iniiniiiiHiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniHiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiH Gooch Logging Supply “Everything for the Logger BASSETT’S WELDING SHOP Phone 116 Phone 1141 Branch Store Lyons Sweet Hume, Philomath $50 For your old range or hot plate when you buy the wonderful MONTAG This wonderful range will be the pride of your kitchen. Make it yours NOW! Look what you save. This is your lifetime opportunity to own the range you’ve always wanted—A Montag. Come in.......... see this range. It has features no other range can equal. Regular value $299.95. $249.95 Montag Upright Freezer 22 cubic foot—Regular $569.95 Now only $499-95 LYONS PLUMBING WATER SYSTEMS HEATING INSTALLATIONS DEALERSHIP FOR MONTAG ELECTRIC RANGES Lyons, Ore By Shopping Regularly at DETROIT Monday for Mrs. Scott Stewart's STORE HOURS—7:00 to 7:00 Except Sundays and Holidays Pie crust ■■■■*• mix Regular 20c each or Elsinore Pumpkin Hudson House 303 Size Cake Mixes Crackers 2lor “ Regular 33 cent per pound Don’t Forget Halloween Trick or Treat Items For the Kids 45c Meat Department Salem Sand & Gravel Co. HEAVY HAULING Phone Stayton (Wright Truck Line) 2125 EXCAVATION & CONSTRUCTION Contracting and Rental Ph. SALEM Day 3-9408 Nite 2-4400 Get this *2* Vaíue i the cathartic habit PHILCO "FasyOut ICE CUBE TRAY Pure, lean Ground Beef 3 lbs $1 WienersSLbless Baconsliib"1' 'al l‘wk 59c Frying Chickens Pan Ready Per pound See Us For Locker Meats WITH COUPON BELOW) Fits ANY make electric refrigerator! Simply lift the lever and get big. full-size cubes in a jiffy! Special limit­ ed offer.., 59c with coupon. FILL IN THIS COUPON BEFORE PRESENTING *___ ’ Nomo Address These Prices effective Friday and Saturday only STEWART S GROCERY Daily Delivery in the City Phone 4407 * Common Carrier — Heavy Machinery and Equipment 29c 3 - $1 Sunshine Krispy Regular 53c: 2 pound box 3l k< .89 DETROIT—Funeral services were held Monday for Mrs. George Scott, who passed away October 21. Requiem Mass was offered at All Saints church at 10 a.m. Recitation of the Rosary Sunday at 7:30 p.m, in / for “ Æ W V All regular 39 cent sellers Durkees or Blue Bonnett Margarine H. I. Ply male and Minister H. E. W. N. SIMMONS And any toy that can be given to some needy child for Christmas. Open Evenings Halloween Featured at 1 Jull attended the district meeting of | of Salem, who spoke on the subject TOast mistress Meeting the Ninety and Nine mens’ organiza­ I of fluoridation. He was introduced by Halloween was featured both in the tion held at the First Christian church Mrs. Cole of the Marion County | decoration and the program of the in Salem Monday evening. Rev. Chloe, Health Department, who brought jjjh city Toastmistress meeting held minister of the Negro Baptist church By Boots Champion films to amplify his talk. i Thursday evening at the Bank Cafe. in Portland, was the speaker, and fol­ Your volunteer service for Saturday Children of the parents attending Mrs. Lester Hathaway was toast- lowing his address, officers were in­ and Sunday of this week is being re­ the meeting were entertained by mov­ i mistress for the evening. quested by the City of Detroit to dig ies, shown by Francis Kettleson and i Mrs. W. R. Hutcheson gave the stalled for the coming year. a ditch, and install a concrete culvert, Starr Reed. Refreshments were | invocation and Mrs. Floyd Jones in- on the Detroit road, across from the served by the second giade room moth- i troduced the topic which was JERRY’S CORNER . . . . city lot. i ers. I practice in conversation. An education The search for the old culvert in­ Valsetz Cougars scored a 63-3 win talk on book reviews was given by Summer is over and stalled there by the BPR has been in over Detroit Friday in a six-man Mrs. Vernon Todd. Fall is here. vain, and it it thought that time and BLMP game. Lloyd Ketchum, Bill The three speakers were Mrs. labor can be saved by installing an­ Stout, and Don Snyder are credited Howard Means, “The