LYONS SEE US FOR FIRE WOOD By Eva Breaaler Mr». John Prideaux, Mrs. Orville Britton, Mrs. Donald McWhirk and Miss Reane Fletcher went to Albany Monday evening where they attended the Santiam Area council meeting for adult girl scouts. The regular monthly meeting of the teachers and officers of the Method­ ist Sunday school was held Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Alice Huber wtih Mrs. John Prideaux, sup­ erintendent in charge. Plans were made and discussed for the Christmas program which will be held Sunday evening, December 20 with all child­ ren of the Sunday school taking part. Eldon Thompson is general chairman of the program with others assisting him. Raymond Holzfuss is suffering with an injured leg he received Thursday morning while working at the Parkett Logging company when he was hit by a log. The Mari-Linn school will present their Christmas program Friday even- , ing, December 18 in the gym. Every- 1 one is welcome to attend. Mrs. Leland Manning spent the week end in Scappoose, where they ware guests at the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reisterer, and their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reisterer, Jr. The Boy Scouts held their regular meeting Thursday evening at the Mari-Lirn school house. It was voted that the scouts would sell Christmas trees. Mrs. Kenneth Bass is confined to her home suffering with her lsg in a cast aftet breaking it while skating in Stayton Tuesday evening. Cores from Lyons M & M Plant cut to order $10 per cord Log ends for stove wood under 17” ,per cord $12 Write CARL TONACK GENERAL DELIVERY LYONS, OREGON HOT FRESH HOT FRESH Tom &• Jerry FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON use nothing but the best ingredients in HOT FRESH TOM AND JERRY BATTER No preservatives are added See us before buying your supply TRY ONE OF OUR FRUIT CAKES We will also have an assortment of HOT FRESH CHRISTMAS COOKIES MUIR'S BAKERY Phone 2222 FRESH Mr. and Mrs. Earl Basnett and four 8—THE MILL CITT ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, »953 children left for Springfield. Ohio, Monday morning to visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gnau. They expect to be gone until the first of the year. Betty Lou Cree, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Cree, has pledged Theta Nu Alpha sorority at Pacific University at Forest Grove. Betty Lou was .-alutatorian of the 1953 gradu­ ating class of Mill City high school and received the Stewart award schol­ arship at P.U. where she is majoring I in secretarial science. She also re­ ceived the Ethel Hickey award. ¡nummi THURSDAY. FRIDAY and SATURDAY December 10. 11 »nd 12 ROCK HUDSON and BARBARA HALE in SEMINOLE In Technicolor — Plus Charley McCarthy, Fibber Mc­ Gee and Molly and Lucy Ball in Ml IK’S BIRTHDAY CAKE for KID’S CLUB MATINEE— 2:00 P. M. SATURDAY SUNDAY, MONDAY and TUESDAY December 13, 14 and 15 TONY CURTIS and BEE-LINE SERVICE JANET LEIGH in Frame, Axle, Wheel and Hub Aligning Two Locations 203 N. E. Grand FRESH E. Powell Blvd. Gresham Portland Mill City, Oregon HOT FRESH HOT HOUDINI in Technicolor Feature at 5:15 - 7:30 Sunday IliUli JERRY’S CORNER . . . . Never •)SB[ Áoq) O|iq.w ouo uo J3JJO ub oqsui pus sub a posn jo qoojs uno puB ui -V 9 I 9 9 Early Bird Christmas Specials 99 12 95 I 9-9 > | 26-95 I 9 9 3''1'"’ I 9 259 9 199'^ ... 9 £ 189-95 1 A Popup toasters, reg. $20, marked down to Combination waffle irons and grill, reg.$14.95, now only.......................... Waffle Irons only, special ..................... Deep Fat Fryers, with accessories, was $33. now only ....................................... Two Speed Osterizer, reg. $37.95 marked down to only .......................... Automatic Electric Corn Poppers, special Electric Percolators as low as ................... VV’e also have several large appliances MARKED DOWN FOR CHRISTMAS Deluxe Philco Ranges, reg. $299.95, now Hamilton Clothes Dryer, was $269.95, now Norge Spinner Washer, reg. $229.95, now Better Hurry! These are items we are closing ristmas & out before inventory and giving you Christmas shoppers a chance to save on your budget. We also have a large selection of Philco TV sets. Have one installed befor Christmas. Stiffler's Radio & Appliance Co 35 miles from the nearest Parking Meter Raytheon Bonded Electronic Technicians Guaranteed Television and Radio Service Phone 3207 Santiam Blvd. Mill City, Oregon J By Shopping Regularly at Stewart's STORE HOURS—7:00 to 7:00 Except Sundays and Holidays SHORTENINGS 19c Wesson Oil Qt. f >9c JeWell 3 pound’can 79c Margarine bi « Bonne« Biskit Mix, Fishers Per pound 29c 40 ounce 39c SYRUP, Sunny Jim, 31 ounce - 43c = S|)1’V | 1 1 i •' pound can 35c 3 lbs SI.00 BEEF Bacon Economy Sliced 159c Pure Lard 2 lb. 49c Hams 1-2 or w hole lb. 69c Order Christmas Turkeys Now See Us For Locker Meats STEWART'S GROCERY Phone 4407 Order Deadline 3:00 P, M. Mill City, Oregon Says Santa IT LOOKS AS IF THERE ARE PENTY OF FINE Christmas Gifts To choose from right here in Mill City and especially at HILLTOP GENERAL STORE. I see where one can purchase gifts for everyone in the family, and there is no parking problem either. If you w ant something in the sporting goods line for Dad or Son, you can find it here. We also have splendid gifts for the home. TRY AT HOME FIRST. Gift Wrapping Specials for Friday and Saturday Daily Delivery in the City Well Christmas Cards Toys Hilltop General Store YOUR MARSHALL WELLS STORE Phone 2724 Mill City, Oregon -¿J 9 | j 9 9 9