Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1953)
5—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1953 THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE JERRY’S CORNER A SMILE Looks good on you Wins friends and Influences people Makes you fed good And dosen’t cost a cent Jerry Gene Teague Chevrolet Stayton, Oregon » I ¿¡UH» THURSDAY. FRIDAY and SATURDAY November 19, 20 and 21 \ \N HEFLIN and JULIA ADAMS in WINGS OF THE HAWK Technicolor Plus Technicolor DIANA LYNN IN A STORY OF ROSE BOWL FOOTBALL PEGGY Wings of the Hawk is Teriffic in any dimension See it Both Ways—Flat on Thursday—3-D Friday and Saturday KID CLUB MATINEE 2:00 P. M. SATURDAY MUIR’S BIRTHDAY CAKE for Kirk Nygaard SUNDAY & MONDAY November 22 and 23 WILLIAM HOLDEN and ALL STAR CAST IN STALAG 17 Feature at 5:10, 7:30 Sunday TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY November 24 and 25 JUNE ALLYSON VAN JOHNSON, in REMAINS TO BE SEEN . NEWS Doors Open at 7:09 P. M. Complete show can be seen any time up to 8:30 Mrs. Don Lloyd Honored At Baby Shower at Idanha I Elk Hunters Have Tough Going; Elk High in Hills Elk hunters of Oregon are exper Mrs. Don Lloyd was honor guest at iencing somewhat limited results a baby shower held at the home of Entered as second class matter No Mrs. Martin L. Rudy, and given by thus far in the season. " ill Brown, game commission reg vember 10, 1944 at the post office at Mrs. James B. Gordon and Mrs. Martin ional supervisor of northeastern Mill City, Oregon, under the Act of L. Rudy, assisted by Mrs. E. P. How Oregon, described the season there as March 3, 1879. slow. "The elk are away up on top ard. Per Year Marion-Linn Counties $2.50 there has not been enoug snow Guests included Mrs. Bertha Rey and Outside Marion-Linn Counties $3.00 nolds, Mrs. Stella Davis, Mrs. Merle to push them down any”. Brown commented Monday. He pointed out DON W. MOFFATT Editor-Publisher Mulkey, Mrs. Myrtle Brasmer, Mrs. the Tollgate-Troy area as being the Janet Woodward, Mrs. Esther Wood most productive to the hunters so GOVERNMENT MUST TAKE FIRST ward, Mrs. oRberta Day, Mrs. Dolly far. Hopson, Mrs. Lorena Willis, Mrs. Nel In the rest of the northeast area Governor Hugh Gregg of New lie Ray, Mrs. Myrtle Gaston, Mrs. the state, the elk are widely scat Hampshire recently said, “Remem Betty Pittam, Mrs. Esther Fouts, Mrs. of tered. There is some snow at the ber this: No government, federal Janet Baker, Mrs. Floyd Baker, Mrs. higher but as Brown com or state, can give you anything Leola Delker, and Mrs. Bernadine mented, elevations, the elk are the timber which it has not first taken from Stoll, all of Idanha, and Mrs. Vai Fish and there has not been in enough snow you.” er of Salem, besides the hostesses, yet to push them down to the lower Mrs. Edna Gordon and Mrs. Golda It might seem that so undeniable elevations. a proposition would be known to Rudy and their assistant, Mrs. Ruth In western Oregon, the hunters everyone. But it is plain that a great Howard. have had somewhat the same results. many of us still cherish the ill Those sending gifts but unable to Hunting has been slow with the fog usion that government can give us attend were: Mmes. Rilla Shafer, gy weather partly to blame. all kinds of services and benefits at Laura Willis, Donna Hallford, Doris Elk season continues until Novem little or no cost to us. Haseman, Mary Gulliford, and Alma ber 22. Actually, of course, we get back Lady from government much less than it Appropriate games were played af takes from us. Waste and extrava ter which Mrs. Lloyd opened her many gance are the great depreciators of useful and lovely gift packages. our tax dollars. Refreshments of choiMlate and sponge cakes and ice cream and cof fee, closed an entertaining party. THE SUM OF GOOD GOVERNMENT What is good government? Perhaps the best definition of all President of Rebekah is found in Thomas Jefferson’s first inaugural address: “A wise and Assembly at Lyons Meeting frugal government, which shall LYONS—One of the outstanding restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them meetings of Faith Rebekah lodge was otherwise free to regulate their own held Wednesday, November 11, when pursuits of industry and imprpve- Mrs. Lola Osburn of Portland, presi ment, and shall not take from the dent of the Rebekah Assembly of mouth of labor the bread it has earn Oregon paid her official