The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, December 24, 1953, Image 1

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»2J0 • Year.
a Cop*
Masons ElectRains and Wind Bids Opened
Cause Trouble Here
For School Gym
Winter Officially Arrives
In Mill City, They Say
Winds of high velocity, accompan­
ied by torrential rains Saturday night,
At a special meeting of the Mill
caused some damage in the canyon
| City school board Tuesday evening,
area. In the Detroit-Idanha area sev­
. December 22, bids for the construction
eral roofs were reported damaged.
In the Mill City-Gates area, falling of a new high school gymnasium
were opened.
It was decided that
trees caused some power outages.
The heaviest rainfall was reported the acceptance of lids would be with­
in the Detroit area, where it was held until receiving the report from
I the boundary boards.
reported that nearly four inches fell
Thirteen companies submitted bids
in the 24 hour period between 8 a m.
which tanged from a high of $181,900
and 8 p. m. Saturday. The reservoir
: to the lowest bid of $164,700 by Wall,
behind the dam was raising at a rate
i Bartram and Sandford of Junction
of about a foot an hour.
I City. Other low bids were $168,800 by
Bob Draper, Mehama, was elected
worshipful master of Mill City Lodge
No. 180 A. F. & A. M. Monday night.
Other officers elected were Wilson
Stevens, senior warden; Floyd John­
son, junior warden; George Huffman,
secretary and Bob Hill, treasurer. Mi.
Huffman was re-elected to his office
by acclamation.
Ivan Smith is senior deacon; Sid
Baughman, junior
Jacobson senior steward; Albert Stev­
ens, junior steward; Hugh Johnston,
Juhr & Sons of Portland and $169,905
tyler; John Teeters, chaplain
and High School Girls on
by William Penberton of Roseburg.
Beryl Smith as marshall.
Program At Lions Meet
The specifications for the building
At the installation ceremonies, Wm.
A group of high school girls under provide for a gymnasium which is
Shuey acted as chaplain. Beryl Smith the direction of Howard Means en- built to accomodate 300 students, a
as marshall and George Huffman was teitained Lion members at their heating plant for the entire high
installing officer.
meeting Monday evening. The girls school system, and sewage disposal
sang several novelty songs which were for a future high school. The archi­
enjoyed by the members present.
tects are Annand, Boone and Lei of
Following the dinner and program Portland.
the balance of the evening was spent
in trying out for singing parts in the Christmas Eve Candlelight
coming minstrel show.
Service at Christian Church
Lee Ross won the wheel of fortune
At a recent meeting of the nomin­
This year the Chri-' ’* Eve Can-
ating committee of the Santiam Me­ prize and turned the money over to the
I dUSight Service at the Fi'st Christian
morial hospital in Stayton, the follow; scout fund.
I church will begin at 11:30 p. m. De­
The meeting for Monday, December
ing have been nominated in the vari­
cember 24. The program will include
ous districts, according to Lindsey S. 28 has been ■ postponed due to the
many activities in the community dur­ carol singing, special music, illus­
Wright, chairman of the committee:
trated scripture lesson “And There
Gates Mill City Area—Elect Two
ing the holiday season.
were Shepherds,” and a brief Christ-
J. C. Kimmel, Floyd Völkel, Bob
1 mas meditation.
Hill and Harold Kliewer.
Lyons-Mehama Area—Elect Two
Party for Men Saturday
A. J. Frank, Ken Golliet, W. R
The Firemen’s Auxiliary entertained
Last week The Enterprise pulled a
Stevens and Russell Wilson.
their husbands at the annual Christ­ boner in the advertisement placed by
Stayton Area—Elect One
mas party at "the fire hall Saturday Chuck’s Fine Foods. The copy should
R. L. Stewart and Karl Kreitzer.
have read that they will be closed
Sublimity Area—Elect One
| Shuffleboard, pool and cards were from 4 p. m. December 24th until
Al Hassler and Maurice Heater,
i the forms of entertainment. Pi izes January 4th. We had them closed from
One director is to be elected at I were won by Lee Knowles, Mrs. Tom
December 4th.
large. On the ballot will be L. E. Morris, Mrs. D. W. Stewart and Mrs.
Spraker and J. W. Etzel.
Verne Shaw.
Ballots will be mailed to stockhold-
A pot luck supper was served later
To Have Watch
ers on the 7th or 8th of January and in the evening to about 30 who at-
Night Party And Service
must be returned not later than the tended the party.
19th of January. according to Mr.
