4—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE I THURSDAY. DECEMBER 10, 1953 PROMPT Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Lavine were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Farmen Saturday evening. Minister and Mrs. II. E. Jull attended the dedication services for the new Garden Road Christian church build ing in east Sajgm Sunday afternoon. CALL US Then let us take care of your heating oil needs for the rest of the winter. We’ll keep your tank or barrels full of THAT CLEAN-BURNING SHELL HEATING OIL H. L. ASHBY DISTRIBUTOR SHELL PRODUCTS UTO! WIN HIC DADDY'S SHOES Imitation is one of the basic impulses of humin life From earliest infancy man has learned the ways of life and the paths of progress by imitat ing others who possess and practice such knowl edge The child learns to walk as the fledgling learns to fly—by imitating its parents. The impulse to imitate others is stronger in in fancy and childhood than at any other period in e The child is anxious to learn things and to be able to do things as grown-ups do in this great, big interesting world. That is why the little boy in the picture tries to walk in his daddy’s shoes. Children learn to walk in their parents' foot- steps in many ways, during this formative L period of their lives. They acquire their $ habits, their mental attitudes and their sense of values mainly from their elders. And these are the thing* that will most largely determine their characters and shape their courses in the years to come. This make* it all-important for people to walk uprightly before their children, and lead them in the way* of strength and safety. Above all, parents should teach their children the dependence of all Hi* upon God, and the value of religion and the Church as the guardian of man's spiritual existence. And this must be done, line upon line and precept upon precept, in practice as well as in words. AnH?CH F°* AU *r «nth for ft. T0,'”' charaot., butldmg c( ^7«'or.hou,.0o/^c,'«n.h.p I, Without a ,,ro ’ if Toiu« d,“ocracy nor9e??rl’ch "••lh»r Th.,. eon why 'our ,ound service, re2 should p>r» th» Church^,Ur?r'’' and sup. r" »>»• own\L. Th,)' ar’ (1 . .ek.^ £> For i' community For .ok, F°r the ta|e f ^1°°^ nation (41 -d —"day Tue>dl, '°^°r M.Ht, Ch p,,r V, "**tth«w LC®r'nthi P>ur,d., x.i."ll,PPl« ''nd./' J«»» S.tu.d.y f^"»» SANTIAM CAFE SPECIALIZING IN DINNERS OPEN AT 4 P. M. EVERY DAY —Serving Your Favorite Cocktails— Mr. and Mrs. Jay Westcott and son, Ross, of Milwaukie were Sunday visi tors of Mrs. Harry Wood. Mrs. West cott is a granddaughter of Mrs. Wood. Mr. and Mrs. George Carver of Salem spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gayle Lowery. It was Melissa Lowery’s first birthday anni versary. The Bank Cafe, was closed from Wednesday night until Monday of this past week. M. C. Goodman, head cook and bottle washer had surgery performed on his eye over the week end. The operation was a success and he was back on the job again Monday. Sermon subjects for Sunday as an nounced by Minister H. E. Jull of the Expect- First Christian church are: “U is mes- a ant Hearts,’’ a pre-Christmas sage at the 11:55 service; and “The 11 Parable of the Husbandmen,” from Matthew 1, at the 7:30 hour. I .eave Orders at Masun's Shell Service, or Phone Mill City 684 WHITIE’S A real estate deal »as consummated this week whereby Tom C. Fowler of Del Paso Heights, California pur chased the property belonging to Lil lian K. Smith of Klamath Falls. Mr. Fowler is retiring from the furniture business. Glen Shelton closed the transaction. Mrs. Edith House, of Portland. Marshall of the Rebekah assembly of Oregon, was in town last Wednesday, with Mrs. Lola Osborn, president of the assembly. Mr. and Mrs. House lived in Mill City about 30 years ago when Mr. House was associated with Curtis Cline in the garage business. Bob Oliver, Glen Minton. Mel Warner, Harvey Syverson, Walt Wes- tergaartj John Muir and Ole Knut son attended the military funeral for Lyle Lyons, who was buried in Stay ton Sunday. The local men fired the salue at the funeral which was in chaige of the Aujasville Legion Post. At a recent meeting of Beta Kappa Theta Rho club, officers for the en suing year were elected as follows: Ellen Chance, president; Roberta Chance, vice president: and Sibyl Dart secretary-treasurer. The club will hold initiation for four candidates De cember 10, when all Rebekahs are in vited to attend. Mrs. Arnold Syverson was hostess last Tuesday afternoon for an inform al gathering at her home. Refresh ments were served late in the after noon to Mrs. Henry Eccleson, Mrs. Frank Novak and Mrs. Merle Devine of Gates, Mrs. Dorene Hellemn of Lyons, Mrs. Darwin Raines, Gates, Mrs. Wallace Bevier and Mrs. Charles Stewart of Mill City. Donna Nelson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Nelson, recently pledged Theta Nu Alpha, local sorority at Pacific university at Forest Grove. Donna, a freshman pre-nursing major, graduated from Mill City high school where she was active in class plays, athletics, pep club, GAA, honor so ciety, paper staff, song leader, and editor of the. annual. Good Music Shuffleboard MEANDER INN Where Friends Meet On Highway 222, Linn County Side MILL CITY George “Sparky” Ditter A Few Suggested Presents For Husbands Brothers Fathers Or Sons U. S. Rubber Light-weight Sporting Boots Fishing Tackle, 10% Off Dress Sox, Spun Rayon, and Orlon Cotton Flannel Sport Shirts 100 per Cent Wool Shirts White Cords BETTER GET START THEM SAVING FROM US MEHAMA Mrs. John Teeters IMS. KeisUr Ad» Servie*. Sunrburg. Va This Serie« of Ad« 1» Sonsored by the Following Firma in Interest of All Churches Muir’s Bakery C. E, Mason Shell Service Station Mill City, Oregon Mill City, Oregon Walt’s Garage Kellom’s Grocery General Repairing and Welding Mill City, Oregon “Your IVraonal Service Store' Mill City, Oregon Freres Building Supply Wright Truck Line Building Materials of All Kinds Stayton. Oregon ''hip the " right Way Stayton, Oregon Gates General Store Gates. Oregon Ada’s Needle Shop Dry Goods and Drraamaking S. W. Broadway—Mill City—Phone 2243 Shower Motors & Implements Complete Line of Massey Harris Farm Machinery Stayton, Oregon C hili Bowl Home made Chili: Hamburgern. Hot Dogs. Open 24 Honrs Highway 2!. Gates, Oregon NU”51 Vili City. Oregon Idanha Super Service DON ELOYD IDANHA Mill City Pharmacy Mill City, Oregon Willeatha’s Restaurant Meals Served Family Style, Sundays 8 to 8 LYONS, OKI GON Nu-Method Cleaners Mrs. Blanche McDonald of Salem visited relatives here last Wednesday. The Raymond Branch family spent Saturday at Nectsu visiting Mr. Branch’s sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Siewert. Visiting here from Salem during the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth W’eldon. Mr. and Mrs. Al Molner and Jimmy of Albany spent the weekend at the Frank Buckler home. Robert Draper went to Portland Monday to attend the funeral of an aunt. , By Shopping at WE ARE ALWAYS OPEN ON SUNDAY From 9:00 A. M. until 5:00 P, M. Red & White Store Phone 2671 Mill City, Oregon Choice Meats Always Y°u can be sure Of getting the best of meats when They Carry See us for Choice Locker Meats Mill City, Oregon Red & White Store Mill City, Oregon KLIEWER QUALITY MEATS Telephone 2706 Mill City, Oregon