The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, December 03, 1953, Page 4, Image 4

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    Gooch Logging Supply
b b
Everything for the Logger'
Phone 116
Phone 1141
Sweet Home, Philamath
Branch Store Lyons
Open Under New Managemet
Come in and get aquainted with us.
Shuffleboard tournament eliminations every
Wednesday night.
Meet your friends here for the
Best In Beverages
Mill Ends-
Thanksgiving day guests at the
Robert Veness home here were Mrs.
Jessie Veness and Miss Edith of Port­
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Timm motored
Joe Walter and daughter Toni Jo to Albany' Sunday where they were
were on the sick list over the holi- guests of Mrs. Timm’s mother, Mrs.
Birte Slater.
Lee Bassett and Bill Stover spent
Martin Schroeder of Salem, and Mr.
Sunday hunting ducks on the Willam­ and Mrs. J. B. Hyden were dinner
ette near Salem.
guests at the Lowell Stiffler home
Thanksgiving day.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell King spent
Thanksgiving at Roseburg with Mrs.
Floyd Shepherd, who underwent
King’s father.
surgery at the Santiam Memorial hos­
pital Tuesday, Nov. 27, was able to
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scott were din­ 1 come home Sunday afternoon.
ner guests of Mrs. Vida Scott Thanks­
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stewart
giving day.
I children motored to Portland Thanks-
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Havercroft were I giving day where they spent the time
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Yarnell i with her sister and family, the Paul
I Sittons.
Distinctive front-end styling is keyed to added power and greater
ruggedness of the completely re-engineered Chevrolet trucks. Features
include new engines, optional automatic transmission, increased cab
comfort and safety and easier load convenience.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Russell were din­
H. 1. Plymale slipped while at work
last week and broke several ribs. He ner guests at the home of Mr. and
, Mrs. Bob Draper in Mehama Thanks-
is convalescing at home here.
1 giving day.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ressler motored
Recent dinner guests at the home
to Jordan Thanksgiving day to visit
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kimmell motored ' of Mr. and Mrs. Claude DeFrates
at the Grace Weeder home.
to Creswell Thanksgiving day where | were Rev. and Mrs. Carl Durde) and
they enjoyed dinner at the O. E. Hood- daughter, Esther, of Molalla, and Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Knowles spent enpyle home.
and Mrs. Carl Raan of Bremerton,
Thanksgiving day in Albany, the
| Washington.
guests of Mrs. Knowles parents.
Only a small crowd was present for
the regular meeting of the Gaynight-
Juanita and John Morgan, daugh-
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Colburn and ers held at the Orville Downing place
’ ter and son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde
Ross Mason were Thanksgiving day west of Mill City Saturday night.
Morgan, returned Sunday from the
dinner guests of Mrs. Harry Woods.
[ home of their uncle and aunt, Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Westergaard
Mr. and Mrs. Gale Lowery and
family spent Thanksgiving day in and family and Ralph Westergaard of
Portland at the home of Mrs. Lowery s Ashland, were dinner guests at the
W’alt Westergaard home here Thanks­
giving day.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Graham were
Minister H. E. Jull of the First
weekend visitors in Eugene. Mr. Gra­
church announces as his
hame took in a Shrine meeting while
sermon topic for Sunday, “The Sun
of Righteousness,” with Malachi 4:2
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Means and as the texit.
family spent Thanksgiving vacation
Mrs. C. C. Kernahan. of Vancouver,
visiting friends and relatives in Salem,
McMinnville and Astoria. Oregon, as B. C., was a guest over the last
well as enjoying a brief visit with Mr. weekend of Mr .and Mrs. R. J. Faust,
and Mrs. Frank Havercroft before Mrs. Kernahan is a cousin of Mrs.
their departure for Des Moines, Iowa. Faust.
Delicious Hamburger
Greaseless Doughnuts
Open daily 2 p. m. to 8 p. m.
Open Sundays 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Mill City, Oregon
Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Heller and
daughter Mary Susann, Mr. and Mrs.
Raymond Thompson and sons, and W.
R. Greene were Thanksgiving day
guests at the Lee Kuhlman home.
Mrs. Fred Duffy. Mrs. Jennie Davis
and Mrs. Wendell Heller and daughter,
Susann attended the district garden
club demonstration held at Riverside
school near Albany Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Yeo of McMinn­
ville visited a short time with Mr. and
Mrs. Perry Willoughby here Sunday.