The Christian and Presbyterian
churches will cooperate in a New
Any stockholder may be nominated
Year's Eve watch night party and
by petition signed by 15 stockholders. Catherine’s December 21
service, with the party to be held in
St. Catherine’s Catholic church in the basement of the Christian church
These petitions must be in the hospital
Mill city will hold a midnight mass and the worship service in the Presby­
office by December 30th.
The pi esent board of directors ask at the church here tonight (Thurs­ terian sanctuary. All are invited to
that all stockholders vote at the com­ day ) Mass on Christmas day will be I close the old year and begin the new
held at 9:30 in the morning.
ing election.
in the spirit of prayer.
To Vote on Hospital
Directors in January
(Christ 3tt (Christmas”
The glory of Christmas is the Christ of Christmas.
God's Great Gift. Though separated from His birth
by almost 20 centuries the angel song heard by
humble shepherds still echoes in our hearts and in
<»ur hymns. "Behold. I bring you good tidings of
great joy. which shall be to all people. For unto you
is horn this day in the city of David a Saviour.
» hick is Christ the lx»rd. . . . Glory to God in the
highest.” (Luke 2:10.11.14). Christmas for all of
us should be above all a commemoration of God's
Gift to the world.
Christmas, then, is a time to remember a Gift. But
too often it is a time to think of gifts. Bernard Id-
dings Bell in a bulletin to the faculty and students
of the University of Chicago a few seasons ago thus
characterized the Spirit of Christmas as seen in the
gift-buying rush which always precedes Christmas
Day: “Christmas to the vast throngs is little more
than a noisy excuse for gaudy salesmanship, for
urging one and alt to buy unwanted presents for
their friends .... For a mqnth before the Feast,
the cry is: Buv! ADESTE FIDELES. Nylons for
>our lady! ... IT CAME UPON A MIDNIGHT
CLEAR. What came. Mummy? Santa Claus, my
darlings." W hat a far cry from that blessed "Silent
Night, Holy Night" so long ago!
Christmas tells u> of the GIFT OF CHRIST.
God s love gift to the world. We wrap up presents
to give, and God “wrapped" His greatest gift in
the form of the Christmas (hrist. This surely is the
most valuable and precious gift in all the world.
\mong the most valuable paintings in all the art
galleries of the world is Raphael's glorification of
the Christ -< hi Id and His mother. Five million dol­
lars could not buy this picture. But when we have
received God's Christmas Gift as Our own and
have the image of Christ imprinted upon our heart-
we have a hie-st ng far more valuable. Ho* can ••
despise a gift so lovingly offered?
Christmas tells us also of GIFTS THRO1 GH
< HRIST. The Saviour is the Door to God's treasoro
house of grace In the Sermon on the Mount He said.
"If ye then, being evil, know ho* to give good gift-
unto your children (and w» do at Christmastime),
ho* much more shall your Father which is in
heaven give good things to them that ask Him?"
(Matt. 7:11). He adds later. “If ye shall ask any­
thing in My name I will do it." Looking deep within
our hearts let us ask ourselves honestly, “What do
I »ant most for Christmas?” l-et us look at the
depleted stock in the storeroom of our souls; let us
recognize our shattered ideals, broken resolutions,
lost prjience. »obbly courage, lazy convictions. and
faded dreams. Then lifting our eyes from ourselves
may *« see on the "Christmas tree" of God's grace
those needed fruits of the Spirit, "love, joy. peace,
patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentle­
ness. self-control." (Galatians 5:22,23). They are
ours in Christ!
Finally, ( hristmas tells us of GIFTS TO ( HRIST.
As *e made out of lists for Christmas gifts. who
*as at the top? In our giving gifts has there been
a place for giving to the continued redeeming work
of the Redeemer who came on Christmas Day? When
the Wise Men found the Christ-Child they found in
Him the fulfillment of all their longings and search-
'ngs, and ' »hen they had opened their treasures,
they presented unto Him gifts.” (Matt. 2:11b). But
our best gift to Him is ourselves, our love and de­
votion and service. It was said in commendation of
certain early Christians. "They . . . first gave their
o*n selves to the Lord.” (2 Corinthians 6:5). Then
let us share with others this Christmas Gift, this
( hrist who can change lives, lift burdens, and bring
toy and peace.
As we enjoy all the good things that this joyous
holiday brings, let us take time to gather together
’bose in the home to bear the Christmas story read,
to sing carols, and to pause in prayer before God.
remembering “every good gift and every perfect gift
is from those.” (James 1.17). |^.t .. )oln he,r,
•ith owe of old who exclaimed. "Thanks he unto
Lod for His unspeakable (His indescribably wond­
erful) Gift." (2 (ermtkiaa. 9.15).
