Subscribe to the Mill City Enterprise WOOD’S STORE Christmas Party and Gift Exchange Held by Lyons Garden Club Wednesday OES Holds Election Woman’s Club Has LYONS—Mrs. Henry Holzfuss was , Of Officers Monday Annual Holiday Meet hostess for the Lyons Garden club at I S—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17. 19,3 s' Christmas Shopping her home Wednesday Members of the Mill City Woman’s ^'*JV**** ” afternoon, • I v 1 llvvllj 1 De- "V* ! At the annual election of officers ceniber 9, with Mrs. Alex Kuiken as i of Marilyn Chapter, No. 145 Order of club held their annual Christinas co-hostess. After a short business the Eastern Star, held at the lodge party and program in the recreation meeting they held their Christmas hall Monday night, Mrs. Earl Parker room of the Presbyterian church Tues­ party and gift exchange. Some mem­ of Detroit was elevated to the pre­ day evening. bers brought beautiful table arrange­ siding office of Worthy Matron, al­ A short business meeting was con­ BmgBUagBggHBflanocoBaannn. ments and decorations to answer to though she had just been associate ducted by the club president, Mrs. conductress during the past year. Due John Muir, after which group sing­ roll call. to the resignation of two line officers ing of Christmas carols was enjoyed, Secret pal names were revealed and Tax Consultant Auditor new ones drawn for the coming year. because of ill health, Betty Tinney as with Mrs. DeLos Hoeye accompany­ At the close of the meeting Mrs. Holz- associate matron and Stella Kay as ing at the piano. fuss and Mrs. Kuiken served dainty conductress, it was not possible to ad­ Several games were played for en­ vance the officers in the usual way. tertainment before the arrival of “St. refreshments. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Those elected to fill the other va­ Nick,” whose voice strangely resemb­ Bookkeeping, Accounting and cancies wene as follows: Worthy led that of Mrs. Roger Nelson, who Seven Out of Nine Grads Tax Service Patron, Ivan Smith of Lyons; Asso­ didn’t show up at the party until Of 1952 Now In Service ciate Matron, Clara Morris; Associate some time later. Santa distributed the Corner 3rd 4 Marion GATES—Three local boys, Marlin Patron, Floyd Johnson; Secretary, gifts, which club members had STAYTON. ORE. I Cole, son of Mr. and Mrs. Burrel Mary Tuers; Treasurer, Dorothy Har­ brought for exchange, in a novel Cole; James Carey, son of Mrs. Velma ris; Conductress, Betty Shaw, and manner. In addition to the regular ex­ Telephone 4M4 P.O. Box 1321 Carey and Jack Oliver, son of Mr. and Associate Conductress, Jean Phillips. change of gifts, other wrapped pack­ Mrs. Clyde Oliver have received ord­ At the beginning of the evening, a ages were brought for patients in the ers to report for duty in the armed group of children of Star and Masonic Oregon State hospital. /Z forces, January 11, 1954. members enacted “The Star of the Refreshments were served by the With the departure of Marlin and East” with a Nativity scene in cos­ committee: Mrs. W. W. Allen, Mrs. j Jack, seven members out of nine, tume, singing “Away in a Manger.” C. M. Cline and Mrs. D. H. Hill. who graduated from the Gates high ; i Afterward, “Santa Claus” presented HAMBURGER . school in 1952 will be in the service, ' each child with a bag of candy and STAND Carolyn Brejcha, Wilmer Crites, Bob , nuts from under the lighted Christ- | Delicious Hamburger Lee, Earle Henness, Edward Romey I mas tree, as a present from Laurell : and the two new inductees, Marlin and Johnson, the Worthy Matron. Sandwiches i Jack. James Carey graduated with the Additional numbers on the program I Greaseless Doughnuts | class of 1951. consisted of impersonation by a 1 GOOD COFFEE member of a Portland DeMolay Open daily 2 p. m. to 8 p. m. chapter; a pantomime by Penny Gould Open Sundays 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. GENE COLES NEW PRESIDENT and Sherry Hansen Rainbow Girls; OF N. SANTIAM SPORTS CLUB