visit. Other Grace ed—this is the sum of good govern distinguished guests were Christianson of Portland, past presi ment. dent of the Assembly, Hallie Ingle of Corvallis, past president; Edith House of Portland, Grand Marshal; Marjorie Jentry of Jefferson, inside guardian of the assembly; Bob Massie of Quin- aby, grand warden; George Nadiman, Salem, Grand Patriarch; Hazel Lewis M rs. D. W. Stewart motored to of Lyons, grand chaplain. District Salem on business Tuesday afternoon. Deputies Velma Hatfield, Ideal 223 Turner, Tava Deetz, Eva 92, Stayton The Lions Club Auxiliary members and Zona Sischo, Faith 168 Lyons are sponsoring a series of teas to were also present. The regular routine of business was augment the polio drive fund; the money to be turned over to the Lions carried out with conferring of the club later. A number of ladies have degree upon Mrs. Venetta Remmenga, had a group of about 10 guests in and Miss Hazel Neal, with Hazel their homes each giving 10 cents. Lewis, drill captain, and staff exemp Some ladies have had breakfasts. Mrs. lifying the initiatory work in beauti Roger Nelson is the president of the ful manner. club. At the close of the meeting the com mittee: Zona Sischo, Lois Myers, Frances McCarley, Gertrude Wedman, Who Was Blanche Wagner and Roberta Long- “Desperate Ambrose?” necker served refreshments to about 65 guests. Guests were present from Mr. and Mrs. Roger Nelson and Mr. Portland, Salem, Corvallis, Turner, ~ and Mrs. Frank Hunter motored to Jefferson, Stayton, Mill City and Waldport where they spent the week Quinaby. end. While there Frank says Roger caught’ one bullhead while surf fish ing. The ocean was really rough, they The Enterprise classified ads are said. On the return trip they went via surely effective. Place a small for Portland where they picked up Mr. sale ad and learn what cheap little Nelson’s father, William Nelson, who helpers they are. had been at the Vets hospital there for a checkup. Mill City Hi-Liles onninioninQDtoGUQniïQOQtiôiiBi MILL CITY By Yvonne Dart Tuesday, Nov. 17, the Sophomores DISPOSAL SERVICE gave their assembly at the theater. They had a moving picture shown Garbage, ashes, trimmings, etc. which was "Too Young to Kiss” with weekly pickups $1.50 Der month June Allyson and Van Johnson. Also light hauling. The Winter Formal put on by the Phone 3952 G.A.A. scheduled for Dec. 19 has been I-eonard Herman changed to Dec. 23. There was a basketball game conflicting with the ammawastma a n n aannmwrarant>trm« other date. The seniors had their graduation pictures taken in Salem Friday. I hear they had a wonderful time. Kellom ’s ¿WwiP/r? SELL IT THRU THE H A M BURGER STAND Delicious Hamburger Sandwiches Greaseless Doughnuts GOOD COFFEE Open daily 2 p. m. to 8 p. m. Open Sundays 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. ____ Mill City, Oregon______ WANTADS Here are two points to remember when you buy a car! ... THE COMMERCIAL BOOK STORE SALEM 141 N. Commerci*! 8t. Has Everything for Your OFFICE NEEDS Furniture and Bookkeeping Supplies Never - - a Dull Moment of any line in its field! “At the Bottom of the Hill" MILL CITY TAVERN Always So Acceptable CW-t.IMt Wullllo« Twu-Tuu" 4 4 m , tudo»? W.flt 3 .'«of —'Im. Owvr.lut o».t« th* -Id««. «♦ moduli In It. Hold. See it, drive it, and you’ll know that H alone brings you oil these features of highest- priced cars al the lowest prices and with such outstanding gasoline economy! ................ our artesian we«» •* » bwr y° 7/i the Water Yes, you get more car for less money in Chevrolet! More beauty, inside and out. with the widest choice of body-types and colors in its field. More driving thrills. with either of Chev rolet’s two great high-compression Valve in-Head engines! More riding smoothness, more road- mobility and more safety protection with this stronger, heavier, longer lasting car! More value throughout, when you buy, while you drive, when you trade! Come in; confirm these facts; and you’ll choose Chevrolet . . . America's finest buy, America s most popular car! Combination of Powerglide automatic transmit- Sion and IlS-h.p. h’ue-Flamr" engine available on "Two-Ten” end Bel Air models . . Power Steering and E-Z-Tse Plate Glass available on all models ... al extra cost. CHEVROLET —=ll,~ I----- MORE PEOPLE BUY CHEVROLETS THAN ANY OTHER CAR! Gene Teagee Chevrolet Chevrolet Sales and Sendee Phone 2344 STAYTON, OREGON