and,son, James, who is stationed with plus of $55,000 and undivided profits Journal building, formerly- the States­ and reserves of $4,900.14 making a man building at Chemeketa and Church the U. S. Navy in Pensacola, Florida, total capital account of $109,900.14, streets, was completed Saturday. met with a serious automobile acci­ according to the statement being pub» dent shortly after starting out on their Both the Oregon Statesman, morn­ j lished elsewhere in this issue. ing newspaper, and the Capital Jour­ return trip home. According to a let­ nal, afteinoon newspaper, will be ter received here by Mrs. Bert Morris of printed in the merged plant Monday. The Mill City Woman’s Club held an GAES—After eight years from James Cooke, an oiler ran a stop unusually interesting meeting in the ’■-weat, blood and tears," the com­ Charles A. Sprague will continue aS sign smashing into the Cooke car. recreation room Tuesday evening, the munity house under construction by publisher and editor of the Oregon Mrs. Cooke received a fractured wrist affair depicting a party of the "Gay members of the Gates Woman- Club Statesman, .while Bernard Mainwar- will soon reach the stage wheie the ing will continue as publisher and ed­ and ankl<; Donna, fractured hip and Nineties,” with many in costumes of building can be used for meeting of itor of the Capital Journal. thigh, plus facial lacerations; and that period, and a display of antiques evidence. Upon entering, each the club and small socal affairs. Much The incorporation articles name j Carol has a fractured jaw and thigh. tn M & M Wood Working Company member registered under an “assum- yet remains to be done before it is Sprague as president of the States­ 1 Mr. Cooke received no broken bones, ' ed” name which was popular in that reported Wednesday incieased net completed, but due to the progress man-Capital Journal company and I | but was severely bruised. era. The registration “fee” was set sales and net earnings for the first made in the past few days by donated Mainwaring vice president and treas- | labcr, the members of the dun will urer. All of the stock in the com­ Donna Cooke had intended enrolling , aside as a donation to the scholarship nine months of its current fiscal year. Net sales amounted to $20,Ml5,527 Governor Paul L. Patterson Satur­ at the Oregon College of Education in i loan fund. undeitake the task with renewed en­ pany is owned by the Sprague and day announced he will be a candidate Monmouth for the coming term. She The entertainment under the di­ and net earnings $1,209,397 for the thusiasm. Mainwaring families. for the Republican nomination to suc­ attended the University of Oregon for rection of Mrs. Harry Mason, started nine months compaied with net sales During the holidays a crew of local i ceed himself in the primary election i two terms during the last year. Carol off with a clever “bingo” game, using of $25,251,073 and net earnings $924,- men have donated their labor to finish May 21. I is a member of the eighth grade in the adopted names of the members, 585 in the same period of the previous the ceilng of the large recreation room | | with prizes beinj ng awarded. As each fiscal year. | the giade school here. Ted R. Gamble, Poitland theatre and to lay the floor. Windows and : i Earnings per share for the 1953 per ­ name was callee si, the owner stood up owner and radio and television ex­ doors were also cased. The fireplace I Mrs. Cooke, who is employed in the ecutive, will head the Patterson cam- i cafeteria at the grade school, is to be told about the antiques she had iod amounted to 84 cent’ compared was completed less than a year ago. ( with 64 cents in 1952. The smaller club room has been fin­ paign, the governor said. temporarily replaced by Mrs. Opal brought, also explaining the chosen For the third quarter net sales were name. Those who did not bring any ­ ished and has been in use as the city­ Robert Draper and his newly elect­ The governor’s long-expected an­ McRobert. Word of the accident was $8.270.646 and net earnings $335,20»» thing for the exhibit were forced to hall for the past two