7—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1953 Legal Notices SCHWINN BICYCLES and Bicycle Repairing Toys and Hobbies ------------------------------------------------ a. CLASSIFIED RATES FOR RENT—Furnished two and NOTICE OF BOND SALE three room apartments. Phone 1707, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Ten cents per line each insertion. D. B. Hill, Mill City. tf i that seated bids will be received by No advertisement accepted for less , the undersigned until the hour of than 50 cents per week. 8:00 P. M. on the 1st day of De Count five words to the line in Miscellaneous cember, 1953, and immediately there ordering your ad. Phone 2651, Mill Oity or mail your advertisement to CHILD CARE—I will take care of after publicly opened by the School childen or small babies any time, District Board of School District No. The Mill City Enterprise, Mill City, your home or mine. For more in 129-J, Marion and Linn Counties, Oregon. Sporting Goods formation, see Mrs. George Cree, Oregon, at the schoolhouse in said Church bazaars, suppers, bake sales, Highway West Linn County. 45p district, Mill City, Oregon, for an Stayton, Oregon ete. will be run under “Special An nouncements” classification with a FOR SALE—Crested Black Polish issue of bonds of said School District minimum charge of 50 cents per in of One Hundred Sixty Pullets. Bantam roosters. Meat type in the amount sertion. Dollars ($160,000.00) said chickens half grown. Any for 50c Thousand to be dated December 15, each. Young chickens 25c and 35c. bonds 1953, and to mature serially in nu- Home Appliances Fat hens and fryers 25c lb. Vi baby, merical order as follows: beef, Nov. 10. 1 baby beef on hoof. $16,000.00 on January 15. 1955. FOR SALE—Treadle Sewing Machine —Geo. Cree, Mill City. 45p $16,000.00 on January 15, 1956. in good condition.—Rummage Store $16,000.00 on January 15, 1957. Mehama Junction. 45 RABBITS FOR SALE—Bucks and $16,000.00 on January 15. 1958. does. Some hutches. A. E. Arm MOTHERS! Want a free afternoon? $16,000.00 on January 15, 1959. strong, Mill City. 46p $16,000.00 on January 15, 1960. Child care for children two years $16,000.00 on January 15, 1961. old and over, 35c per hour in kind FOR SALE—Plastic upholstered pia no and bench in good condition. $75 $16,000.00 on January 15, 1962. ergarten building. Call 6407 for par- down payment will handle. B. E. ticulars.45p $16,000.00 on January 15, 1963. Whitsett, Jr., house back of Ress $16,000.00 on January 15, 1964. NOTICE—Dr. H. B. Van Santen, D. lers grocery. Mill City. 45p Said bonds to bear interest at the M. D. will become associated with rate of not to exceed 4% per annum Dr. William H. Burrell in the gen WANTED TO BUY — Clean peeled payable semi-annually, principal and Douglas fir poles, delivered to eral practice of dentistry. Phone Lyons yard. For further informa interest payable at the office of the Stayton 4044 for appointment. 46 tion oall or write Allen Gould, 1424 County Treasurer of Linn County, Filbert Ave., Lebanon, phone 5745, Oregon. FOR SALE—Large size late model Puget Timber Co. of Oregon. 24tf Said bonds were duly authorized It pays to have your fanbelt checked Frigidaire electric range. Will give terms, discount for cash. Dinette NEED A TELEPHONE’ —Stop in at an election held on October 13, another few miles could have ruined 1953. your motor. table, 4 chairs. 