|3—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THl RSI) \Y, NOVEMBER 12. 1953 HOT FRESH FRESH FRESH 55 GATES Friends here received a letter this week from Robert Wingo, former Mill City resident who is now sta­ Mrs. Albert Millsap tioned in Greenland. He says the Pupils of the junior-senior high nights are really getting long now. school who made the honor roll the first six weeks of this semester, as announced by Supt. Don Miley were. [ SCHWINN BICYCLES seventh grade: Susan Gordon, Ronnie I Kuhlman and Jim White; 8th, Mar- j and garet Palmer; 9th, Ellen Chance and i Bicycle Repairing Donnalee Oliver; 10th, Lois Evans and May Haywood; 11th, John Bai- Toys and Hobbies hardt and Loretto Stahlman. Pfc Howard Schroll spent several ■ days this week at the homes of Mrs. Rosa Roten and. Mrs. Louisa W’rig- Apple Turnovers and Sporting (>oods glesworth. Pfc Schroll’s mother, Mrs. Jane Marshall, of Reedsport met him Stayton, Oregon Cream Horns, in Gates and after a few days visit they, acompanied by Herbert Romey left for Reedsport where Schroll will r~ spend the remainder of his furlough ftom Fort Campbell Kentucy. Word has been received from two local boys who are overseas. Pvt. Ed­ ward Romey writes from Japan that he will be sent-to Korea about Decern- , her 1. Pvt. Arthur Lake, who is in Korea wrote of having received a box - 319 West Washington Street.. of goodies sent by members of the OPEN SUNDAYS AND Gates Community Church of Christ. EVENINGS Mr. and Mrs. W'arren Williams, of Telephone 6684 Eugene were weekend guests at the Phone 2222 Mill City, Oregon home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stewart. STAYTON, OREGON They also visited the William Suddeth FRESH FRESH family while in Gates, Mr. and Mrs. Greald Heath were surprised Sunday afternoon when a large group of friends and relatives gatheied at their home in celebration of their 50th wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Heath were married Novem­ ber 15, 1903. They will be at home to their friends next Sunday after­ noon. Mr. and Mrs. Layton Gosnell from Roseburg were weekend guests at the home of Mrs. Gosnell’s brother, i Joe Soaquin and daughter Darlene. Mrs. Rose Henning, of Huston, | Texas and Mrs. Onna Williams of «««burg, were guests the first of the _ week at the home of their brother and —wife, Mr. and Mi Walter Brisbin. Mrs. Henning had not seen her broth­ er for 32 years. Mr. and Mrs. George Bailey were in Gates Sunday for the purpose of moving some of their furniture to their new in Tualatin, where Mr. I Bailey is now employed. The family | spent the summer in Hood River. Mrs. Bailey states she will be happy when they can move back to their home in Gates. A. T. Barnhardt and Ray Lord, the only two candidates running for elec­ tion to the city council were elected Tuesday, Nov. 3. Mr. Barnhardt was up for reelection. Mr. Lord had served J I before as councilman and mayor, fill­ ing the unexpired term of Jerry Lyons. ; Percy Mulligan received a number of ! write-in votes. Mr. and Mrs. William Pennick had as their weekend guests, old friends from California, now of Cottage Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Anderson. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Willis over the past week and weekend were Mrs. Margaret Willis, THE CHURCH FOR AU. . of Salem, Mr. Willis’s mother and his ALL FOR THE CHURCH brother-in-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. The Church is th« greatest fac­ Harold Schmidt of Vancouver, Wash. The only tragedy in being young it that you tor on «arth for th« building of Mr. and Mrs. Willis were celebrating must depend on the common sense and far­ character and good citizenship. It their Sth wedding anniversary Sun­ sightedness of adults. is a storehouse of spiritual values. day. Without a strong Church, neither For when you’re young, even though your democracy nor civilization can Mrs. Margie Anderson, teacher of heart cries out for opportunity, there are doors survive There are four sound the sixth grade in Gates school was to which your parents hold the key. reasons why every person should attend services regularly and sup­ complimented