Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1953)
2—THE MILL CITT ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2«, 1953 Salem Sand & Gravel Co LYONS HEAVY HAULING Phone Stayton (Wright Truck Line) 2125 Common Carrier — Heavy Machinery and Equipment EXCAVATION & CONSTRUCTION Contracting and Rental Ph. SALEM Day 3-9408 Nite 2-4400 THE COMMERCIAL BOOK STORE SALEM a 1<1 ar. Oomna»reUJ Bt. PI mm Haa Everything for Yow OFFICE NEEDS Furniture and Bookkeeping Supplies ■■■■■■■Nm MILL CITY MEAT MARKET By Eva Bressler - Mr. and Mrs. Earl Allen went to i ' the coast Sunday where they will I spend several days at Taylors Land ing near Waldport. Allen will spend j the time fishing while there. A grade school Basketball Jam- I boree will be held Wednesday even ing at the Mari-Linn gym. Schools taking part will be Turner, St.Marys, Mari-Linn and St. Boniface. Mr. and Mrs. George Nydegger are receiving congratulations upon the arrival of their first grandchild, a daughter born to their daughter and husband Mr. and Mrs. Dan Primus of Salem, born at the Memorial hospital Sunday night at 9 o'clock. Enjoy Birthday Party Friends and neighbors gathered at the Glen Julian home Saturday even ing to help him celebrate'his birthday anniversary. A pot luck supper was served followed by games and visit ing. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Harley Scott, Lynn and Joyce, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Downer, Donna, Carol and Dwight. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Steinfelt, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mohler and Jerry, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Weidman, Hazel, iavid and Kathryn, Mr. and Mrs. John Kunkle, Judy, Juanita and John- I Quality Meats and Groceries nie, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cruson, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cruson, Michael and Nikki, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Cruson, Bonnie, Mary Jo and Buddy, Mrs. Hudson, Mrs. Emma Forrest and Ray- mond, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Julian, Glen, Jr. and Grandma Julian. Mrs. Alwood Aronson was hostess for the meeting of pre-school moth ers held at her home Wednesday even ing, with Mrs. Donald Huber, chair man in charge of the business meet ing. A general discussion was held with plans discussed for the Christ mas party, and their part in the Christ mas program. Attending were Mmes. Wendell Weaver, Jack Dugan, William Hargin, Ed James, Donald Huber, Gayle Pennington, Lloyd Free, Roy Brown, John Prideaux, Clem Deister, Frank Spellmeier, Thompson, and Alice Huber. Layman Jones was taken to the Santiam Memorial hospital in Stay ton Thursday evening with severe cuts, bruises and lacerations he re ceived in a car accident when his car skidded on slippery pavement near Gates, as he was enroute home from work. Mrs. Herman Free was hostess for the afternoon card club with the party at her home Wednesday after noon. Several tables of 500 followed a 1:30 dessert luncheon. High score was held by Mrs. Orville Downing, Mill City Richfield Station FOOD LOCKERS FROZEN FOODS o ! FAST—FRIENDLY—SERVICE Anco Wiper, Arms and Blades TIRE ( HAINS — SAWDUST TIRES We give Lrnited Trading Stamps LEO AND ELAINE RUSSELL second high by Mrs. Pat Lyons and low went to Mrs. Russell Thiel. Others atteno. g were Mmes. Verne Nydeg ger, Andrew Sieg, Chester Roy, Bob Free, Oscar Naue, Arthur Olmstead, Floyd Bassett, Earl Allen, Bert Lyons, John Kunkle, Bob Carleton and Mrs. Leota Worden. Mrs. Mike Schwindt was hostess for the Altar Society of the St. Patrick Catholic church held at her home Thursday evening. Plans were discus sed for the bingo parties, with one to be held each month. Plans were also made for the Christmas party which will be held the first meeting in De cember at the home of Mrs. Mike Fink. Present for the meeting were Mmes. Pat Lyons, Merrill Brassfield, Phillip Pietrock. John Jungwirth, Lloyd Free, Bob Free, Herman Free and the hostess Mrs. Schwindt. THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Entered as second class matter No vember 10, 1944 at the post office at Mill City, Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1879. DON W. MOFFATT Editor-Publisher Business and Professional DIRECTORY John W. Reid, M. D Physician & Surgeon Mill City DR. VICTOR J. MYERS Chiropractic Physician Past Office Building. 