years. first received here through Lyle Ma ­ ed and appointed officers of Mill City nouncement of his candidacy virtual­ as against net sales of $8, 396,371 and The kitchen, rest rooms and outside Lodge. AF4AM, held their first meet­ ly assured a hard-fought contest for son, Donna's fiance, who is in the act out a “forfeit." net earnings of $238,073 in the third An attractively costumed quartette, finish are yet to be completed. ing of the year at the Masonic tem­ the nomination, because Secretary of Navy at San Diego, Cal., and had ex­ consisting of Rosamond ReMine, Doris quarter of the preceding year. Earn­ The efforts of Mrs. W. R. Hutche­ i ple Monday evening with a large at­ State Earl T. Newbry announced pected the Cooke's to stop there on Sheythe, Edna Ross, and Dorothy ings were equivalent to 23 cents a son, chairman of the building com­ tendance of members and visitors months ago and has already begun the return trip until reeciving the mes­ Dyhrman, sang two appropriate se­ share in the 1953 quarter as against sage from Mr. Cooke. setting (ip his organization. mittee. were directed to securing vol­ present. lections, "After the Ball," and "Ta-ra- 17 cents in the 1952 one. The gains made in the face of the Gamble is president of the Mt. Hood unteers for labor and serving food to A large delegation of Masons from ra-boom-de-ay.” They were acconi- the laborers. Santiam Lodge of Stayton were pres­ Broadcasting company, which oper­ Post Nuptial Shower Held panid at the piano by Virginia Hoeye. sharp reduction in plywood and door Among those donating their time ent and exemplified the Master degree ates KOIN-TV, in addition to his other A high spot of the evening was the [ prices were due largely to the big ply­ interests and activities. He was treas­ For Mrs. Don Engdahl the pa’t week are: Dick Parker and for a candidate from Gates. reading of “Casey at the Bat, by Mrs. wood and door concern's policy of Ray Lord, who directed the work, M W. Allen, whose pointed-toed shoes keeping products diversified, it was After the business and degree work urer of the 1952 campaign of State (Su- MEHAMA Mrs. Don Engdahl Philip Hess, Pat Adams. Glenn Gord­ was completed the men gatherrt in Tieasurer Sig Unander. drew much comment, She explained declared. The thiid quarter increases see Teeters) was guest of honor at a in earnings was attributed to profi­ on, Burrell Cole, Phillip Cann, Don ¡the dining room where an hour or so post nuptial brides’ shower at the that they were her "going-away” table operation of M At M’s subsidiary Miley. W. S. Hudson, Phillip Stevens, [ of fellowship was enjoyed around the shoes on her wedding day. Women’s club house Wednesday even- I Walter Brisbin, Bud Struckmeier. and coffee cup. The entertainment closed with a Eureka Redwood Lumber company at ing, December 30. W. R. Hutcheson. group singing many old-time songs, Eureka, California. This coming Monday evening a After a short time spent visiting. I Members of the Gates Woman’s the gifts were opened by the honor led by Edith Mason, with Virginia ' club wish to take this means to ex­ group of Masons from Mill City Lodge are planning on attending a meeting guest assisted by Mrs. John Mack Hoeye at the piano. A number of ( Local Soldier Enjoys press their thanks to those who 80 Jr., and Miss Betty Ware. The hostes­ very old pictures hung about the 1 Rest in Kokura, Japan at Stayton when a similar degree will generaualy donated their services. Bill Bryant completed a deal the ses Mrs. Keith Phillips and Mrs. Till­ room added atmosphere, the largest Army PFC Richard A. Hunt, son be conferred. The Master of Santiam Lodge urges ail Masons of the area first of January whereby he ha* man Rains served refreshments to being the first schoolhouse in Mill of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hunt, Milt leased the service station from L. G. Mmes. Horace McCarley, Mabel Pat­ City, located on the Marion county City, recently spent a seven day rest to participate in this meeting. Merrills and Kubins Hathaway. and recuperation leave in Kokura, ton, Esther Ohms, Orvall Bilyeu, Ed side of the river. Attend