/TTHT T TT T\ If If jVLxZlxi^xJVLxX land Mrs. Leo Crook and family of ft—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE | The’drarch benefit dinner Thura- THURSDAY. DECEMBER 17, 1953 Mrs. John Teeters i day was a big success with about $270 Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Hoodenpyle and La Vera Ruth "Billie” Wilson, bride taken >"• This money will be used to daughter, Donna, of Creswell, were elect of Herbert Graen, was guest of help pay for the new floor, Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. honor at a miscellaneous shower at I------------------------------------------------- and Mrs. J. C. Kimmel. While here the Women's Club house Wednesday Enterprise Class Ads Pay Donna did some artistic holiday dec­ evening, December 9. The singing of orating on the windows of the Mill Try One Today! Christmas carols was enjoyed after City Pharmacy. which the honor guest opened her gifts, assisted by Myrna Clason. The hostesses, Mrs. Elwin Erickson, Mrs. Harry Gisholt, and Mrs. Gayle Brown served refreshments to the following guests present: We will be closed at 4 p. m., Thursday Mmes Larry Prichard, Felix Lucier, Harold Longfellow, Bob Crouser, Clay December 4 and remain closed until Kirkland, Jennette Behrens, Gordon January 4, 1954 Kirsch, Lester Luke, Bud Davenport, Harvey Grimes, Boyd Norton, Harry CHUCK’S FINE FOODS Clason, John Teeters, L. J. Miller, Misses Ramona George Wilson, Two miles east of Gates, Oregon Graen, Myrna Clason and Paula Kirk­ land. Sending gifts were: Mmes. Wayne Kerr, Wilson Stevens, Frank White, Buck Miller, Carl Titus, Pearl Alla­ way, Lou Kirkland, Ken Kelly, Rus­ HAIXM sell Thiel, Dick Jordan, Glen Berring- er and Chis McDonald. 141 N. Commercial St. The Mehama local of the Farmers Has Everything for Your Union held their annual Christmas party at the Women’s club house Fri­ day evening. About 15 members of the Jordan local were present, as well as several other visitors. After a Furniture and Bookkeeping Supplies short business meeting presided over by the president, Sam Wiser, the rest of the evening was turned over . to the program committee. Christmas j carols were sung and an old-fashoined spelling bee was held with the Jordan J and Mehama locals competing. Mrs. Lloyd Sletto pronounced the j words and Mehama finally won after a hard-fought battle. Jerry Coffman . showed an interesting film on the Pacific Northwest which was enjoyed by all, after which Santa appeared and gifts were distributed. The even­ ing closed with the usual bountiful pot luck supper. The next meeting of the Mehama local will be the evening of January 8. The Board of Trustees of the Me­ hama Women's club met at the club house Monday afternoon for the last meeting of the year. Three members were absent. Those present were: president, Mrs. Harry Monroe; secre­ tary, Mrs. Ercill Wilson; Mrs. Chis McDonald, Mrs. Raymond Branch, Mrs. John Teeters, Mrs. Ken Golliet, End all your gate annoyances for life with Dcring Life- and Mrs. Keith Phillips. Time Gates made of Aircraft Aluminum. This gate is so Mr. and Mrs. Allen Griffith left for light, yet so strong, it can’t possibly sag or drag. (Sixteen- Kansas last -Saturday to spend a foot gate weighs only 59 lbs.) Rolled edges can't snare month viaiting relatives. or tear clothing or animals. Can’t rust or corrode. Latch Visitors at the Charles Crook and is positive, automatic, strong. Can be padlocked. Hinges Eva Crook homes Saturday were Mr. Announcement For you, for your famliy, from all of us here—the best of good wishes for the Happiest Holidays and a Prosperous New Yean _________ SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY AND TIL CHRISTMAS JELLO 6f|“vor“ 3 For 23c BORDEN'S 9 oz. pkg. NON' SUCH Pound package Cranberry Sauce 2 OFFICE NEEDS 35c SUNSHINE BRAND HL HO. Lindsay Brand, Medium No. 1 Ripe Olives 2 f- 39 c 40 Ounce Package Bisquick 3 Pound Package $1.00 for 31c Pet Betty ('rocker, 9 ounce package FIE CRUST MIX 2 25 ■Mum 3 Minute Brand, White or Yellow POP CORN 37c 2 2 lb pk 3 288 Size TALL CANS 5 CENT Dozen SI INKIST ORANGES .67 Candy Bars Number Is. liotpoint ; MANCE SERVICE 2 lbs 23c Douma.x’ Large, fresh crisp 8c Per pound Extra Fancy, Large Red per lb. of sturdy cast aluminum. Six-inch hinge screws provided. This is the ideal gate for ranch and farm. Try one and you won’t be happy until you are completely equipped with Life-Time Gates. 52 in. high, in lengths from 4 ft. to 16 ft. Priced so low you can’t afford to be without Life-Time Gates. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. M» first for . . ;• For Sweet Potatoes or Yams CELERY THE COMMERCIAL BOOK STORE ■I i Í Pixie Colored Marshmallows 10 oz. pk. 19c • Factory-Trained Experts e Genuine Holpoint Part» Also Complete Service on all makes Ranges and Water Heaters Shux Electric Phone 2964 I_ ____________ I , LIBBY'S 303 Size • STAYTON Santiam Fanners Co-op Feeds Grinding and Mixing Seeds Custom Cleaning Hardware Seed Marketing Petroleum Products Fertilizer Machinery Household Appliances Telephone 5024 STAYTON, ORE. SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK ONLY 10% off on Neoprene Full Soles Swift’s Premium, oven ready TURKEYS Hens per lb Toms per lb. 57c ROASTED Peanuts See us for all SHOE and BOOT REPAIR WORK Rubber Boot Retreads Oven ready Roasting CHICKENS lb Young enough to be fried If it can be done. We can do it! 59c Chuck s Shoe Shop Halt or whole, mild, delicious flavor 10 to 11 pounds East of the Bank Phone 1826 Mill City Oysters B ulova FOR FRYING OR Pound .69 Pint 59c Get your ticket* for the Merchant»' Christmas Show at our store. Cloaed Sunday and ( hristmas CfpJJùæ of u lime FOR YOUR DRESSING Ken Golliet ■1 Priced $¿<<>50 From • What a comfort it ia, in dme of serious illness, to know that hands—skilled and experienced in the task assigned—serve you with painstaking care. Your prescription is im­ portant to you— 600DÍSS Of TlMf -O' « 2 0 **OMt 3 SET WITH DIAMONDS 17 JEWELS tOODISS Of TlMf 1 17 t 4 [rpri* |r»ct'»t ’71" 3 •• •V 3 Baker’s Mill City Jewelry EASY CREDIT TERMS Me reserve the right to limit quantities MEHAMA, OREGON *, 9 Salem " atches and Watch Repairing Phone 843 Mill City, Oregon