A Merry and Joyous Christmas to all! '
In most every community one
can find a weather prophet. Some
say they can tell how cold the
winter will be by the amount of
nuts the squirrels store up; by the
thickness of the fur on the old tom
cat, or whether the muskrats
build big houses along the swamp.
Mill City, however has a pecul­
iar way in determing the arrival
of winter. This writer was in­
formed the latter part of the week
that winter in Mill City officially
had arrived. When asked how they
figured that one out, the party
stated: "Bob Levon, driver for A.
T. Barnhart, just came through
town with his flaps down.” The
flaps they referred to of course,
were the ones on his cap. Could be.
could be.
Slide Tuesday Evening
Seals Santiam Highway
Traffic came to
Presbyterian Concert Draws , about 8:45 Tuesday night when a mas­
sive earth, rock and log slide covered
Capacity Crowd Sunday
, the North Santiam highway just be-
Residents of the canyon area were I j low the Big Cliff dam with about five
again given a musical treat seldom I to eigh feet of muck. The slide went
found in smaller communities, Sunday | 1 across the highway down onto the
night when the choir of the Mill City ' railroad track and into the river. Wed­
Presbyterian church, under the direc- | nesday morning it looked as if the
tion of Mrs. Don Sheythe, put on railroad bed had been moved by the
weight of the debris.
their annual concert.
Trees, rocks logs and dirt came
Those who have attended in the
past stated thi« was the best one yet. pouring out of a ravine about five
Nothing but praise has been heard or six miles east of Gates to cover
all week for the choir. The choir is the North Santiam highway for •
a credit to this community, and their distance of about 300 feet. Workmen
splendid portrayal of Christmas music contacted at the dam Wednesday
gave evidence of many hours of hard morning stated it would take maybe
three or four days to open the high­
work in preparing for this event.
way to traffic, the length of time be­
ing determined by the amount and
Petitions Being Circulated type
of equipment used.
There is no detour available around
By North Santiam Sports
the slide area.
Boundary Board
Meets to Talk On Coastal Stream Fishing
A recommendation for the best site
for a possible union or consolidated
high sehool will be made as the result
of a meeting Mondary, December 21,
of representatives of the Detroit,
Gates and Mill City school districts,
representatives of the Marion and
Linn county boundaiy bnard. and A.
L. Beck, director of school house plan­
ning of the state department of educa­
The meeting which was held in the
faculty room of the Mill City element­
ary school at 11:00 Monday morning
was followed by a tour of the Mill
City and Gates area. The group drove
each of Gates on the Marion county
side of the river to the possible sites
for a high school.
Mr. Beck of the state department
presided at the meeting at which
time there was a general discussion
of possible sites for a high school.
The group viewed the plans for future
development of the Mill City school
plant. A written report will come
from the state department of educa­
tion in the near future.
Present at the meeting, in addition
to Mr. Beck, were Mrs. Agnes C.
Booth, Marion county superintendent
of schools, who represented the
boundary board; Wm. Dolmeyer, Linn
county superintendent of schools and
the chairman of the Linn county
boudary board: C. C. Tucker, Wm.
Hutcheson and
Floyd Völkel
Gates; Bob Hill and C. E. Mason of
Mill City; Mrs. A. R. Schneider and
Mrs. J. B. Gordon of Idanha; and
I Vernon S. Todd, superintendent of the
Mill City schools. Ramon Roberts a
member of the Mill City committee
was unable to attend.
Kids Enjoy Seeing
Santa At Fire Hall
About 300 kids turned out Saturday
in spite of the rain storm to see
“Santa” who arrived in town that day
to help distribute the boxes of candy
which were packed by the members
of the Firemen's auxiliary.
Officers were elected by the Auxil­
iary at their meeting Thursday night.
Those elected to office for the coming
year are: Mrs. Tom Morris, president;
I Mrs. Verne Shaw, vice president; Mrs.
Don Flatman, secretary and Mrs. Leo
I Lemke, treasurer.
Marilyn Chapter No. 145 OF.S of
Mill City will hold open installation
of officers for 1954 on Sunday, De­
cember 27 at 8 o'clock P.M. at the I.
OO F. hall.
Alice Robinson, past grand matron
of the grand chapter of Oregon will
be the installing officer.
The public is invited to attend, ac­
cording to Mabel Parker. Detroit,
worthy matron elect.