Funerals for Refreshments were served at a Japan. Mr. Bryant has been working at the Castle, Larry Kimsey, John Mack Jr., Relatives During Holidays New Supreme Court Clerk station since the time Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hughes, E. J. Hughes, G. V. beautifully-appointed table, with gor­ Normally stationed in Korea with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Merrill and Mr. Assumed Duty January 1st I Hathaway were injured in an auto­ Christensen, Gayle Brown, Ken Gol- geous silver tea and coffee service Company L of the 2nd Infantry Div­ mobile accident. liet, Lilly Wolfkiel, Giles Wagner, used for poring. Hostesses for the ision's 9th Regiment, Hunt stayed at and Mr». Ed Kubin of Mehama mo­ SALEM—Frederick M. Sercombe, tored to Lakeport, California recently Klovdahl, I delightful affair were Mrs. Melbourne one of Japan’s best resort hotels and Mr. Hathaway stated Tuesday: Walter Johnson, Julia where they attended the funeral Portland attorney, arrived in Salem "Any courtesy you show Mr. Bryant I Grant Smith, Ray Roberts, Jennette | Rambo, Mrs. Martin Hansen, and Mrs. enjoyed many luxuries unobtainable Mrs. Ida B. Geddes, on the war-tom peninsula. Behrens, 'Harold Wodtly, G. J. Blum. | O K. DeWitt. -ervices for Chester Merrill, grand­ Saturday to succeed Arthur S. Benson, I will be appreciated by me." Art Anderson, J. M. Teeters and Mis- | who will be ninety-nine years old on father of Mr. Merrill and Mrs. Kubin. for 52 years chief clerk and assistant I The deceased at one time operated the chief clerk of the state supreme court. i *es Carol Sletto, Lois Blum, Shirley February 9, added much to the oc­ LYONS TO FORM Rl RAL Benson retired from the office of I Nursing Conference To ferry across the river between Lyons Wodtly, Nancy Wodtly, Betty Ware | casion with her display of “tin-types.” FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT According to a legal notice being and Mehama, and was a millright here chief clerk Thursday night under the | Be Held Here January 12 i and Roxie McCarley. state retirement act. Sending gifts were: Mmes. B. L. | Mill Citj Without published in thia issue of The Enter* in Mill City in the early days. A nursing conference, offering im­ Kirsch, Kenneth Weldon. Elwin 1 Lights Sunday Afternoon Sercombe served as secretary of prise on page 7, a hearing will be The Merrils and Kuhins and Mrs. Cliff Bradfield motored to Portland the Oregon State Bar from 1935 to munization to preschool children and Erickson, Elmer Taylor, Gene Cole». Mill City was left “in the dark” and held in the court rooms at the court where they attended the funeral ser­ 1949 and has since practiced law in infants will be held January 12 from Ira Kirsch. Harold Longfellow, pearl hungry in some instances Sunday af­ house in Albany at 10 o'clock in the vices, December 23 for Mack Beck, an Portland. He is a member of the law 10 to 12 at the Mill City elementary Allaway, R. E. Shields. Raymond ternoon when a tree fell across the forenoon January 28 to discuss the uncle of the Merrills and Kubins, who firm of Gilley 4 .Sercombe. Benson school. Branch, Hubert Wagner, Jack Ling- power line out by King's cafe on the boundaries of a proposed fire district. passed away at the Veterans hospital said he had no immediate plans for The district when formed will be The Marion County Health Depart­ aas, Charles Crook, Frank White, Lou old highway just west of Mill City. Many dinners were in the oven known as the Lyons Fire Protection in Portland. Mr. Beck's home was at the future, but expects to enjoy a ment will be assisted by Mrs. William Pooler. Chris McDonald, Karl Win- reeded rest. about that time. W'heeler, Oregon. district. Pennick of Gates. zer and Robert Draper.. Sunday School Convention to Be Held Here Zone Meet of Lions Club Here Stock Dividend Declared by Bank Ed Cooke Family Injured in Car Wreck Merge Printing Plants Gates Community House Nearly Ready for Use Gay Nineties’ Party Held Tuesday Night Patterson To Seek Return Engagement Stayton Degree Team Here for Meeting Wm. Bryant Leases Hathaway Station M & M Report Shows Gains