Mill City, Oregon and a piano solo, "Rainbow Fantasy,” The North Santiam Sportsmen’s Johnson. club met Monday evening and elected by A Frances clever floral degree was put on the following officers: Gene Coles, for the pleasure of the out-going president; Jerry Cofman, vice presi­ worthy matron, Mrs. Johnson, and dent and Ed Bell, secretary. Two di­ worthy patron, George Huffman, by ■. rectors appointed were Jack Schlies the star points, directed by Halle I and Gordon Kirsch. associate matron. Gifts were | There were 28 members present Toman, presented to the two honorees from I who enjoyed a talk by Bob Urban their 1953 officers. !» of Corvallis. He spoke on the Sports­ Closing the interesting evening was I mens benefits if all coastal streams i X. were closed to commercial salmon the singing of “White Christmas” by FISTULAFISSURE everyone present. The hall was beau­ fishing. Stomach and Colon Disorders tifully decorated in the holiday theme. DR. R. REYNOLDS Refreshments, which consisted of a Business and Professional complete ham dinner, were served in j •o O CLINIC the dining loom about midnight by I Proctologist-Naturopath DIRECTORY the men of the chapter, headed by 1 RECTAL SPECIALIST Salem, Ore. Ph. 3-9460^ Floyd Johnson, a past worthy patron, I as chairman. Geneiwl Dry Good. NOTIONS UNRK kjt . READY-TO-WEAR HOSIERY _____ I.UZIERN COSMETICS See us before you buy MILL CITY VARIETY Kellom ’s SANTA HAS NOTHING ON US We, too, fill Christmas V socks. You can borrow now for Christmas and make easy, monthly John W. Reid, M. D Gates Rural Fire District Holds Election of Officers Mill City Post Office Building. 2nd Floor Phone: Stayton 2274 Stayton, Ore. J. W. GOIN VETERINARIAN STAYTON Phone 4148 Opposite Claude Lewis’ Service Station YOUR S & H Green Stamp Store OUR EVERYDAY PRICES WILL PLEASE YOU Phone 3206 Mill City On the Highway MILL CITY STATE BANK WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS AND INVITATIONS at The Mill City Enterprise MIKE S Septic Service: Ressler's Grocery payments next year. GATES—Members of the Gates Rural Fire district met in the Gates fire hall Monday evening of last week for the purpose of election of a new member of the board of directors re­ placing William Pennick, whose term of office had expired. Elmer Klutke was elected to serve a term of five years. Edward Chance was elected to complete the unex­ pired term of Byron Bates, who no longer lives in the community. The bohrd now includes Harold Wilson Oliver Willis, and the newly elected members, Klutke and Chance. DR. VICTOR J. MYERS Chiropractic Physician MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORP. Septic Tanks and Sewers Cleaned ♦ Phone SALEM 3-9468, COLLECT] 1079 Elm St.. W. Salem J FREE! FREE! WEDDLE FUNERAL HOME Modem Funeral Service STAYTON OREGON rjflnMiaonBiinnBnnsniinnnnHnnc 26-Piece Set Silverware of the Beautiful Lady Betty Pattern With the Sale of Each DR. MARK HAMMERICKSEN Modern Wrought Iron or Chrome Dinette Set REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST Has moved his Mill City office to Stayton in the Poet Office Bldg.. 2nd Floor, in the Dr. Victor J. Myers office« Thursdays 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. Sold Between Now and Christmas HOME OFFICE: 313 W. FIRST, ALBANY t4 fi la p pgppnppppgpgggnppppgppr 4 Gooch Logging Supply « * Everything for the Logger • * BASSETT’S WELDING SHOP Phone 116 Phone 1141 Sweet Home. Philomath ■ h 'J $ i • ? 1 1. 13. 7 c i Branrh Stare Lyons ( z : í A : » Ln » ■V. Z i I J > LES’S TAVERN c, bár7 *• * Open Under New Managemet Come in and get aquainted with us. Shuffleboard tournament eliminations every Wednesday night. » 1 9 - 7 Meet your friends here for the Best In Beverages • BILL’’ GRAHAM. Owner dates Furniture Store Phone 1561 A Is easy and fun when you shop here. We have Christmas Candles ft TOYS Gifts for the Baby Gift wrappings Tree Lights Tree Ornaments Extension Cords W. N. SIMMONS Physician & Surgeon Mi Gates, Oregon