9 LYONS A Friendly < \\ i'll in this Holiday Season H. L. ASHBY Distributor SHELL PRODUCTS i Phone Stayton 4774 Riverview Cafe Closed Christmas Day Mehama, Oregon Joy at Ghristwias I May your Christmas be filled with happy memories 9. 5 May Your Holiday be a Glad One MEHAMA RICHFIELD Raleigh Harold Florist STATION St ay ton, Oregon MEHAMA, OREGON By Eva Bresaler Santiam Valley grange held their I annual social night and Christmas I party Thursday evening at the hall. A good time was had by all. Jerry Coffman lecturer showed pictures followed by «skits, readings and sing­ ing. At the close of the evening a pot luck luncheon was enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Sparele and children have gone to North Dakota, where they will spend the holidays with relatives. Mr. Sparele is agent at the S P depot and is relieved by John Thompson of Salem. The Three Links club of the Faith Rebekah lodge is sponsoring a recep­ tion to be held at the Rebekah hall Sunday, December 27 honoring Mr. and Mrs. George Berry, who will be celebrating their golden wedding an­ niversary. Everyone is invited and welcome to attend from the hours of 2 to 4 in the afternoon. A double header basketball game was held at the Mari-Linn gym Wed­ nesday evening when the Turner A and B teams played and the A and B team of Mari-Linn with Turner be­ ing victorious in both games. The girls won their volleyball game. Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Walker have gone to Tuson, Arizona, where they will spend the holidays at the home of their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Truman McClellan. They were accompanied by Mrs. Paul McClellan of West Stayton. Miss Edith Tietze, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Tietze left Wednesday I for Philadelphia, Pa., where she will visit at the home of her uncle and a brother of her mother. She will also visit other places of interest and ex­ pects to be gone about three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Free are receiv­ ing congratulations upon the arrival i of another daughter, born Tuesday I evening at Memorial hospital in Sa­ lem. The baby weighed 6 pounds 5 ounces. The little miss has two sisters and a brother at home. Mrs. Robert Carleton and children, Larry and Carolyn, are spending this week with her husband near Cascade Locks. They will return home this weekend. Bertha Allen, Eulalia Lyons and Inez Ring were hostesses for the after­ noon card club with their party held at the Rebekah hall Wednesday af­ ternoon. A 1:30 dessert luncheon was served followed by several tables of 500. High score was held by Margaret Kunkle, second high by Garnett Bas­ sett. Third prize went to Bernice Bridges and low to Dorothy Helemn. At the close their annual Christmas party and gift exchange was held. Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Hirte of Gates and George Huffman of Lyons "ignt to Hermiston over the weekend where they attended a Masonic meeting and helped confer the MM degree upon Mr. Yates, of friend of theirs. Donna Huber, small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Huber was brought home from the Dorenbecher hospital Wednesday after spending several I days there under observation. Mrs. Alex Bodeker was hostess for the meeting of the Women’s Society of Christian service at her home Tues­ day afternoon. The room was decor­ ated to carry out the Christmas spirit. Mrs. Reta Cruson and Mrs. Frances Cruson were in charge of the pro­ gram. Jewell Maitnell gave the origin of the Christmas seal. Special music was furnished by Mrs. Alene Wilson of Mehama, and Mrs. Muriel Warner of Turner with their steel guitars. Mrs. Frances Cruson read the sermon by Peter. Christmas hymns were en­ joyed by the group. A short business session was held. It was voted that the society give $100 toward the ceil­ ing of the church, also to send a gift to Dr. and Mrs. Roseberry for their 25th wedding anniversary. Refresh­ ments were served. 2- THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THI RSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1953 Mil! City Garden Club Has Christmas Party At Morris Home Dec. 18 Games were played at the Christ­ mas meeting of the Mill City Garden club which was held December IS at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mor­ ris. The home was appropriately decorated for the occasion. Lettie Cline was in charge of the decorations made by the club. Hostesses were Mrs. Clara Morris, Marion and Dorothy and Mabel Veteto, assisted by Eva Duffy, Julia Kemp and Carol Cooke. A de­ licious lunch was served. Harriet Le Cours was entertainment chairman and was assisted by Evangeline Fleet­ wood and Carol Cooke. Others at the meeting were: Mr. and Mrs. Bert Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Duffy, Marie Stewart, Dean • Jackson, Hattie French, Grace Mis­ ner, Evangeline Fleetwood, Clara Swan, Belle Heller, Altha Grimes, Bet­ ty Streeter, Frances Doelzal, Gladys Podrabsky, daughter Carol, and her mother, Mrs. Edwards of Scio, Lettie Cline, Julia Kemp, Mabel Bruder, Rachael Olmstead, Mrs. Ike Myers and Mrs. E. K. Fish. Christmas Wishes Î May Your Home Be Filled With Holiday Happine. LICENSED GARBAGE SERVICE Hirte’s $1.50 per month and up Also serving Gates, Lyons, IdanRa and Detroit Lockers MILL CITY MILL CITY, OREGON DISPOSAL SERVICE Phone 3952 LEONARD HERMAN a joyous Noel / 9 5 3 Old fashioned greetings to old-time friends C. S. Morgan Richfield Distributor Stayton, Oregon Bright and Happy Day We join the parade to You! of well wishers making their way to your door . . . Merry Christmas. May your Christmas be NU-METHOD Hilltop General Store YOUR MARSHALL WELLS STORE Phone 2724 Mill City, Oregon CLEANERS GEORGE and M \BEL MILL CITV OREGON merry and bright'....» 1953 Gates Furniture Gates, Oregon