WANT AOS W® 7—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12. 1553 FOR RENT—Two bedroom house. Large living room with fireplace, CLASSIFIED RATES For Rent dining room, nook and kitchen. Furnished, $60, unfurnished $50. Ten cents per line each insertion. Call 1957. 46 No advertisement accepted for less FOR RENT—Completely furnished 2 bedroom home. $55 a month. than 50 cents per week. 46tf Count five words to the line in I Phone 2652. Business Services ordering your ad. Phone 2651, Mill FOR RENT — Bachelor apartment. EXPERT AUTO and home radio City or mail your advertisement to Furnished. Thiel’s Store. Lyons, service. 20 years experience, all The Mill City Enterprise, Mill City, Oregon. 47 makes. Guaranteed service. Oregon. Stiffler’s Radio and Appliance. Church bazaars, suppers, bake sales, FOR RENT—Furnished one-bedroem etc. will be run under “Special An apartments. Stewart’s Apartments. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING Ma- nouncements” classification with a chines. We sell. rent, repair and Phone 4407, Mill City. 30ptf swap all makes. Trade vour old minimum charge of 50 cents per in FOR RENT—6 room modem, part machine towards a new one. sertion. _ ___ , , . , T , - ROEN, 456 Court St.. Salem. ly furnished house. Pete Harris, 1 mile west of Mill City on gravel Lost and Found road, Linn County side. J6p FURNITURE REBUILT and Uphol stered, latest fabrics and plastics LOST—Billfold near Mill City Call 4884 for estimates. Stayton Theatre Friday night, Nov. 6. Re FOR REN T—Furnished two and Upholstery. 38tf three room apartments. Phone 1707. ward for return of billfold to Er- D. B. Hill, Mill Citv. tf cell Ingram, Detroit. 47p Real Estate Firemen's Benefit Saturday, Nov, 21 With every $5.00 purchase at our store for the next tw o weeks we will give away ab solutely free a ticket to the Firemen’s Benefit Shop here and save on— HARDWARE WORK CLOTHING AND APPLIANCES Hilltop General Store YOUR MARSHALL WELLS STORE REAL ESTATE Miscellaneous AUTO GLASS, AUTO PAINTING WRECK REPAIRING AVON REPRESENTATIVE — When in need of cosmetics see me.—Mrs. Darlene Goddell, Mill City. On county road. 48p WANTED—Home for 18 months old male dog. Likes children but bites strangers. Phone Lyons 277 46 RABBITS FOR SALE—Bucks and does. Some hutches. A. E. Arm strong, Mill City. 46p See us for an Estimate. They’re given gladly Knowles Body & Fender Repair 14 Years Experience PHONE 88 MIIJ. CITY W anted TO BUY — Clean peeled Douglas fir poles, delivered to Lyons yard. For further informa tion oall or write Allen Gould, 1424 Filbert Ave., Lebanon, phone 6745, Puget Timber Co. of Oregon. 24tf WANTED Rough lumber. Well manufactured, i Top prices.—Prompt pay. BURK-1 LAND LUMBER CO. Phone Turner ! 1125. Evenings Salem 44715. 46 FOR SALE—2 bedroom, mostly furn NOTICE—Dr. H. B. Van Santen, D. M. D. will become associated with ished house, with bath, on four lots, Dr. William II. Burrell in the gen $3,500. $500 down, balance $40 per eral practice of dentistry. Phone month. Stayton 4044 for appointment. 46 TWO Bedroom house. Has hardwood floors, floor furnace. Overlook river NEED A TELEPHONE? — Stop in on nice large lot. $5,500. and see the new Lech combination desk or wall phone, also used Many others to choose from. phones from $10.00 up. Telephone C. E. Coville, Broker and Hearing Aid batteries stocked. Glen Shelton, Salesman Stiffler’s Radio and Appliance. West side Mill City Ph. 2207 LOGS WAN TED Good 2nd growth logs. Premium paid for No. 2 logs 28 feet and Legal Notices longer. Also 8 foot stud logs or multiples of 8 feet plus trim. 6 inch- NOTICE OF BOND SALE 16 inch diameter. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN BURKLAND LUMBER CO. that sealed bids will be received by Phone Turner 1125 Evenings 2503 the undersigned until the hour of 46tf 8:00 P. M. on the 1st day of De Turner or 2-7826 Salem. cember, 1953, and immediately there after publicly opened by the School District Board of School District No. 129-‘J, Marion and Linn Counties, Oregon, at the schoolhouse in said district, Mill City, Oregon, for an issue of bonds of said School District in the amount of One Hundred Sixty Thousand Dollars ($160,000.00) said bonds to be dated December 15, 1953, and to mature serially in nu- merical order as follows: $16,000.00 on January 15, 1955. $16,000.00 on January 15, 1956. $16,000.00 on January 15, 1957. $16,000.00 on January 15, 1958: $16,000.00 on January 15, 1959. $16,000.00 on January 15, 1960. $16,000.00 on January 15, 1961. $16,000.00 on January 15, 1962. When you get in a tight squeeze with $16,000.00 on January 15, 1963. your Automobile, sail “US.” $16,000.00 on January 15, 1964. Said bonds to bear interest at the rate of not to exceed 4% per annum payable semi-annually, principal and SERVICE STATION & interest payable at the office of the TRAILER COURT County Treasurer of Linn County, Oregon. Phone 903 — MILL CITY Said bonds were duly authorized GATES at an election held on October 13, 1953. TIRES and BATTERIES Bids must be accompanied by a certified check in the amount of One AUTO SUPPLIES Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00). The approving legal opinion of Ask for Winfree, McCulloch, Shuler & Sayre will be furnished the successful bid der. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. EDNA F. ROSS, USE ^DUR BRAKES AND Clerk, School District No. 1^9-J GIVE OUR KIDS A BREAK Marion and Linn Counties, Ore gon, Mill City, Oregon. 45-46-47 SAVE TIME PAINTING EVERY ROOM with the SPRED TUIII15 5PREO SATIN TV# fomoui 100% taf.x paint for wall, and ceiling,. Orie, in 20 min ute,—guaranteed washable. 5PRED GLOSS Now rich lutf.r latex •nomel for . bathroom,, kitchen,, and wood- * work Drie, in minute, . . , smooth o, file. The matched color compan. ton to SPUED SATIN. SANTIAM FARMERS CO-OP Grinding and and Mixing Mixing Grinding Custom Cleaning Seed Marketing Household Appliances Feeds Seeds Fertilizer Telephone 5024 Machinery Hardware Petroleum Producta STAYTON, ORE. the three scourges of man D evastating epidemics have ranked with war and fami ■ as population levelers. Of these three scourges of man. pestilence was most dreaded. During the Black Plague epidemic of 1348, it was estimated that iri some places over two-thirds of the population was wiped out. The discovery of bacteria as the cause of infectious disease is still within the memory of the living. Pasteur Silver Saddle developed the first vaccine for rabies in 1885. Since that time many immunizing procedures have become routine. As a consequence, deaths from infectious diseases have lieen drastically reduced. Everyone should be protected against smallpox and diphtheria as an absolute minimum. Do not wait for an epidemic to break out. Then it is often too late. We maintain complete stocks of biologicals, subject to the orders of your physician. Mill City Pharmacy MILL CITY. OREGON sBDDouBon<«H»nntratrennnnii®! Auditor Tax Consultant W. N. SIMMONS NA?;CY. 17 jewel Elgin thrift priced. Nylon cord $33.75 CARLSBAD. Mon’i 17 jewel Shock mas ter. Saddle strap. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT BXAQJtETTC. jewel Shockmaster. Gold filled bracelet. $49.75 Bookkeeping, Accoanting and Tax Service Comer 3rd A Marion STAYTON, ORE. Telephone 4M4 P.O. Box 1321 I ónnnnHnnQaannnrmHBnnitHHnnB TRENTON Irrpret- 19 jewel Elgin, High curved crystal. mv « CLARINDA 1 OK gold filled cose. 19 jewel«. Expantion bracelet. LORD ELGIN FREM- TICI. 21 jewel«. Smart 14K gold filled cox. $71.50 LICENSED Margarine GARBAGE SERVICE I. G. A. Marlene 3 pounds $1.50 per month and up Also serving Gates. Lyons. Idanha and Detroit MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE Phone 3952 LEONARD HERMAN GIVE ELGIN. ..The only watch with Guarantood DURAPOWER MAINSPRING • . . the heart that never brooks. The Beautiful Way to tell Time ; / (S Prie» Pei. Tn TI 4 KK'R’Q MILL CITY JEWELRY Watches and M atch Repairing EASY CREDIT TERMS Mill City. Oregon Phone 843 P. O. Box 215 Tomato Juice Hunts 46 oz. cans QQ • Oe/L New Cake Mix Betty Crocker 3 Pkgs. tpl.VV Sunshine Brownies Very Tasty QQp Package ...................♦ «I first for . . tiotpoint appliance SERVICE „H • Factor,-Tremad Expert, • Gemine Hoi^m parN Squash, Any Kind Flour I. G. A. 10 pounds P7Q • «7V Pound 5c Also Complete Service on all makes Ranges and Water Heaters Shux Electric Phone 2961 STAYTON ------------------------- 1 Open Daily 8:00 A. M. to 7:00 P. M Closed Sundays and Holidays HILL TOP MARKET Telephone 2744 » Mill City, Oregon