Beginning of VVe gave up fishing for other one. This particular area has with the 13 points made. Ketchum Halloween;” Mrs. Ed Yarnell, “The | The chasing of deer. been troublescAne in the past, and the and Stout scored six points each. De­ Beginning of Toastmistress” and Mrs. Now that is over and done city is anxious to get this job done troit will play Falls City on the home Arthur LeCours gave her beginning It’s the Elk we have on before the water begins to cascade | field Friday. speech. Critics were Mrs. A. E. Nes­ there again. Don’t forget to bring the run. Dude Renner who received a frac- _ bitt, ........ Mrs. ...... C. W. ... Stewart, ...... and Mrs. , picks and shovels. tured skull in an automobile accident Lee Ross. Evaluator was Sirs. Mrs. Ken- After that we can sit by At the regular PTA meeting held on the highway between Idanha and neth Crosier and timer, Mrs. Vincent the fire and dream j Thursday evening at the Detroit Detroit, was released from the Palmer. school, plans were made to raise Santim Memorial hospital in Stayton; Guests for the evening included Of next year’s fishing on money for the landscaping of the last week. Dude will make his home Mrs. Clifford Trask and Mrs. Mel- Lake and stream! school grounds, now in progress. with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. bourne Rambo. In the meantime buy a Chairmen for the food sales to be Otto Russell on his return from his ’ ------------------------- good used car from held in Idanha and Detroit, October grandparents home irr McMinnville. ! FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE TO HOLD 29th are Mrs. Marion Kite and Mrs. Jerry Spending a few days in Salem last ANNUAL PRE-CHR1STMAS SALE i Mary Gulliford of Idanha. I week on business, were Mrs. John | ‘ , Mrs. Edna Gordon heads the coin- i Estey and Mrs. Emil Bennett. Also I Tbe an?ual Pfe;Christmas sale of | I mittee for a “jitney” dinner scheduled I motoring to Salem last week were and mappings will be next and Mrs. Eric ! Monday ,a"d trough the entire i for November 19th at 6 p. m. at thé I _ Mrs. _ _ Earl Stahlman, ..... . | month of November, it was announced school cafeteria. The food donated by Nyberg of Idanha. I by the mothers will be served for 5e ( Mr.“and Mrs. Lester Beason of •by >?«• D B. Hill, chairman at a I a plate. A movie is planned for De- Eugene and Mrs. Irene Stout. Detroit, ‘he f riendship Circle of THURSDAY. FRIDAY ' cember 3rd of which the proceeds returned home last week from the the Presbyterian Church at the home an'1 SATURDAY will be added to the landscaping fund. 'Summer _______ ____ Lake vicinity with a nice Iof Mrs' M,rt,n Kelly- Tuesday eve­ October 29, 30 and 31 ................. ....... - At the "jitney’ dinner, W illiam h ryer i deer. The Earl Laymans got one in ning. CHARLTON HESTON and j will show slides from his work at a their rights too, as well as several ' The sale which will be held in the RHONDA FLEMING in lobby of the Mill City State Bank j mission in New Zealand, from which other home guards. will be held each day during banking 1 he recently returned. Guest speaker A stork shower honoring Mrs. Dor-. PONY EXPRESS at the meeting was Dr. S. D. Miles othy Morgan, and Mrs. Elisa Morgan hours. In addition to Christmas cards In Technicolor and wrappings there will be a selec ­ of Marion Forks, was held at Gerald JIMMY DORSEY and tion of note paper, stationery and Pittum home in Idanha Friday even­ ORCHESTRA IN I This year LICENSED ing, October 23. Co-hostesses were and children’s books (ATA LINA Mrs. Robert Young and Mrs. Orville I there will be no sale of cards with ’ printed names. INTERLUDE Greer of Marion Folks. Autumn and Halloween motifs set the stage for I Mrs. Herbert Schroeder was in KID S MATINEE A „„„ I charge devotions for the meeting decorations and entertainment. Those SATURDAY 2:00 P. M. present were Mesdames Guy Moore, : an’ and ‘•SIREN OF BAGDAD" Also serving Gates. Lyons, Parker, Ray Johnson, Otis White, I