Subscribe to the Mill City Enterprise ' 2— THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY. OCTOBER 29. 1953 FRESH FRESH FRESH Portland with her Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Oral Williams of Ocean Lake were recent visitors at the home of Mrs. Leota Worden and By Eva Bressler The M & M plant in Lyons closed Marjorie. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Allen spent the down Wednesday evening for an in­ definite time. This is a laige operation weekend at the coast. They were at and will put many men in the com­ Taylor’s Landing near Waldport, where Allen sent the time fishing. munity out of work. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Burmester were Mrs. William Prichard and daugh­ ter Marjorie and Janet Bellin of Me­ [Sunday dinner guests at the homo of hama with Mr. and Mrs. George Cole his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Richard of Stayton, went to Dallas Tuesday Burmester and daughter, Janet of , evening, where Marjoiie showed Scio. Mrs. Cora Corbett of Salem spent pictures and told of her trip to the United Nations. She was a delegate several days the last of the week at from the Stayton high school and is the home of her brother. Mr. and Mjs. Clyde Bressler in Lyons. a junior this year. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bones of Turner Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kuiken ar­ Get them fresh from us for your parties rived in Lyons the last of the week is visiting at the home of her daugh­ Or for Trick or Treat Gifts jfrcm San Louis Obispo, Cal., where ter and family, Mr. and Mrs. T. S. r- I he has been stationed with the U.S. Roberts at the Lazy Maple ranch O X army. He will have a 30-day furlough east of Lyons. Cake doughnuts, reg. dozen Mrs Donna Smith, daughter of Mr. at home before being sent to Alaska. Mr. and Mis. Art Baltzer with and Mrs. Van Prichard is quite ill at their daughter, Mrs. Donald Kuiken at Santiam Memorial hospital in X Iced, per dozen were Portland visitors Saturday. They I •Stayton. She was taken there Sunday evening. returned in the evening. Mrs. Alice | Huber, who had been in Portland with l Charles Hiatt of Redmond spent her daughter, returned home with i Sunday and Sunday night at home of his brother, Elmer Hiatt the Baltzers. Mrs. Leota Worden and Marjorie, i with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Leirman, WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS Ronnie and Richard of Stayton, spent Mill City, Oregon Phone 2222 Sunday at Ocean Lake, where Mrs. AND INVITATIONS Worden and the children visited at the FRESH FRESH FRESH at The Mill City Enterprise home of Mr. and Mrs. Oral Williams I while the Leiimans spent the time fishing. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnson with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Johnston, Kath­ ryn and Tommy spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Claire Humphries at Myrtle Creek. The oc­ casion honored the birthday anniver­ saries of Mrs. John Johnston and Hugh Johnston. While there Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Johnston drove to Cove Junction to visit their son, Kenton, who is in school there. They returned Sunday evening. Mrs. Jack Johnson stayed at the home of their daughter for a visit. Mis. Oscar N'aue was hostess for t the afternoon card club with the i party held at her home Wednesday afternoon. A 1:30 dessert luncheon was followed by several tables of 500. Mrs. Orville Downing held high score, Mrs. Chester Roy second high and Mis. Vern Nydegger low. Present for the afternoon were Mesdames Pat Lyons, Arthur Olmstead, Bob Free,, Herman Free, Andrew Sieg, Orville Downing, Floyd Bassett, Chester Roy, [ Vern Nydegger, Earl Helemn, Bert ! Lyons, Kenneth Helemn, Earl Allen, ■ Albert Bass, Leota Worden, Inez j Ring and the hostess Mrs. Naue. Mrs. E. L. Roye left Friday morn­ ing for Elgin, Oregon where she will I visit at the home of her son and ■ family, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Roye and [ see the new granddaughter. Mrs. J. Schwake from Lancaster, I iCalif., is visiting at the home of her i son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. . Jim Phelps and family. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Barker are en­ route to their home in Kansas, after j spending the past several months at the home of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Smith and family. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Chamberlain are spending several days this week fo Are you one of the millions who think in Portland, where they are guests Th. Church ™E CHURCH wistfully of the faith of a child and wish ' at the home of her son Mr. and Mrs. they could believe so implicitly? Harvey Wright. -harocr., and bul|dln, ol And are you also one of those who have Mr. and Mrs. Alex Kuiken went to W,?h',O',hou« H without o ’ ÎE""u,al value» Independence Wednesday morning, assumed that it’s impossible to go back democracy nor 9 T^rch. n where they will spend several days to religion, once one has drifted away? •urn,. Th™ ¿''"'«atlon neither fcirUS; at the home of her parents, Mr. and r«ason* whv * Wait! What accounts for the faith of Mrs. Oscar Naue. a child ? Mr. and Mrs. Art Ayers have re­ A child wants to believe! That’s the bis own _ . ,n9Y ar* fh'ldr.n , ,at, *• for turned from Hermiston, after spend­ first step. The first step for YOU ing several days there. They attended ror 'ii C0'nmunit" —hl too . . . funeral services for his father, and , And a child is taught to believe! -r,a;"‘^'t * also visited a brother at Heppner and ■ n'orai and That's the next step. Start attending to g, a sister at The Dalles. an<* read Church next Sunday... Mr. and Mrs. Otto Weidman were And a child practices believing. hostess to a group of friends and Book neighbois Saturday evening at their That's the final step, and it begins Chapttr home in Fox Valley. Ivan Smith show­ Sr £& the continuing adventure of faith. ed some pictures, with the rest of It is that final step that looks so ’ the time spent in visiting, followed hard. But how easily and natural­ with a potluck supper. Present were ly it comes . . . after we have Ì P.?""“- H Mr. and Mrs. Glen Julian and Glen, I taken the first two! I Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mohler and ! Jerry, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Smith, Ivalyn and Dennis, Mr. and Mrs. John Kunkle, Judy Jauinta, and John­ This Serie« of Adii 1« Sonsored by the Following Firm* in Interest of AU ( hurrhee ny, Mr. and Mrs. Harley Scott, Lynn and Joyce, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stien- felt and Dorothy, Mrs. Leota Worden C. E. Mason Shell Service Station Muir’s Bakery and Marjorie, Mrs. Emma Forrest and Raymond, all of Fox Valley and Mr. Mill City, Oregon Mill City, Oregon and Mrs. Millard Urbin of Burns, and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Weidman, Walt’s Garage Hazel, Doris, David and Kathryn. Kdlom’s Grocery Mrs. George Keeley of Portland, General Repairing and Welding “Your Personal Service Store” spent several days at the home of her Mill City, Oregon Mill City, Oregon mother, Mrs. Alice Huber. She also visited her brother, Donald Huber and Freres Building Supply family. Her mother returned Wright Truck Line Building Materials of All Kinds Ship the Wright Way Stay ton, Oregon Stayton, Oregon LYONS FRESH Never bakery treats a Dull Moment At the Bottom of the Hill” HOT HALLOWEEN Time is Doughnut Time / FRESH MILL CITY TAVERN Skating MUIR S BAKERY Mill City Fire Hall Fun For All Tues., Thurs., and Friday Nights 7:30 to 10:30 Sunday afternoon, bring the kiddies Parents skate free from 2:45 to 4:45 Closing Out NATIONAL MAKES OF OIL HEATERS We are selling out our Oil Heaters to make room for our television sets Estate Heatrola *70 70,000 B. T. U. Regular priced $119.95 SPECIAL CLOSEOUT Quaker *65 60,000 B. T. U. Regular $119.95 NOW ................. Perfection one only 90,000 B. T. U. S v "1 I I Regular $159.00 CLOSE OUT AT ONLY........... Gates Furniture Phone 4561 Gates, Oregon Just Arrived Levi Overalls We have been chosen as ex­ clusive dealers in this area for the famous LEVI OVERALLS For men and boys Boy’s sizes 29 and 30 Priced at 3.45 THE FAITH OF A CHILD I COMPOUNDED Gates General Store Men’s sizes 30 to 36 priced at 3.65 Come in today and buy this famous make fom us... They are easier fittin’, workin’ or sittin’. Hilltop General Store YOUR MARSHALL WELLS STORE Phone 2724 Mill City, Oregon • Every prescription en­ trusted to us is compounded as though our reputation rested upon the accuracy and qualitv of that prescription alone. And it dors! That is why we use only fresh,potent drugs; double­ cheek every step for accuracy. If you seek prescription* com- pounded with the utmost care, we invite your patronage. Capitol Drug Co THEAUU CH FOR Knowles Body & Fender Repair Gates, Oregon W,,H CARE Complete Body Rebuilding and Glaaa Mill City, Oregon Ada’s Needle Shop Dry Goods and Dressmaking S. W. Broadway—Mill City—Phone 2243 Idanha Super Service DON LLOYD IDANHA Ressler’s Grocery Your SAH Green Stamp Store Florence Phone 32M, Mill City Paul Mill City Pharmacy Mill City, Oregon Shower Motors & Implements Complete Line of Massey Harris Farm Machinery Stayton, Oregon Chili Bowl Home made Chili; Hamburgers, Hot Doga. Open 24 Hours Highway 22, Gates, Oregon Willeatha’s Restaurant Family Style Meals Lyon«, Oregon Nu-Method Cleaners Mill City, Oregon Salem «fllAIlL* ajBj >| ubh Mill City. Oregon FRESH * HOT 40c 50c Red & White Store Mill City, Oregon I