by a surprise party One of these is the door to Faith. A child port the Church They are (1) given by her pupils Friday afternoon. wants to believe. He needs religious teaching. For his own sake (2) For his The youngsters presented their God has implanted in his tiny body a growing, children's sake (3) For the sake teacher, who was to be married the of his community and nation (4) hungry soul. For the sake of the Church itself, following day, with a wedding gift. But millions of America’s little ones are which needs his moral and ma­ With the assistance of Mrs. Elmer being barred from the Church, starved of terial support Plan to go to Klutke, cake and punch were served. spiritual nourishment by unthinking parents. church regularly and read your Bible daily. They are chained to unbelief, condemned to Mayor and Mrs. W. R. Hutcheson, moral immaturity by fathers and mothers who accompanied by their son-in-law and Book Chapter Verses have lost their own faith, and have ceased to daughter, Major and Mrs. Jack Brown Sunday . Luke 1-4 care. Monday Mark >3-37 drove to Vancouver, Wash. Saturday 16 Tuesday Psalms Do you know these parents? Are you, per­ to attend the wedding of their son, Wsdn'sd’y Psalms 1-14 chance, one of them? Remember Who it was Thursday Luke ♦0-52 Richard Parker to Mrs. Margie An­ who said, ‘‘Suffer the little children to come Friday . John derson, which took place in that city. Saturday •Revelation unto me, and forbid them not." OPEN THE Mr. and Mrs. Percy Mulligan spent DOOR! several days last week in Klamath Falls at the home of Mulligan’s broth­ er and family, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Mulligan. Their son-in-law and daugh­ ter, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Newberg were in charge of the Chili Bowl dur­ This Serin of Ads Is Sonaored by the Following Firms in Interest of All Churches ing their absence. FRESH FROM THE OVEN TO YOU Fri.-Sat. Specials Camp’s Each 10c Raleigh Harold FLORIST and NURSERY MUIR'S BAKERY ____________ q 1 _ *1 j ,i A«*11 /-«• i in T - a )>WDSCriDe 10 the Mill Citv Enterprise ~ - $50 For your old range or hot plate when you buy the wonderful MONTAG Electric Range This wonderful range will be the pride of your kitchen. Make it yours NOW! Look what you save. This is your lifetime opportunity to own the range you’ve always wanted—A Montag. Come in.......... see this range. It has features no other range can equal. Regular value $299.95. NOW ONLY $249.95 And your old range or hot plate Montag Upright Freezer 22 cubic foot—Regular $569.95 Now only $499*95 And any toy that can be given to some needy child for Christmas. LYONS PLUMBING WATER SYSTEMS HEATING INSTALLATIONS ■ DEALERSHIP FOR MONTAG ELECTRIC RANGES Phone 1634 Open Evenings Lyons, Ore. This is woman’s hour, in all the good tendencies, chraities, ahd re­ forms of today. Muir’s Bakery C. E. Mason Shell Service Station Mill City, Oregon Mill City, Oregon Kellom’s Grocery Walt’s Garage PROMPT General Repairing and Welding Mill City, Oregon “Your Personal Service Store’ Mill City, Oregon Freres Building Supply Wright Truck Line Building Materials of All Kinds Stay ton, Oregon Ship the Wright Way Stayton, Oregon Gate« General Store Knowles Body & Fender Repair Gates, Oregon Complete Body Rebuilding and Glass Mill City, Oregon Ada’s Needle Shop Dry Goods and Dressmaking S. W. Broadway—Mill City—Phone 2243 «CALL US Ressler’s Grocery Your SAH Green Stamp Store Florence Phone 32««. Mill City Shower Motors & Implements We’ll keep your tank or barrels full of THAT CLEAN-BURNING SHELL HEATING OIL the winter. H. L. ASHBY DISTRIBUTOR SHELL PRODUCTS I-VS re Orders at Mason's Shell Service, or Phone Mill City 4 Chili Bowl : i : Home mode Chili; Hamburgers, Hot Dogs. Open 24 Hours Highway 22. Gates, Oregon ajB ) ^UBJI Mill City. Oregon IDANHA Mill City Pharmacy Paul C omplete Lino of Massey Harris Farm Machinery Stayton, Oregon Then let us take car« of your heating oil needs for the rest of Idanha Super Service DON LLOYD Mill City, Oregon Willeatha’s Restaurant Mea la .Served Family Style, Sunday« 8 to LYONS. OREGON Nu-Method Cleaners Mill City, Oregon Red & White Store Mill City, Oregon