discussion. _ ____t ___ _ Idanha and Detroit Decoi ations and refreshments were MUIR S BIRTHDAY CAKE ‘ Howard Dean, Starr Reed, all of Dc- FOR MILL CITY I troit, Jim Gordon, Buck Storey, Jack both appropriate to the Halloween Barbara Stodola, Rodney Sy- i Gulliford, Stella Davis, Henry Hei- season. DISPOSAL SERVICE verson, Clarence Meader, Carol bert, Ruth Skidmore, Milo Hanis, Phone 3952 Ann Ragsdale ijnd JoAnne Chil­ Elaine Farrow, and Robert Unger, Alice Buchanen Circle of LEONARD HERMAN ders. ; Idanha, Josephine Morgan, Jeanette Albany Meets at Walkups Morgan, and Berta Carol Morgan of c.oaür.MnäHßöKHHHaa»öH«nmia® The Alice Buchanen Circle of the 9 Scio, Billy Drago, and co-iiostess Mrs. SUNDAY & MONDAY Presbyterian church of Albany had j Robert Young and Mrs. Orville Greer, Auditor Tax Consultant a meeting at the home of Mrs. Hugh | of Marion Forks. November 1 and 2 Refreshments were home made Walkup last Tuesday afternoon. There was a short business meeting with JERRY LEWIS in , doughnuts, ice cream with pumpkin Mrs. J. Stewart presiding. A covered centers, and. cider coffee. DEAN MARTIN and The B. E. Waters, who moved here dish dinner at noon was served and a PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT birthday cake for Mrs. Bronson was I a year ago last July, are now making SCARED STIFF Bookkeeping, Accounting and | their home at Kennewick, Wash. Mr. enjoyed by the group. Tax Service Those from Albany who attended Waters, who is employed at Hanford Screamingly Funny! left here last May, Mrs. Waters re­ the meeting we 14: Mesdames J. Y. □ Feature at 5:20, 7:30 Sunday Corner 3rd 4 Marion maining here until a house was avail­ Stewart, Ralph Knott, James Arthur, STAYTON. ORE. able, joined her husband last week­ Elva Burnett George Bronson, N. end. The Waters who are the parents Acklund, J. Fred Bradley, Rollin P. O. Box 1321 Telephone 4M4 of Mrs. Raymond Sophy, were em­ Hackleman, Mrs. Robert Hartrock and TUESDAY and ployed at the Detroit Market. They Miss Myrtle Worley. WEDNESDAY will be greatly missed. Pete Eliason of the Eliason Logging Co., will move November 3-4 into the house vacated by the the Chapel of A. J. Rose & Son, Port­ RAY MILLAND Waters, and owned by Mrs. Hilma land. ARLENE DAHL in Mrs. Scott suffered a severe stroke Dickie. JAMAICA RUN Detroit water bills may be paid at I about three years ago, from which she In Technicolor Cook’s Grocery, or Detroit Market, never recovered. She was hospitalized NEWS for several months and was confined announces Mayor Archie Mattoon. Mike Howland, Oregonian carrier, to her bed at home. As her condition i is under the care of a Stayton phy- grew more acute, she was moved to Doors Open at 7:09 P. M. j sician for treatment of an infected the McCarthy nursing home where she succumbed. Complete show can be seen any hand. She is survived by her husband, time up to 8t30 George W., formerly of Detroit, and o Funeral Services Held son. Jack of Portland. GARBAGE SERVICE And your old range or hot plate Phone 1634 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1953 ill 11 UARHU'M Electric Range NOW ONLY »—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Order Deadline 3:00 P. M Mill City, Oregon Too MATT PEOPLE arc influenced by stories concern­ ing "intestinal cleanliness" or "stimulating the flow of bile." Many cases of simple constipation do not require a laxative at all. but only a minor change in diet and habit. The habitual use of cathartics ia dangerous. Such misuse is often followed by chronic ill health. Strong laxatives are particularly dangerous when taken to relieve abdominal distress. The source of the pain should always be accurately determined by vour physician. The safe procedure is to consult him. If a laxative is needed, he will prescribe a safe prepara­ tion with proper instructions for dosage. Then bring vour prescription to us for expert compounding. STIFFLER ♦ Radio and Appliance Co. J Phone 3207 Mill City Mill City Pharmacy MILL CITT. OREGON