1 room house for and see the new Lech combination Bids must be accompanied by a rent. $10 a month. George Cree, desk or wall phone, also used certified check in the amount of One Mill City. 45p phones from $10.00 up. Telephone Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00). and Hearing Aid batteries stocked. The apiKoving legal opinion of Stiffler’s Radfo and Appliance. For Rent SERVICE STATION & Winfree, McCulloch, Shuler & Sayre TAILORED SUITS—$55 and up, im will be furnished the successful bid TRAILER COURT FOR RENT—Furnished apartment, ported and domestic woolens. Al der. Phone 903 — MILL CITY easy to heat. Close in. Winter rates. terations, cleaning and pressing. The Board reserves the right to See Frank Blazek, Mill City. 44 SUNDIN THE TAILOR, 196 S. reject any and all bids. GATES Liberty, Salem. 50tf EDNA F. ROSS, FOR RENT — Bachelor apartment. Clerk, School District No. 1^9-J Furnished. Thiel’s Store, Lyons, Business Services Marion and Linn Counties, Ore TIRES and BATTERIES Oregon. 47 gon, Mill City, Oregon. 45-46-47 AUTO SUPPLIES EXPERT AUTO and home radio FOR RENT—Furnished one-bedroom service. 20 years experience. aH apartments. Stewart’s Apartments. makes. Guaranteed service. I *e® «»» first for . , Stiffler’s Radio and Appliance. Phone 4407, Mill City. 30ptf Aak for HAVE YOU SI BSl RIBED'TO the mill city enterprise yet ? The Elk Hunters Dream Camp’s Silver Saddle FURNITURE REBUILT and Uphol- TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING Ma chines. We sell. rent, repair and stered, latest fabrics and plastics. swap all makes. Trade your old Call 4884 for estimates. Stayton machine towards a new one. Upholstery. ROEN. 456 Court St.. Salem. ' ilotpoint f. ^APPLIANCE service , J • Factory-Trained ixporta • Genuino Hotpoint Parts GIVE OUR KJ DS A BREAK Also Complete Service on all makes Enterprise Class Ads Pay Ranges and Water Heaters Try One Today! See us for the best in Phone 2964 Did you ever try to find camp wood while on a hunting trip in Eastern Oregon? It’s rough to find anything you can cut with an axe. That is where the light weight McCULLOCH 33 Comes in handy. It weighs only 20 pounds com plete. Come in and see us about this and many other McCullouch chain saws. We do maintenance work too. Quick service and at prices you can afford. Santiam Equipment Co. Shake Shack Building East of Mill City, Oregon Gates Oregon Telephone 4572 STAYTON and other rectal disorders, • COLON AND STIMACN AILMENTS • RUPTDRE (Hernia) Kelly Lumber Sales Treated Wiltaif Hospital Operitm C. J. Lfeali. M D. Uur F E D E E Descriptive Booklet 1 F C C Write or Call Authorized Shopsmith Dealer THE DEAN CLINIC Phone 6803 Open 10 until 5 Monday through Friday. Until 8 pm. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Chiropractic Physician« ... In our 43rd year. 2026 NORTHEAST SANDY BOULEVARD Telephone EA»t 3918 Fortland 13, Ore. Specials for Fri. and Sat Miracle Whip Olives POWER TOOL FOR EASY WOODCUTS Shux Electric Building Materials East City Limits, Highway 222 NEW An Announcement! I wish to announce that this week I have turned the business of the Lyons Food Market over to younger hands. After 17 years of congenial business dealings with the people of this area I wish to thank each one of you for past patronage. Come in and get aquainted with my successor—Marshall Powell. I will appreciate any courtesy you can show him. M. G. Brassfield Quart T" 19c I. G. A. Select Tall can ..._ Here’ Something New— Bisquick Package 39c Chunk Tuna Standby Brand No. 1-2 Tin SPUNNY SPREAD HONEY While they last we have some 17x22 inch pictures of Hopalong Cassidy and his horse, which we are giving away free with the pur chase of one container of Spunny Spread Honey. Comes in orange, grape, raspberry* and cinnamon flavors. Sale price 29c Open Daily 8:00 A. M. to 7:00 P. M I am happy to announce that I have purchased the Lyons Food . Market. We extend our invitation for you to come in and get aquainted. We will endeavor to give you the same courteous service you have received in the past. Marshall Powell Closed Sundays and Holidays HILL TOP MARKET Telephone 2744 Ail Invitation Mill City, Oregon Lyons Food Market «