THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY. OCTOBER 22. 1953 THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE MEHAMA -V v5 A'* ■ Specials for Thursday, Friday, Saturday 10 oz. pkg. BISQUICK * Armours Treet 43c HI C Orange Aid 4 Cat Food .98 P ush and Moots 8 ounce can 3 for ........ Pet Milk 14c CANNED FOODS 101 CHIAMINO VtOITAIlO-USt «T MILK I No. 303 Santiam Cut Green Beans 6 for $1.00 No. 303 Libby Peas 6 I. G. A. Cream 6 No. 303 $1.00 Tomatoes 6 Entered as second class matter No vember 10, 1944 at the post office at Mill City, Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1879. SMILE Everybody in the world has a cross of some kind to bear. It may be one thing, unseen in the silence of the heart’s profoundest depths; or it may be one that is painfully visible to all. To some God gives but one great loss to bear; on others He i showers what seems a multitude of smaller ones. But great or small, or one or many, the cross is there, and must be car ried. Some bearers wreath their crosses with the sharp thorns of re pining and discontent; others with the soft blossoms of patience and hope. It is largely a matter of choice, resting with the bearers; but it is the revelation of our experience that he finds his cross lightest who has learned—bitter though the les son is— to smile with others at his own miseries. $1.50 per month and up Also serving Gates, Lyons, Idanha and Detroit Too often the man who takes him-: self seriously never finds anyone else I who will. Elsinore Solid for Mrs. John Teeters Mrs. Peter Brusa^co and son visited in Portland Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Golliet and Har riett spent the weekend in Seattle where they attended the wedding of their niece Saturday evening. Little Lea Biant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Brant of Mcleay spent last week here at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. Jennie Moe. Miss Phjllis Wallen, who teaches in the Bend schools was at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. L. E. M alien for the weekend. Visiting Sunday at the Wallens were Mr. and Mrs. Al Lantzer and daughters of Lyons and Mr. and Mrs. Reed Simmons of Salem. Mrs. Simmons is a cousin of Mrs. Wallen and Mrs. Lantzer and they had not seen each other for 18 years. Mr. and Mrs. Thorp Johnson and son of Toledo and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Martin from Portland visited during the weekend at the Frank Kimery and Kenneth Lewis homes. Sunday visitors ;it the R. E. Shields home were Mr. and Mrs. Stanley For rest and children of Stayton. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Levins and fam ily of Albany visited Sunday at the Keith Phillips home. Visiting during the weekend at the Eugene Coles home were Mr. and Mrs. Coles parents and brother, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hallock and Frank of Ocean Lake and her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Nelson of De Lake. The Ladies’ Aid of the Mehama church is sponsoring a “White House” party for the afternoon of October 29. It will start with a 1 o’clock dessert followed by the party. Everyone is cordially invited to come. Mr. and Mrs. Max Montgomery of Coos Bay and Mr. and Mrs. Chet Barr of Tacoma, Washington visited a short time Saturday at the Harry Monroe home. News is not what happens—it is what is reported. $1.00 6 CHOICE MEATS RABBITS VEAL STEAK Fresh Frying, lb 59c Milk fed, lb 49c NEBERGALL ECONOMY SLICED 1 lb. cello •*u 1«x Consultant Auditor I W. N. SIMMONS i i PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT f Bookkeeping, Accounting and I Tax Service Comer 3rd & Marion STAYTON, ORE. Telephone 41’14 P. O. Box 1321 Raleigh Harold FLORIST and NURSERY 319 West Washington Street.. OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS Telephone 6684 STAYTON, OREGON -/ LICENSED GARBAGE SERVICE MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE Phone 3952 LEONARD HERMAN er vice ,.J • Fodory-Trained Eip«rt> • Genuin« Hoipoinf Port«. Also Complete Service on all makes Ranges and Water Heaters Shux Electric Phone 2964 STAYTON FIRE WOOD $1.89 BACON DON W. MOFFATT Editor-Publisher SEE US FOR No. 2 1-2 Apricots Subscription Rates Per Year Marion-Linn Counties $2.50 Outside Marion-Linn Counties $3.00 ROAST BEEF Pound All Steel Frozen Food Lockers Available ('ores from Lyons M & M Plant cut to order $9 per cord Log ends over 17” for furnace wood, per cord $11 Log ends for stove wood under 17”, per cord S11 Write CARL TONACK * LYONS. OREGON GENERAL DELIVERY Amei(¿a s Finest Low Priced Watches! PRODUCT OF BULOVA 17 JEWEL^ MAGNIFICENTLY STYLED MICHELLE 17 jewel» CORTLANDT 17 i«w«l> We resene the right to limit quantities KEN GOLLIET MEHAMA, OREGON »er:»*, ’ m BAKER’S MILL CITY JEWELRY M atches and M atch Repairing EASY ( REDIT TERMS I’hone S43 Mill City, Oregon >