2nd Floor Phone: Stayton 2274 Stayton, Ore. J. W. GOIN VETERINARIAN STAYTON Phone 4148 Opposite Claude Lewis’ Service Station MIKE'S Septic Service: Septic Tanks and Sewer» Cleaned ♦ LET LS GIVE THANKS Today, in the spirit of the first Phone SALEM 3-9488, COLLECT » 1079 Elm 8L, W. Salem | Thanksgiving, let us give thanks to the Creator for all the blessings we have received during the past year. Let us give thanks that we are still WOOD’S STORE a free country—that we have the General Dry Good» right to live our lives as we see fit— NOTIONS UNG ERIE that we can worship in the manner in RE A n Y-TO-WEAR which we choose—that our children HOSIERY can attend good schools—that each LUZIERS COSMETICS night we can rest without the fear of bombs driving us into the streets. We, as Americans, truly have a ■BKKr -r; great deal to be thankful for. Let us WEDDLE FUNERAL not forget to humbly acknowledge our HOME debt to Divine Providence for all that we are and may hope to become. Like Modern Funeml Service our forefathers, let us bow our heads STAYTON OREGON I in a prayer of gratitude to the Giver of every good and perfect gift. nnn»nB»»<aB«»oanKJaöHH)anHHn Biggest moneys worth in Pickups-ZiÆÆÆZ DR. MARK HAMMERICKSEN REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST Has moved his Mill City office to Stayton in the Post Office Bldg., 2nd Floor, in the Dr. Victor J. Myers offices Thursdays 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. HOME OFFICE: 313 W. FIRST, ALBANY fOBBaDsnnoooireooatiunnnBiHa Auditor Tax Consultant W. N. SIMMONS PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT • Compare the F ord Pickup, point by point, with any other make. You’ll discover that every dollar buys a bigger dollar’s worth in a Ford! Handles tough jobs, too— the kind you might think only a heavier truck could handle. No wonder Ford Pickup sales are up 115%! Bookkeeping, Accounting and Tax Service BIG CAB! Driverized to cut fatigue! Only Ford has it! Corner 3rd 4 Marion STAYTON, ORE. Curved one-piece windshield, full-width rear window, deeper side windows. Exclusive seat shock snubbers cushion ride! More hip room and wider doors than any of the five other leading makes! Ford Driuenzed Deluxe Cab, low added cost, gives you 16 ext - ! BIG LOADSPACi! loads easier, faster! P. O. Box 1321 Telephone 4M4 tœœœHxœaaaoasaaôBôaBiüMoaB >■- • 1 ¿is ".iw1*! New stronger bolted-construction Pickup box, with 45 cubic feet of payload space, no wheelhouse obstructions! Stronger, more rigid tailgate reaiata bending under heavy loads. New exclusive Ford toggle-type latches clamp tailgate shut tight! Viv's Steak House Phone 5807 • Mill City a a Open 6 A. M. to 11 P. M. Closed Mondays FISTULA-FISSURE Stomsch and Colon Disorder* I)R. R. REYNOLDS CLINIC Proctologist-Naturopath RECTAL SPECIALIST Salam, Ora. ph. 3-9460 Deluxt (extra coat) ahuwn. BIC CHASSIS! BIG TRANSMISSION CHOICE! For ruggedness, durability I More than any other Pickup! POWtB! Only Ford Pickups give choice of VS or Six! New stronger Deep-Channel frame, new hypoid rear axle! New wide tread, set back front axle for shorter turning! New longer springs for easier riding! Ford Pickup whrel- base is only 110 in., vet body is full 6'2 ft., G.V.W. 4.800 lb..? Only the Ford Pickup gives vou a choice of five transmissions' 3-Speed. 3-Speed Heavy Duty.* 4-Speed • All I Svnchro-Silent! Synchro-Süent! Also Fordomatic Drive* to save time on stop-and-go iob»—and Oxerdrive* to cut vour gas bill! Most service-proved V-8 in trucking. Ford s world-famous 106-h.p. Truck V-8—or, effi cient 101-h.p. Cost Clipper Six with Low- rRicnoN design to cut piston travel 18%, cut friction “power waste," deliver more usable hauling power! B/G IN ( *Opt tonal at lou extra cost ) FORD äwx ^TRUCKS Come tn—see 'em today/ SAVI TIME • SAVE MONEY • {/ate/cct«} 7 • Whether you think aa illoei* is contagious or not—call upon a physi« dan to make sure. Let him make a thorough check of your condition. Thea follow hi» instruction» closely. We hope, too* that you will bring the doctor's prescriptions here for careful corn* pounding. Just try ust LAST LONGER Salem HERROLD - PHILIPPI MOTOR CO. STAYTON, OREGON MILL CITY, OREGON