Ike Myers thi's wek placed petitions
in several Mill City stores, seeking
signers to place a measure before the
public at the polls next election pro­
hibiting salmon and trout fishing by
any method except hook and line in
all coastal streams south of the
Columbia river.
The area would also extend in a
three-mile radius from the mouth of
such streams. It also would permit
chum salmon fishing in Tillamook bay
in November of each year.
The Sportsmen’s club believes that
in this manner salmon and trout fish­
ing would be improved.
The petitions will be place in Gates
next week, according to Mr. Myers.
About 75 Fake Pact In
Carol Singing Monday
Approximately 75 community ybuth
with their sponsors assembled at the
Christian church Monday evening, to
be divided into three groups and sent
out over the community to sing
Christmas carols.
After the caroling, the group re­
turned to the church for refreshment«
, provided by the ladies of the co-
I operating churches. The refreshment«
were pt epared by Mrs. E. K. Fish and
Mrs. H. E. JulL Adult sponsors itt-
i eluded Miss Grimstead, Miss Kiewer,
Miss Pecheck, Mrs. Laughridge and
Glen Shelton.
Mill City Still Top of
Heap in “B” League
The Mill City Timberwolves won a
non-league encounter with the Monroe
Dragons, 65-54, Tuesday night at Mill
Mill City leads the Marion County
“B” league with four wins and no
Elton Gregory, Mill City forward,
and teammate Jack Melting, guard,
paced the timberwolves with 29 and
22 points, respectively. Harry Smith
was high for the Dragons with 24
points and Melvin Marquardt ac­
counted for "12 Monroe points.
In the junior varsity preliminary
Mill City Center Don Lemke was a
standout as he led his team to a 44-38
victory over the Monroe JV’s.
Lemke scored 20 points in the first
half. Monroe tightened the defense
down on him in, the second half and he
made only 8 points.
The Mill City Timberwolves mauled
the Gervais Cougars, 75-53, last Fri­
day night at Gervais. The win made
Mill City the leader of the Marion
“B" league race with four wins and
no losses. It was the Timberwolves’
20th straight league win, counting
their undefeated record of last year.
Elton Gregory, Mill City forward,
led the scoring for the game with 27
poir t
This make« Gregory No. 1
scorer in the league so far, with 88
points, an average of 22 points per
Herbert Romey of Gates is close be­
hind with 85 points. Al Ward, the
Timberwolf forward, made 17 points
in the Gervais game, and remained in
third place in the individual scoring
standings with 74 points. Jack Melt­
ing. guard for Mill City, made 18
points in the game.
Mill City was ahead all the way. At
the end of the first quarter the aeore
stood at 20-12. Mill City continued its
scoring spree in the next stanza,
stretching the lead to 41-25. At the
start of the second half the Mill City
spread bogged down and the Cougars
started a snree of their own, at on«
time approaching within four point«
of breaking Mill City’s lead—but be­
fore the end of the quarter Mill City
resumed its offensive strength. The
third quarter stop showed Mill City
ahead 52-42. The final quarter »al
a lun-away for Mill City and ended
at 75 to 53,
Although it was a great day for the
varsity, the Mill City J. V.’s weren’t so
happy. They received a 59 to 34
drubbing by the Gervais J.V.’s. Don
Elling.-on and Lloyd Ross led the Mill
City scoring with 13 and 10 pointa
Mill City (75)
(53) Gervais
Gregory 22
4 Keppinger
Ward 17
9 Reilinif
Carey 6
8 Schlechter
Crook 3
11 Thompson
Melting 18
16 Espe
Reserve scoring Mill City, Cros­
ier 4.
Officials: Dash and Reder.
• oo
The Timberwolves
Sweet Home Saturday night and
brought home a 62 to 37 victory over
the Sweet Home JV team, in a non­
league tilt. Mill City led all the way.
The quarter scores were: 17-13, 28-23,
and 36-29.
Elton Gregory led the Mill City
basketball team with 18 points and
Sweet Home Junior Varsity high
scorer was Bill Lewis with 12 points.
Mill City «2
37 Sweet Home
Gregory 18
10 Courtney
Ward 10
7 McDaniels
Carey 5
1 Graves
Crook 5
0 Barley
Melting 13
12 Lewis
Substitutes scoring
_ — Mill City, Ed
Gregory 3, Crosier 6, Syverson 2.
Sweet Home JV’s, Donahy 5, Christ,
enson 2.
Coach Burton Borough's Timber­
wolves play the Oregon School for
the Deaf Friday night. OSD ranks
in the league standings.