He worked here for the Hammond
company many years ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stetens of
Lyons and Mrs. Stevens’ parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Ivan Kelly of Sheridan,
Wyoming, were dinner guests Satur­
day evening at the Jack Scott home.
Schobert wedding which took place'
In the story last week of the Bowes-
in Portland The Enterprise stated that
Dick Thomas acted as best man. It
should have read Charles Thomas.
Mr. and Mrs. Dub Stewart and fam­
ily and Mr. and Mrs. Charley Stewart
and family spent Thanksgiving day at
the home of their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. William Stewart, Sr., at Scio.
Mr. and Mrs. Van Prichard. Sr., and
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Mays of Lyons,
and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Prichard and
family of Clatskanie, were dinner
geusts at the H. E. Smith home here
Thanksgiving day.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Blackburn, of
Gates, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Weath­
ers and daughter, Vickie and Mr. and
Mrs. Oliver Muise of Albany, were
dinner guests Thanksgiving day at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Timm.
Mr. and Mrs. Tex Agee are the
parents of a daughter, born to them
Friday night at the Santiam Memorial
hospital in Stayton. She has been
given the name of Annette. The Agees
have two other daughters, JoEllen
and Alline. Maternal grandparents
are Mr. and Mrs. George Fleming of
Crescent City. California and paternal
grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Agee of Elkton, Kentucky.
Woman's Day will be observed in
the First Christian church Sunday.
Women of the church will have
charge of the evening service, with
the offering being turned over to the
Christian Women's Fellowship for
missionary work.
The Christian Woman’s Fellowship
will meet Thursday, December 10, at
7:30 p. m. at the E. K. Fish home on
| and Mrs. Carl Stavang, where they Riverside Drive. This will be the an­
nual Christmas party and program,
j had been visiting for a few days.
with gift exchange. Mrs. E. D. Cooke
will be the assisting hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. John Muir and family
spent Thanksgiving day in Seattle,
Nancy Whitaker of Billings. Mont.,
the guests of the James Muir family. a student at Northwest Christian
They also visited with the James College in Eugene, was a guest at the
O'Leaiys while there. They drove to home of minister and Mrs. H. E. Jull
Seattle Wednesday night.
for the Thanksgiving holidays. The
Jull’s took her to Eugene Sunday af­
Guests Thanksgiving day at the ternoon.
home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bassett
were Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bassett and
Joe Vaughn and daughter Caren»
family, Mr. and Mrs. James Nye and former Mill City residents, now living
family of West Stayton, Mr. and Mrs. at Lebanon, were guests at the Elmer
Vern Shaw and son, and Mrs. Bessie Shaw home several days last week-
They were on their way home from
Prineville, where Mr. Vaughn had
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Shuey returned been helping in the erection of a new-
Sunday from a pleasant Thanksgiving house of worship for the Christian
holiday spent with their son-in-law
church there.
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. I. Haines
in Portland. Mr. Shuey spent the week
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Rogers report
in Portland, and Mrs. Shuey joined
a happy Thanksgiving with their fam­
them later.
ily and friends. The guests were Mr.
and Mrs. C. M. Rogers, a son, of Al­
Those to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner
bany, Mr. and Mrs. George Bertilson,
at the H. I. Plymale home here were
a daughter, of Oregon City; Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Golden and family
Mrs. Everett Jones, a granddaughter,
of Idanha, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carter
of Jennings Lodge, and Mr. and Mrs.
of Stayton and Mr. and Mrs. E. N.
Fred Tunison, parents of Mrs. Rogers,
Hutchison and family.
of Albany and Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Ber­
tilson, parents of George Bertilson, of
Mrs. Bessie Vandermeer. Mr. and Oregon City.
Mrs. Ernest Graham and Mr. and Mrs.
Clyde Richards and Gary spent
Thanksgiving day in Salem with Mrs.
Vandermeer’s son-in-law and daugh­
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Rush and
at The Mill City Enterprise
—Serving Your Favorite Cocktails—
Good Music
Where Friends Meet
On Highway 222, Linn County Sfide
George “Sparky” Ditter
Choice Meats
Always YOU can be sure
Of getting the best of meats when
They Carry Our Label
See us for Choice Locker Meats
Telephone 2706
Mill City. Oregon